PRECISION RAILROAD MODELS HE WORDS AT THE LEFT Tappeared in the initial ad for the RDC by the Budd Company in Railway Age. Reportedly, the idea of the RDC was conceived and built without the knowledge of railroad executives. At KATO, the development and production of the RDC in N scale has been no secret! In the Fall, we will release 16 different two-car sets for 11 North American railroads, as well as a couple of unlettered sets for home road modelers to letter themselves. True to the prototype, all of the models will be powered, for individual operation or to be coupled with others to form a train. Our production will include the four most popular configura­ tions of the original Budd Roadname Cars In Set Item Number Demonstrator railcar. The RDC-1 was strictly passenger-oriented CANADIAN PACIFIC RDC-1+RDC-3 106-3001 with 90 coach seats. The RDC-2 CANADIAN NATIONAL RDC-1 +RDC-3 106-3002 contained 71 seats and a separate NEW HAVEN RDC-1 +RDC-3 106-3003 baggage compartment. The RDC- UNLETIERED RDC-1 +RDC-3 106-3004 3 combined a Railway Post Office CANADIAN PACIFIC RDC-2+RDC-4 106-3005 with 49 seats and a baggage CANADIAN NATIONAL RDC-2+RDC-4 106-3006 compartment, while the RDC-4 NEW HAVEN RDC-2+RDC-4 106-3007 was a self -contained RP O­ UNLETIERED RDC-2+RDC-4 106-3008 Baggage/Express unit. SANTA FE RDC-1+RDC-2 106-3009 All models will feature CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RDC-1 +RDC-2 106-3010 directional headlight /taillight, NEW YORK CENTRAL RDC-2+RDC-3 106-3011 knuckle couplers and fine NORTHERN PACIFIC RDC-2+RDC-3 106-3012 detailing and lettering. The ROC K ISLAND RDC-3+RDC-3 106-3013 interior can be lighted with the WEST ERN PACIFIC RDC-2+RDC-2 106-3014 installation of our #11-204 Lighting Kit (sold separately). ALASKA RAILROAD RDC-2+RDC-2 106-3015 JERSEY CENTRAL RDC-1 +RDC-1 106-3016 Although delivered as two­ un it sets, each model wi II be BUDD DEMONSTRATOR RDC-1 (single unit) 166-3001 contained in an individual jewel Further specifications of the models can be seen on the box. www.katousa.com web site. While delivery is expected in October, you'll want to reserve ImYT I KATO U.S.A., INC ..100 Remington Road· Schaumburg, IL 60173 with your dealer now. What's the latest update on the HO SD80/90 and Business Car and the N Genesis and Superliner cars? Check out FAQ #11 at katousa.com. It's not every day you get to control something of this size and magnitude. Train Simulator puts you in command of the powerful BNSF Dash 9, the lightning fast • Amtrak" Acela'"Express and 7 other highly detailed locomotives. Choose from 6 world-famous rail routes and over 600 miles of accurately recreated track. Pull into charming stations, pick up freight cars and stick to tight timetables. It's all up to you, because you're the engineer. Microsoft- microsoft.com/games/trainsim • IN THIS ISSUE:. • SPECJiRUM�S 2-10-0 PROTOiITPS, ,age 18 • NEW GEN,ESI5, BY Al'ftEARN, X-P-oST BOX CARS, page 27 MOMENTUM,, OPERAJ'ICD,N5 .,Tlft: DCC, ,age 25 , . WEED&-IIV-THE-ROLL "'6RASS-TH�Ji;"G'RO.S,1 page 12 I • GLENWOOD" MINNESOiliA,JU1'Y 24, 119'54 ON THESOO, pagel'S' .' II U-80AIf CASS II, FOR EIMD SD40 AND SD'40-2' FROM KATO MOD,EI.S, page 8' • WEAliHERING, kADE'E HO SCAlE BOX CARS, ,age 10 .' WEAliHERI'N,6 COV>ERED H:OPPE'RS, pa'ge, 117 ., GUNIDERSON 51-FOOT P�PER� SERYI'CE BOX CAR FROM WA LTHERS Klif, page 52 .' CANADMN, 'AORC COACH) fROM,NORWESTtS m, page 37 • I NiFERM:ODAIL, CRANES FROMI A-UNE"S DIE-CAST MO,DEt" page 40 ., ROD6ER-K�Rli SELEClil�E IIAIILAST CARS FRO'IM August 2001 . Volume 13, Number 3 CH�LIEN6ER "S MO,DELS, page! 4·5 ., G,�E. 1123-7 AS C'O, 11 '05 IS 11968' fROM BACHMANN NRAll ON THE COVER: -The Chesapeake and Ohio Triple-track mainline snakes along the OR,RAI,LPOWER, MODELS), paI ge 4·9' banks of the New River and out of sight around NIS:CAIE: x the bend. It's all on an 8 8-foot NTRAK • module and there's more beginning on page MAntERING M[CRO-liRAINS BOX CARS, page116 32 of this issue. -Robert Schleicher photo ., KA*Wf.MI FAW' ON: THE CHESAPEAKEAND OHlO� page3,2 .. G.E. 823-7 AS CONRAIL 1i9'05' Lf 119 68 FROMIATlAS MODELS, pag� 49' RAILMODELJOURNAL is published 12 times a year by Golden Sell Press, 2403 Champa St" Denver, CO 80205, Price per single copy is $4,95 newsstand; $5,95 direct from publisher, or $42,00 per year in the U,S,A, Individual copy prices higher in Canada and other countries, Foreign subscriptions $48,00 for 12 issues, payable in U.S, funds, RAILMODELJOURNAL, ISSN 1043·5441. copyright 2001 by Golden Bell Press, All rights reserved, Periodicals Postage paid at Denver, CO, POSTMASTER: Send address changes to RailmodelJournal, 2403 Champa St., Denver, CO 80205, Visit our website at www.railmode�ournal.com L. Kanawha FaLls on the Chesap M DELING from the P 4 RAILMODELJOURNAL ' AUGUST 2001 Modeling Steam: Santa Fe Manifest 991 near Tenachapi, HO SCALE: The Russian 2-10-0 from the Spectrum California, by Pelle Soeborg .............•.. 57 model, by Robert Schleicher ..........•... 18 Diesel Modeling: Passenger Car Modeling: "U-Boat Cabs" for EMD 5040 and 5040-2 Canadian Pacific Coach from Norwest's from Kato models, by Bob Rivard .......•. 8 N SCALE: ..........•..........•. Techniques: kit, by RWJ Pinchbeck 37 Intermodal Modeling: Techniques: Weathering Kadee HO scale box cars, Straddle Carrier Cranes from A-line's Weathering Micro-Trains HO scale box by Mont Switzer..................... .......... 10 cars, by Mont Switzer ............. ............ 10 Weathering Covered Hoppers, Die-cast model, by Brian Locomotive Performance: I<.reimendahL ............................. ...... 40 by Mike ROJe ................................... 17 Summary of all Previous locomotive Scenic Modeling: Freight Cars of the Fifties: Performance Test Reports .................14 Weeds-by-the-RolI, "Grass-That-Grows" Rodger-Hart selective ballast cars from Layout Tour: for railroad rights-of-way, by Robert Challenger's models, by Richard HendrickJon ........... ............. ............ 45 Kanawha Falls on the Chesapeake and Schleicher ....................................... 12 Ohio on a 6 x 8-foot NTRAK module, Locomotive Performance: Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: by John PLant ....................................32 Summary of all Previous locomotive G.E. B23-7 as Conrail 1905 and 1968 from Bachmann Diesels, One-Detail-At-A-Time: Performance Test Reports .................14 or Rail Power models, G. E. C23-7 as Conrail 1905 & 1968 from Modern Freight Cars: by Louis A. Marre ............................. 49 Atlas models, by Louis A. Marre .........49 Quaker Oats QOCX 193 50-foot box car from Walthers kit, by Dennis Lippert .... 16 IPD, Railbox and other X-Post box cars ALL SCALES: from Genesis Models, by Jim Eager ..... 27 Operations: DEPARTMENTS: ICG 50-foot box cars from InterMountain Momentum Operations with DCC, What's New .....................................6, 7 ........ ........................ and Atlas kits, by Bob Rivard .............. 31 by John Palmer 25 Calendar ............................................ 58 Gunderson 50-foot paper service box car Time Capsule: from Walthers kit, by D. Scott Glenwood, Minnesota, July 24, 1954 on ChatfieLd ....................................... 52 the 500 Line, by Ray Groner .............. 38 RAILMODELjOURNAL . AUGUST 2001 5 What's New in HO Scale Funaro & Camerlengo, R.D. #3 Box 2800, Honesdale, PA 18431 is now shipping cast-resin kits to build a variety of different Canadian National 40-foot box cars including 40-foot steel box cars from the "Mini-Box" series and the single-sheathed 503500-series cars with a choice of wood or steel doors. All three different kits are also offered with your choice of AB or K­ style brake components. The kits are $27.99 each less trucks and couplers but including decals. These HO scale vehicles are pre-painted cast­ metal ready-to-roll models from Classic Metal's "Mini Models" series. The newest releases include (left to right) 1953 Ford police car, 1961 Impala police car, 1957 Chrysler 300C and 1958 Chevrolet Impala. See your dealer. Design Preservation Models is now offering this injection-molded plastic structure kit called "Popa Wheelie's" with cast-metal details. The kit includes 10 motorcycles and 70 other metal detail castings as well as the two buildings for $49.98. See your dealer. Classic Metal is now producing a "Mini Models" series of painted all-metal HO scale vehicles. The series of 1953 White 3000 trucks includes your choice of (left to right) tractor, dump truck, box truck or fuel delivery truck. See your dealer. 6 RAILMODELjOURNAL . AUGUST 2001 What's New in HO Scale Pro Modelbuilders, 1585 E. Pender St., Vancouver, B.C V5L 1 V9, Canada is now ship­ ping cast-resin and metal kits to recreate the Canadian Pacific 336260-series flat cars and 338100-series Stone cars. The kits include decals and trucks but less couplers for $20.00 plus $6.00 postage and handling. Train Station Products, P.O. Box 360, Granville, OH 43023 offers a selection of corrugated Santa Fe Hi-Level passenger cars including a coach and this diner. The cars include correct swing-hanger trucks and blackened wheelsets for $35.95. A similar Amtrak car is offered undecorated for $3 2.95. Circuitron, P.O. Box 322, Riverside, IL 60546 offers a variety of railroad crossing bucks and crossing gates including these 8006 two-lamp gates with crossing signals for $74.95. The kit includes the slow-motion operating mechanism and a lighting for two gates.
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