PITTSBURGH HISTORY & LANDMARKS FOUNDATION oNE STATION SQUARE, SUITE 450 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 -II7 O Address Correction Requested Published for the members of the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation No. 127 January 1993 a A r c hit e cture Aft e r Richards o n a Station Square and a New Bridge a A Letter to Our Members: Looking Back on 1992 Pittsburgh Architecture: Emergent Architecture The P r o s ect of.oo On Ocøber 19, 1992, the trustees of Preservation Fund Authority of Pittsburgh, and the local a Portable Pittsburgh a th,e Pitæburgh Hßøry & lnndntarlæ Stanley Lowe, director of Land- Department of Housing and Urban Landmark Surv ivors video marks' Preservation Fund, will: Development to foster more and better a Architecture: The Building Art exhibit Foundation approu ed, the þIlowing inner-city restoration programs and a Ar c hit e c t s - Ìn- t he - S c ho o I s program o work with lending institutions to aug- worlt planfor the land,marlx sffiin affordable housing development projects a slide shows ment the program assets of Landmarks' work with Landmarks and lending a private group tours 1993. Program ffir'ts continue to Preservation Fund institutions to offer summer intern . work with the Borough of Wilkinsburg The highpoint of the year will be the concentrate on historic prcperty res- opportunities with neighborhood/ to revitalize an abandoned school for Hands-On History Festtval in the toration an d, neighborh,ood, assistarrce community groups area youths Station Square Festival tent on May 8. through La.ndnnrl$' Preseru ation . provide on-going assistance to Preserva- Education & Events Hundreds of school students will exhibit projects relating to Pittsburgh's Fund,; public ad,aocacy; hßøric preser- tion Fund projects supported in previ- Diane DeNardo, director of educa- and architecture, compete the ous years on the North Side and South tion and marketing since 1989, will be history in aatínn ed,u,catinn; and, thc d,eueLop- qt Side, in Homewood-Brushton, and in resigning from Landmarks on January Gr e P it t sbur gh Br idge - Building and participate in hands-on mcnt of Sntinn Squarg Riuerpørk, Bloomfield-Garfìeld 15. (She is expecting her hrst child in Contest, o provide administrative and technical activities. and, the Riaerwalk of Indtstriul March.) Diane did an excellent job as assistance to the Pittsburgh Community Landmarks' education director, and we We plan tc offer the follov,'ing tours Artífocx. Program priorities and goals Reinvestment Group. (PCRG is a coali- all wish her the best. Louise Sturgess, and special events in 1993: in 1993 are as foll,ows: tion of 25 community organizations.) executive director, Mary Lu Denny, a historic house and garden tour in . create and administer through Land- director of membership services, and March in Savannah, Georgia marks a lodmoderate PCRG closing- many volunteers will continue to a membership reception in April in our cost technical- and financial-assistance provide a full agenda ofeducational offices and library and atthe Corner- program for single female heads of programs and resources for schools and stone store at Station Square households community groups featuring Pittsburgh walking tours o of East Allegheny, advocate that lending institutions make history and architecture. Allegheny West, Wilkinsburg, Arsenal loan funds available to low-income In 1993, our education staff will offer Park in Lawrenceville, Aspinwall, and . inner-city neighborhoods six in-service courses through the Manchester serve on l0 Pittsburgh community Allegheny Intermediate Unit; three bus tours to Wellsburg, West Virginia, development advisory boards, including adult continuing education courses and to South Fork near Johnstown Integra, Pittsburgh National, Mellon, through Pitt's Informal Program; two book receptions and lectures for Equibank, and Dollar . banks summer programs for families; and the authors Margaret Henderson Floyd, work with the Department of City following resources for schools and Clyde Hare, and Martin Aurand Planning, the Urban Redevelopment community groups: (Continued on page 12) _ ":u Page 2 PHLF News January 1993 ffiNEWS [\ew Members i" 1992 J-ust joined over 200 people the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation in 1992. THINK YoU, we greatly appreciate their support and welcome their participation in our special events, education programs, and historic preservation programs. Landmarki members create a strong collective voice in support of históric preservâtion in the COnpoRATE MEMBERS Pittsburgh region. John Anania Your contributions in 1992 helped the pittsburgh William H. Henneman Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Quasey Mr. & Mrs. William Barnes James H. Herndon, M.D. Ms. Mary Belle Rawlings History Ec Landmarks Foundarion: Sanford Baskind Ms. Kathie Herron Ms. Jane L. Rectenwald Beaver County Invention Norman Hochendoner Mr. & Mrs. William Houston Reed a TEACH more than 10,000 students, reachers, and adults Convention Ms. Marilyn Holt & Family Ms. Rachel Kirk Bobo Ms. Catherine Houska Miss Margaret about Pittsburgh's history and architecture Rees & Family M¡s. Milton G. Hulme, Jr. Frank D. Reese Ms. Nancy Bohr BEGIN the restoration of rwo blocks of renant-owned low- Mr. & Mrs. Don Hulse & Familv' Mrs. Virginia Gist Renberg Ms. Lisa Bontempo Edward F. Jacob, Jr. & Family Mrs. Bonnie Renton to-moderate-income historic housing place on Brighton on Ms. Ann Boss Mrs. Monika Jacobs & Family Mrs. Mildred E. Rickel Pittsburgh's North Side Ms. Margery Boyle Ms. Elizabeth K. Johnson Randy Roth F¡ank R. Braden, Jr. M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Ms. Jean D. Sadworth a PROVIDE technical assisrance to the 25 neighborhood & Family Ms. Janey Jones St. Anthony's Chapel Edwa¡d B. Brandt organizations that are members of the Pittsburgh Commu- Mr. & Mrs. Greg Juran & Family Sr. Bede School Ms. Mary Lou Braue¡ Ms. Brenda J. Kagle St. Mau¡ice School nity Reinvestment Group (PCRG) Thomas O. Brigham Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ka¡uth. Jr. Ms. Louise M. Saylor Louis B. Brody Ms. Virginìa a WORK with the PCRG to obtain $500 million in bank loan Kaulman Robert Schuler Ms. Rosemarye Bunting Vagel Keller Craig Scott commitments for restoring housing and commercial Ms. Sue Burton James M. Kelly Douglas Scott Ms. Stella C. Cafaro buildings in low-to-moderare income neighborhoods Ms. Betty Kent Ms. Linda Scott Ms. Linda Carmany Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ker¡ Jr. Mrs. Frank L. Seamans COMPLETE the African-American Historic Site Survey, in Christopher D. Carr Thomas V{ Kirby Ms. Kathleen Vincent Sechler Robert Chase Ms. Jane M. Koepp cooperation with Landmarks Design Associates, document- Ms. Alice Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Chiodo Ms. Carol Kowal1 Ms. Velma Sharpsky ing 300 significant sites in Allegheny County & Family Jeffrey P. Krainess Ms. Susan Sherman Ms. Eleanor H. Coe Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kuhn Ms. a DE\IELOP a major preservation library for Landmarks, Johanna Sholder Berna¡d L. Cohen Ms. Ka¡en Kuklinski Sister of St. F¡ancis of Millvale members and friends Mary M. Colburn, M.D. Mr. & M¡s. Frank Kyes Don A. Smith M¡. & Mrs. Gerald P. Combe¡ Ms. Sally I. Lagerbasch Mr. & a CONTRIBUTE ro the Greater Pittsburgh Mrs. Ronald E. Smith economy and & Family Lawrenceville Historical Society Ms. Liz Smithson Louis visitor industry through Station Square, a project of the C. Corbus M¡. & M¡s. John Fiske Lazo Mr. & Mrs. Leo Spaeder, Jr Dr. Sundra Cornetti Bernard J. Liff, FAIA & Family Pittsburgh History Landmarks & Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Croushore John Lubinski Ms. Lyndia Spanard & Family Stephen Lund Mr. & Mrs. David Spencer James J. Crowley Anthony L. Lupkowski Ms. Helen Spirnak 1,992 CoRpoRATE MsMssns Ronald G. C¡uikshank Ms. Charlene Mahon & Family Ms. Elizabeth A. Stang Mrs. Andrew Cummins Mrs. Terry C. Mal Ms. Virginia A. Stang Benefactors Partners (continued) Robert J. Cushman Ms. Mary Malli Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Stanley Allegheny General Hospital Carlow College M¡. & Mrs. Daniel J. Deady Ms. Millicent Ma¡ino Mr. & Mrs. James M. Stark Ms. Bell Atlantic Mobil Svstems Chubb Group of Insurance Laurie L. Del Frate Ms. Agnes Markoff Ms. Linda Steranchak & Family Mrs. Blue Cross of Western Companies Dita Dyck Mr. & Mrs. William Markus Mrs. Ernest A. Stem Ms. Beverly DiPaolo Pennsylvania Figg Engineering A. Robert Marschik Miss Miidred M. Stevenson Ms. Cìndy Dìxon Ms. Velma R. Martiner Conti Environmental First South Savings Ec Loan Ms. Lucy Stewart Ms. Steffi Domike & Family Ms. Martha S. Martinez Dollar Bank Great American Federal Ms. Carol Campbell Swinston Ms. Ma¡ie W. Donahue Ms. Jane P. Mazur Earth Science Consultants HDR Engineering, Inc. Ms. M. VirginiaSwisher Ms. D.S. D¡eela¡d Miss Marion L. McCullough Mrs. Albert Tannler Pittsburgh High Tech Council Frank P. Hess Company, Inc. & Ms. Ricarda L Dudek Mr. & Mrs. F.C. McDonald Mrs. Rose Tarasi Pittsburgh Penguins Hawbaker Communications S. Robert K. Earl Miles McGoff Ms. Margaret Thomas Hockey Club Johnson & Higgins of PA, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Edgar Ms. Catherine D. McKinley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Thompson Pittsburgh Steelers Sports, Inc. Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Ms. Marilyn Erwin Ms. Catherine McMichael James Tinnemeyer, Jr. Russell, Rea, Zappala Ec LCI International Margaret & Stanley Ewing, lnc. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Merry Ms. Jean Torrey Gomulka Landmarks Design Associates Mr. & Mrs. David Fawcett Joel R. Mille¡ Robert K. Toward SmithKline Beecham C.B. Metaltech Ms. Mary Anne Ference Ms. Rosemary S. Miller Scott Truex, AICP TCI of Pennsylvania, Inc. North Side Bank Ms. Kathleen G. Fleming Michael R. Minoski Jack Urbani ParkerlHunter, Inc. Ms. Marilyn L. Jezik Francis Ms. Debo¡ah Mitchell Ms. Dina Vargo Patrons Pittsburgh Institute of Ms. Patricia R. Fritz Mon Valley Travel Richard M. Voelker Allegheny Business News Aeronautics Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Funtal Ms. Mary-Lou Moore Mark Wachter Armstrong Group of Pittsburgh Pirates & Family Moorhead Tower T.O.P.S. Dennis M. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Funtal Companies Point Park College Mother olSorrow School Eric V.
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