Inside Weather Foreign Aid Struggle Seen, Mostly su nny and mild with p. 3; Boom In Bloom At The MICHIGAN diminishing winds. Fair but Plate, p. 4; MSU Salutes turning cooler this evening. William Shakespeare, p. 9. STATE K Temperatures 60*65. UNIVERSITY S'TAT N IW S Vol. 55, Number 124 Wednesday, April 15, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10< Jesse, Harris W in AUSG Prim aiy Hannah Offers Solutions To Parking Woe 5 ^ arate^eaders Announces Car Lots Amendment Wins Approval For Dorm Residents Jam es Jesse, Buchanan Junior, and Bob Harris, Bryan, Ohio, junior, will face each other in Thursday’ s All-University Student By JA N E K N A U ER Government race for president. State News Staff Writer Out of a total vote of 4,612 in Tuesday’s presidential primary, Jesse took a slim lead of 1,249 votes over Harris’ 1,203. Herbert President John A. Hannah answered questions Monday regard-- Wingo, Buchanan sophomore, ran third with 1,051 votes. Tom* Par­ ing the problem of parking facilities expected to result from tridge, Swartz Creek junior, ran next with 607 and Jerry Wallace, the ban on campus driving between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on class * * * Cedar Springs Junior, was last days, effective next fall term. with 502. Hannah announced parking lots for dormitory residents in The AUSG sponsored amend­ an informal question and answer period ai South Case Hall. ment to change part of the con­ Residence hall lots were not announced earlier because final Heaviest stitution requiring proposed details had not been worked out. amendments to be published in Residents of West Circle dor­ Turnout the State News four times two mitories including Landon, Mayo, weeks before an election carried Campbell, Williams, Yakeleyand 3,772 to 581 votes against. The Breslin Gilchrist will part their cars in In Years change now calls for proposed the lot back of the University The turnout for primary elec­ amendments tobepublished with­ police quonsets, he said. tions this year was heavier than out any specification of how often. Supports Residents of the Case-W'ilson- usual, according to Flections Jesse said he thought it would Wonders complex will he allowed Commissioner Gary Falkenstein, be a long row to hoe, but said to drive to the present parking Sturgis sophomore. he definitely thought his plan Loan Bill lot provided for those units. He attributed the large vote to would work. He also commented Shaw Hall dwellers will have more active campaigning and in­ that he did not endorse the Basic Secretary Jack Breslin came reserved space in the parking creased student interest. In Arm­ Action Party despite some rumor out Tuesday in support of a $1 mil­ ramp, and a similar plan is strong hall there were 116 votes to the contrary. lion scholarship and loan aid bill being considered for the resi­ for one candidate alone. Harris said he was very happy dents in Abbott-Mason, Phillips— The mobile units which car­ to be in the finals and urged now before the house of repre­ VIEW FROM THE BALLOT BOX-Beryl Benschop", Royal mary election held Tuesday. The election reduced the num­ sentatives. Snyder dorms. ried the ballot boxes to off-cam­ everyone to take a close look at Oak senior, costs a ballot for her choice in the AUSG p ri - ber of final candidates for Thursday’ s final polling. The bill passed the Senate last Fee and Akers Halls will have pus districts proved successful the issues before deciding who week without much opposition. a parking lot near the entrance in Falkenstein’s estimation. In they will vote for in the finals. “ I think this will be a very good on Hagadorn Road. all they drew 162 votes. He added that the idea of a program," Breslin said. " It will Hannah defined the boundaries The counting of ballots seemed cooperative committee, which provide financial assistance to of the campus as Bogue St. and to he running especially smooth­ has been used by many candi­ the students who really need it." Hagadorn Road on the east. Grand ly. Counting didn’t start until dates, was his originally. The scholarship aid program River Ave. on the north, Harri­ Goldw ater Leads In Illinois nearly 7:30 Tuesday night, and Wingo announced that he would son Road on the west, and Mount early estimates were that count­ remain in the running as a write- will be administered through the From Our Wire Services precincts In Illinois, Goldwater manding lead over State Trea­ ces fo r the GOP presidential Higher Education Assistance Au­ Hope Road on the south. ing would be finished by 8:30 in candidate, His campaign man­ had 43,115 to 19,290 for Mrs. surer William Scott. nomination. headed by Lynn M. A 2,000 car parking lot on barring a recount. agers said that it was felt that thority, Sen. Barry Goldwater, with Smith. Ambassador Henry Cabot None of the Democratic races The Arizonan, in the early re­ the corner of Mount Hope and Voting in Butterfield Hall, how­ the difference between the can­ Bartlett, superintendent of pub­ a better than two-to-one lead Lodge had 295 write-in votes, for state office nomination was turns, was receiving about 65 Farm Lane was authorized by ever, was poor. Only 32 ballots didates was not enough that he lic instruction. The Authority al­ at 9:10 EST, is the apparent Richard Nixon 127, Rockefeller. contested. per cent of the votes cast in the the Board of Trustees to handle were received from there. should be eliminated. ready handles student loans. winner of the Illinois GOP pres­ 4, Romney 2 and Scranton 10. Goldwater had been expected preference column. In 1956, the transit cars, Hannah said. Falkenstein said hedidn’tknow Bob Milne, Standish senior and The scholarships will be to any idential primary. In the race for GOP nomination to win. The question was whether President Eisenhower; running He said no cars, either faculty the reason why, but he did say president of WestShaw, announc­ Michigan college or univers'ty Senator Margaret Chase Smith, for governor, Chicago industrial­ he would score an impressive against two opponents, polled 95 or student, are to be driven on that he thought voter turnout ed earlier Tuesday that he too Or accredited junior college and the only other name on the GOP ist Charles Percy had a com­ victory and thus boost his chan- per cent. will be awarded mainly on the campus between 6 a.m. and 6 and dorm spirit go hand-in-hand would run as a write-in candi­ basis of need. p.qi. during the week and the citing both Shaws, Bryan and date on a platform of abolish­ The maximum grant per stu­ most direct route to the stu­ Armstrong as examples. ing student congress and replac­ WASHINGTON (f1 — Rep. dent will be set at $800 per year dent parking lots will be re­ Louis F. Hekhuis, director of ing it with a group consisting of Thomas J. O’Brien of Illinois, International Educator and can be renewed. quired. student activities, said he thought three members each from each The exceptions, he said, would the oldest house member and a elections this year were being in of the six other major governing be faculty who want to pay a quiet, behind-the-scenes power an orderly fashion and agreed bodies on campus. 1 fee of $18 per year to park for many years, died today at that the counting was running Milne said that he originally U.S. Will Revise their cars on campus. He said Bethesda Naval Hospital. He Ashby To Open Forum smoothly. He commented that thought of running last term, faculty members who pay the would have been 68 on April everything seemed to be well- but he was then re-elected presi­ committee acts only in an ad­ Viet Nam Brass fee will receive special tickets 30. Sir Fric Ashby, a leading inter­ and John K. Fairbank, an histor­ organized. dent of West Shaw. He added national educator from Cam­ ian from Harvard. visory capacity. Speakers do not SAIGON, Viet Nam ifj-T h e which will activate the timed- Falkenstein said he expected that he also thought that another Galbraith, Douglas and F air­ have to be cleared with it before United States is going to stream­ metered entrances to the park­ presidential ballot, made a strong bridge University, will be the candidate was going to run on first speaker in a series of lec­ bank are scheduled to speak dur­ they can appear on campus. (continued on page 8) line the top-heavy administra­ ing lots. showing. the platform he proposed. ing the 1964-65 academic year. tion of its military forces in Viet For a fee of $48 per year, There was a flurry of write- tures sponsored by theUniversity When this did not happen, he Ashby, a specialist in experi­ Nam, American authorities an­ faculty members may reserve a ins for five other potential Re­ Forum Committee. decided to run himself. mental botany, has long been in­ nounced Tuesday night. parking space on campus which publican candidates. Most of the Ashby will deliver his lecture Listings for each dorm are volved in international education. The U.S. Military Advisory As­ will have their name printed on returns were from Cook County at 4 p.m. April 23 in theKiva.lle arranged in the following order it. This space will be reserved He has been the master of Clare Romney, Dems Wage sistance Command that has oper­ where Mrs.
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