RESEARCH E-NEWSLETTER Deanship of Scientific Research Discover. Transfer. Impact VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 AUG, 2017 Highlights Welcome to UBT Research E-Newsletter 2nd Research Symposium 2017 (10) Welcome to the 2017 edition of the UBT Research Electronic News- letter. In the nd2 volume 2nd issue, The Deanship of Scientific Research is delighted to represent all research activities at UBT, highlighting the research work of UBT faculty members and students , their publications, their inventions, and their awards. Researcher of the month, seminars, workshops, visits, announcements for coming events will be also availa- Dr. Abdullah Dahlan research award 2017 ble in the e -Newsletter. (44) Enjoy reading, and wishing you more publications, inventions, confer- ences, awards, citations, etc. CONTENTS DATES TO REMEMBER Lifetime achiever to Dr. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION Basma El Zein UBT Collaboration 4 ST (50) STUDENT PAPER ON 1 OF OCTOBER ST 6 CALL FOR PROPOSAL ON 1 OF DECEMBER Research 2017 . 59 EVENTS: Economic Development FALLING WALLS JEDDAH ON 21ST OF SEPTEMBER 2017 Career and Entrepreneur- ship Fair 2017 (59) VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 Deanship of Scientific Research OUR TEAM Research MOHAMMED ANGAWI SAMY BLIN Economic Development FAHD ABDULJAWAD Dr. BASMA EL ZEIN ROZAN JALAL Publication HADEEL ALLEHBEE Consultancy LAYLA KAMAL Page 2 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 Deanship of Scientific Research OUR NEW TEAM MEMBERS WELCOME ON BOARD CONGRATULATIONS FOR BEING PART OF OUR UBT FAMILY. WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT YOU WILL BRING GREAT VALUE WITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION. HADEEL ALLEHBEE FAHD ABDULJAWAD PUBLISHING SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR RESEARCH ASSISTANT tudied translation and interpreting at the Uni- e finished his Bachelor Degree in Business Ad- S versity of Salford, home to most translation H ministration with concentration on Marketing and interpreting specialists in the UK, and the and Advertising at Cardiff University, Wales; only university providing both applied and theoretical UK in 2007. Followed by an MBA Degree with concen- translation studies for native Arabic speakers. Her tration on Purchasing, logistics and Material Manage- passion and dedication granted her the University’s ment in 2010. Best Final Year Performance Award. Due to her high Worked in Furniture Manufacturing (Sleep High), level of proficiency, Mrs. Allehbee succeeded to get then lecturing in the Department of Supply Chain her first job as a specialist translator before finishing Management at UBT for 5 years, one year in the her under-graduate studies in 2012. By 2013, she Deanship of Student Affairs as an Administrative Su- completed her MA in Translation form the University pervisor and Currently a Research Assistant at the of Salford. During her work with Emdad Najed, trad- Deanship of Scientific Research. His Research inter- ing, contracting, and undertaking company, she had ests include: Public Transportation, Driver Behaviour the chance to work with The Ministry of Defence and and Recycling. The Ministry of Interior and their divisions. Mrs. Al- lehbee gained knowledge in research due to her post- graduate studies, and the nature of her work. Her expertise best match the fields of mechanics, engi- neering, architecture and green building, heavy ma- chinery, and advertising. Page 3 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 UBT Collaboration INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION FOR PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION ERTX is the 1st International Conference and Exhi- in careers and company performance” on 16th-18th of C bition for Professional Certification organised in May, 2017, Dr.ELZein, explained the role That UBT is the capital city Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia playing in bridging the gap between the academia under the theme "Professional certification: The driving breeds and the job market needs, showing the Continu- force behind a knowledge-based economy". The event ous education services, college department and the was one of the largest international events specialised research perspectives. in introducing pioneering international organisations and companies in the field of professional certification to contribute in enriching and spreading a culture of continuous learning, innovation and professional devel- opment. Why CERTX • Explore latest developments in global certification programmes across industries • Meet and network with international thought lead- It has been noticed that students ‘s skills : ers in professional development and certification are a critical asset for individuals, businesses and • Identify the right certification programme to im- society. prove your skills and knowledge and advance your Matching those skills and jobs has become a high professional development priority. • Evaluate the latest competing programs and services mismatch has become more prominent in the glob- you need to accelerate your career al economic crisis. • Attend professional and technical training work- Many employers report difficulties in finding suita- shops and earn international certifications bly skilled workers. • Cutting-edge conference programme hosting senior government officials and certification experts who will speak on the industry’s latest and most crucial topics • Explore local policies regulating certification pro- grammes and employments. The Deanship of Scientific Research participated in CERTX on behalf of the CEC , the presentation was enti- tled: “How executive education upgrades proficiency Page 4 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 UBT Collaboration FRENCH EMBASSY DELEGATION TO UBT delegation from the French embassy in Ri- The delegation discussed the possible collabora- A yadh and the French consulate in Jeddah tion with French universities, in different areas visited UBT on three consecutive days, 4th- business, engineering and advertising . 6th of April 2017. Mr.Ledeaut confirmed that he spent a lot of time The delegation was composed of: Mr. Cyrille Le- at UBT more than any other university in Saudi Deaut the cooperation attache –Riyadh Arabia and he was very impressed by the facilities Mr. Karim Maatoug the Culturel Attache in Jeddah; and the vision. Ms.Salam Attasi; Mr.Benjamin; and Mr.Kamel ben He clearly mentioned that, He has never seen in Njima. the Kingdom a university who has a clear vision, The delegation visited the CEC and Dhahban cam- integrating all colleges in an interdisciplinary re- pus, where they met Dr.Mohanad Dahlan, search and projects rather than KAUST. Prof.Hussein Al Alawi, Dr.Mahmoud Baeissa, Looking forward to a strong collaboration with Dr.Basma EL Zein, and Dr. Amir Dhia. French universities. Page 5 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 Research-Seminar WORLD IP DAY-2017 very April 26, the world celebrates World Different points were tackled during the panel E Intellectual Property Day to learn about the such as: role that intellectual property rights • Defining the Intellectual property, its types, and (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copy- the importance of patent, copyrights and trade- right) play in encouraging innovation and creativi- marks. ty. • Furthermore, the panelist discussed the most This year, the theme was innovation is making important international associations and the our lives healthier, safer, and more comfortable, agreements that the kingdom has signed in this turning problems into progress. UBT for the first regard. time participated in this global event to look at Mr.Mohamad focused on the importance of the the concept of intellectual property in the king- copyright and announced the new authority for dom of Saudi Arabia, and to present the role that intellectual property in the kingdom of Saudi Ara- UBT and specifically the Deanship of Scientific bia . Research plays at the faculty, staff and students Eng. Ahmad presented the role of Badir and level. KACST and explained the process of filing patents The panel discussion took place in the 2 campus- and protecting inventions. es, Sari and Dahban. The topic, was “Innovation, Dr. Basma Closed the session by presenting the improving life” . Innovation Unit at the Deanship of Scientific Re- The panel was formed of: search and the services that the unit provides to • Mr. Mohamad AL Slamah from the ministry of Faculty, staff and students to protect their ideas Culture and information as patents, copyrights and trademarks in addition • Eng. Ahmad AL Beshri , from Badir – King Abdul the technology transfer process that the universi- Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). ty will be following to contribute to the economy The moderator was Dr. Basma El Zein , the Dean and society of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia . of Scientific Research. Page 6 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 Research-Support UBT HOST MAWHIBA STUDENT WHO WON A SPECIAL PRIZE IN ISEF 2017 os Angeles, CA May 18th , 2017 – Society for MAWHIBA is a national cultural foundation estab- L Science & the Public, in partnership with the lished to help develop a comprehensive environ- Intel Foundation, announced Special Awards of the ment of creativity in Saudi Arabia to enable gifted Intel International Science and Engineering Fair citizens from all areas to properly use their talents 2017. Student winners are ninth through twelfth for prosperity of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. graders who earned the right to compete at the UBT hosted, mentored, supported and guided Intel ISEF 2017 by winning a top prize at a local, MAWHIBA student Ruba Al Sulami, Jeddah Gifted regional, state or national science fair. More than 55 organizations, representing a wide variety of scientific disciplines, distributed more than 300 awards, including scholarships, internships and sci-
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