MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 123: 57-63, 1995 Published July 20 Mar Ecol Prog Ser i Copepod carcasses in the ocean. I. Over seamounts Loren Hauryl, Connie Fey1,Gideon Gal2, Alistair Hobday', Amatzia Genin2 ' Marine Life Research Group, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California 92093-0218, USA The Hebrew University, H. Steinitz Marine Biology Laboratory, PO Box 469, Eilat 88103, Israel ABSTRACT: Hlgher abundances of copepods with external damage or in various states of internal decay have been found in shallow waters over banks, ridges and seamounts than in the surrounding waters. The increase occurred in 3 of 5 sets of multiple opening-closing net tows taken at Fieberling Guyot, Northeast Bank and Sixtymile Bank, west of San Diego, California, USA. Large numbers of copepod carcasses were also found above the summit of Jasper Seamount. The carcasses are attributed to higher levels of predation over shallow topographic features due to resident organisms that ascend above the summits at night to feed. At Fieberling Guyot (summit depth of about 500 m), this migration was at least 400 m above the summit. Carcasses identical to those collected in the net tows were produced in the laboratory by euphausiids feeding on copepods. KEY WORDS: Copepod . Carcass . Seamount . Predation INTRODUCTION 1975) and current systems (Oyashio: Terazaki & Wada 1988; Gulf Stream edge: C. Davis pers. comm.). We Copepods with external damage or various states of have found high abundances of dead copepods internal decay are often found in zooplankton samples (Fig. l),some in relatively shallow waters, over abrupt (e.g.Farran 1926, Wheeler 1967, Weikert 1977, Terazaki topographic features (banks, ridges and seamounts) as & Wada 1988, Beyer 1992).Their condition ranges from deep as 500 m. Laboratory observations on feeding by those with slightly damaged carapaces or a few miss- living animals show that euphausiid and other ing appendages to completely empty exoskeletons or micronekton predation can produce copepod remains fragments of exoskeletons (Ponomareva 1954, Ohman identical to those found in net tows, thus supporting 1984, Geptner et al. 1990, Beyer 1992). These cope- predation as a causal mechanism. pods result from (1)natural mortality unrelated to pre- dation (e.g. starvation; after reproduction), (2) injury or incomplete consumption due to predation, (3) egestion METHODS of partial or complete copepod exoskeletons by preda- tors, (4) release of partially consumed prey during net Samples were collected at Jasper Seamount (30" 22' N, capture, (5) net damage or cod end feeding during 122" 43' W), Fieberling Guyot (32" 25' N, 127" 47' W), collection, and (6) preservation and sample handling. Northeast Bank (32" 20' N, 119" 37' W) and Sixtymile Both predation and decay can result in partially empty Bank (32" 05' N, 118" 15'W) (Fig. 2). The summit to empty exoskeletons (Harding 1973, Beyer 1992). depths (surrounding depths in parentheses) are 527 m Some studies report the frequency of occurrence of (4200 m), 428 m (4200 m), 360 m (1400 m) and 100 m dead copepods as a function of depth in the water (1500 m), respectively. column (e.g.Farran 1926, Sameoto 1986, Roe 1988) or Jasper Seamount was sampled in 1984 with the in relation to height above the bottom and bottom Deep-Tow triplicate opening/closing net (183 pm depth (Wishner 1980a). Other reports note their rela- mesh) (Wishner 1980b). Two tows of 3 samples each tionship to large patches of zooplankton (Wishner et al. (sample length about 1 h) were made over the sea- 1988), to hydrographic features such as upwelling and mount; each tow was a continuous transect from about downwelling (Weikert 1977, 1984), intrusions (Weikert 1100 m depth on the flanks to 600 m near one of the O Inter-Research 1995 Resale of full article not permitted 58 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 123: 57-63, 1995 Fig. 1. Examples of copepods collected alive and as carcasses at Sixtymile Bank; they are representative of all seamounts sampled (see Fig. 2 for locations). (A) Calanuspacificus females; the copepods on each side of the undamaged specimen have had portions of their cephalosome removed through wounds in the dorsum. (B) Pleuromamma borealis females; sequence of dam- age from uninjured specimen to empty husk (with some tissue remaining). (C) Metndia pacifica females; exam- ples of undamaged and eviscerated individuals; (D) 4 partially consumed specimens. Compare all the above with those in Figs. 3 to 22 in Beyer (1992). Scale bars. l mm multiple summits. Distance above the bottom was 77 m protocol and samples obtained. Overall our analysis is (*46 m) and 183 m (-c78 m) for the 2 tows [see Table 1 based on 147 samples obtained from 4 oceanic sites and Genin (1987) for details]. using 2 net systems. The other seamounts were sampled in 1989 with a The discrimination between damaged and undam- 9-net and in 1990-1991 with a 20-net (333 pm mesh, aged copepods is usually not a problem; the basis 1 m2)MOCNESS (Wiebe et al. 1985). Tows were taken for this judgment has been described (Wheeler 1967, over and in the deep water areas on 2 sides of the Genin 1987, Geptner et al. 1990, Beyer 1992, Geynrikh seamounts (average time of tows 160 min, SD 48 min, 1992). A difficulty arises in distinguishing categories n = 34). Subsets of samples from the total number within the range of damage from slight, with no collected by each MOCNESS tow were selected for missing tissue, to nearly empty exoskeletons. Cope- analysis. Table 1 presents other details of the sampling pods, presumably captured dead, were classified as 'marginal' (damaged carapaces and/ or easily visible decayed internal structure) and 'husks' (little or no tissue in the exoskeleton). Because the division point is subjective, how- FlEBERLlNG NORTHEAST ever, for statistical analyses all degrees of damage and decay were lumped into 1 group called car- casses (Wheeler 1967, Weikert 1977, Terazaki & Wada 1988). Empty exoskeletons resulting from 125" 1 20° 115" complete decay or digestion were not Fig. 2 Locations of the 4 seamounts sampled distinguished from molt exuviae. Haury et al.: Copepod carcasses over seamounts 59 Table 1. Number of samples analyzed from the regions over and away from the summits of the 4 seamounts. Also listed are the cruise dates, sampling depths, type, and number of tows. All samples were collected at night, except those at Jasper Seamount were taken during the day Location Date Depth (m) Type of tow No. of tows No. of samples Over Away Over Away Jasper Seamount Sep 1984 550-1080 Oblique 2 - 6 - Fieberling Guyot Sep 1989 0-600 Oblique 2 2 14 10 Sep 1990 95-105 Honzontal 2 6 8 19 Sep 1991 60-85 Yoyo 4 5 9 17 Northeast Bank Sep 1990 55-65 Horizontal 3 5 7 17 Sixtymile Bank Sep 1991 30-55 Yoyo 1 2 20 2 0 Beyer (1992) showed that euphausiid predation left hanced resuspension of carcasses by the stronger muscle tissue remains in appendages and assumed currents at the summit. that completely empty exoskeletons were exuviae. Fieberling Guyot. The oblique tow series taken over Decay over time, however, depending on temperature and away from Fieberling Guyot in September 1989 (Wheeler 1967, Harding 1973),can produce con~pletely illustrate the vertical distribution of carcass propor- empty exoskeletons. Some predators also ingest whole tions (Fig. 4).There was a clear increase with depth to copepods and excrete empty but structurally perfect 500 m (the seamount summit); below the summit exoskeletons (Genin et al. 1995, this volume). depth, the percentage declined. At all depths over the All comparisons of carcass abundance over and seamount, the percentage of carcasses was higher; this away from the topographic features were made using difference was significant at 3 of the 4 depths. the nonparametric independent sample proportions The September 1990 horizontal tows over and away test (Tate & Clelland 1957). from Fieberling showed significantly more carcasses The damage to copepods collected over the seamounts over the guyot (Fig. 5A). In contrast, there was no sig- was consistent with invertebrate predation which pro- nificant difference between localities in September 1991 duces whole body carcasses (Yen 1983, Ohman 1984, (Fig. 5B). This difference in results between years may Beyer 1992).Laboratory observations on the feeding and be due to natural variability in the processes creating or defecation of potential planktonic predators were used to possibly retaining the carcasses, or to sampling differ- demonstrate the production of carcasses. An oblique ences between years. The 1991 net tows were shallower bongo net tow to 100 m collected live zooplankton over than in 1990 (Table 1); since shallower depths have Sixtymile Bank (Fig. 2) at 02:OO h local time, 11 May lower percentages of carcasses (1989 results, Fig. 4), this 1994. Ten adult Nematoscelis difficilis (euphausiids) may have prevented detection of significant differences were separated into a 4 1 container of filtered seawater in the relative abundance of carcasses. with 32 Calanus pacificus (copepods: stage CV and adult) collected in the same tow. Eleven larvae of the TOW 1 TOW 2 rockfish family Scorpanaeidae (<l0 mm length) were placed in filtered seawater in a similar container. After 6 h in the lighted ship's laboratory, the water from each container was filtered and examined for copepod car- casses, either free or contained in fecal pellets. RESULTS Jasper Seamount. Samples were collected at a rela- tively constant altitude above the seamount as the net was towed up the seamount slope; the percent occur- 950 650 550 1000 750 580 rence of carcasses increased as the summit was DEPTH INTERVAL (m) approached in both tows (Fig. 3). While no statistical Fig. 3. Jasper Seamount Percentage of total copepods cap- significance can be assigned to the differences or tured that were carcasses as a function of depth interval trend, the increase could be due to more predation/ sampled by the 2 tows up the flank of the seamount; tow predatordprey at shallower depths and/or to en- details in Table l 60 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 123 57-63, 1995 FlEBERLlNG GUYOT 0AWAY TOW DEPTH 95-105m TOW DEPTH 60-85m OVER * **l 80 DEPTH (m) Fig.
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