INTERNATIONAL SUMMER FESTIVALS A Parade of Festivals March your way to one of 195 cities in our annual listing of theatre events from May through September ALbANIA Festival of Regions, Attnang-Puchheim; MiramirO International Street Theatre (43) 07234-85-2-85; Festival, Ghent; (32) 09-324-36-63; The International Festival of Theatre www.fdr.at; Jun 22-Jul 3. www.miramiro.be; Jul 21-24. “Butrinti 2000,” Siranda; (355) 4-2227403; www.butrinti2000.com; Jul 16-24. Komödienspiele Porcia, Momentum Festival, Spittal/Drau; (43) 4762-42020-20; Brussels; (32) 2-534-48-55; Australia www.komoedienspiele-porcia.at; www.momentum-festival.org; TBA. Jun 23-Aug 31. Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Salzburg Festival, Bosnia ANd HERzEgovina Adelaide; (61) 8-8216-8600; Salzburg; (43) 662-8045-500; www.adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au; Teatarfest Sarajevo, Sarajevo; www.salzburgfestival.com; Jul 27-Aug 30. Jun 10-25. (387) 33-442-958; www.tf.com.ba; May 21-29. Sommerszene, Salzburg; (43) 0662-843448; Brisbane Festival, www.sommerszene.net; Jun 23-Jul 14. BrazIL South Brisbane; (61) 7-3833-5400; www.brisbanefestival.com.au; Sep 3-24. Wiener Festwochen, Vienna; (43) 589-22-22; Festival Internacional de Londrina, Londrina; www.festwochen.at; May 13-Jun 19. (55) 43-3322-1787; www.filo.art.br; Jun 11-26. Darwin Festival, Darwin; (61) 8-8943-4200; www.darwinfestival.org.au; Aug 11-28. Festival Internacional de Teatro de Bonecos, bELgIUM Belo Horizonte; (55) 31-3411-2103; Austria Het Theaterfestival, www.festivaldebonecos.com.br; Brussels; (32) 03-248-28-28; Jun 9-19. Bregenz; (43) 5574-407-6; Bregenz Festival, www.theaterfestival.be; Aug 25-Sep 3. www.bregenzerfestspiele.com; Jul 20-Aug 21. Festival Internacional de Teatro Kunstenfestivaldesarts, de São José do Rio Preto, Festpiele Gutenstein, Brussels; (32) 2-226-45-79; www.kfda.be; São José do Rio Preto; (55) 17-3215-1770; Gutenstein; (43) 02634-72700; May 6-28. www.festivalriopreto.com.br; Jul 6-16. www.festspielegutenstein.at; Jul 8-Jul 24. 48 AMERICANTHEATRE MAY/JUNE11 compiLeD By Jessica Showers with Nicole Estvanik TAylor and Jessica LewiS josep aznar bULgARIA “Varna Summer” International Theatre shizUoka city, japan: As Japan rebuilds after the earthquake and tsunami, it’s apt Festival, Varna, Sofia; (359) 52-669-650; www.theatrefest-varna.org; Jun 1-12. that this year’s World Theatre Festival Shizuoka under Mt. Fuji features several CANAdA works incorporating revolution and reinvention. Take Bolívar, fragmentos de un sueño (pictured, with Omar Porras, Carlos Gutiérrez, Juanita Delgado, Zoraida Rojas, Erick Banff Summer Arts Festival, Banff, AB; (403) 762-6100; www.banffcentre.ca; Bongcam, Elio Seliano Patiño, Yeison Carrillo, Luis Carlos Celis, Andrés Rodríguez May-Aug. and Luis Eduardo Garzón). Written by Geneva-based Teatro Malandro’s William Carrefour International de Théâtre de Québec, Québec, QC; (418) 692-3131; Ospina and directed by Swiss-Colombian novelist Omar Porras, it commemorates www.carrefourtheatre.qc.ca; May 24-Jun 11. Latin America’s independence from Spain through the eyes of Simón Bolívar. In Gros Morne Theatre Festival, June, Tadashi Suzuki’s adaptation of La dame aux Camélias integrates 20 Taiwanese Cow Head, NL; (709) 639-7238; www.theatrenewfoundland.com; pop songs and other Asian cultural elements into Alexandre Dumas’s classic love May 26-Sep 17. story. And essays written by American novelist Harold Brodkey as he was dying International Theatre Festival of Mont- Laurier, Mont-Laurier, QC; (819) 440-2666; of AIDS inspire Italian actor Pippo Delbono’s Questo buio feroce, which combines www.doubledefi.qc.ca; Sep 8-14. words, art, music and dance executed by a cast of social outcasts—the homeless, the Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts and mentally disabled—in an exploration of life and death. —Showers Creativity, Toronto, ON; (416) 368-3100; www.luminato.com; Jun 10-19. MAY/JUNE11 AMERICANTHEATRE 49 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER FESTIVALS Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Ottawa, ON; (613) 947-7000 x830; www.magneticnorthfestival.ca; Jun. Montreal Infringement Festival, Montreal, QC; (514) 842-1467; www.infringementfestival.com/montreal; Jun 16-26. Ottawa International Children’s Theatre Festival, Ottawa, ON; (613) 241-0999; www.ottawachildrensfestival.ca; Jun 1-5. Québec City Summer Festival, Québec, QC; (888) 992-5200; www.infofestival.com; Jul 7-17. Shaw Festival, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON; (800) 511-SHAw; www.shawfest.com; Apr 7-oct 29. Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, ON; (800) 567-1600; www.stratfordfestival.ca; Apr 16-oct 28. SummerWorks Theatre Festival, Toronto, ON; (416) 628-8216; www.summerworks.ca; noek Luyten Aug 4-14. a Uno Festival of Solo Performance, varna and Sofia, bulgaria: June’s “Varna Summer” International Theatre Festival program Victoria, BC; (250) 383-2663; is stretched with tension, mental and physical. Bulgaria’s Galin Stoev directs a contemporary version www.intrepidtheatre.com; May 19-29. of Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s Life Is a Dream (pictured), about the struggle to change a son’s destiny. Vancouver Fringe Festival, Vancouver, BC; CONTIGO features the corporal manipulations of a choreographer and a Chinese pole acrobat from (604) 257-0350; www.vancouverfringe.com; Sep 8-18. Franco-Portuguese circus company O Ultimo Momento. And, in Rankefod, Danish dance artist Kitt Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival, Victoria, BC; Johnson evokes The Origin of Species with the shifting shapes of her body. —Showers (250) 383-2663; www.intrepidtheatre.com; Aug 25-Sep 4. Czech REpUbLIC Chorlton Arts Festival, Manchester; (44) 7794-860-305; Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival, Mezinarodni Festival Divadlo Theatre, www.chorltonartsfestival.com; winnipeg, MB; (204) 942-6537; Pilsen; (420) 377-227-548; May 19-30. www.winnipegfringe.com; Jul 13-24. www.festivaltheatre.cz; Sep 14-22. City of London Festival, London; CApE VERdE Prague Fringe Festival, Prague; (44) 20-7583-3585; www.colf.org; [email protected]; www.praguefringe.com; Jun 26-Jul 16. May 27-Jun 4. Festival Mindelact, ilha de S. Vicente; National Theatre: Watch This Space Festival, (238) 232-41-11; www.mindelact.com; World Festival of Puppet Art Prague, London; (44) 20-7452-3000; TBA. Prague; (420) 224-24-28-12; www.nt-online.org/wts; Jul 1-Sep 11. www.wap-prague.org; May 30-Jun 5. ColombIA Sidmouth International Festival, dENMARk Devon; (44) 1395-578627; International Theatre Festival for Peace, www.sidmouthfolkweek.co.uk; Barrancabermeja; (57) 7-321-234-0594; Busbjerg Spillene, Bjerringbro; Jul 29-Aug 5. www.festival.etpbarranca.org; May 21-29. (45) 86-68-37-77; www.busbjerg.dk; Stockton International Riverside Festival, Jun 16-26. Croatia Stockton on Tees; (44) 79224-52239; Shakespeare at Hamlet’s Castle, www.sirf.co.uk; Aug 3-7. Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Dubrovnik; Helsingør; (45) 4921-6979; XTRAX Showcase (Zircus Plus/Mintfest), (385) 20-326-100; www.dubrovnik-festival.hr; www.hamletscenen.dk; Aug 3-12. Manchester; (44) 161-227-8383; Jul 10-Aug 25. www.xtrax.org.uk; Jul 15-17, Sep 2-4. Eurokaz, Zagreb; (385) 1-4847-856; EgypT www.eurokaz.hr; Jun 27-Jul 5. Cairo International Festival for Experimental Estonia Theatre, Cairo; [email protected]; International Children’s Festival, Sibenik; Tallinn Treff Festival, Tallinn; www.cdf-eg.org/English/exp_theater/index_e. (385) 22-21-31-23; www.mdf-sibenik.com; (372) 6679-555; www.nukuteater.ee/eng/treff; htm; TBA. Jun 18-Jul 2. May 28-Jun 1. International Puppet Theatre Festival (PIF), ENgLANd Zagreb; (385) 1-66-01-626; FINLANd www.public.carnet.hr/pif-festival; 24:7 Theatre Festival, Helsinki Festival, Helsinki; Jun 5-11. Manchester; (44) 845-408-4101; (358) 9-61-26-5100; www.helsinkifestival.fi; www.247theatrefestival.co.uk; International Small Scenes Theatre Festival Aug 19-Sep 4. Jul 21-29. Rijeka, Rijeka; (385) 51-377-328; Jyväskylä Festival, Jyväskylä; www.theatrefestival-rijeka.hr; Brighton; Brighton Festival, (358) 10-4394-220; www.jyvaskylankesa.fi; May 3-8. (44) 1273-709709; www.brightonfestival.org; Jun 12-17. May 2-25. Cyprus Tampere Theatre Festival, Tampere; Brightonfestival Fringe, (358) 3-222-8536; www.teatterikesa.fi; Brighton; (44) 1273-764900; International Festival of Ancient Greek Aug 1-7. Drama, Nicosia; (357) 22-674-920; www.brightonfestivalfringe.org.uk; www.cyprus-theatre-iti.org; Jul. May 7-30. 50 AMERICANTHEATRE MAY/JUNE11 POSzt, Pécs; (36) 72-512-671; www.poszt.com; Jun 9-18. ICELANd artFart Performance Festival, Reykjavík; (354) 663-9444; www.artfart.is; TBA. Reykjavik Arts Festival, Reykjavik; (354) 561-2444; www.artfest.is; May 20-Jun 5. INdIA Hyderabad Theatre and Short-Film Festival, Hyderabad; (91) 9885288982; www.hyderabadtheatrefestival.in; TBA. INdonesia Bali Arts Festival, Bali; (62) 361-235600; www.baliartsfestival.com; Jun 11-Jul 9. Dusko Mi Dusko IRELANd L janic Galway Arts Festival, Galway; (353) 91-509700; www.galwayartsfestival.com; Jul 11-24. zAgreb, croatia: This summer, Eurokaz Festival probes deep into the past and far into the future. International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival, Branko Brezovec directs renowned Croatian writer Miroslav Krleza’s Salome (pictured), which alters Dublin; (353) 87-6573732; www.gaytheatre.ie; Salome’s role in John the Baptist’s murder. More, more, more…future, by Congo-born Faustin Linyekula’s May 2-15. Studios Kabako, questions the greed of past generations and looks forward with hope through Con- Kilkenny Arts Festival, kilkenny; golese pop and traditional rhythms. And the group Blitz, from Greece, experiments with the realm (353) 56-775-2175; www.kilkennyarts.ie; Aug 5-14. between film and theatre inCinemascope , about the last 10 days of the world. —Showers Israel France International Mai Festival, wiesbaden; (49) 611-13-23-25; www.maifestspiele.de; International Festival of Puppet Theatre, Biennale Internationale des Arts de la Apr 30-May 31. Jerusalem; (972) 02-5618514; Marionnette, Paris, Pantin, Blanc-Mesnil, International Youth Theatre Festival www.traintheater.co.il/puppets_festival; Combs-la Ville, Cergy Pontoise, Noisy-le-Sec; Aug 14-19.
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