' \ Ib?L,.,GI, b* .I\ - _ I sx.A MAR 10 297C CONDUCTOR G. \V. OLIVER, ol the hi. K. T., purchascd his fil-sr Hm- ilron early in the 18yo's and his sccor:J or~cin 19~6.For the past twenty years this watch has bccn on dury n.irhCQr'. ducror Oliver, rcniicring :icci~ntctin!: scr\ ice. When a Railroad Man Buys a Watch Prior to thc advcnt of railroi&, mand w'ltches that deliver, with You, too, can haw the time accurate watches were the play- rcasonablc care, accurate service satisfaction th.lt comes with own- things of Kings,, Princes and No- day after day and ycar aftcr yex. ing a Hamilton. Ask your jeweler to showyou the Hamilton railroad tables. EVatches In those d~yswere Thnt is why most railroad men large, ornate affairs and of a timc- rnodel here pictured. This model keeping quality tl~thad better sclcct the Hamilton when they 1s the famous Hamilton yyr, rr buy a ~vatch.Railroad men have not be discussed. Toddy the rail- jewel w~thcight adjustments. It road men of America demand from hccn buying Harniltons since 1893. is fitted in a case designecl especl- their cvatchcs n dcgree of accuracy Many of the earlicr purchasers, ally for r~ilroadmen. In thiscasc desiring improvcd models, or 16- that King Gcorge 111 could hnve wc have incorporated a dust-proot size rather than the old IS-size, called for in vain. The intricacics of feature that amply protecrs the railroncl schedules 11;~redcmdcd, h;lve replaced thcir first Hamiltons fine mechanism from all tl~lstpar- with ncw Hamiltons. It it signifi- first of all, a standard time, and ticles. nest a timepiece that wodd m;lrk cant that most mcn who have had experience with HmniltonWntches If you would like furrhcr illformarion standard time ~vithaccuracy. about rhc Hunilron r.~ilroadrnodcls, wrirc agaiuprch;~seHa~niltons,whether co our Advcrrisin~:Dcparcnlcnt abking any No one knows hctter than n the nerv watch is tlcsired for thcm- cluescions ) ou I~.I\Y in mind. \Vi. will bc railroad man the value of a good selves or for a gift. Facts such as glad co scnd you a copy of our Harnilron watch-a watch that keeps time thesc show that men wh0 know time book, as wcll as a liccle booklcc on "Thc Carc of Your \\'acch"-cllesi: wc hay: accur;~telyand well ~vithintime Hamilton accuracy cannot be sxt- publishcd cspxi,~llyfor railroad mcn aod inspection requirernents. They de- isfiecl with any thi~lgclsc. thcy arc yours for thc asking. HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY " On the Li~~u1nHighzuczy ' ' LANCASTER, PENNA., U. S. A. " '7~heRailroad Timekeeper of America" yiy- -, , , . q--,- ' r. ,.J , . b. b Page 1 R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E. LOWRV, Hickory Flat, Miss. President Vice-Pres. and General Manager a~*DEALERS - -- .. OF LUMBER W FLAT, MISS. SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone Main 2312 HusseymHobbs Tie Company RAILROAD CROSS TIES AND SWITCH TIES POLES-PILING T. LOUIS, MO. ROGERS, ARK. HOUSTON, TEXAS L. EmPuckett, Inc. AMORY, MISS. HARD WOOD YELLOW PINE Lumber "WE HELP MAKE THE FRISCO SAFE" LOCOMOTIVE CASTINGS '- ' EXCLUSIVELY r THE OHIO INJECTOR COMPANY 1437 Monadnock Block CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Manufacturers of C OHIO LIFTING INJECTORS CHICAGO NON-LIFTING INJECTORS CHICAGO AUTOMATIC FLANGE OILERS, CHICAGO LUBRICATORS, OHIO LOW WATER ALARMS, CHICAGO AUTOMATIC DRIFTING VALVES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILER ATTACHMENTS, OHIO CAB SQUIRTS 1 MINER FRICTION DRAFT GEARS IDEAL SAFETY HAND BRAKES SAFETY BOLSTER LOCKING CENTER PINS 1 REFRIGERATOR CAR DOOR FASTENERS 4 SIDE BEARINGS Ill WoHo MINER, INC. THE ROOKERY CHICAGO Manning, Maxwell f MAXWELL 1 & Moore, Inc. MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF Ashcroft Gauges Putnam Machine Tools Consolidated Safety Valves Shaw TWMARK Hancock Inspirators and Valves BRANCH OFFICES Mill Supplies Blrmlnghatm Cleveland 8.n Fmndrn Hayden & Derby Injectors Boston Detrolt Seattlr Buffalo Phlladelphla St. Lou11 Main Office: 100 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Chlcago Plttaburmh W. H. CROFT, First Vice-president M. S. PAINE, Secretary-Treasurer Magnus Company INCORPORATED Journal Bearings and Bronze Engine Castings NEW YORK CHICAGO WAITE PHILLIPS COMPANY PRODUCERS. REFINERS, MARKETERS OF PHILLIPS' HIGRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Ref ineriea : OKMULCEE, OKLA. WICHITA, KAN. TULSA, = = = - - - - OKLAHOMA PRODUCERS AND REFINERS CORPORATION I Petroleum and Its Products Refineries : Sales Offices: Parco, Wyo. Denver Chicago Tulsa, Okla. Tulsa Omaha Memphis Blackwell, Okla. Salt Lake City Frisco Railroad Locomotioes Use PARCO Fuel Oil I STANDARD DRIVER BRAKE SHOES "---they are braking shoes, not breaking shoes-- -" IRON and STEEL CASTINGS for LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS I Standard Brake Shoe and Foundry Co. PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS Page 4 WESTERN TIE AND TIMBER COMPANY 905 SYNDICATE TRUST BLDG. WALTER POLEMAN, President 4. R. FATHMAN, Vice-President E. A. NIXON, Vice-president THOS. T. POLEhIAN, Sec'y and Treas. Treated and Untreated Cross and Switch Ties, Piling, Car and Track Oak KETTLE RIVER TREATING COMPANY MADISON, ILLINOIS Zinc and Creosoted CROSS TIES, M >?ern Adzing and Boring Machines Treating Plants located at Madison and Edwardsville, Ill. -- E. A. NIXON, President R. A. CALVIN, V.-P. and Sales Mgr. A. R. FATHMAN, Vice-president ;-I. G. AIcELHINNEY, Sec'y and Gem Sugt. R. E. KNEELAND, V.-P. and G. AIgr. .I E. PETERSON, Treasurer WHITE COUNTY LUMBER MILLS ENRIGHT, ARKANSAS QUICK DELIVERIES OF OAK - GUM - CYPRESS Especially equipped to fill RUSH orders of CAR and TRACK OAK JVALTER POLEMAN, President TfIOj. T. POLEJIAN, Vice-president A. R. FATHMAN, Secretary and Treasurer 905 SYNDICATE TRUST BUILDING, SAINT LOUIS The Mount Vernon Car Manuf acturing Co. Just completed, New Rep a i r Shop, 500' x 150'. Capacity Fully equipped with 10,000 Freight Cars; Cranes, Electric 150,000 Wheels; Heaters, etc., enabl- 20,000 tons Forgings. ing us to work in all kinds of weather. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Associate Edltor WM. MeMILLAN. Adocrllsing Manager VOL. 111 MARCH. 1926 No. 6 - Permission is given to reprint, with credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue I,:\ GI,; s Slissc.~Anna \\Jilliga~i and Agnes King J<cprcscnt Frisco in Jcffcrwn Jlcmorial Elcctio~iContest .......................................................................... 6-8 Fred H. Sliaffcr Proniotetl to (k~ieral.\[a~iagcrsliip ................ ...... ......... 9 Frisco Day at E~iitl,Oklalionia a Gala I-vcnt ......................................... 10 Railroad Tie Plays J~iiportantPart in Uepc11tla1)lc 0pc1-aiiun .................... 11 (k-nation J~lilkPlant at Jlt. \rcrnon, No., O\vcs J,luch of Success to Frisco .............................................................................................................. 11 Frisco Had 701 Milts \\'hell 13. Tysoii, liolla, Mo., lCntc,rctl Scr\,icc ........ 13 I;~~cltlctiStopl~itig a~itl Starting of Trail15 Causcs Hantlli~i:: L)atiiajic-/::; !i. /I. Ijtr.r/cl, ....................... .....................................................................14-15 I<ail\vay Mc~iof Four States Honor Frisco \,'eterans at Sapulpa, Olila ..... 16 \Yilli;\ni I. Orr, Frisco .4ttorney for Thirty-five Ycars Resig~ls I:cl,- ruary 1 ............................................................................................................ IS "l3o11cscttcr" I:yr~ic, Activc in Spri~iglicltl;\tliIctic .4ssociation ................ I9 1;risco Team of S(1uarc Dancers Clianipio~isoi C)klahoma ........................ 20 Agc~it1:. 1:. Pipcr O~~t\vitsIhitlits, Fchruarj 3 at \\'est Plains. 110. ...... 21 Tile I'cnsion Roll .................................................................................................. 24-25 H orncmakcrs' Pa~c.............................................................................................. 26 l'lic 'l'ailorctl (;irl ill Spri~~gStyles .................................................................. 27 Frisco Ihhics of \I:cst Sliop Eniploycs at Sl)ringlieItl, 3[o. ........................ 2-19 "Evcry1)otly Has to Begin So~nclio\v"--4 Pagc of C;irtoom ...................... 30 Etlitorials ................................................................................................................32 Frisco JIccl~a~iic.................................................................................................. .3.3 Frisco Fanlily Sc\vs ....................................................... -5 I THE FRlSCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE I The Frisco En~ployes' hlagxzine is a monthly publication dcvoled primarily to the interests of the more than 30.000 active and retired employes of the Frisco Lines. It contains stories. items of current news, personal notes about employes and their families, articles dcaling with various phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notices regarding the service. Good clear photographs suitable for repro- duction are especially desired, and wlll be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawings must be in black India drawlng ink. Employes are invited to write articles for the magazine. Contributions should be typewritten, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor. Frisco Building.- St. Louis.. Mo.- Distrlbuted free among Frisco employes. To others, price 15 cents a copy; subscription rate $1.50 a year. Advertlsing rates will be made known upon application. Misses Anna Willigan, Springfield, and Agnes King, St. Louis, Chosen to Represent Frisco Lines in
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