VOL. XLV. NEW ULM, BROWN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1922 lik ^R 26 llli !»• «££. "4kV; fifteen feet or so, being found at a tHtfbt AT HUNTER'S REST. was a mistake and that Brooks had BODY RECOVERED depth of between 20 and 25 feet. s?r The body was taken directly to John MISSIONARY MEET " — &&~ teh^ICELEBRATIO N ON . never lived at the Schmidt home, and BOTH PfEIFFEK &? H. Forster's undertaking parlors. tvJahn Hauenstein Jr. was high man that the only corinection he had with BY CLAM FISHER Funeral Last Saturday. HELD AT NEW ULM at the Sunday morning shoot at Hun­ AT SPRINGFIELD thp family came thru his OWA family, •The funeral was helot last Saturday ter's Rest, making a score of 182 on a wife and several children, whom ^ BROOKS NABBED from the German Lutheran church, »*t*» the King target. Hehnuth Blanert, Brobks had left destitute and whom a new man managed to connect with the Schmidts had befriended. He -#AJ. .»J»r TEN YEAR OLD BIERAUGEL LAD Rev. C. J. Albrecht preaching the fu­ 57 DISTRICT DELEGATES OF "•#«* neral sermon^ full of comfort and sym­ the leather medal. "Sepp" Klaus was SECOND DISTRICT AMERICAN had never lived with the Schmidts, SHERIFF JULIUS LEFT TUES0AY DROWNED IN MINNESOTA METHODIST MISSIONARY second lowest "man and Dr. Albert hot even for a day, although he had» pathy for the bereaved family and their ; LEGION CONVENTION MORNING TO BRING BACK LAST THURSDAY. '' ' ' friends. The entire neighborhood Fritsche second high.^ The following at one time appeared at their house SOCIETY MEET HERE. - J ****'? OPENS TODAY. 'JH^* showed their deep sympathy by at­ scores were made: ~" and asked for a meal, saying he had'nt ^'BIG BILL'V " '- * * l *,**•• ^ King Stand. a cent of money. Mrs. Schmidt had tendance at the funeral which is pro­ 1 i •? I * V fed him and he had in return helped BODY NOT RECOVERED TILL nounced one of the largest funerals J. Hauenstein, Jr. ...» 182 — MRS. W. P. EVELAND SPEAKS l for years. The numerous and beauti­ Alb. Fritsche 172 44 BAND TOURNAMENT UNDER to pack up some household effects as it DEPUTY SHERIFF GIESEKE IS FRIDAY MORNING-THRONGS ful floral offerings were also silent ON VALUE AND SCOPE OF (Dhas. Hauenstein ,.. 152 * 43 happened the family was Just then ORPHEUS AUSPICES HELD IN BRINGING BROOKS FROM SHOW SYMPATHY. ' » tributes of sympathy which showed "Dick" Amann 145 57 preparing to move to New Ulm. In * ' FOREIGN MISSIONS. this way the impression was given the deep feeling of the community. O.F.Oswald 143 55 * ? CONJUNCTION. < W,S. LITTLE FALLS. that he came to New Ulm with the The pall bearers were Joseph Kunz, Jos. Klaus 132 39 Two interesting sessions of the dis­ Helm. Blauert 118 — Schmidt family and that is what Clarence Bieraugel, ten year old Edward Lindeman, Gustave Baumei- was reported to the Review. At the ster, Raymond Huhn, Roland Fie- trict branch of the Womens' Foreign "Follow the dust to Springfield, son of Martin Bieraugel, 819 North J request of friends of the family we Raymond Brooks, who is implicated Missionary Society were held at the e The local postoffice will be closed all Minn.^ June 28-29," was the legend German street, was drowned m the Min­ meier and Clarence Meidl. make this, correction, hoping that with Max Pfeiffer in the burglary of nesota river while bathing at the swim­ Six Other Children. Methodist Church of New Ulm Friday. day on Tuesday, July 4th. Windows carried on banners of some fifty au­ tomobiles led by Mayor H. H. Birke- ahy injustice done the family by the the Palace Clothing store at Sleepy ming place under the bridge by t>e Besides the grief-stricken father and Some seventy delegates from New Ulm, will be open between the hours of meyer of our sister city of Springfield mistake will be set right. * Eye, has been apprehended at Little Eagle Mills last Thursday afternoon mother, six other children remain to Morgan, Echo, Morton, Brownton and eight and nine o'clock in the morning. ds they invaded New Ulm in proces­ Fal,ls, Minn., and is being held there Several other boys in the bathing party mourn the loss of the youngest in the Arlington were present at the meet There will be no deliveries made by which convened at 2:15 in the after­ carriers either in the city or rural. sion last Thursday afternoon. awaiting arrival of Deputy Sheriff failed to rescue the young lad altho family: Frank and Harry of Orange, Martha Redeker of Salt Lake Gieseke who left New Ulm early Mon­ noon and again at 7:30 in the eve­ Interviewed by the Review, Mayor he came to the surface two or three California; Mrs. John Maurer of Sioux City, Utah, enjoyed a few days' visit day morning to bring the prisoner ning. Birkemeyer told of the boosting tour, times. The body going down the Falls, S. D ; Ed. of Lafayette, Minn.; at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr~ back to Brown County. Thus the net starting from Springfield last Thurs­ 1 last time into the murky waters of Mrs. Tillie Drill of Courtland and Ella Benefit Parties to Be Held. and Mrs . Wm. Redeker of this city of the law is closing in from all sides 2* day morning at 9 o'clock, making "•3 the Minnesota was not recovered till at home. The latter, 15 years of age, Rev. C. G. Hohn of New Ulm open­ last week. She had previously spent a on the principals in the latest drama stops at Comfrey, Sanborn, Lamber- about 7 o'clock the following morning is now the youngest. ed the afternoon program with an in­ week at Minneapolis Miss Redeker of Brown County criminology for ton, Wabasso, Redwood Falls, Morgan, despite continual attempts by citi­ All the children were present at vocation. Roll call was taken of the United States Senator. , f was very favorably impressed with Wm. Pfeiffer is being held by the Sleepy Eye and arriving at New Ulm zens, diving, dragging the river bot­ their little brothers' funeral with the Women's Foreign Missionary societies Republican—Frank B. Kellogg. Minnesota's natural beauties and she San Francisco police at the instance abbut 5:30 p. m. The mayor predicted tom, and by unsuccessful use of dyn?- exception of the two boys in Califor­ of the district, and committees and Farmer-Labor—Henrik Shipstead. speaks very enthusiastically of those of Brown County authorities. That a big time at the celebration at Spring­ mite charges in the hope of getting nia who could not possibly attend on officers were chosen before the business ^ Democrat—Anna D* Oleson. surrounding New Ulm. She departed was the news given out by the sheriff's field today and tomorrow which is the little body to the surface. account of the distance. meeting adjourned. Following this Governbr. •* for home Monday. office here last Monday. Mrs. J. "vonde Linde of Echo, district Republican—J. A. O. Preus. under the joint auspices of the Ameri­ Clarence CouIdn,t Swim. Sheriff Julius and County Attorney president, conducted the memorial ser­ Farmer-Labor—Magnus Johnson. can Legion and the Orpheus band, The sad accident occurred at 3 Eckstein left Tuesday afternoon for the vices for the departed members of Democrat—Edward Indrehus. combining the American Legion con­ o'clock Thursday afternoon Little long trip to San Francisco to bring "Big the district missionary societies. A Lieutenant Governor. vention and a band tournament. At Clarence could swim but little and NEW ULM BEATS least twelve bands will be there in­ NEW ULM TURNERS Bill" back to answer the charge of dis­ dressed in a pair of pants in lieu of bouquet was presented in memory of Republican—Louis L. Collins. the dead. After a duet by Rev. and cluding Tracy's famous Ladies band, S. ¥ posing of a Chevrolet sedan which is a bathing suit, he was swinging upon Farmer-Labor—Uoyd L. Leith. alleged to be stolen. The car in ques­ Mrs. ^W. E. Mahle of Fairfax, Mrs. according to Mayor Birkemeyers and a rope under the west end of the bridge STATE FOR HEAT Democrat—Silas M. Bryan. WIN HIGH PLACE G. F.^Reineke spoke on "World Edu­ American Legionaires from some 16 tion is now in possession of the sheriff. The water is not deep right near the Secretary of State. , cational Parties." In her discourse counties. The story is that this car began to bank, but drops to a depth of about Republican—Mike Holm. figure in local history when several STATH0R MEAT she suggested a plan by which the Orpheus Band Serenade. ' U » twenty feet a few yards from the bank. Farmer^Labor—Susie W. Stageberg. ST. PIUV AtONlf LfiADirTHE mechanics from the Twin Cities drove members 6t 4hissionary societies could Sounding their automobile horns as The older boys o£ the party, fairly WAS HOTTEST PLACE IN ALL Democrat—Claude V. Swanson. the car out to a secluded place near be posted on world news of interest to they came down Minnesota street LOCAL GYMNASTS IN good swimmers, some of them, wer6 State Treasurer. New Ulm and obliterated the engine NORTHWEST LAST THURSDAY them. A series* of parties is to be the boosters attracted New Ulm folks over near the opposite bank. When Republican—Henry Rines. * CONTEST. number and other identifying marks. V'AS Hewtrtf ftfc.CF m AM given by ten district members at which to view the parade. The Orpheus last seen before the fatal accident, Farmer-Labor—Frank H.
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