TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR th MEETING: 28 MARCH 1969 NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/ 1469) , . , . , . , . , . Tribute to the memory of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, former President of the United States of America . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . Adoption of the Agenda . , , . , . ., . , . The situation in the Middle East: Letter dated 26 March 1969 from the Permanent Representative of Jordan addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/91 13) . , . 4 The situation in the Middle East: Letter dated 27 March 1969 from the Permanent Representative of Israel addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/91 14) . 4 s/W. 1469 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/. .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINTH MEETING Held in New York on Friday, 28 March 1969, at 3.30 p.m. President: Mr. Kgroly CSATORDAY (Hungary). paid tribute to the memory of General Dwight D. Eisen- hower, former President and great war-time leader of the Present: The representatives of the following States: United States. On behalf of Security Council wish to Algeria, China, Colombia, Finland, France, Hungary, Nepal, extend deepest sympathy to the Government and people Pakistan, Paraguay, Senegal, Spain, Union of Soviet Social- of the United States upon their great loss. Kindly convey ist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and expressions of deepest sympathy to Mrs. Eisenhower and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Zambia. her family. Highest consideration. Provisional agenda (WAgendall469) (Signed) Kkoly Csatorday President of the Security Couhcil” 1. Adoption of the agenda. 5. In the absence of objection, it is so decided and I shall 2, The situation in the Middle East: proceed accordingly. Letter dated 26 March 1969 from the Permanent Representative of Jordan addressed to the President of 6, The YRESIDENT: I now call on our distinguished the Security Council (S/9 113). Secretary-General. 3. The situation in the Middle East: 7. The SECRETARY-GENERAL: As soon as I received ’ Letter dated 27 March 1969 from the Permanent the sad news of the passing of General Dwight D. Eisen- Representative of Israel addrqssed to the President of hower, I sent the following messageto Mrs. Eisenhower: the Security Council (S/91 14). “I have learned with deep sorrow of your husband’s death and I extend to you my deep sympathy in your Tribute to the memory of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, great loss. former President of the United States of America “I first met President Eisenhower in Washington in July 1, The PRESIDENT: It is with deep sadness that we have 1955, and my subsequent contacts with him strengthened learned of the death this morning of General Dwight the very high personal regard in which I had always held D, Eisenhower, the former President of the United States of him. He was one of the great leaders of our times, both in America, an eminent wqrld statesman and war-time leader war and in peace. I admired him particularly for his whose gallant struggle for life has been followed by all with concern for the welfare of people everywhere in the concern and admiration. world, for his moderation and for his wisdom. He was a strong and practical supporter of the United Nations, 2. I should like to ask the members of the Council to rise where he is remembered especially for his initiative in with me and observe a minute of silence in tribute to his promoting international co-operation in the peaceful uses memory. of atomic energy. The members of the Council stood and observed a “Please accept my condolences at the passing of this minute’s silence. great man.” 3, The PRESIDENT: It is my intention, if the Council 8. With your permission, Mr. President, I wish to elaborate agrees, to send a telegram on its behalf to the Secretary of on that message. State of the United States expressing the Council’s tribute to General Eisenhower and asking him to convey our 9. I have learned with profound sorrow of the death of condolences to the Government of the United States and to President Eisenhower. President Eisenhower had a central the famiIy of the former President, and unique role in the history of our times, both in war and in peace. To his world renown as one of the great military 4. The text of the telegram reads as follows: leaders of World War II he added, in two terms as President of the United States, a new and glorious chapter as a “Excellency, statesman of peace. “Have honour inform you that at meeting United 10. Both in war and in peace Dwight Eisenhower showed a Nations Security Council held this afternoon, members broad humanitarianism and a persistent desire for reason- 1 able and humane solutions of the world’s problems. To put diplomacy which marked his outstanding success as the it in the simplest terms, he was a good man whose goodness leader of the Allied forces made him a natural choice for was evident to all. the h@est,post in his country. Having made his name in war, he is nevertheless remembered above all as a man of 11. Throughout his two terms in the White House, peace. He was a true and well-loved friend of my country. President Eisenhower was a consistent and enlightened The British people will not forget “Ike”. supporter of the United Nations. This support was expressed not only in statements and policies but also, as in 16. Mr. SOLANO LOPEZ (Paraguay) (translated frow 1956, in courageous support of action through the United Spanish): I should like to add a few words to those spoken Nations, and in an active personal interest which was by you, Mr. President, on behalf of the Council at the manifested particularly in visits, both formal and informal, beginning of this afternoon’s meeting and to the contents to the Headquarters of the United Nations. of the telegram which you have sent. 12. Certainly President Eisenhower’s most unique contri- 17. The death today of General Dwight D. Eisenhower is a bution to the work of the United Nations was the basic idea sad loss to his great country, the United States of Americ,a, elaborated in his electrifying address to the General and to all men who love freedom, peace and justice. His Assembly on 8 December 19531 in which he appealed for personality as a statesman and a soldier of universal stature international action to harness the newly developing power is irrevocably linked to contemporary history, and, in of the atom for peaceful uses. This far-sighted proposal, particular, to the great victory which only two decades ago coming as it did from the Head of State of a major atomic freed the world from the dangerous evil of nazism. All Power, gave the concept of international co-operation a peoples of the world are indebted to him for his greatness new direction and dimension. Nor was it merely a high- and for all that he did. minded proposal contained in a historic speech. The United Nations, by its action in following up President Eisen- 18. At this hour of universal grief, and within the bower’s initiative, embarked upon one of the most success- necessarily narrow limits of an improvised statement, it is ful enterprises in its history. One of the highlights of this not for me to eulogize him. All I shall say, therefore, is that enterprise was the series of great international conferences we bow our heads in respectful memory of this great soldier on the peaceful uses of atomic energy, at the first of which, and leader who has left us. On behalf of the people and in 1955, the nuclear scientists of the world met freely, for Government of the Republic of Paraguay, we ask the the first time since World War II, to exchange and discuss delegation of the United States of America in this Council the mysteries of their craft. Another was the setting-up of to accept this humble testimony of our most sincere the International Atomic Energy Agency. feelings of sorrow. 13. In mourning the passing of President Eisenhower, I 19. Mr. SHAH1 (Pakistan): On behalf of the delegation of remember with inspiration his many achievements and his Pakistan I join my colleagues in conveying our most great influence for good in the world. profound sympathy to Mr. Yost and the members of tffie United States delegation on the passing away of that great 14. Mr. BERARD (France) (translated from Freach): On American, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. We will cherish behalf of my delegation, my Government and the entire his memory not only as a distinguished soldier and architect French people, I should like to tell our United States of peace, but also as a great friend of Pakistan. colleague with what deep emotion my country shares the sorrow of the United States. It is at such times of trial that 20. It would be impossible in a short statement to pay the friendship which has united France and the United tribute to his manifold achievements.
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