JULY l6, 1969 b weekly BOB DYLAN is bound for Britain! His agent in New MAGNIFICENT York has cabled acceptance of a unique offer for Dylan to SEVEN OF SOUL play a concert at the Isle of Wight on Sunday, August 31 The event is the Second Isle of PAGE 10 Wight Festival of Music staged on August 29, 30 and 31 . And Dylan is the star of a series of attractions Already booked for the Festival are: Tom Paxton, Pentangle, lndo Jau Fusions, Gary Farr, Who, Liver­ pool Scene, Third Ear Band, Joe Cocker and the Grease Band (who will be breaking their tour in Ameri­ ca to appear) , Moody Blues, Free, Marsha Hunt and White Trash, Bonzo Dog Band, King Crimson, Edgar Broughton, Battered Orna­ ments, Family, Fat Mattress, Blod­ wyn Pig and Julie Felix. Dylan stipulates he wants to ap­ pear with The Band and Ritchie Havens. Rikki Farr - co-promoter of th~ Festival with the brothers HUMBLE PIE­ Ray, Ronnie and Bill Foulk - flew to the States on Monday night to WELCH AT finalise the deal. Rikki - son of famous British boxer Tommy Farr - told the MM: THEIR " I have been after Dylan for a year. At first he said ' no,' but he became interested when we sent him a tu\\­ HIDE OUT colour film of the festival site at the Isle of Wight. PAGE 15 " We are expectiog an audience of at least t 00.000, llflCi .. lay~ on boMa 6-t B~ and pita the cable from the States, a London spokesman for the personal management company of Dylan said THUNDERCLAP on Monday that the news of the loW appearance was " premature," and that no contractural agreements NEWMAN have yet been finalised. Readers who want further details should contact Fiery Creations Ltd IN Tavistock House, Ward Road, Tot'. land Bay, Isle of Wight. (Phone: BLIND DATE Freshw_:!'.'.'.._ 2460). PAGE 14 t,., .v . Av~1,1s'\" il- -t'\A 1'!$,'1'\,AN1'1(. f ll'tlJES i•~ <.,h,\. "1( ... \E-'tf' --­THE TELEGRAM OF ACCEPTANCE Blind Faith LP cover banned 1n• States LES McCANN BLIND FAITH, whose lionable or nasty about the recent appearance TEENAGE NUDE CAUSES original cover. It is a beaull• ful picture of a young glrl at New York Madison from Mayfair. But 70 per IN Square Gardens was cent of the American marked by a riot of dealers said they would not OUTCRY FROM DEALERS stock the album with this 23,000 fans - have JAZZ SCENE American trade press, shows They ore said to have de­ Faith group. Rut Included In cover. We. are issuing it again run into trouble, the picture ot a naked I 1- ~crlbed ll as " obscene and the LP Is a not~ saying wllh the orlglnal cover in This lime It involves the year•old girl holding a silver salacious." Accordingly, At­ buyers may obtain the Britain in three weeks." PAGE 8 pending Stateside release or spacecrafL lantic Records In the States orlglnal sleeve on request. Advance orders for the the ir first album. Cover of But dealers who 'iaW the are releaslng the album A spokesman or the album In the States have the album, Illustrated in a advert said they would re­ with a new cover Just show­ Robert SUgwood office says: already reached the quarter• CLAPTON promotional campaign In the fuse to stock the nlbum. In g a photo of the Blind "There Is nothb'lg ob)ec- mllllon mark. sleeve available BLUEBEAT /\1h•t •ttlNl ' IIII ,., HOT 20 FIFTH COLUMN BBC ban I (01 ~~~ 1\0::.il PLUS TWO '"' '"u., ,, .. 11\ 1(11nt11tlit1 I •WI 11 , ,,, h,.. ::I (1 I ~!·~·M• ,,m '\1'11 WI I ~ 111 I I ,ul1I •.,,, y••II 111 •1 r1 lttl 11 1m 111111 I, .. ,1 1t. , " fJI r'-0 ~~.~~~ ~ '"' 19 10¥1•\ IIIN I A.NA, 1111,1 MIit (I Jk V 1111 " 11 ••1 Im, 1ol l • Il l ~tJ~;sDs:~~ ~SE/ tu fl II I 111' I 111111 11 I 1.,,,111 1 All~'" ~IU Il l At t,•7 lhl' 11111,rma1t1,11 Sarstedt lfl TOO PROUD I It•\ ..-., h•v, 1h11 t m•,h lr1Jt 1 . ~~~ . M l It( llHV J,111 ,1 11 ,11111 •~ri r~ ,.., ,,, 11111 wllh " C 1,111 OHU HKOWN WHAT AM 1 (4) HONKY TONK WOMAN Rolling ton s, Docco 0 1•1 I A t' ,') r /\H\ " 11 111 ll 1r l•l u 2 ( l) IN THE GHETTO tlvls P1 osloy, RCA 1~,. ~~ " ,,cm1 11M l11iu1 nu1 uhrr I• (M l KC IJHV ..,MWI 21031) lht 11,r1111mu•\ 7 3 (9) GIVE PEACE A CHANCE Plo sllc Ono Bond, Applo 1! fh~C,.!t~! LI/A~(I II h11 p p111111 Iii t,1 JOI .\1AI NI •nil 4 (2) SOMETHING IN THE AIR Thund rel p Nowmun, Trock 'strip' song IIMU1 (1111 I k 111!1o WAI 11 k I Ill ~~~S~~:ING IJI N JON 11•n11r K I NNY h RI W 5 (3) HELLO SUSIE Am n Cornor, Imm d1a10 Ow W•1I lnd+nHI ( AUi l 1• ~n~•-•,,I 6 (5) WAY OF LIFE Fom,ly Dogg , Boll 9 (IOI TOO EXPERIENCE ~~")('•l ~~~R/ /,' fl~t~!~~N( 7 (14) THAT'S THE W AY GOD PLANNED IT Billy Prn ston, Applo A PETER SAR STEDT W1111fMI f lOl'fll , nNr H ' 11111 r •l· ( L Ii l•O KJ> fHHJWN song rcntur d on Radio 10 1•1 THROW ME trumpr 1 1 ht• ri 11r• ju r. l tw,, 8 (7) BREAKAWAY B och Boy s, Copltol llllr11 on !h•· 11•1 md -<,n, aldti CORN 111 CA NAVAN 11ntl lh,· lllh t r One .lub lost we k hos Wliu1on ~hon I UUI I 'l9¥ 9 (13) BABY MAKE IT SOON Morm lod , CBS b en bonncd by th AU I UMN IN N F,W YORK II 11 1111 MAKE IT WIili r N 1,rd f'<I In IO', ANC, .. LI- 11 10 (15) IT MEK Dosmond Dokkor, Pyramid BBC, flll Au v. 11 11 I llh. 111~,t t~,~~D f RAI ?1 11 (23) SAVED BY THE BELL Robin Gibb, Polydor 1 hL son)!., pre~lnocd bv !':ny " IN 1,,RN/\1 IONAL J I\ / I l)ct(lr for Inse rtion Into tht' 12 111! DON.-, PLAY WORK\HOr " ( M • R (.U R Y 12 (11) PROUD MARY Cr odonc Cleerwotor R vivol, L1borty hron drMt. II tltlt.>d "Takr THAT SONG 1 13 (6) BALLAD OF JOHN AND YOKO . B otlos, Appl Ofr Your IOlh •1 ," The 0 ,,,1,~ Mllfgon CIAII II :1r ~;, ~1 n~~~!,, I~ It~ ~(,"$.i'O 10 1> H HOLD THE 1 14 (10) TIME IS TIGHT , Bookor T end tho MG 's, Stax f1 o~f~d~c~ ,~~ f~dd'ri~f~u;~~ 5 :!_x:gi ,.•~~N:;)r1N:.:'~L:r.Nt~>~ It w ill he Included In hhi: nco,r .., IORH ~ 4Ul.ll'.MAN lrump1•l•, 15 (8) LIVING IN THE PAST ... Jothro Tull, lslond 5l'C0 nd nlhum due for r r!' !.!., AK I:. Pl· RSSON, Al HJ,R I fl!lt l)yl'(IM+cl , tJ NCtt I 16 (28) GOODNIGHT MIDNIGHT , . Clodogh Rodg rs , RCA ICAl't' In Oc tober. 14 1171 MAN(;t,l;Sl>ORI F, NAT PH K, A 11 pOkC'Jl'llnn lhfl 131\(.' 1 ro r ;~rlNNYTlllg~~fll1 1N, rm~t~u~ 17 (27 J MAKE ME AN ISLAND . .. Joe Dolen , Pye told lho MM, "Ll1te.ncrs 11 1,.1 SOMEBODY OOLDING l',R, ROf, J- KUHN LIGHTS OF CINCINATTI , Scott Wolkor, Phillps phoned In to object to l ht SAR STEDT ie \<!1~E llnll't' ~I~ 18 (17) snn 1,1 11 should nevar hnvc I C'nor a, JtHINNV SCO'I I n11 11, 19 (16) FROZEN ORANGE JUICE .... Peter Serstodt, Unitod Artists bHn broadcut We nrc vary foo 1urod on nlbum 10 1111 t~!~D9,~ TR~m Sl\1118 S llltll\0 h 11rit1,nr 1 17 l·NGfKll'I> HOFFMAN IJll'ln r,, 20 (12) OH HAPPY DAYS . Edwin Hawkins Singers, Buddeh 1mrry . Th C'I ta pe w6s played In 11 1u1 WHO YOU C' rror, It wll\ not ht played on PII-RRI'~ CAVALLl g111l a r, 21 (18) GIMME GIMME GOOD LOVIN' Crazy Elephant, Major Minor lhe end or AURU~I and will GONNA RUN TO NIU... 'i flfNNINCi OR"i rf D ruturc occns lnns.'' rcmnln In America ror lwo Tl,. Tec:hn ~t,•n CAMfl 10 22 (-) BARABABAJAGAL Donovan ond Jeff Beck , Pyo month11 to play tn,cngemMII 11 11•1 SINCE YOU'VE f.~?.~ ~f>f1~N~~~w~tu!~~•j,:~~ 11r~~m';~~~~d rg:r~~~• USnr11!~1 lncludln,c And 23 (25) WET DREAM .... , . Mox Romeo, Unity Las VtftU BUN GONE KOLLF,k flld 1hr arrnnl(1·rncnlt Arlltll h1bcl: " We're llvln p, In Soulh Am erica Sht'< lit also bl< fottllf CAMU 70 24 (26) CONVERSATIONS .. .. .. .. Cillo Block, Parlophone n modern nae . llalf th, 1onss plny ln11 dft ll!I in McK lcn, - h)' th.- way. ,om,• of 1h1· 19 1191 JUMP IN A FIRE 1 1 25 (-) MY CHERIE AMOUR . Stevie Wonder, Tamie Motown nround arr tar morr 1111u1.c-t• Mickl e Mon, fnrmt r reco rd ~~ I t~~ut;~.r~ i~h~i" n~,ci/~ live. rcoplt! who don't nccC' pt The v1c.,or1 ,uNCH J ~;-~.I 26 (20) WHAT IS A MAN ... .. .. ... Four Tops, Tamie Motown prod ut'er for L.u h,1 , told the room In !hit cnl umn I Jt.1•1 1 MM hr r'O lcnse two oo I'll SPLASH DOWN orl~~ou~\ planned to i.:ouldn't nfrnr d the 1pnc:r 27 (19) DIUY .
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