USOO5798093A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,798,093 Farrar et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 25, 1998 54 SPRAY FORMULATIONS OF 3,730.960 5/1973 Watchung et al. ...................... 2S2/106 ANTHYPERALGESEC OPIATES AND 3,884,916 5/1975 Jannsen et al. ... ... 260/247. METHOD OF TREATING TOPCAL 5,035,883 7/1991 Witkin ....................................... 422/29 HYPERALGESC CONDITIONS AND 556.808 5/1996 Sawaya ww & 8 was was& saw a a as - a was 5,78 PRURTUS THEREWTH 5,667,773 9/1997 Farrar et al. ......................... 424/28.05 75 Inventors: John J. Farrar. Chester Springs; OTHER PUBLICATIONS An-Chih Chang, Bensalem; Alan L. Maycock. Malvern; Imre Balogh, McMahon et al., TENS, vol. 15, No. 12 (1992). Perkasie, all of Pa. Bernstein et al., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 78: 73 Assignee: Adolor Corporation. Malvern, Pa. 82-83 (1982). Ballantyne et al. Pain, 33: 149-160 (1988). * Notice: The term of this patent shall not extend beyond the expiration date of Pat. No. J. D. Bernhard, J. Am. Acad. Derm. 24; 309 (1991). 5,667,773. IASP Newsletter, Sep./Oct. 1996. (21) Appl. No.: 892,389 Thomas et al., Brain Research, 695: 267-270 (1995). 22 Filed: Jul. 14, 1997 Primary Examiner-Thurman K. Page Related U.S. Application Data Assistant Examiner-Kathryne E. Shelborne Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Imre Balogh 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 818.559, Mar. 14, 1997. 5 57 ABSTRACT 51) int. Cl. .............................. A61L 9/04; A61K 31/74 52 U.S. C. ............................ 424/45; 424/78.05; 424/47 Spray formulations of anti-pruritic opiates having a periph 58) Field of Search .................................... 424/45, 78.05 eral selectivity of 251 to 1.280 in a solvent mixture of up to 15% ww alcohol selected from the group consisting of 56 References Cited ethyl, propyl and isopropyl alcohol and water greater than or equal to 85% w/w water. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,714,59 1/1973 Jannsen et al. ...................... 260/247. 2 Claims, No Drawings 5,798.093 1 2 SPRAY FORMULATIONS OF Spray formulations for topical application for cleansing ANTHYPERALGESCOPIATES AND the injured site are known and have been used by the prior METHOD OF TREATING TOPCAL art. Some of these formulations, known as first aid sprays HYPERALGESC CONDITIONS AND and antiseptics are applied to the site of the injury subse PRURITUS THEREWITH quent to flushing the site with water to remove foreign matter originating from the source of injury or the environ This application is a continuation-in-part of application ment. The substance contained in these sprays kills or Ser. No. 08/818,559, filed on Mar. 14, 1997. prevents the growth of microorganisms. A number of anti septic drugs are oxidizing agents which include: peroxides. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION O such as hydrogen peroxide; permanganates, such as potas 1. Field of the Invention sium permanganates, benzene derivatives and phenols. Spe This invention relates to spray formulations of anti cific examples of antiseptic agents include chlorhexidine, hyperalgesic opiates having substantially no effects on the calcium iodate, iodine, chloroxylenol, hexachlorophene. central nervous system and method of topically treating boric acid and cupric sulfate. hyperalgesic conditions. More particularly, the invention 15 Other pharmaceutical agents used to prevent or combat relates to anti-hyperalgesic opiates in non-sting spray for topical infection and to accelerate the healing process mulations for the treatment of topical hyperalgesic condi include: tions associated with injuries. Antibacterial agents, such as Streptomycin, Rifamycin, The present invention also relates to compositions and Ampicillin, Penicillin O. Penicillin V. Bacitracin. methods for the prevention and/or treatment of itch. also Doxycycline, Methacycline, Minocycline, Tetracycline. known as pruritus, which has many causes. The composi Acetyl Sulfisoxazole, Succinylsulfathiazole. Sulfaloxic tions which are formulated for topical spray administration Acid, Sulfapyrazine, and Acetosulfone; contain antihyperalgesic opiates that are substantially Antifungal agents, such as Dermostatin, Fungichromin, devoid of central nervous system effects and, thus, have very Clotrimazole. Econazole. Potassium Iodide, Propionic Acid, little, if any, potential for producing side effects associated 25 Ketoconazole. Cicloprox Olamine. Tolnaftate and Naftifine; with centrally acting antihyperalgesic opiates. Anti-inflammatory agents, such as Diclofenac, Tolimetin, 2. Reported Developments Ibuprofen. Protizinic Acid, Glycol Salicylate and Sulfasala A. Antihyperalgesic Opiates zine. Pain is the effect of noxious stimuli on nerve endings of 30 Antibiotics, such as Clindamycin, Erythromycin, a subject which results in the transmission of impulses to the Tetracycline, Mupirocin, Bacitracin and Neomycin; cerebrum. This sensation informs the subject of actual or Antiseptic agents such as Chlorhexidine, Calcium Iodate, impending tissue damage and elicits a defensive response. Iodine, Chloroxylenol, Hexachlorophene. Boric Acid, and The degree of response substantially correlates with the Cupric Sulfate; and degree of noxious stimuli in order to speedily avoid further 35 tissue damage and to re-establish normal pre-injury condi Antiviral agents, such as Acyclovir, Trifluridine and tions in the subject. The sensation of pain, however, does not Zidovudine. end with the stoppage of the noxious stimuli but continues These and other agents used on the site of injury tend to to persist during the inflammation stage of the injury. In turn, produce stinging, pricking, burning and pain so that their the continuation of pain perception causes discomfort to, utility to prevent or combat infection and to promote healing and deleteriously affects the well-being of, the subject. It is, is limited to those individuals who are willing to accept these therefore, important to reduce and/or eliminate pain percep undesirable sensations. This drawback of first aid products is tion of a subject subsequent to injuries. accentuated in the treatment of children having wounds, The reduction/elimination of pain perception can be abrasions and burns who are reluctant to suffer the stinging affected by the central nervous system (hereinafter some 45 effect of the products. times referred to as CNS)-mediated analgesia which leads to Peripheral antihyperalgesic compounds which inhibit sen an overall inhibition of the pain transmission. CNS sation of pain without CNS side effects would provide a mediated analgesia can be effected by systemically admin solution to the problem. It has now been discovered that istered opiates which, by interaction with specific receptors such peripheral antihyperalgesic compounds can render the in the brain and spinal cord, are able to block pain trans 50 spray formulations acceptable for delivering agents custom mission. Systemic opiates, such as morphine, which have arily used in the treatment of topical wound abrasions. burns been used for many years to control post injury pain, have and the like to prevent infection and accelerate wound side effects because their actions within the brain include healing. Sedation, depression of respiration, constipation, nausea and In the course of our investigation, however, we have development of addiction and dependence. When peripher 55 encountered another problem in delivering the spray formu ally applied, opiates have a short duration of action and still lation to the site of treatment. The peripheral antihyperal possess the undesirable side effects. gesic compounds are essentially insoluble?sparingly soluble Certain opiates, such as loperamide i.e., 4-(p- in water. Their solubility in water is about 0.002% whow to chlorophenyl)-4-hydroxy-N-N-dimethyl-O.0-diphenyl-1- 5% whv. To provide for the inhibition of pain, very large piperidinebutyramide hydrochloride and its analogs were amounts of the peripheral antihyperalgesic compounds were reported to be devoid of CNS effects, which is believed to required. The use of such large amounts, on the other hand, be due to the failure of the opiates to cross the blood brain caused clogging of the spray nozzle and deposition of the barrier. Loperamide HCl has been used for a long time in compounds on the wall of the container from which the antidiarrheal formulations and has been completely free of aqueous solution of the compounds were dispensed. the undesirable CNS effects. It is desirable to use such 65 While the peripheral antihyperalgesic compounds are opiates to inhibitfeliminate post-injury pain without con soluble in organic solvents, the use of such solvents is very comitant CNS effects. limited for treating topical injuries. The organic solvents 5.798.093 3 4 having oily consistency tend to hold the active compounds and do not allow quick and sufficient release to the site of TABLE a injury to be treated. Stimuli that can elecit or augment itch Other organic solvents without oily consistency, such as Physical methanol, have deleterious effects on open wounds through which they can enter the blood circulation system. Mechanical. Light touch, pressure, suction. Thermal. Warming. Accordingly, ethanol, propanol and isopropanol were Electrical. Focal transcutaneous repetitive stimulation, transcutaneous selected as carriers in which the active compounds are constant current stimulation intraneural microstiniulation. soluble and which can be used on open wounds without O Chemical deleterious side effects. However, these vehicles alone or in Non-specific irritants. Acids,
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