S3786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 6, 2008 A lack of U.S. workers interested in or Institute a new auditing process to verify I hope you visit my Asian Pacific seeking employment in agriculture has com- that employers have, in fact, met their re- American Heritage Month web feature pounded the problem. While those in agri- sponsibilities under the H2–A program. to learn more about how the APIA culture have seemed to be ‘‘crying in the wil- Alter the current H2–A housing inspection community has shaped our Nation’s derness’’ about this worker shortage, some procedures. have been listening. Senator Diane Feinstein The devil is always in the details, however, history. I hope that you will find this (D–Calif.) recently highlighted the unique and we have identified several areas within information useful and that you will labor needs of agriculture and the impor- the proposed changes where more harm than celebrate the rich diversity that is tance of foreign labor in a September 2006 good could occur. Several agricultural America’s greatest strength. floor statement: ‘‘We have one million peo- groups have joined forces to analyze and pre- f ple who usually work in agriculture. I must pare comments on these proposed changes. tell you they are dominantly undocumented. The WWGA is asking all agriculture sup- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Senator Craig pointed out the reason they porters and particularly employers who cur- are undocumented is because American rently, or may in the future, utilize the H–2A workers will not do the jobs. When I started program, to comment. Comments can be sub- CELEBRATING SAN FRANCISCO this I did not believe it, so we called all the mitted electronically, which is the quickest GIANTS BASEBALL welfare departments of the major agri- and least expensive method. ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I take culture counties in California and asked— For those wishing to secure a copy of the this opportunity to recognize the 50th can you provide agricultural workers? Not proposed changes, they can be found at anniversary of the San Francisco Gi- one worker came from the people who were http://www.regulations.gov/fdmspublic/com- on welfare who were willing to do this kind ponent/main?main=DocketDetail&d=ETA- ants in San Francisco, CA. of work.’’ 2008-0001 (click on one of the icons in the After relocating from New York to The program, which is most commonly first row under ‘‘views’’). San Francisco, San Francisco Giants used in Wyoming for bringing in foreign With comments due on a very short pitcher Ruben Gomez threw the his- workers, is called the ‘‘H–2A Program.’’ The timeline, April 14, we have posted helpful in- toric first pitch from the mound at H–2A worker visa program provides a means formation including sample comments on Seals Stadium in San Francisco on for U.S. agricultural employers to hire for- our website at www.wyowool.org. Diane Car- April 15, 1958 and 23,448 enthusiastic eign workers on a temporary basis. They fill penter in our office and I would also be glad fans watched the Giants defeat the a labor niche that cannot be met in the U.S. to answer questions from those submitting Brooklyn Dodgers 8–0 on that special comments on this tremendously important The H–2A program is vital to the western day 50 years ago. San Francisco was sheep industry; and, it is the H–2A program effort. now home to a part of our national pas- that has become a nightmare for agricul- f tural producers looking to bring foreign time. workers to the U.S. legally. It is the H–2A ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN After two seasons at Seals Stadium, program that the DOL is proposing to mod- HERITAGE MONTH the Giants moved to Candlestick Park ify and ‘‘fix.’’ in 1960. Home to the Giants for 40 sea- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, please Senator Larry Craig (R–Idaho) summarized sons, Candlestick Park is located on join me as we celebrate Asian Pacific the problem this way: ‘‘[T]his economic sec- the San Francisco Bay and carried the tor, more than any other, has become de- American Heritage Month this May. reputation for being one of the coldest, pendent for its existence on the labor of im- Asian Pacific American Heritage windiest, and foggiest ball parks in all migrants who are here without legal docu- Month was originally established as the country. Despite these less than fa- mentation. The only program currently in Asian Pacific American Heritage Week place to respond to a lack of legal domestic vorable playing conditions, Candle- in 1977 by a congressional resolution. stick Park stood strong on one of the agricultural workers, the H–2A guest worker In 1992, Congress expanded the week program, is profoundly broken. Outside of H– most frightening days in San Francisco 2A, farm employers have no effective, reli- into a month to recognize the count- history: October 17, 1989. Candlestick able assurance that their employees are less contributions that Asian Pacific Park was packed with 62,000 fans before legal. We all want and need a stable, predict- Islander Americans have made to our Game 3 of the 1989 Bay Bridge Series able, legal workforce in American agri- country. between the San Francisco Giants and culture. Willing American workers deserve a The month of May is significant to the Oakland Athletics, when the 7.1 system that puts them first in line for avail- the Asian and Pacific Islander Amer- Loma Prieta earthquake struck. able jobs with fair market wages. All work- ican, APIA, community because it co- Thankfully, Candlestick Park with- ers should receive decent treatment and pro- incides with two important milestones tection of fundamental legal rights. Con- stood the trembler and no one in at- sumers deserve a safe, stable, domestic food in APIA history: the arrival of the first tendance was injured. supply. American citizens and taxpayers de- Japanese immigrants to the U.S., in In 2000, the Giants left Candlestick serve secure borders and a government that May of 1843, and the contributions of Park and relocated to the brand new works. Last year, we saw millions of dollars’ Chinese workers toward building the Pacific Bell Park in downtown San worth of produce rot in the fields for lack of transcontinental railroad, which was Francisco. Now known as AT&T Park, workers. We are beginning to hear talk of completed in May of 1869. the classically designed ballpark offers farms moving out of the country, moving to The APIA community is one of the picturesque views of the city and bay. the foreign workforce. All Americans face fastest growing populations in the the danger of losing more and more of our Today, the home of the San Francisco safe, domestic food supply to imports. Time United States. With nearly 15 million Giants is widely regarded as one of is running out for American agriculture, residents and growing, APIAs con- America’s most beautiful stadiums. farm workers, and consumers. What was a tribute greatly to every aspect of life In their first 50 years in San Fran- problem years ago is a crisis today and will in America, just as they have through- cisco, the Giants have been a model of be a catastrophe if we do not act imme- out our history. excellence on the field. In addition to diately.’’ This year’s Asian Pacific American capturing three National League pen- In the proposal out for comment, DOL Heritage Month theme is ‘‘Leadership, nants, several members of the National claims its purpose in re-engineering the H– Diversity, Harmony—Gateway to Suc- Baseball Hall of Fame have donned the 2A program and the resulting outcomes will cess.’’ As the Senator from California, be: trademark orange and black colors of Simplify the process by which employers which has 5 million APIA residents, I the Giants: Willie Mays, Juan obtain a labor certification. am working hard to address the many Marichal, Orlando Cepeda, Gaylord Increase employer accountability to fur- issues of importance to the APIA com- Perry and Willie McCovey. The San ther protect against violations of program munity, such as human rights, immi- Francisco Giants have been a great and worker standards. gration reform, education, and health source of entertainment and pride to Efficiencies in program administration care. their legion of loyal fans over the past that will significantly encourage increased As the chair of the Senate Foreign half century. program participation, resulting in an in- Relations Subcommittee on East Asian In addition to their achievements on creased legal farm worker labor. and Pacific Affairs, I have been work- the field, the San Francisco Giants U.S. workers will be better protected from adverse effects when they are competing ing on issues such as peace and sta- baseball club is also committed to with workers who are legally present in the bility in East Asia and the Pacific, serving their community through a va- U.S. and who are subject to all of the re- human rights issues, environmental riety of community service programs. quirements of the H2–A program. protection, and the economy. From the Giants Community Fund, VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:37 Sep 14, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\S06MY8.REC S06MY8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3787 which supports summer baseball Inspired by his sense of urgency to Rebecca, and the many members of the leagues for low-income children protect young children, Detective Gar- Goodspeed community in extending my throughout northern California, to the land worked late nights and weekends, most sincere congratulations to Mr.
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