Harry Callahan consoled himself with ceeding generation, as it had with other help but think of New Orleans and the another Jameson. groups, it got worse. Whenever the cops orgy of looting that occurred as a conse- Black crime seems almost intractable. cracked down—a theme that runs quence of passive or absent (or some- San Francisco was about as welcoming throughout Mr. Mullen’s chapter on times participating) police. Ω as any host society could be, but instead blacks—crime receded. Whenever the Roger McGrath is an author, histo- of the violence lessening with each suc- cops backed off, it surged. One cannot rian, and expert on the old West. O Tempora, O Mores! Evolving Brains 6,000 years is a short time in evolution- pher at the University of Texas at San ary terms—no whites had this allele. Antonio. “If you look in the 1990s, in Researchers led by Bruce T. Lahn of Now half do. every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo the University of Chicago have discov- The research also suggests that brain Hispanic populations grew faster than ered that different gene variants that con- structure and intelligence are not the Anglo populations,” he explains. “It’s a trol the development of the brain have same in all populations. Since the two very pervasive pattern.” different distributions in different popu- genes are known to have an effect on As the country goes brown, analysts lations. The two genes in question, brain size, the alleles may help explain fear it will also become increasingly microcephalin and ASPM, are disabled the well-known race differences in brain poor, unless non-whites can be educated in a condition known as microenceph- size, which are correlated with intelli- and brought up to the level of whites. aly, in which the brain is much smaller gence. [J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evo- They also fear more social friction as than normal. lution, and Behavior: A Life History states try to reconcile the needs of Seventy percent of people in Europe Perspective, 3rd ed. (Port Huron, MI: younger non-whites with those of an and East Asia and 100 percent of people Charles Darwin Research Institute), pp. aging, shrinking white population. [Ali- in three South American Indian tribes 113-146.] cia A. Caldwell, Texas Becomes a Ma- have one microcephalin gene variant or Scientists are nervous about this sec- jority-Minority State, AP, Aug. 11, allele, but it is very rare in Sub-Saharan ond implication, and they urge the pub- 2005.] lic not to draw hasty conclusions. Francis As non-whites continue to displace Collins, director of the Human Genome whites, many are questioning whether Project, says he is “worried about the the term “minority” has become obso- way in which these papers will be inter- lete. “Twenty or thirty years ago, we saw preted.” “One should resist strongly the the country as a majority-white country idea that [the alleles have] to do with with a black minority, but now you have brain size,” he adds. [Nicholas Wade, places where that is a woefully poor de- Researchers Say Human Brain is Still scription of what is going on,” says Evolving, New York Times, Sept. 8, Roderick J. Harrison, a demographer 2005.] with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a black think tank. Brown Out He believes “minority” is “a confusing term as one thinks of today’s popula- According to US Census Bureau tion,” where more than a third of Ameri- population estimates, Texas has become cans will soon be living in areas in which the fourth state to have a majority non- non-whites outnumber whites. white population. Non-whites—mostly Luke Visconti of DiversityInc, a Hispanics—now make up 50.2 percent group which advises corporations on Africa. The allele appeared between of the population; in the 2000 Census, it racial issues, believes “minority” needs 14,000 and 60,000 years ago, with the was 47 percent. California, New Mexico to go because it implies second class sta- midpoint of 37,000 years as the best and Hawaii also have non-white majori- tus, and “language is the dominant way guess. ties, with Hispanics the largest non-white today of expressing oppression.” A new allele of ASPM appeared 500 group in the first two states, and Asians In 2001, the San Diego city council to 14,100 years ago, most probably in Hawaii. Five other states—Maryland, expunged “minority” from official us- about 5,800 years ago. Half of the popu- Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Ari- age, and also stopped referring to neigh- lations of Europe and the Middle East zona—are now 40 percent or more non- borhoods that are largely black and His- have this allele, but it is less common in white, and are expected to have non- panic as “Southeast San Diego” in or- Asia, and very rare in Africa. There are white majorities by the time of the 2010 der to “move away from the pejorative probably many different genes involved Census. Nevada isn’t far behind. In the connotations” toward “something that in brain growth and function, and it is 1990s, its population was 80 percent was respectful.” significant that the ones now discovered white. The figure is now 60 percent and What will replace minority? The me- are not distributed equally in all groups. falling fast. The nation is well on its way dia have begun using “majority-minor- The research suggests the brain is still to becoming majority non-white by ity,” while academics prefer “people of evolving. Just 6,000 years ago—and 2050, says Steve Murdock, a demogra- color.” Others prefer “multicultural,” American Renaissance - 13 - October 2005 LICENSED TO UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED “diverse,” or “urban.” [Erin Texeira, sages like “Illegal aliens displace US [Samson Habte, Day Laborer Center Term ‘Minority’ Criticized as Outdated, workers” and “Stop rewarding illegals.” Stirs National Debate, Examiner (Wash- AP, Aug. 18, 2005.] The other group’s signs read, “No hu- ington, DC), Aug. 8, 2005. Christina “Invaders” does not appear to be on man being is illegal” and “Open your Bellantoni, Kilgore Urges Fairfax to the list of possible replacements. hearts to the poor and needy.” The town Drop Day Laborer Center, Washington let residents speak on the matter, and two Times, Aug. 9, 2005.] Ignoring the People of the meetings had to be stretched over This massive opposition came to more than one night to accommodate all naught. The protestors persuaded the Every morning, about 150 men look- the speakers. The majority opposed the Herndon Planning Commission to vote ing for work—most, if not all, Hispanic center. They said it would bring gang against the center, but on Aug. 18 the illegal aliens—gather in the parking lot violence and disease, as well as loutish town council voted five to two to ap- of a 7-Eleven in Herndon, Va., a Wash- behavior. [Carol Morello, Day Laborers prove it. PHH got a $175,000 contract ington, DC, suburb. These men have pro- Enter Fray Over Job Site, Washington from Fairfax County to run the center. It voked complaints from the neighbors, Post, Aug. 2, 2005. Building Setback for says it will not check anyone’s immigra- who say they drink beer, urinate in pub- tion status. [Christina Bellantoni, lic, frighten women and children, and Herndon OKs Day Laborer Center, lower property values. The police have Washington Times, Aug. 18, 2005. made 21 arrests around the convenience Christina Bellantoni, Center Staff Won’t store in each of the past two years, all Check Legal Status of Laborers, Wash- for nuisance crimes like public drunk- ington Times, Aug. 19, 2005.] enness and trespassing. A long-time resi- There is still hope for opponents. Ju- dent of the neighborhood, who some- dicial Watch has sued the town on be- times picks up beer bottles left by the half of six Herndon residents to block men, says few children come to the store construction, on the grounds that the now, whereas a decade ago the area was town is abetting illegal immigration. crowded with children. Neighboring Loudoun County has Since the town attorney said it would threatened to use zoning laws to block be “unconstitutional” to chase the men the center, which would stand near the away, the town proposed this year to Fairfax-Loudoun County border. Jerry build a day-laborer center for them and Day Laborers Site in Herndon, AP, Aug. Kilgore, currently the front-runner for make it illegal to solicit jobs anywhere 4, 2005.] Virginia governor, has reiterated his op- else. A coalition of non-profit groups Michael Graham, a local radio talk position to the center, and there is little called Project Hope and Harmony show host, urged listeners to call doubt that, if elected, he would take steps (PHH), which hoped for a county grant Herndon mayor Michael O’Reilly to to block it. [Carol Morello, Suit Filed to to run the center, began lobbying for it. protest the center on August 5. He said Block Herndon Labor Site, Washington The mayor, the police chief, and the mayor was “assisting criminal aliens Post, Sept. 2, 2005. Lisa Rein and Aymar members of PHH repeatedly went to the who are . destroying this country, steal- Jean, Day Labor Center Faces a Fight area where the center was planned to ing jobs, running drugs, raping people.” From Loudoun Officials, Washington reassure neighbors, but they objected The town hall got so many calls it had to Post, Aug. 19, 2005.] strongly. In July, one said five of the 30 shut off its switchboard.
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