Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics

Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics

Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics Chakrit Pongkitivanichkul Khon Kaen University Chiang Mai University, 3 July 2019 "ig Questions ∙ What is the universe made of& ∙ What holds the% together& What is the interaction 'et(een the% ∙ What is the origin of the Universe& Ho( is it going to end& What is the universe made of& ∙ As of no(, our scienti+c knowledge spans across orders of %agnitude Cosmic Eye (Original HD Landscape Version) -rontier of kno(ledge ∙ -ro% the cosmological to ato%ic scale, each layer is 'uilt fro% a set of smaller 'uilding 'locks .ur Lego pieces 0 atoms ∙ All %atters is co%,osed of atoms ∙ A core 0 ,rotons 1 neutrons ∙ 2lectrons are or'iting around ∙ A di3erent nu%'er of ,rotons, neutrons, and electrons exhi'its di3erent chemical ,roperties ∙ Co%'ining (ith ,hysics of ho( charged ,articles interact (ith ,hoton, any ,heno%ena in %aterial science, che%istry can 'e calculated and tested5 .ur tools to study ele%entary particles Conservation laws ∙ Conservation of energy ∙ Conservation of electric charge ∙ Conservation of momentu% ∙ Conservation of s,in & angular momentu% ∙ Conservation of a quantum nu%'er 8irac’s theory of electron ∙ :oughly s,eaking, 2instein9s dispersion relation ad%its a negative energy solution 0; Co%,lete 'reaking do(n of ,hysical (orld ∙ Dirac’s e7uation 0 an attem,t to use 7uantu% %echanics (ith relativistic ,articles 0 linearisation the Ha%iltonian o,erator ∙ <he solution can still 'e negative 'ut there’s a (ay out 8irac sea - Positron ∙ <he ,article (as discovered from cosmic ray ,assing a cloud cha%'er (C5 Anderson? ∙ <he new ,article has o,,osite charge 'ut si%ilar %ass to electron @ ,ositron Missing energy fro% 'eta decay ∙ 2nergy is not balanced + s,in is not balanced Pauli’s hy,othetical particle ∙ $5 Pauli > !30) ,ro,osed that the +nal ,roducts should include a (eakly interacting (neutral) ,article (hich carries %o%entu%, energy, and spin a(ay — ‘neutrino’ ∙ Neutrino %ust 'e very light, electrically neutral, and has a C2 spin ∙ 25 -er%i > !34) constructed a theory of (eak nuclear interaction (hich is si%ilar to electrodyna%ics Catching a ghost ∙ <he existence of neutrinos (as con+r%ed 'y Co(an and :eines’ > !EF? ∙ <he nuclear reactor is the source of neutrino Gu4 ∙ <he tank is +lled (ith (ater solution of ∙ <he ,ositron annihilates (ith electrons ,roducing ,hoton ∙ <he neutron is ca,tured 'y ,roducing a secondary Gash of light Le,ton nu%'er Ho( do (e kno( that neutrino ,artici,ated in 'eta decay is antineutrino not neutrino? $e found that It is useful to introduce a new 7uantu% nu%'er to ,revent this ,rocess H Lepton nu%'er $e assign electron, neutrino (ith L 0 1 and their anti,article (ith / 0 = >,rotons and neutrons have L 0 0? Muon ∙ Cloud cham'er detecting cos%ic ray (C5 Anderson? ∙ <he ,articles are charged >1C=) (ith %ass higher than electron %ass — I%uon9 ∙ Similar properties to electron but heavier ∙ Who ordered that? ∙ <hey are unsta'le and decay in J2 %illisecond (decay to electron 1 %issing energy? 2 types of neutrinos? <he %uon=electron track is /=shaped → %issing energy neutrino is not enough due to Lepton nu%'er conservation @ neutrino 1 antineutrino Are they the sa%e ty,e& Later, the ,rove ca%e fro% the ,roduction of neutrino (ith %uon $hat is inside a nucleus? Kuka(a’s theory ∙ A new force is needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion 'et(een ,rotons and neutrons — strong nuclear force ∙ Protons and neutrons are attracted to one another 'y a +eld (si%ilar to electric/gravitational +eld? ∙ It is effective (ithin fe%to%eter ∙ <he +eld %ust 'e 7uantised and its 7uantu% is LPionM (ith %ass J 40 MeN Pion ∙ Pion (as ,redicted 'y )5 Kuka(a to 'e the ,article that holds nuclei together ∙ 8iscovered in cos%ic ray (C5 Po(ell? ∙ It is unsta'le and decay in 0.01 %illisecond ∙ Muon and Pion are dicovered in cos%ic rays and have %asses 'et(een electron and ,roton H (later 'eca%e kno(n as %eson 0 %ediu%=(eight) A jungle of Legos ∙ <he invent of high energy accelerators in 960s 'rings a nu%'er of strongly interacting ,articles ∙ <hey can 'e classi+ed into 2 classes 'y charge, %ass and strangeness ∙ <he 'aryons ∙ <he %esons ∙ It see%s that they should not 'e fundamental ,articles — (e found a hidden structure The Eightfold way Hidden structure #uarks model ∙ <he 2ightfold (ay J ,eriodic ta'le ∙ #uantu% 'ehaviour of electrons is the ex,lanation for the ,eriodic structure ∙ Si%ilarly, 3 ty,es of 7uarks can 'e used to ex,lain the 2ightfold structure ∙ u,, do(n, strange 7uarks are ,ostulated ∙ $hy don9t (e see them& 8o quarks really exist& ∙-iring high energetic electrons into nucleus 0 deep inelastic scattering ∙<he scattering angle sho(s that ,roton has su'structure $hy don’t we see quarks? ∙#uarks are strictly 'ounded inside nucleus ∙Con+nement 0 Asy%,totic freedo% #uarks are colourful ∙<he electron=,ositron collision ex,eri%ent suggested that ,articles (ith charged = /3 and 2/3 are inside nuclei 1 each ty,e of 7uark has 3 co,ies → 3 colours ∙Colours are la'eled LredM, LgreenM, and L'lue” 0 equivalent to electric charge in strong nuclear force The second family of particles ∙ Muon is a copy of electron 'ut heavier ∙ Strange 7uark is a co,y of down 7uark 'ut heavier ∙ Char% 7uark >JCPsi? (as discovered in !PD A a copy of u, 7uark st family 2nd family There are 3 families (so far? ∙ Nature ,resents us another set of ele%entary ,articlesQ tau lepton > !PE?, 'ottom 7uark > !PP?, top 7uark > !!E?, tau neutrino >2000? ∙ $hy so %any& st family 2nd family 3rd family How do particles interact& <he fra%e(ork is quantum + relativity • In ,article ,hysics, (e (ould like to ex,lain a small stu3 >7uantu% %echanics) (hich is traveling very fast >special relativity? • <he theory is called “Quantum Field Theory” — (here (e instead use the concept of +elds instead of ,article • <he +eld is every(here in space • .nly its 7uantu% Guctuation 'eco%es ,article <he force mediator ∙ <hro(ing 'all 0 transfer %o%entu% → force acting on each ,layer ∙ Si%ilarly ,articles exert force 'y e4changing a force %ediator ∙ <hey are virtual ,articles >'orro(ing energy from Heisen'erg9s uncertainty ,rinci,le) Electromagnetic force ∙ 2lectro%agnetic force is responsi'le for al%ost everything in our daily life ∙ Photon +eld is the force %ediator of electro%agnetic force ∙ Classically the ,hoton +eld is equivalent to the electro%agnetic ,otential Gauge symmetry ∙ >Classical? gauge transfor%ation 0 transfor%ing ,otential 'ut leaving ,hysics invariant ∙ Gravitational ,otential, electric ,otential, %agnetic ,otential all have this gauge transfor%ation ,ro,erty ∙ There is a si%ilar conce,t in 7uantu% +eld theory Gauge symmetry ∙ 2M ,otential can 'e transfor%ed di3erently at each ,oint in s,ace and ti%e Gauge symmetry ∙ In 7uantu% +eld theory, you cannot Oust only change electro%agnetic ,otential >,hoton +eld) (ithout changing ,hysics ∙ <o leave ,hysics invariant, (e need to rotate the internal clock >,hase) of the electron +eld accordingly ∙ <he 2M theory has a gauge sy%%etry A U( ! symmetry ∙ <he theory ex,laining electro%agnetic force at the 7uantu% >+eld) level is called “Quantum "lectrodynamics” Quantum Electrodynamics ∙ -or%ulated 'y <o%onaga, Sch(inger, -eyn%an and Dyson ∙ <he theory is extremely successful since it gives extremely accurate ,redictions J 0 digits agree%ent (ith ex,eri%ent (spin %agnetic %o%ent — g factor? ∙ Photon is called the gauge 'oson of the U(1?EM gauge sy%%etry -eynman diagrams ∙ <o visualise interactions 'et(een +elds >,articles), (e use -eyn%an diagrams techni7ue ∙ /ines re,resent ,article ,ropagations ∙ Nertices re,resent interactions -eynman diagrams ∙ <his techni7ue is also hel,ful in the calculation for ,hysical 7uantities in 7uantu% +eld theory ∙ <his is a very ,o(erful tool for the calculation $eak Interaction ∙ Can (e repeat the sa%e success of #ED in (eak interaction& H SU(2) gauge grou, ∙ No$$$ the %ediators of (eak interaction are %assive >short ranged force) — no com,ensation 'et(een 7uark +elds and gauge 'osons ∙ Gauge sy%%etry for (eak nuclear interaction cannot 'e there Symmetry breaking ∙ Should (e give u, on this idea of sy%%etry& ∙ $hat if the gauge sy%%etry is there 'ut so%eho( hidden fro% us? symmetric non=symmetric )iggs mechanis% ∙ $e ,ro,ose a new scalar +eld (Higgs +eld) (ith a ,otential in a sha,ed of a Mexican hat ∙ <he averaged +eld sits at the %ini%u% (hich 'reaks the sy%%etry ∙ S,ontaneous sy%%etry 'reaking 0 the sy%%etry still e4ists 'ut inaccessi'le to us )iggs mechanis% ∙ <he non=zero value of the Higgs +eld can 'e used to generate the %ass for gauge 'osons ∙ <he Higgs +eld is also responsi'le for 7uark and lepton %asses ∙ <he gauge sy%%etry for (eak nuclear interaction is ,ossi'le!T ∙ <he %echanis% (as ,roposed in !FD 'y 2nglert, "rout, Higgs, Guralnik, Hagen, Ki''le The Electro(eak theory ∙ In !F7, Sala%, $ein'erg, Glasho( successfully incor,orated the %echanism in unifying the (eak nuclear interaction and electro%agnetic interaction A this %arks the 'irth of the Standard %odel of particle physics ∙ It turns out that 2M force is the left over fro% sy%%etry 'reaking of the 'igger theory A the electro(eak theory ∙ <he gauge sy%%etry for 2$ theory is SU(2?/ 4 U(1?K ∙ Massive gauge 'osons are $eak bosons ∙ involve in 'eta decay ,rocess ∙ are %assive >'roken ,arts of the electro(eak theory? ∙ neutrinos, 7uarks, le,tons interacts via exchanging (eak 'osons $eak bosons ∙ $eak 'osons (ere discovered at SPS (Su,er Proton Synchrotron at C2:N) 'y UA1 and UA2 detectors in

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