Volume 5, Number 44 148th anniversary: 1870—2018 “Celebrating as God’s Family” October 28, 2018 Our Lady of the Mount Church Roman Catholic Church * Diocese of Honolulu 1614 Monte Street * Honolulu, HI 96819 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rectory Office & Fax: (808) 845-0828 Email: [email protected] “Master, I want Website: ourladyofthemountkalihi.org to see.” Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Immedi- ately he received his sight and followed him on the way. Rev. Edgar B. Brillantes Rev. Adrian R. Gervacio Mark 10:51-52 Pastor Pastor-Emeritus OCTOBER IS ROSARY & RESPECT LIFE MONTH Let’s pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary for peace in our lives, homes, nation and the whole world. FR. EDGAR’S BIRTHDAY TODAY IS PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY October 30 is the actual birth date of The priesthood is a calling from God who chooses Fr. Edgar but he wants to celebrate and sends on a mission those who respond and the occasion with us his parish family gives His Spirit, strength and His grace as they and friends today. Incidentally, today serve Him. is Priesthood Sunday, so he’s not on- At ordination, the priest is anointed, so that he may ly marking the gift of life but also the anoint others; he is blessed so that he may be a gift of the priesthood. He has been blessing to others, and that grace is renewed eve- serving us and the People of God in ry day through his ministry to those entrusted to our parish and diocese joyfully and his care. faithfully with his life and priesthood. A priest is today’s shepherd involved in teaching, sanctifying and guiding Let us gather together and join him in the People of God through a life of ministerial service and leadership. acknowledging God’s sacred and Priests are preachers of the word, ministers of the Gospel, organizers of beautiful gifts in a luncheon fellowship Christian communities, social leaders, spiritual guides, worship presiders, and wholesome celebration. among others. The diocesan priest serves the people of God, to bring them Christ’s healing love through prayer, the sacraments and by the Word of God. The priest is an ‘alter Christus’ meaning another Christ. He PRAYER FOR PRIESTS has the supreme joy and privilege of making Christ present in the Eucha- rist and in his person. Gracious and loving God, Priestly ministry is demanding and so to act fully for Christ, the priest must we thank you for the gift of our priests, be sustained by his own prayer-relationship with God, as well as rooted especially for Fr. Edgar and Fr. Adrian. deeply in the Sacraments and Scriptures. Through them we experience your On this Priesthood Sunday, let us think about all the Priests in our lives presence in the sacraments. that we have known, our past and present Pastors, both deceased and Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. living. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. As the people of God, we are challenged to make a commitment and Grant them the wisdom, understanding, promise - *To pray for our Priests every day, not only for those we encoun- and strength they need to follow ter, but for all Priests, because all Priests are our Priests; *To support and in the footsteps of Jesus. love our Priests! There are few enough Priests as it is, and if we don’t sup- Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. port them or even just pray for them, we may lose them to discourage- Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. ment, and may, in effect, discourage other men from considering the Allow them to experience joy in the ministry. priestly vocation to which God is calling them. Help them to become instruments of your divine Through Baptism, we all share in the priesthood of Christ. Let us celebrate grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives the common priesthood of the lay faithful and the ministerial priesthood of and reigns as our Eternal Priest. the ordained! Amen. “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:3 Our Lady of the Mount Church 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Next Sunday’s Reading 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor’s First Reading Responsorial Psalm Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51 Corner Second Reading Gospel Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 12:28-34 By Rev. Edgar B. Brillantes First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9 Joy marks the return of remnant - a large throng - from exile in the desert. The Lord has delivered his people. Their tears of depar- ture contrast with the happiness upon their return. One point could not be clearer: the Lord has always been and will always be the Father of Israel Second Reading: Hebrews 5:1-6 Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father from whom his high priesthood comes. The Father glorifies Christ and makes him a priest for- ever in the order of Melchizedek. Christ deals patiently with our sins because he shares in the fullness of our humanity. He offers himself for our sins because he also shares in the fullness of divinity. Gospel: Mark 10:46-52 Despite the rebuke of many, the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, would not stop calling out to Jesus for pity. Jesus does not ignore his cries, but rather calls him near and asks him what he desires. Bartimaeus simply wants to see. Jesus heals the blind man, noting that his faith saved him. Bartimaeus responds to his newly-gained sight by following Jesus. MAHALO TO GOOD STEWARDS Stewardship is responsible sharing of the gifts of time, talent and treasure that God has bestowed upon each one of us. This has been manifested by our dear parishioners in various ways: ***GIFTS OF LOVE ❖We acknowledge all generous contributions which support our pastoral programs and ongoing projects as well as the basic operation of the Church and the rectory. We, the priests, the parish staff and leaders, deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge all dear parishioners who faith- fully and steadily support our Church with their prayers, stewardship and personal involvement in our parish activities and programs. ❖We are grateful to Cleo Bala Casino and another generous benefactress for their donation of $1255.50 for the purchase of a new electronic digi- tal piano for use in the Church. ❖Big mahalo to Cora Orcino for her donation of $200.00 for the renovation of the Convent. ❖We thank Rey & Minda Teocson for their regular donation of shell leis that are presented to parishioners celebrating special occasions and to welcome guests and visitors. ***MINISTERS & VOLUNTEERS – Our Parish has been blessed with such responsible stewards who serve and give without counting the cost and we keep praising and thanking God for them. ❖The Parish Finance Committee is happy to welcome Eileen Elido as their new secretary. She is replacing Yolanda Rucker. Our sincere appreci- ation to both for sharing their time and services which is a great blessing to the church. ❖MAINTENANCE JOB – Roger Isidro, Adriano Daligcon & Jun Cortez have been doing the skilled maintenance odd jobs in the church and recto- ry fixing and repairing leaks or busted fixtures. We deeply appreciate their cheerful sharing of their time, skills and services. ❖CHURCH CLEANERS – Every Saturday a group of men and women parishioners prepare the Church for the weekend celebrations. They clean the altar and the floor, wipe the pews, arrange the books, flowers and linens, put up the seasonal banners and other tasks. They set up the proper worship environments and make our celebrations dignified and meaningful. We do appreciate them for their dedication and devotion. If you are interested to join, please see Roselani Ramones. ❖CHURCH CHOIR – Every Wednesday and Saturday, the choir takes time to rehearse under the baton of Mary Ann Llamedo. Aside from the adults, children and the youth are being trained cantors. The Sunday worship is made more alive because of their lead in singing praises to God. Please don’t hesitate to share your talent. Come and join the choir. Also assisting in the rehearsals and instrumentation are Sr. Clemence Mira, Audrey Peralta, Connie de Santos and the Llamedo Band. ❖PARKING ATTENDANTS – We see them before and after Masses and during funerals and occasional functions directing traffic and the proper positioning of vehicles in our limited parking lot. They are happy to serve but it is not always easy especially when some would not heed their di- rections. Let us show our grateful appreciation for their patient and kind services by respectfully cooperating with them in keeping smooth flow of traffic and parking in the church grounds. Mark Correia is the Hospitality Ministry coordinator. ***Our parish is always welcoming and open to any parishioner who wants to volunteer in the councils, com- mittees, ministries, organizations, clubs, prayer groups and donor societies and share your God-given talents and gifts to keep our Church going. You may submit your name at the parish office or contact our pastor. God bless and reward you abundantly. *TO ALL THE GOOD STEWARDS, OUR SINCERE THANK YOU!* Our Lady of the Mount Church October 28, 2018 Stewardship News & Announcements STEWARDSHIP PRAYER STEWARDSHIP Come, Holy Spirit! Come down upon us. Watch COMMITMENT SUNDAY over us. Guide us. Make us good stewards of your wisdom. After hearing testimonies You are the promised one of Jesus, the ultimate from parishioners about protector of the church and its most vulnerable. You are the Lord, “Serving Compassionately” the giver of life who brings us peace in the midst of storms and for the past three weekends comfort in our pain and discouragement.
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