-V- r ‘ ■5=; MLOIEIQanBEN flanriTfBlw r E ttntitia FRTOAT, NOVEMBER 19.1987 AVEBAOB DAILT UBUULATION WBATHBB Grant, Mias Bthal Woodward, wtU speak on tha Japanese situa­ for cold weather. The n o w w ChaHes Edgerty, Frederick McCur- tion. He lived for 14 years In Japan for the Meats et Uetober, IN I ■* U. a. WeaU ABODTTOWN Manchester FIRST SNOW OF YEAR light apd melted almost aa aoea Hartford *T. and Is well qualified to speak on this it struck the ground. In the evening, at T o’clock the T » w»<ay Blmo g iw ■pa timely topic. Hla knowledge of the D ate Book second Happy Hour servioe will take facta about Jejian will he enriching FALLS THIS MORNING To Make Your •r |w Ik* laoal Impiaw d Ordar at 6,014 lag early toalghtj place, oparing with a hymn-sing. to all who hear him speak. He will mOm tiM Awmt IM M a a wU b« MM tonight la The organist for these services is ■ndwr ban ■tartlag at • o’clock. As Toolght interpret the attitude of the Chris­ mm « l Miss Marlon Browning. tian forces. In Japan toward the ’The flrat mowfall of tha season in POOD SALE tiiartwwt|- aanouaoad turkaya will Not. 17-30. — Annual Poultry Manchester started with a few flur­ MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM Show at State Armory. A special feature eff the program present invasion of China. A large Saturday,. Nov. 20, 10 A, M, ba tha paiaaa tonight inataad of the will be an address by the Rev. Rasr- ries about 10 o’clock this morning tagmlar mtirTtifT****** la addltloo Nov. 18-38. — 60th anniversary attendance Is anticipated at this and by noon the flakes bacame a lit­ -^HALE’S STORE Thanksgiving Dinner mond Luthy of Jewett City, who VOL.Lm,NO.U MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRHSB TH R EE CENTS ftaa tailnya will be girea away aa oelebratlon at local Salvation Army service. tle larger. The temperature drop- ; M Page IS.) the atteadaac* ptiaa. Corps. ped and whUe there were no high Mary B. Cheney Aaxiliary, High school Prom at High school '■Unde It waa unpleasant to be out ^ U. S. W. V. I A> SUCCESS, BE‘ s u r e YOU HAVE THE UTENSILS auditorium. ' jaaaatta and Lola Buehaaaa of of doors unlaaa properiy prepared YO U N E ED l 7g WoedUad atraat Will eatartain Next Week **Repbrter Jury** Commutes Death Sentence the yhrgat*ai**aot circle of King'* Nov. 34. — 89th annual Turkey, SOOCHOW NOW FEDERAL TRADE Daaghtara tomorrow afternoon at S Goose and Pig social at Cheney o’doek. Dorothy Mark* who will hall, auspices of Company No. 1 8. TIOGA YARNS HELP FOR BUSINESS lead the meeting baa ehoa^J'Obar- M. F. D. IN JAP HANDS, BOARD TO PROBE jty" for her aubject. Nov. 38.—M. H. 8. baMcetbaU opener against Alumni at State Ar­ One Week Only mory. W earever lira. Paul Hausmann of 71 Spruce We were fortunate In aecurtng from UNEKTURNED ■treet waa pleaaantly aurprlaed laat Coming Events the.makere of the famoiu Tioga Tama COST W LIVING Nov. 29.—Concert by Westmin­ a great selection of eU t3rpee and TO SUPERCEDE FDR evening when friends gathered at her home to help her celebrate her ster Choir at High school audito­ colors of novelty knitting yams. Tou Mrthday. Game* were played and rium, sponsored by Beethoven and wlU save 33 1-3% to 60% because Roasters G Clef clubs. they ere overstocked on some colors Chinese Annomice Intent To Plans Inquiry To Consume a buffet lunch nerved. During the and other eolora are being discontin­ evening Ur*. Hausmann was pre­ Dec. 1-8.—Bazaar, North Method­ ist church Booster club. ued. Most ymmM In dress, coat or The self basting Qnit Nanking; Nation A sented with a beautiful bouquet of sweater lota. Aluminum Roast­ "Months;’’ Anti-Tmst Ac­ CONGRESS PROGRAM Dec. 3.—One-day bajM r at South flowers, a large birthday cake and Methodist church. er with the pat­ other gifts. Inatmctioiia Olven With Each Dec. 7.—Caledonian market. Cen­ ented liftin' Unit To Continne War, tion In Extra Session Un- TYPHOON’S DEATH TOLL ter Church House. Purchaae. rack. Save money NOW MORE THAN 809 Congressmen To Take Up Friends of Mrs- B3sle Winchester Also 8-act play, “Celling Zero” , noW. Sizes for 8 of Summit street this town will be USE AU. REMS at Whlton Memorial hall by Com­ No Exchangres— to 1 8 - pound Cost To Jap Is Enormons. Ekely; Many Complaints. Menus, Nov. 20.—(A P )—Re­ glad to learn aha la making satis­ munity Playera. roagta. factory progress following a major lief circles expraaeed belief today This Matter Ahead Of Dec. 10.—DeMolay dance at Ma­ No Yarn Held that deaths from tola week's ty­ operaUon at the Deaconess Hospital, sonic Temple. Shanghai, Nov. 80. — (A P) — Waahington, Nov. 20. — (AP) — TonideEPARis Boston. It la expected she will be phoon would exceed 300 and dam­ Dec. 14. — Lecture on *Tntema- All Sales Final Japan’s legions surged toward Nan­ The Federal Trade Commlaslon ar­ ages would mount well above Bills For Which They able to be with her family on tlonal Mart" by Mrs. Lewis Rose at $4,000,000 when aU reports are Thanksgiving at the home of her r . H. C A. $4.45 ROASTER for king, China’s capital, today through ranged quick compliance today with --------$ 3 * ^ ^ three gaps In the main Chineae de- a F^sldential order for an Investi­ R K B n n p u n received from the stricken area Biother, Mrs. James Maguire of Dec. 3L — Knights of Columbiu In the central Philippines. Were Called In Special Lake street New Tear's ICve frolic at Rainbow, New Fall and Winter Shades fenaes. Sooebow, pivotal strong- gation a t higher living costa, an in­ Bolton. • Geranium point of China’s "HIndenburg" line quiry which many observers regard­ Relief ogencteo, stlU busy aid­ 0 Chimney Red , ................ ing victims ot the Armistice Day The state armory will not be used Feb. 1-4.—Annual Herald Cooking I $5.45 ROASTER for $4.45 west of Shanghai, fell to the Japa­ ed as portending new anU-truat Session; To Lighten T a i for recreation tonight by members School. • Garnet o Ivory nese after a fierce bombardment legislation. President Roosevelt Inqniry Into Arms Cackes typhoon that left 33 known dead of Company “K" due to the fact Japanese said the Chineae army was wrote Chairman W. A. Ayres of the and 40,000 homeless on Luxon Bordens Of CorporatioML that the Poultry Show la going on. • Regent Brown • Grey $6.45 ROASTER for retreating In confusion from the commlaslon that his attenUon "haa Extends To Proyinces; Af­ Island, sent workers to the ................• dty, BO miles west of Shanghai and been directed to repp'ta of a mark­ devastated areas of the Vlaayas $ 5.45 ed Increaae In the cost of living dur­ group. The regular rehearsal of the SPECIAL NO. METHODISr • Navy Bine • Tahiti Green about 136 milea east of Nanking. Both enda of the "HIndenburg" ing th* present year • • * attributa­ American Legion Drum and Bugle And many other plain colors, Also several combina- fair Termed As Of “Terri­ Washington, Nov. 20.— (AP) Corps is scheduled to be held in tie lins also had bean turned by the ble In part to monopoUsUc prac- —Wordy manifestations of un­ armory basement tonight SERVICES ON SUNDAY tions of tweed mixtures Japanaae aa the 100th day of hoa- ticaa and ether unwholesome meth­ tlUtles on the Shanghai front ods of compeUtlon." ble Grayity” By Premier. easiness over business condi­ There will be no Boy Scout meet­ REED ROASTERS Kaahlng, 36 miles southeast of Boo- ’The letter, asking for the Inquiry STATE MILITIA tions exhausted today the iirn ings In town tonight due to the Special services are announced chow, waa in Japanese bands. A and a report as early as practlcabie, week of the special Ck>ngna- third Japanese column had skirted reached Ayres too late yesterday for Iroopa meeting earlier In the week for Sunday at the North Methodist TIOGA Heavy, seamless enameled roasters that are self basting. Paris, Nov. 30.— (A P )—Bulldtoge irbo usually meet ton'qht. The St. Chaagshu. 26 miles to the north, the commission to aonslder It im­ sional session, during whl(9l church both morning and evening. Dress, Coat and Sweater Yams I Complete with inner tray and damper. Hold Cbangeho mediately. Ayres, however, called bousing France'e mtelatries were EMBEZZLEMENTS lunea troop, however, la expected At 10:45 a m. the annual Thanks­ sun the Roosevelt legislative pro­ go change their meeting night in Regolar Price Sato Prtee Oilneae did not deny the fall of the members together today for carefully guarded today aa Premier gram barely inched ahead. giving Sunday service will be held, Soochow. 'They said the vital de­ dlacuaslon of the probably scope of Iha near future. They are now meet- with Rev. William T. Wallace, the Mo. 1. Boaster to hold * « O C Camille Cbautemps and Minister ot Much talk and petty bicker­ Jag on Thursday nights. n O O A ONDENOUVEAU 55c 29c 10-pouad roewt ............9 X • a fO fense center was abemdoned after It the InveatigaUon. PUT ^$100,000 pastor In charge. Pupils and teach­ virtually had been raxed by Japa­ Beport In 1988 Interior Marx Dormoy broadened ing furnished evidence that ers of the churcb school will bring No. 3 Booster to hold O C S Rajrmond Field of Knox street bas TIOGA CREVENNA 70c nese aerial bombs.
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