VOL. 63 NO. 3 MERC YHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA 16546 OCTOBER 5,1989 Ten nominated ffbr this year's Parking problem solution Homecoming King and Queen in the planning stage By Cassandra Bakmaz Dever said that some of the lots will be Merciad staff reporter expanded next year, and another possible solution may *be to stagger commuter Many Mercyhurst students are unhappy student's schedules. But until these plans are with the parking situations on campus, how- put into effect, tickets and fines will continue. ever, several solutions are in the planning Money from die parking fines, several stage, according to Director of Security, thousand dollars, goes into general operating Merril Dever. expenses thatunclude expansion^or more Two of the most frequently o v e r c r o w d e d parking lots, and signs, according to Dever. Many students don'tgrealize that these ANNIE CONEGUO lots are Lot #2, by Briggs, and lot #13 at GERRY FANTA McCauley Hall. Students have turned to fines go on their student accounts. * 'If fines parking on roadways and in the grass. Be- are not paid students can't get cause of this, and the ^failure to register a their transcripts," Dever says. "At the end permit, the number of tickets issued this year of every term students come down to die has reached 460, Dever said. security office saying that they can * t get their * Commuters must park in Lots #2, #10, grades because they don'thave money to pay and #8, which is located ibehind Zurn. If for their fines in one large sum.*' *k commuter's vehicles are not parked there "It's just like Downtown, you get so they will be fined. many parking tickets that they finally i s s u e a Lot #10 has never been full, according to warrant for your arrest, well wedon * t do that, but...", Dever said. $ SCOTT GRAHAM ANN MARIE DONOFRIO Dever. 1 * Once we educate students into using Lot # 10 that will eliminate a lotof p r o b l e m s , ' ' Nevertheless, there is good news for all he said. ; those students who will receive tickets in die About 300 new parking spaces have been future. ' 'We are thinking of having a gradu- created in the last two years. *' What we are ated fine scale; your first fine may be $2 and trying to do is create enough spots inside our your second $5 and then up to $ 10. Right now campus for o u r residents, especially those on your first fine is $10. It doesn't mean any- Briggs Avenue," Dever said. "Yet it has thing to us but it does to the kids, particularly become a phenomenon that there are more the o n e ' s in the apartments, because they have cars than ever. There are also more freshment o feed themselves and parking tickets don't , , taste too good,*' Dever said. -W&SSgfc&^V. commuters. JENNIFER HAYES CRAIG MILLER More male resident students for first time in 'Hurst history tant A student may do poorly on the SAT but By Ann Marie Bytheway may have a high QPA. Admission officers Merciad Staff Writer H feel the QPA will determine more accurately DAVID MC SWIGGIN DORALEIGH LAUCHE how the student will do at college. Mercyhurst also offers a p r o g r a m called Mercyhurst's {incoming freshmen PACE. * * TTie program helps incoming fresh- are getting smarter every year. The average men pol i s h their basic skills a n d become more SAT score this year is 925, in comparison to familiar with the school,** said Cathie Kel- last year's average of 850. In addition, the logg Anderson of the PACE program. "It QPA this year is 2.95, up from 2.5, according helps them bond with the college and with to Andy Roth, director of admissions. each other." j PACE students attend classes | The 1989-90 school year currently has in mathematics, reading, and writing for three 547 new students, including 410 freshmen at weeks in the summer. % Mercyhurst, 35 at the Corry Foundation •The total enrollment of Mercyhurst is up ANNESHANNON MATT TRIO LA Center, and 133 transfer students.« "It's a this year from 2,044 to 2,139, a 5% increase. pretty strong group and we will continue to Of that number 1348 are returning students. make it even stronger next year," *Roth Mercy h u r s t students are coming from s t a t e s said." I t ' s one of the better classes'-we've and t-shirts. j ranging tfrom C a l i f o r n i a to Maine. Mer- By Monica Gibson recruited." i cyhurst h a s also broadened the field i n t e r n a - Admission is free, but students must pick *' A l t h o u g h o u r figures show that t h e r e a r e Merciad staff reporter up their tickets beforehand in the Student tionally'with students from such areas as more total female students attending 'Mer- Europe, die Middle East, Latin America, and Union. Tickets will be given out this week cy h u r s t , for the first time we have moxe male from 1 p.m. to4 p.m. For students who do not resident students than female," Roth said, the Orient Voting for this year's homecoming king get t h e i r tickets beforehand, admission will be * ' W e have a richer mixture of students in "This is the first y e a r that this has been the terms of cultural backgrounds,' * said Roth. and queen will be in Zurn Recital Hall lobby $3 at the door, and a $3 charge for readmis- case.f t from 11 am. to 2 p.m. All full-time students sion I Just as Mercyhurst has a wide range of Admissions to Mercyhurst 4sn't based students, the students have a wide range of are eligible to vote. , 'This is all somethingbiew, having;a primarily on QPA and SAT scores. Admis- i The* winners will be announced at formal in the Campus Center because nor- majors, the most popular being HRIM, Hotel sions officers also take into consideration Restaurant Institutional Management Busi- halftime at the homecoming game against mally we take it off campus/' said Fanta. class rank, counselor recommendations, per- Buffalo State which begins at 1:30 p.m. at the "But due to late planning, we didn't get a ness administration, criminal justice, i ac- sonal interview, and extra-curricular activi- counting, and elementary education are some Erie Veteran's Memorial Stadium place. The Campus Center allows us to offer ties, including chorus, band, drama, debate, I ] The Student Activities Committee is plan- this activity free t o students.'' of the other favorites. foreign-exchanges, sports, etc. There is no * * ' T h e programs they offer here are great ning to give the first ever Homecoming For- ^Other activities for Homecoming Week- single variable in determining acceptance. mal. "We've never had a fall formal or a end include the Alumni Tailgate Party, which Everything's geared toward a positive atti- * While the SAT, QPA, and class rank are tude,** said Sara Hughey, freshman. homecoming formal before, so it will be is a party before the football game. '; the major criteria, the QPA is the most impor- something different,'' said SAC Chairperson 5 The Alumni Tailgate Party will be on Gerry Fanta. Saturday, Oct 7, from 1 1 : 3 0 a m . to 1 p.m. in *The formal will be on Saturday, Oct 7, the Zurn Parking Lot The cost is $3 which INSIDE THE MERCIAD from 9 p.m. to I am. at the Campus Center includes lunch. Free lemonade and coffee DATE RAPE SEMINAR AT 'HURST SEE PAGE 2 with D J , John. The dress will be blue jeans will be available to all students. A CAFETERIA EXPERIENCE SEEPAGES SILVIS' PLAY CONSIDERED ROADRILL SEEPAGE6 TENNIS PROGRAM IN TROUBLE SEE PAGE 7 PAGE 2 The Merciad OCTOBER 5,1989 MSG Constitution phange Sexual harassment affects student organizations By Monica Gibson if y the requesting club is an active an important issue Merciad staff reporter member of the President's Club. —The club must submit a plan to the Budget and Finance Committee Mercyhurst Student Govern- outlining the manner in which it with college co-eds intends t o support e i t h e r MSG or the V ment amended its constitution on be used as an incentive for improv- students at large. (Example: public- Sept 24 regarding club funding, in By Tracy Schmitz ing grades." | I i ity, planning, and execution of an an attempt to regulate how MSG Merciad staff reporter Tide VII published under the awards money to clubs, according activity.) Equal Employment Opportunity to Tod George, MSG Treasury. — It must perform its function or A? former taboo on college Commission states that sexual har- "In the past, the budget and fi- activity for the entire Mercyhurst campuses, the topic of sexual har- assment is an "unlawful practice" nance committee didn't feel like College community. assment is a hot i s s u e today. Prior to and that* "harassment on the basis of V enforcing the criteria for club fund- —The club's proposed activity must - The club must submit a budget the Women's Liberation move- sexual advances, requests for sexual ing," said George, "so they just agree with the stated purpose of c l u b with a fair and reasonable estimate ment, this form of abuse was unex- favors, and other verbal or physical gave the money away.'' activity funding.
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