^Typical Mainland Haole” by f. M. Davis ag? PAGE FIVE WB V -* MISS JANET BELL ■___________ :________________________________________________________________________________ ~ UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII ■ < ' | Sec. 5G2, P.' L. '& R. LIBRARY Single Issue IU. S. POSTAGE HONO., T.H.52 8-4^49 , . J T "KT / K PAID jper Hawaii Needs 10c - Honolulu, T. H. $6.00 per year 8 Permit . No. 189 by subscription ■ VoL I j No. 26 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY . January 27, 1949 <»» G-MEN QUIZ SPEIKER Negro Who Led ' Fata Methods Soak-the-Poor Group Talk Is ■ Hit By Verdict lax. System Of Questioned First 'Of Incest Jury ■ 1 erritory Hit It was a coincidence, nothinG., more, says William EubanK, that “I shudder to thinK how many Hawaii has a “soaK the poor” the FBI Questioned him for ,two innocent people in the Territory tax system. ReGressive, or flat and a half-hours on the afternoon may have been convicted of crimes rate taxes accounted for 94.4 per of Monday; Jan. 17, just before he because they siGned confessions cent of the Territory’s tax revenue was to lead a discussion on the they didn’t comprehend.” durinG the past, fiscal year, ac­ situation of NeGroes in Hawaii at That was the reflection of At­ cordinG to a study made by, the the New Era 'Church, CHA-3. •• torney Myer C. Symonds on last Joint Tax Research Committee, The discussion, was held un­ weeK’s case in Hilo in which he composed of 10 orGanizations with der the auspices of the ’Fellow­ defended Felipe Batulanon, an approximately 60,000 members. ship of Reconciliation,” a Group FILIPINO LABOR LEADER STOPS HERE—Amado Hernandez, Presi- ILWU suGar worKer at Olaa, In challenGinG the business com­ which includes a number of re­ d.ent of the Philippine ConGress of Labor (C L O), is welcomed by charGed with incest aGainst his munity’s campaiGn to obtain pas­ liGious and academic fiGures, and ILWU officials as he stops at Honolulu airport for a few hours on his 15-year-old dauGhter, Theresa. saGe of a sales tax bill in the com­ Mr. EubanK had been scheduled way bacK to Manila from the WFTU convention in BelGium. The trial, which beGan Jan. 18 and inG leGislature, which would be an­ to lead the discussion. Left to riGht: Constantine Samson, Saburo FujisaKi, Mr. Hernandez, lasted throuGh Jan. 22, concluded other burden on the poor, the Com­ He arrived late arid explained ■Robert McElrath, and Priscilla Tadao. with an acQuittal for„Batulanon. mittee has proposed radical re­ that duties had detained him and Says He Never Confessed forms of Territorial taxes in its recently published pamphlet, “A he also said he had been, Ques­ Pattern Of Civil Part of the evidence presented Study of Hawaii’s Tax System and tioned.’ that afternoon by the FBI. Uncle Sam Is Not in the court of Circuit JudGe Mar­ Some Proposals." ■ ‘Tm sorry if any one Got the tin Pence, came from the dauGhter, Sharp Increase In Income Tax impression it was the FBI ’ that Rights Struggle who testified that her father had The Committee proposes to maKe delayed me,” EubanK says. enGaGed her in sexual intercourse Related to “Loyalty ChecKs” A Santa Claus, on an averaGe of twice a weeK the - personal net income tax the Same Here—Davis since 1943 when Batulanon’s wife cornerstone .of Hawaii’s , tax struc­ Some who attended’ the meetinG had left him. The police produced ture. By sharply increasinG the at_the New Era Church had under- “The pattern of the struGGle for rates, while at the same time abol­ sto'od EubanK to say the FBI had Says Hernandez the rest of the evidence, a confes­ caused the delay. civil riGhts Goes forward in much sion, siGned by Batulanon, which ishinG the 2 per cent compensation By KOJI ARIYOSHI the same way here in Hawaii as admitted his havinG had affairs tax.on salaries and maKinG the,2 About I p. m. that day, the FBI “We are not aGainst American oil the Mainland,” FranK Marshall with his dauGhter, once in 1946 and per cent tax on dividends deducti­ had first called him, EubanK says,' aid. In fact, we feel, it’s a- duty Davis, poet and associate editor of aGain in 1948. ble from the net income .tax, an but it was not until 4:30 that he additional $9,000,000 can be raised manaGed to Get down to the Dil­ and responsibility of the United the NeGro Associated Press, told Batulanon, on the stand, testi­ States to help small nations that', members and friends of. the Ha­ (more on paGe 7) linGham BuildinG to meet the offi­ waii Civil Liberties Committee at fied that he had never confessed cial who summoned him. suffered from the last war. But and that he was not Guilty. He ' we are definitely aGainst a Mar­ the orGanization’s first anniversary said a policeman', a Filipino, had "I can’t really say the meetinG shall Plan for the Asian coun­ celebration held Saturday niGht at told him: "I am here to help you. had anythinG to do with my beinG tries.” Kulamanu Studio. _ Weed Large Fund called. It was just coincidence Without raisinG his voice, and in At the informal reception, which (more on paGe 7) that it came the same-day,” says a Quiet, deliberative manner,' Presi­ was later followetUby dancinG, At­ EubanK. “Of course, the meetinG dent Amado Hernandez of the torney Harriet BousloG, a defense For Kindergarten vvas one of the thinGs we talKed Philippine ConGress of Labor attorney for the HCLC in the WAR BONDS LOST about, but there were a lot of ReinecKe case, and W. K. Bassett, By ELEANOR AGNEW others.” . (CLO), who is also a city councillor IN TIDAL WAVE of Manila, said that throuGh years (more on paGe 3) LeGislative action in the matter It was the first time he has of observation, he Knows that REDEEMABLE of free-KinderGartens, miGht prove ever been called, by the FBI for "Uncle Sannis not a Santa Claus, disastrous if pushed throuGh with­ QuestioninG, Mr. EubanK says, and wherever he Goes he does not InQuiries for vacation pay . due out careful study of present needs and he thinKs it miGht be some- Go on a charitable mission.” WHO WROTE THIS? wartime laborers for USED' have and without sufficient funds allo­ (more on paGe 4) Mr. Hernandez, whG was return­ "... We Know it is disaGree­ revealed another situation in which cated to Successfully carry out an inG from the World Federation of people here may have lost money adeQuate proGram. able for some men to contem­ they can. reGain. Trade Unions conference in Bel- plate the employment of labor Miss Mary MusGrove, who heads FIND THE VILLAIN HERE , Gium, stopped for a few hours that cannot be handled by the Some who have inQuired of Hen­ the KinderGarten division of the Saturday eveninG at the Honolulu whip‘and spur methods of our ry Epstein, business aGent of United Department of Public instruction, EBONY, pre-viewinG the airport. present contract system. It was Public WorKers of America, about states that thouGh she feels that movie, “RoGue’s ReGiment,” in the vacation pay, tell how they lost pressure should be exerted on the its September, ’48 issue Quotes Convention Disrupted unpleasant for the planters of the South to contemplate the war bond^ in the tidal wave of House of Representatives to Get a Universal-International pub­ CommentinG on the secession of abolition of slave labor. We, 1946. Some say they lost .pay­ a bill on the floor of the House, licity man as sayinG: “The the CIO, the British Trades Union however, are not so stronGly en­ checKs also. parents must maKe, certain that Russians arc the only ones you ConGress, ajid/a few others, from trenched as the Southerner.” By checKinG with the aGents such a bill results in really con­ can maKe villains out of today. the .WFTU Mr. Hernandez said who sold them the bonds, they structive action. A movie plays in Germany, in some union^a-re followinG their should be able to identify the She cites a .case where an at­ BelGium, in India, in Japan Governments’ policy on the Mar­ The first perscti who Guesses bonds and have them replaced. tempt was made to set up' a, Kin- ■ and the people there' protest shall Plan, which is a cold war its authorship will Get a half- Epstein says, he thinKs' the pay derGarten in a basement. -DarK, if their nationals are heavies. plan. He said that the British year's subscription to the HO­ checKs should be even easier to damp, far from bathroom facili­ But we don’t send any pictures, union pressed for a year’s sus­ NOLULU RECORD. Send your replace. ties, pre-school children could to Russia so they’re the ones answers to 811 Sheridan St. hardly benefit from such a poorly that Get the villain roles.” pension of WFTU activities and He has announced to his union CIO Secretary-Treasurer James Tip—This statement was made members' that the union will un­ planned effort. Who called that movie-pro­ B. Carey maintained a similar in Hawaii durinG the labor con­ dertaKe to help any member trace Must Keep HiGh Levels ducer a war-monGer? Or vice stand. Such a disruption prevent- tract days. ' and replace bonds or Government he free KinderGarten setup in versa? (more on paGe 7) checKs he may have lost. (more on paGe 4) PaGe Two HONOLULU RECORD Thursday, Jan. 27. 1949 in the President’s address, is convincinG GE Convicted proof that we ■ cannot successfully fiGht Foi’ General Electric to be hauled before Nai IonaI Sum mary ideas with Guns.
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