PO Box 94, Ashburton n40 P (03) 307 7700 lesley Woudberg CWMS Facilitator P 0 Box 345 Christchurch 8140 Environment Canterbury Ashburton RegionaL Council DISTR I CT COUNCIL ASH BURTON WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE COMMITTEE AGENDA A Meeting of the Ash burton Water Management Zone Committee will be held as follows: DATE: Tuesday 28 April2015 TIME: 1:00pm VENUE: Council Chamber 5 Baring Square West Ash burton MEETING CALLED BY: A Dalziel, Chief Executive, Ash burton District Council B Bayfield, Chief Executive, Environment Canterbury ATTENDEES: Mrs Donna Field (Chair) Mr Chris Allen Mr Ben Curry Mr Craig Fowles Mr Gordon Guthrie Mrs Sheryl Stivens Mrs Jackie Wright Mr Karl Russell (Te Runanga o Arowhenua) Mr Arapata Reuben (Te Ngai Tuahuriri Runanga) Cr Stuart Wilson (Ash burton District Council) Commissioner David Caygill (Environment Canterbury) canterbury Water Zone Facilitator Committee Advisor Tangata Whenua Facilitator Lesley Woudberg Jo Naylor PeterTe Rangihiroa Ramsden Tel: 027 706 4273 Tel: 307 7724 Tel: 027 553 3140 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Environment Canterbury Ash burton District Council Environment Canterbury Canterbury Water 4 Register of Interests Representative's Name and lnteres ~ • Farm owner of sheep, beef, lambs ,crop Chris Allen • Water resource consents to take waterfrom tributary of Ashburton River and shallow wells • National board member Federated Farmers of New Zealand • Member of Ashburton River Liaison Group • Deputy Chair- Environment Canterbury Commissioners David Caygill • Director: Whai Rawa Funds Ltd (Ngai Tahu's savings scheme) • Chief Executive Officer- Rangitata Diversion Race Management Limited Ben Curry • Chair- Whitcombe Landcare Group Donna Field • Director-Cleardale Station Ltd • Member of Ashburton Biodiversity Working Group Craig Fowles • Technical Manager at ANZCO Foods Canterbury Ltd • Director of freshwater consu ltancy Biosortid Ltd • CEO Electricity Ash burton Limited (tla EA Networks) Gordon Guthrie • Director- Barrhill Chertsey Irrigation (incl. Water Utilities Limited) • Farming partnership- Winch more (Ashburton North branch) • Trustee- Tuahiwi Marae Arapata Reuben • Trustee- Tuhono Trust • Trustee- Matapopore Charitable Trust • Trustee- Mana Waitaha Charitable Trust • Member- National Kiwi Recovery Group • ROnanga Rep and Chair- Christchurch- West Melton Water Zone Committee • · Eco Efficiency Coordinator- Mastaguard Education Services I Envirowaste Sheryl Stivens • Board member- New Zealand Waste Advisory Board • Advisory member- NZ Glass Packaging Forum • Organic Farmer- Hinds Plains Area ("Free Range Farm" Willowby) • Director of Environmental Consultancy (Sheryl Stivens and Associates Ltd) • Owner operator- Health and Wellness Business • Secretary- Organic NZ I Soil and Health Mid Canterbury • Ash burton District Councillor and Chair of Service Delivery Committee Stuart Wilson • A son who is a Director of Mayfield Hinds Irrigation Co and RDR • Another son who is a Director ofValetta Irrigation Co • Employed by Canterbury District Health Board Jackie Wright • Married to Ash burton District Councillor, Russell Ellis • Committee member South Rakaia Bach Owner's Association • Shallow Bore user • Dry land owner breeding Dexter cattle (Wakanui area, low acreage) 1 CWMSAshburton Zone Committee 28April2015 Agenda 2 CWMS Ash burton Zone Committee 28 April2015 Agenda 5 Confirmation of Minutes (Unconfirmed Minutes) Minutes of a meeting of the Ashburton Water Management Zone Committee held in the Council Chamber, 5 Baring Square West, Ash burton on Tuesday 24 March 2015, commencing at 11.23am. Present Donna Field (Chair), Chris Allen, Ben Curry, Craig Fowles, Arapata Reuben, Sheryl Stivens and Stuart Wilson. In attendance Environment Canterbury: Lesley Woudberg (Facilitator), Don Rule, Tania Harris, Christina Rob b. Ash burton District Council: Business Support Officer (minutes). Approximately 14 members of the public attended the meeting. 1 Welcome and Karakia Mr Arapata Reuben opened the meeting with a karakia. 2 Apologies David Caygill, Gordon Guthrie, Karl Russell, Jackie Wright. Sustained 3 Extraordinary Business Nil. 4 Registeroflnterests Circulated in agenda and updated. 5 Confirmation of Minutes Amendment- Item 7 Correspondence: "The committee was disappointed that the correspondence from Mr Mackenzie personally targeted the Chair for doing herjob. It was considered that the tone of this correspondence was inappropriate and should not be condoned'~ That the minutes of the Ashburton Water Management Zone Committee meeting held on Tuesday 24 February 2015, subject to amendment, be confirmed. Fowles/Stivens . Carried The Chair with the agreement of the committee proposed that the deputation be taken after Item 8. 6 Deputations ( 12.12pm) Mr Matt Bubb (Aqualinc) and Mr Jock Ross attended the meeting to discuss a proposal to capture and store rainfall run-off on Mr Ross's Lagmhor property following heavy rainfall/ storm events. This water would then be used to irrigate an area of land up to approx. 60 ha. The current wording of the pLWRP (Section 13) prevents this activity, despite the fact that storing water during flood type events on a small scale would appear to Mr Ross, to be a sensible use of the resource. Mr Ross is seeking the support from the Ash burton Zone Committee for the proposal. Mr Ross advised that he has approximately 60 hectares of land that goes from too wet to too dry. When very wet, he has to drain water from the farm, diverting it into Lagmhor Creek, and believes it would be beneficial to store this flood water for use during the dry season. Mr Bubb advised that the farm is located within the Ashburton River catchment and the proposal is to capture stormwater from the property before it reaches Lagmhor Creek and the Ashburton River. Lagmhor Creek is a flood risk and this proposal would also help to mitigate this risk in high flow times. 3 CWMSAshburton Zone Committee 28 April2015 Agenda There is some degree of urgency with this proposal as the proposed Land and Water Regional Plan is about to become operative. Once operative, an application of this type would become a prohibited activity. Gordon Guthrie attended the meeting at 12:28pm. Following lengthy discussion the Chair advised that the Zone Committee was unable to make a consensus decision of support for this proposal at this time. Several members expressed the need for further information. It was noted that Mr Ross was able to submit a consent application to Environment Canterbury at any time, with or without the support of the Zone Committee. The consenting process would ensure the application was assessed thoroughly for effects. 7 Correspondence (11:26am) The Chair tabled a letter from Dame Margaret Bazley, Chairperson of Environment Canterbury, Dame Margaret thanked members ofthe Hinds Drains Working Party and the Ash burton Zone Committee for the work undertaken to advance the Canterbury Water Management Strategy in the Hinds drains area. The Chair also tabled correspondence from the Chair of the Ash burton Biodiversity Group (Cr Alan Totty) with regard to sediment levels in the Ash burton Lakes which are impacting the Maori Lakes and south branch of the Ashburton River. Cr Totty invited the Zone Committee to meet with the Ashburton Biodiversity Group to discuss the issues. A requirement of the Zone Committee is to liaise with the Ash burton Biodiversity Group. The Chai r will contact Cr Totty to arrange a workshop for discussion. That the correspondence be received. Curry/Reuben Carried 8 DairyNZ Update Mr James Ryan and Shirley Hayward (DairyNZ) and Michael Hyde (Fonterra) attended the meeting to present updates to the Ash burton Zone Committee. Mr Ryan advised that the dairy sector is increasingly stepping up in the environmental space and recognises there are significant challenges ahead. DairyNZ is predominantly a research group and has a joint work programme with ECan. The industry wants to see growth but do not want to see existing farmers make reductions in order to allow further land use changes. Mr Ryan will arrange a meeting to discuss zone specific initiatives if members were interested. Mike Hyde presented an overview of Supply Fonterra programmes, initiatives to encourage change on farms. Ongoing changes to programmes are expected as Fonterra's Water Accord is implemented and more targets are to be met. Specifically in the Ashburton Zone 99.73% of Fonterra Defined Waterways are permanently stock excluded. The deputation was taken at 12:12pm. 9 Zone Focused ECan Staff Teams Mr Don Rule, Director Consents and Planning, attended the meeting to discuss the memorandum from Environment Canterbury's Chief Executive, Mr Bill Bayfield. A pilot zone team will be set up in Hurunui­ Waiau Zone in March 2015 with other teams being established between July and December 2015. The team will work directly with the Zone Committee, to ensure that their priorities are being addressed and the outcomes are achieved. 10 Consents Update- River Openings The closing date for submissions should read 14 April2015. 4 CWMS Ash burton Zone Committee 28 April 2015 Agenda 11 General Updates Ben Curry advised that the power station at Highbank is out of operation due to maintenance requirements. The RDR water is currently bypassing the station via the north and south branches ofthe Ash burton river. HDWP have asked if they can put water in the Hinds River. This is being considered by Arowhenua. • Regional Committee The Regional Committee Meeting is to follow this meeting
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