
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/calendarofiohnDaOOusliuoft JOHN PAUL JONES original butt by Houdon m »»»«• ;>>is.>iL..r >' Ih* P.. '.rv» ,. , mr Ac*H«m* al Fm* ArU, Phll«d«lphia. S*-' Septafnb*' -'L mo. US LIBRARY OF PONGRESS .^yj/.^* A CALKXDAK or JOHiN PALL JONES MANUSCRIPTS IN THK LTBKAH^ OF CONGRESS romplliHl iiniler tlu- dlmilon of CHARLKS HKXRY LINCOLN. I'H. D.. OF THE DIVISION OF MANrs<.:RIPT8 WASHINGTON OOVKRNMENT PRINTING OKKICE 190 3 . i TABL?: OF CONTENTS. fVtr. Introduction 5 Al)t>n'vi«tii>n» eiiiploytHl 7 t'alfiular of I'aiil .loni-c iiiuniimTipts it Index of nanien 19ft 3 INTl{()I)l'(TI()N. This voliiUK' is 11 caU'iular of the .lohii Puui Jones Manusoripts in the Lihniry of Conffress. It inrhides Ss:i entries. It is iirrnnjfed chroiiolojiicallv. In tiie case of manuscripts that have hecn published reference is made to the printed «'opy, and these d<M'unients. heinj; matie available in this niaiiiier, have been calendared but briefly. The names of all jMTsons mentioned in these as well a.s in the tinpul)lishe<l manuscript.s are. however, included in the jjeneral index of names. The manuscripts calendared are a part of the Peter Force Collection purchased by the national jfovcnuueiit in 1SH7. .lohn Paul Jones died in 17!i*J. Hy his will, dated the day of his death, all his {upors were left to his sisti'rs and their childn-n. Shortly after Jones's decease his sister. Mrs. ,Iane Taylor, sent such of his pajw-rs as Ik'sI iilustnited his services in the War of tiu' American Hevolution to RoVjert Hyslop, a solicitor of New York. .Vlthouffh consideriiifr them of little value, Mr. Hyslop retained them until his death, when they passed into the hands of a tradesman of that <-ity. From this dealer they were act|uired by Mr. Georjre \. Ward, who recofrni/ed somethinjf of their value. Learninjif of their existence in 1S'J4. Col. rlolin lIcMirv Sher- burne, Kejjistrar of the Xav}', at once set al)out the compilation of his Life of .lones, published in IS:?.'), in which he printed many of his letters. The papers afterwards came into the posses>i<in of Peter Force, and from him were purcha.sed by Conjrress and placed in the Library as stated above. One of the eif.rht busts sent to America in 17SS and '* Pre.sented by Paid .lones to Maj. (Jen. Wm. Irvine" is now in the {K)sse.ssion of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. To its courtesy the Libniry of Confjress is indebted for the photojfraph from which was ri>pn>- duced the half-tone enjjniving which forms the fro.itispiece of this i-alendar. Sijjniticant anionjj the manuscrij)ts calendared are the letters passing; between Jones, Franklin, and the French Court durinjf 1778 and 177S>. 5 »> INTRODUCTION Thc!*e letters g'lVQ u full record of the oix»ration.s of Jones in European watorw. They are jmrticulnrly viihmttlc from thoir tuMnfj in larfjc part autograph drafts, thus siiowin^ tho writer's original thoujjht, with the later inodilinitionH made for i-easona of iH)iitical expediency. The accounts of naval enjpijjenients submitted l>y .Jones to the representa- tives of his own (lovcrnment and the narrative of his exjH'riences during,' the American Revolution jJreiMired for presentation to Ix)uiH XVI of France are other notable manuscripts in tin* collection. CHAU1.K.S Henuv Lincoln, Amtixtiitit ill Charge, Dlvlvioti <>/' MitiitJtcri^pt«. Hekbkkt Putnam. Li'hriin'tni of Cont/ntni. Washington, I). C, March 31, 11K»3. ABBREVIATIONS EMI'LoVKD. A. D Autotrraph document. A. D. S Aiitiiiiraph (iocuinent »i(rne<l. D. 8 I>i><'uiin'tit xii;iit>i1. A. L. Autci);rii[i)i li'tter. A. L. S Viitiittnipli IftttT f igtM-tl. A. N. S AutoKrapli iiott- Mifiiol. [ ] Iiifi)rumtioii Mupplieil, ??? Donlitful reading, or queried information Huppiieil. ••* OmisMious. KRKA.TA. On ptgefl, Une for 5, "Cullan du Chasse" read "Cultau du Chauee" [Cou- tMD de Chaaee]. On page line for 46, 7, "AutoRraph draft Hipied" rwul "Autogmpli draft." John Paul Jones Calendar. [1775.] R«ad, [John K.] Phiinician, (imirliUiwl <'ountij, Virginin. ('i(>0(!lilan(l [Oit i:M County. L^tterto John [Paul] Jonw, [I'liiladc'lphia.] No reply to hit* laxt two letters; wiBhcs letters to Im> B<l(lre>«e<l to him in eare of inantmer of "Contititutional fxwt offiiv"; wrote him by Ct>l. [Tlnuiuif'.'] JeBerwin re«|iiet>tini{ the piin-haiw nf a "Ciillau ila('hu}<«'" as he in now "a military man." AiMntw*')!: "Care of Mr. David Sproat." .V. I.. S. 1 p. «". Miitilntcd. I77ti. [Jones, John I'anl.] I't l.wnl., I. >. .V •Aljrnl." Aljr.<l, [^at wa/J Mar. 17- Table uf Otwrvationc. Emlome)! by Jones: " Memorandiitn of Apr. 'i. (lays work on the Alfred." Autograph ilraft. 1 p. F*. [177«.] [Jones, John Paul.] /W LieiU., V. S. S. "Al/rfil." [New Iximlon, Con- [Apr. 14.] mvticut.] Letter [to Ji>!<eph Hewes, I'hilailelphia.] KxrnswM for not writing sooner; met the lliirmi ami the H'fiji/> from Mary- land at Ca(Hf of Pelaware: Heet put to nea Feb. 17th; [«rt il ('om|iany with the llnrmt auil the h'lii in a |»le; anehore<l at .\bat'o, Bahama, .Mar. li't; took pilotx from a couple of New I'roviilence kIoojxi on the way; landing; of Capt. [Samuel] Nicho- las and capture of New Providence; remained there until the 17th ult.; took Governor [Brown] and "two more tJentn." primn- ers; then departed for the "Continent"; arrive<l at BI(H-k Island .'ith inst.; captured one of ('apt. [John?] Wallace's tenders, the Hiiirke and the Immb brij; tiullnn on the way; accotmt of the cnpi»;ement with the Ulantjuir will l)e found in theenclose<I extract frrim the Alfred's lojt; Conuuander-iii-chief [K.s«'k lIo[ikins] is resi>ected in the fleet; comments ui>on the csprit-<le-cori>s; fleet has h)een re-enforced by 200 men; is ready for another enterprise; is alHUit to sail for Rho<le Island; ships to Ih) cleane<l at Provi- dence. Autograph draft. 4 pp. F". PrliiU-d In part: Sherburne, Lift af John PtitUJontt, N. Y.,1(<M. pp. 12-14. [1770.] [Jones, John Paul.] IM ImhI., V. S. S. "Alfred." [New I^ndon, Gon- [.Vpr. 14.] iiccticut.] "Memorandum of the engagement with the Gln»- ;;"((." [.Vpr. fith] Clcare<l ship for action at 2 a. m.; XheUUugoxv signalle<i for a.-^'i.-'tantv; "Commmlore" [t*ek Hopkins] was unwilling to continue action; the ((iM disabletl; Capt. [John Burroughs Hopkins] dangerously wounded; losses on the''"'»rf and the Alfred: live men lost from latter vessel; seven men wounde<I. Autograph draft. 1 p. P. [KnclosiNi in pn-cetling dcH'ument.] I>rinti-<l In part: Maclajr, Hitl. V. S. Sary. N. Y., tti!«, I Ml. Stu-rburoe, Lit' HfJohn PnulJnnn. N. Y.. 1861, p. 14. 9 10 LIBRARY OK CONOBES.S. 1776. Tbomaa, Jainw. Hunnrr, V. & S. "Alfred." [New Lomion, Connecti- Apr. 1<V cut.] U'tter to l-ieiit. [John] Paul Jones. A»ki< ]>anlon (or niis- oon<lui-t an<l release from cuntiuement. A. I.. S. 1 p. (!) x 8 inrhes. 1776. United 8tat««, C'ontinental Congrew. "la t'ongress," [Pliila<li>l|>)iia.] Apr. 23. Kt-wilve ap|H>intin); Capt. John Bnulfonl, .Xjjent for prizw, Moiwa- cliUHettJ'; Daniel Tillin){ha»<t for UIukIi' l!<lanil: Nathaniel Shaw, jr., for Connei-ticut ; Jaroh Van Zantz for New York; John Nixon anil John Ma.xwell Neshitt for I'ennnylvuniu; William Jjix for Mar>-Umi; John Tazewell for Virginia; Corneliiw Hornet [Har- nett] for Wilmington, Kicharil Kills for Newljern, and Rol)ert Smith for Rlentown, North Carolina; iwwer (fiven forap|Knnting; ileiMities. "By Order of the Commandr. in Chief Saml. Lyon Secy." A. D. 8. of Lyon. 1 p. P. Printed: Jounalt of Omgrat of (riven <J«te. 1776. [Hopkins, Eaek.] Commandtr-in-chief, V.S, navy. Providem*, [Rho<le May 1. Islanil.] Onler to [Lieut.] John P[aul] Jones. Commands Jones to atten<l the court martial of [Capt.] Abraham Whipple to l)e held on the Alfrid. "By Order of the Commander-in-Chief, Sani'l Lyon, Secy." A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. 4x8 inches. 1776. [Hopkins, t^k.] Commnnder-in-chiff, I'. S. nary. Providence, [Rhode May 7 Island.] Orderto [Lieut. ] John P[aul] Jones. Commands Jones to attend the court martial of Capt. John Hazard to Ite held on the Alfred. "By Order of the Commander in Chief, Sam'l Lyon, Pecy." A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. 4x8 inches. 1776. [Jones, John Paul.] Jgt LietU., commanding ('. S. tlonp " I'rovidtnce." May 19. New York. Letter [to Joseph Hewes,] Philadelphia. Fearsmis- carriage of last letter to him in care of [David] Sproat; letter oon- taine<i account of action betwi-en the Al/red and the Glaiymr; Capt. [David?] I,enox [Lennox] from Philailelphia "hath no account of any letters from nie to his Jincle, Mr. Sproat"; encloses min- utes of courts martial held on the Alfred; t<x)k commaml of the I'roridfnct' May lOtli; arriveil at New York with over a hundred men exclusive of oflicers; men were loaned to the fleet by Gen. [(ieorge] Washington; the .l[ii(/rf<i] I)nrin ami the Cahot are at Rhole Island ready to sail; owing to t>ad health of seamen it is impossible to man the Alfred and Coliimliiu; landed G[eorge] W[a»hington's] 8<^ildiers; is trying to get seamen t«i man the Prori- denre; opinion resjH-cting general inquiry as to the engagement with the (iliimjoir; <lesire.-< u general ini|uiry into the abilities of officers in the navy; accepteil command iif the I'roridejur owing to disagreeable tem|H*r of late commander; plai-es little confidence in n'fMirts that oimmittws will ap|>oint nflicers otherthan captains for new shifw; surprimij at his seniority being questioueil; cx\>e- rience in the navy; the l^ruridmce in nee<l of rejmirs; relies on interest [of liewes] to get iiim one of the new ships; returns to Khr¥le Islanil soon; the C-fjmmoflore [Esek Hopkins] referred him til Cungrees as to rank; the (^tihimhim was leaving and the Alfred arriving when he sailiil from Providence; H«'nds this letter by "CummiMliire" [ ] Steward; hope« for an early reply.
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