THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. rOHTLAND, APRIL R, 1903. 5 PORTLAND MUSICIANS WHO WILL APPEAR BEFORE THE WOMAN'S CLUB FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Newest Garmems at Sale Prices TWO GREAT BARGAINS Smartest a0KWkW Greatest Suit ' 4vP MONDAY and TUESDAY St5leS Sale c , . r I I- - Most Half V Unusual Values Prices Cut of the $45.00 Values, $25.00 Suit $27.50 Values, $15.00 Season " - - 1 - I i III! I i - j " 11 In the lols may be found all the stunning new crea- tions of the season; handsome new models in chiffon panama. serges, in white and all the shades, and in all the new materials, well made and perfect ly 2i?2S X05E ELOOi BAUER fact tailored. Come early Monday and judge for yourself. The Knan'j Club lias had some very iTiterestimr programmes thl season but one of very special Interest and Tnrrft nil! be presented next Friday, April to. The president. Mrs. F. Rupert, who furnishes tho programme for tha and whn has done so mnrh for the pleasure nd profit of rHib members, has arranged a lecture recital of VALUES TO $27.SO VALUES TO $4S.OO "T'M-- Cvnt." dntnia by Ibsen and music by firlrjr. Pr. .'. H. Chapman Is the speaker, and musical Illustrations : be r'ven by Mrs. rtose Hloch Hauor. Miss Beatrice Hidden, F. G. Klchen Is ub and F. Konrsd. The musical num. will be "Morning-.- "InarM's rtnlnt." "Hall of the Mountain Kings," "Asl's Death," "Anltras Pnnce," -- Polvelg's e or sunshine,'' 'The storm." ' Sol vein's Cradle Sons." $15.00 $25.00 on Wednesday, and will make her home here while attending a business college. Miss Catherine Burns was a guest oh PORTLAND SOCIAL NEWS Sunday at dinner. COXTIM'ED FROM THIRD PAGE Mrs. W. H. Rice, of Oregon City, was a visitor on Thursday. AND SUIT HOUSE Miss A. M. Gutrridgc spent Sunday with FASHION CLOAK i isce Mr. 1. K. t larlinghouse. New York, for Genoa via of Jn Gibraltar and her sister at Oregon City. ALDER-OP- T?. an-- Mr?. Ma Spaulding Naples, w er Mrs. HeeTwlp Smith and guest of STREET, CORNER P. OREGONIAN -- (. Miss Martha Clarke was the 141 SIXTH igrr, at the parsiiiiNpr. April I. Miss Helen B. Smith, of Portland. Miss Jane Rubow at lunch on Friday. Mrs. O. GosneM, of Roseburp. STattcrbacli-Potte- r. Pe Witt Miss Katherine Marren was here at din- New Store With Little Prices Or.. Is the pueet of Mrs. May Braver, at ner on Friday evening, the guest of Miss Mr. M. K. Platterhaeh. of Camus, tha Hotel Miliner. tv Clara Glesener. icih . anrj Miss i:. C. Potter, wore mar-:- i Miss Alma Baslnski. of Tacoma. Is visit- Mrs. George A. Tarrahee. of Vancouver, od ;i t t h t J ce M. K. pH -- rx rsona jri. Sn t ing Mrs. Milton Freiberg, at ITS North Wash., sp-n- t Sunday here with her i:r1a- prevent. sap-po- rt Indicting pain or discomfort nnd taken hu tiding are not Absolutely determined afternoon. M:ireh 27. bv the pastor, Seventeenth street. daughter Miss Mabel Larrabec. I by punishment wo For Xr. Win lam H. Hrpr. society depended solely to a place of shelter. In conclusion, we upon, enough of Its character and gen- Mrs.' Paul S. IJnquist will arrive on the has cannot forget the many courtesies ex- eral arrangement hns been adopted in tho Tuesday to visit her parents. Captain and Oregon Humane Society upon ctrUena, Our cor- H n troughs-McK- o Tho New Korm TarUrtte' members and tended to our society. through tho minds of the building committee to as- Mrs. W. H. Pope, at Ail West Park. responding secretary, upon whom falls columns of the press, nnd a vote of sure not only a handsome structure and Kod HurroiiRhs and Ntiss Zari'Ma Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Goldstein are at Is the latest creation in French corsets. Does a Good Work the burden of work, has served the so- thanks Is hereby expressed." as" such a decided improvement to Mi'Kw w?r married at the home of Mr. the Hotel Navarre. New York City. Be- It produces the long, slender hio and com- ciety during these many years without but a building which for utility mill Mr?, rttirronphs. Taylor street. fore returning to Portland they will visit bines eleg-anc- of fit with the greatest just compensation, and now that the and practical purposes should be satis- m Monday evenlnp. M:rrh .W. lr. J. the principal Fastern cities. comfort. As a specialty we are showing work is constantly Increasing, we appeal NEW HOME factory. low-bus- t, long-hi- p Report of President Cake HeveaU CHURCH TO HAVE hit comb Frontier offlciatingr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rittenberp and son a model, which Alls a to the humane people of our city to assist Every phnse of church work is to re- long-fe- want. We your inspec- Faet That Many C'anea of Cruelty protecting Anstln-Mlllr- r. Paul, who are sucst at the Nortonla. invite us in our work of children ceive due recognition in the new plan; will po Fast Monday evening. Later tion. Marie U. ZcUfuchs. Milliner. Modiste to Antmnla Are Punished. and dumb animals from cruel treatment. SunnyMd t'ongregntlonnl Member- the commodious arrangement of audi- lr. Wfiifam H. Hppe. of Grace M. F Mr. Rittenbenp will go abroad on busi- and Oorsetierc. 3!fi Washington street. "Since our last annual meeting oitr torium and f?unday.chool rooma on tho liurrh. ofl'.eiated at tho wedding society has been called to mourn the de- ship Votes to Buy New Site. main floor will be seconded by a of ness. Faster and pattern hats of the latest following annual report of 11. M. wll r:ard K Austin, of th;s city, and Mss Mr. and Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, former- TrflS cease of our late prasident. Alfred F. lighted and ventilated basement under the K. Miller, took April creation, at the new millinery store of president of the Oregon Hu- Sears. Although much of his time was entire building. Here the social features Mfon whirh place ly Miss Helen Anderson, of Spokane, are Northrup Jensen, 249 Morrison, near The membership of the Sunnynide Con- ? at the par?onace. now in this city, apart- mane Society, reveals the fact that many devoted to his officio! duties, he was of the church will be carefully looked and have taken Third. deeply in the work of the so- gregational Church at a recent business after; a flourishing Men's Iengue. a wide- loluison-Watrrlion- ments Hobart-thrrtl- Is cases of cruelty to animals are Investi- interested !. at the Mr. Jones kindly sympa- unanimously voted to purchase a Toadies' Aid Society, connected with the United Steel A Bqulp-- S. de la Mcr. cateress. private or class gated and punished. ciety and possessed a and meeting awake the Christian 2S thetic regard for the welfare of dumb new building He and to lay plnns for a Kndoa'or. Junior and senior and boys (n March Frederick Irrvy Johnson en t Com pa n y . lessons in practical cooking. Main 4174. Oregon Society, The Humane which creatures. clubs will be comfortably housed and a. and fidna Urare Waterhouse were united In- new building. It has been evident for WMMam A. Healy. for the past two lias become one of the indip pen gable officer's report shows work will be inaugurated which cannot in marriniee by Lr. Clarence True Wll-o- years manager "Our humane many months pant that the growth of the assistant of the Port- Prohibition Discussion Y. M. C. A. stitutions of our city, was organized In 506 cases were reported and inves- but prove a great boon to this rapidly of Centerary M. K. Church. Jfr at that would land branch of F. S. Harmon Co.. 1S72, fig- various departments of this church developing A work- - mainly through the efforts of W. T. tigated during the past year. The tnore commo- district of our city. Mackcy-Hondrrso- n. has been promoted to peneral manager The address at the Y. M. C. A. this speedily demand larger and been Shanahan. who has been corresponding ures showing the result of our labor quarters. Yeara persistent ers committee has out for twi of the company, with headquarters at afternoon will be given by Klbert H. ac- dious of and weeks enlisting of frlenrid V. M. S. Hcnder-o!- secretary during period 35years. give only the summary of the work yielding" the interests the Mnikev and Miss L. i Tneoma. Mr. Healy has been identi- Hicks, of Koseburg. His subject is the of energetic work are results which of tho institution and has already met wore married at the parsonage use- complished; they cannot show the labor fied with the furniture business for 'Fishing- in Salt River." The music for The past year has been one of great necessary to complete a case, and many positively demand a modern church plant. with the most encouraging results. Thn March Zl by the Rev. Hrnjnmln Tounic. about etsht years. The employes of the afternoon will be furnished by the fulness. Many have been the calls upon The slxe of the lot upon which the present everywhere apparent times hours are spent and repeated trips stands, as well as the building enthusiasm will the Portland house presented him with chorus choir of the Second Baptist our officers for help-- and much good has by the officer made before the results church convert the project Into an early a handsome watch) charm, set Church, where Mr.
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