Youth Development Consulation Feb 2007 Responses Total number of responses 113 Number of responses from community 94 (inc. young people) Number of response from Agencies 19 Agencies that took part C.S.V youth Engagement Service Chester-le-St District Council Sure Start Ouston Villages Association North End Residents Group Grange Villa Youth Club Lingey Farm Tenants Association Durham Constabulary West Pelton Youth Group D.C.C.Anti Bullying Service Urpeth Residents Association Learning District Partnership County Durham Primary Care Trust Gay Advice Darlington & Durham Roseberry Sports&Community College West Pelton&High Hold T.R.A. MESMAC Garden Farm West Lane Com Centre Sex Male 46 Female 60 Unknown 7 Male (community) 43 Female (community) 44 Unknown (community) 7 Male (agencies) 3 Female (agencies) 16 Unknown (agencies) 0 Age (Community responses) Under 18 69 18-25 years 11 26-40 years 7 41-65 5 65+ 0 Not known 2 Area in order of preferance 1st. Choice 2nd Choice 3rd. Choice 4th Choice Total Grange Villa 1 2 P e l t o n 8 Pelton 9 Waldridge 4 Pelton 24 Sacriston 1 0 B o u r n m oor 6 Ouston 5 Perkinsville 4 Ches-le-St Central 21 Che-le-St Central 1 0 L u m l ey 5 Che-le-St Central 3 Grange Villa 3 Grange Villa 18 Lumley 9 C h e s t e r - l e-St 5 Lumley 3 Chester-le-Street 3 Lumley 17 Avenues 8 G a r d e n F arm 5 Sacriston 2 Urpeth Grange 2 Waldridge 17 Waldridge 8 O u s t o n 4 Pelton Fell 2 Front Street 2 Ouston 16 Pelton 6 P e l t o n F e ll 4 Bournmoor 2 Ouston 1 Sacriston 15 West Pelton 6 S a c r i s t o n 3 Pelaw 2 Riverside 1 The Avenues 10 Ouston 6 G r a n g e V illa 3 Avenues 2 Pelton 1 Bournmoor 9 Garden Farm 3 H i g h H a n denhold 3 Waldridge 2 Cragside 1 Pelton Fell 8 North Lodge 3 U r p e t h 3 High Handenhold 1 Durham 1 Garden Farm 8 Pelaw 3 W a l d r i d g e 3 West Pelton 1 Stanley 1 Urpeth 8 Urpeth 2 P e l a w 2 Urpeth 1 West Pelton 8 Chester West 2 W y n y a r d 2 Perkinsville 1 Pelaw 7 Bullion Lane 2 P a r i s h C entre 2 Nettlesworth 1 High Handenhold 5 Pelton Fell 2 C h e s t e r W e st 1 Kimblesworth 1 Perkinsville 5 Riverside 2 S o u t h P e law 1 Plawsworth 1 Riverside 5 Bournmoor 1 W e s t P e l t on 1 Riverside 1 Chester West 3 High Handenhold 1 R i v e r s i d e 1 Langley Park 1 North Lodge 3 Wynyard 1 L e i s u r e C entre 1 Fencehouses 1 Wynyard 3 Millenium Green 1 W i t t o n G i l bert 1 Birtley 1 Fence Houses 3 Che-le-St Train Stat 1 F e n ce Houses 1 Bullion Lane 2 Clifford Terrace 1 Birtley 2 Picktree Lodge 1 Parish Centre 2 No Place 1 Front Street 2 Newton Hall 1 South Pelaw 1 Birtley 1 Nettlesworth 1 Barley Mow 1 Kimblesworth 1 Fence Houses 1 Plawsworth 1 Anywhere 1 Millenium Green 1 Leisure Centre 1 Che-le-St train stat 1 Witton Gilbert 1 Barley Mow 1 Clifford Terrace 1 Langley Park 1 Stanley 1 Durham 1 Cragside 1 Picktree Lodge 1 No Place 1 Newton Hall 1 Anywhere 1 Suggested buildings/facilities Community centres Grange Villa Community Enterprise Grange Villa Working Mens Club Bullion Hall Fourth Avenue green West Pelton Methodist Chapel The new school in Pelton Community house - Avenues Ouston Junior School Youth centre Hut near Waldridge Fell Hermitage The Parish Centre The Old George and Dragon Pub Chicago Rock The Studio St Cuthberts Walk Civic Centre Holy Oaks Waldridge Village Hall Sacriston School (junior or secondary) Bullion Lane Children's centre Pelton Children's centre Lilac House, Sacriston Park View School Leisure Centre St Barnabus church hall Pelton Fell Village Hall West Pelton school Services and Activities (Agencies) County Durham Primary Care Trust C-Card (condom distribution), Pregnancy testing, Chlamydia screening C.S.V. Action Durham Access to health information and advice. Media opportunities-producing a newsletter, film project, photography etc Learning District Partnership Info, advice and guidance about transition and options inc education, training, employment, training providers and support services. Also identify what barriers there are to education and training and education on health issues should also be available. West Pelton & High Handenhold TRA Snooker, table tennis, arts and D.J workshop Co. Durhan YES A needs analysis would identify what activities young people would like Durham Constabulary Diversionary Schemes Sure Start Youth Leadership, Citizen skills, pride in their community, ownership Chester-le-st District Council H ealth awareness sessions, activity based sessions drop-in sessions. Roseberry Sports and Comm College H e a lth, careers, social skills, recreation, a place for young people to meet and chat with friends Gay Advice Darlington & Durham R a ising the profile of LGBT young people and increase visibility within the Community. Awareness raising of homophobic incidents. One stop shop, multi agency approach that delivers hollistic services to young people eg mental health, sexual health, counsellors. MESMAC Provision for young LGBT people, LGBT issues Awareness Raising/Anti Homophobic sessions,diversity work, safer sex training, info on housing, information on a wide range of life issues, internet accsess, leaflets,posters etc. D.C.C. Anti Bullying Service S p orts, Arts and Crafts, Computer/Internet, Peer Support and Education. Ouston Villages Association Computers, Outdoor activities, supervised disco evenings Lingey Farm Tenants Ass Internet, crafts, woodwork, computers, couselling sessions to discuss confidential problems North End Residents Group Y o uth Club, bowling area, wall ball activities, skate board area Urpeth Residents Association A general meeting place for young people Services and Activities (Community inc Young People) Sport 39 Music (inc events and disco) 17 Computers/internet 12 Trips/activities 12 Arts and Crafts 8 Information/advice (careers, health etc) 8 New swimming pool 5 Drama 4 Socialise with friends/meet new people 4 Playstation 3 cinema 3 Dance 3 late night café 1 Youth Council 1 Comments This is locally determined need, Young people really need support from the appropriate agencies Many young people simply congregate on the streets this could provide them with a more pleasant enviroment C.D.Y.E.S would be delighted in any way we can to support this exciting new service Young people themselves are the best people to advise on the most valuable services and opportunities to them, their ideas are most important in this consultation It would need to be well 'policed' to stop influx of drug/gang problems and to be safe for all ages. Young people could be staff there too It’s a long awaited revival of the youth centre era Something like this is needed to stop them hanging aound street corners causing touble Rather than punishment the youth need engagement. Most of the problems are due to boredom. If they had ownership for projects there may be more commitment Listen to what they woud like to do within reason I think it would help stop the under age drinking and stop the vandalism The project would have to be enjoyable for the people involved and not patronising We are sick of hanging around with nothing to do Get rid of Chavs Good idea Try to make the area safe . We need something to do Make sure something is done in Sacriston I think a cinema will work because kids like movies. They should hold premieres for kids on a morning before the adults want to come in We hope this venue will not be placed where access is hard for all children in the Chestre-le-Street area One stop shop, multi agency approach that delivers hollistic services to young people eg mental health, sexual health, counsellors. .
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