47G APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 477 Hochelxga-Alp Desjardins Portneuf-E A de St. Georges Huutiugdun-Julius tdcriver Quebec Cenkr-Hun J E Cauchos FOREIGN CONSULS IN CANADA. Ihervilla-Françoie Bechard Quebec East-Hon Isidore Thibauitau Jacques Cartier-Rodolphe Laflamme Quebec West-Hon Thus McGreevy Joliette-Louis F G Baby Quebec Co-Adolphe P Caron Anosxrtxs Cosnoaaartox.-Vice-Consul, TAree Biwrs, Geo. B. Day. Kamouraeka-C A P Pelletier Itichelieu-George I Berthe Laprairie-Alfred Pinsonneault Richmond and Wolfe-Hon H Aylmer ACarau axn HcxoaaT.-Consul, Montreal, Ed. Schultze. L'Assomption-Hilaire Hurteau Ritnouski-J H Rutnuald Fiset BaAstt,.-Vice-Conral, Ualilaz, N.S., Laval-Alderic Ouimet Ruuville-(i Cheval M. Tobin. Levis-L H Frechette Selkirk Donald A Smith Cetw.-CoturldJenewl, Montreal, Geo. B. Day, Conwtl ; Quebec, John Laird ; I L'Islet-Philippe B Caegrain St livaointhii-Louis Delorme Lotbiniere-Henry Bernier St Juhns-Franr;ois Bouraasa 1 ïcr-Conauli Chieuwiati, bon. David Priee ; 1 Ane tliaera, J. F. Gaudet; St. JoAs, :V.B., J. ".tekinonge-Louis A Buyer St ataurioe-Cbarlea Lajoie W. 'cammell. Slegantic-Edouard E Richard ShetPord-Hon L S Huntington Dsxraate.-Consuls, Balefaz, S. Tobin ; Montreal J. F. WuIQ Via-Contuls, Miasisqtwl-William Donuhue Sherbrooke-S T Brooks Quebac, George T. Pembertun ; Suguenuy, David E. Î'rice. Montcalm-Firman Du as Soulanges-Jaeques P Lanthier Montntsgny-Heuri T Waschereau Stanataad-Charles C Colby FaAses.-Coneul-General, Quebec, Martial Chevalier. Vice-Consuls, Montreal, Dr. Montmorency -Jean Langlois Temiecouata-Jsan B Pouliot P. E. Picault; lfaltjaz, .Y.J., J. B. Morrow ; Sydney, N.S., bon. J. kburinut; St. Montreal Centre-B Devlln Terrebonne-L F R Masson John's A'w^oundland, J. C. Toussaint. Coruutar Agents Toronto, W. J. ^lacdonell; Montreal East-Louis A Jett6 Three Rivers-Wm McDougall St. Jol^n, .1.B., George Carvill ; G'Aarlottetorvrt, !'.B./., Lr. Hobkirck. Montreal West--Frederic McKenzie Two Mountains-Wilfred Prevost Gataex TLYPiag.-Consuls, Toronto, J. A. Simmen ; Queber, C. Pitl i Montreal Napierville-S Cuupal Vau, lrrcuil-Robert Harwood W. C. Alunderlob. Nicolet-Joseph Gaudet Verchktres-Hon Felix Geoffrion Ottawa Co A Wright l'amaika-Charles Gill INsrnsat.exns.-Coaeul-t'Jenenl, 2brottto, B. H. Dixon, H.N.L. Vice-Consul, Pontiac-Win McK Wright f^uebec C. Johnston; llalUas, A.S., W. N. Wickwire, 31.D; St. John, N.B., T. K. ls. Tis^ale. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Psao.-Cotuul, lfontrwl, Geo. B. Day. Vice-Conarla, Queba, John Laird ; Chicoutimi, bon. David Price ; Three Rivers, J. F. Gaudet; &. John, N.B., J. W., Annapolis-William H Ray Hants-M H Goudge Scammell. Antigonish-Angus Mclsaac Inverness--Samuel McDonnell Cape Breton-Newton L McKay, Wil- Spain.-Consul-t;.neral, Quebec, Senor Don 1lariano Alvarez. Vicv-Consnle, King's -Frederick W Borden Qucbec, Don José \avarro • Montreal, Antony Pain- I am McDonald Dr. J. L. Leprohon ; Gusyr, Lunenburg-Charles E Church chaud. Vice-Consul. St. John, N.tl., StepAen's Colchester-Thninas McKay Pictou-lames W Carmichael, John A Henry Jack. Consular Agents, St. Davis Brown; Si. Samuel Johnston ; Caraquette and SAql^igan, John Cumberland-Hon C Tupper, C.B. Dawson Georges, Diguv-Huu N ü Vail R. Dawn. l'ta-Conaula, ilahJar, 11.S., Don Antonio M. de 7Aa; Jyuncy Win Queen's-James F Forbes Purves. Consular dy.nta, Yarmouth, Guysborough- dJohn A Kirk George S. Brown • Lunertbury Daniel bwen Richmond-Hon Edmund P Flynn sen.; Liverpool, Robic L. Ste rns ; G/aee Bay, Haiitax-Al.fre G Jonea, Patrick Shelburne-llon T Collin Little 6 harles H. ftigby ; 1'ictou' Power Howard Primrose. Iiee-t,'onruln, Charlottetown, T. S. Carvell, Victoria-Hon C J Campbell St. John's, 14erJurnrllnnd, Don Joe6 Froneki. Consular Agents, Trinihl, Yarmouth-Frank Killam A. H, Cole; UrcenaFOnd, Jamsa L. Ni-onan; Tulrnyuet,-Duder; a.^yu, Ha • Fwdlster, , Burin, Fr+ncts Bertew ; llarf.our Briton, Phiiip Hubert; U.rullors, 11'il^iam Gallose. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Viee-Consul, :/arbour Uracr, Thom" H. Ridley. 9wgn911 t,nD Noawsv.-Consul, Quebec, W. A. Schwartz. VicaConsula Montreal Albert-John Wallace Restigouche-George Moffatt John F. Wul,f; Iiacounains, John E. Barry; $aywnay, D. Pricc Hujile; Trois Carleton - S B A Frldeby St John, City J S Soies DeVeber Ptstolea, Nazaire Tetu; Künowki and d/atane, George Sylvain; U.ayf, J. J. Charlotte-A If Gillmour St John, City and County-Hon Isasc Luwndes; vatAoUaK, N.B. Geo. Haddon; .Ntrt^mchr Richard Hutchison; Gloucestcr-Hon T W Anglin Burpee and A L Palmer K.ehibucto, R. Hutchinson • iSuctouche, J. liowser; Sh, diac, Win. J. M. Harrington ; Kent George 1lcLeod Sunbury - Charles Burlree St. John, John Oudlip ; hathurrt, John Ferguson, jun.; l1a[t/as, .V.S., James B. King's-James Domrille Victoria John Costigan Oxley; !'rv,/ ^raah, H. G. Pineu jun.; Yarmouth, J Y. Moody, Sydney tl.B. Wm. Nnrthumlxrland - Bon Peter Mitchell Westmorland-Hon A J Smith H. Archibald jun.; Pictou, N'S., J. R. Noonan; St. JoAn'a, Ney^oun iland, hobert llueen's-John Ferris York - John Pickard H. Prowse ;2dwailtun, llnt., Silae E. Gregory. IIstsn SraTSa or Ausatea.-Consut-Ueneral, Afontreal, W. A. Dart. {'ice and BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ihk. Corunl-Uerteral, .Yontreal, Orlando P. Blosse. Consuls, Clt/'ton, R. D. Chtlton; Fort Erie, A. C.I'hillipa;[JodericA A. A. Thompson; Bamilton H. Ray Ceriboo-J S TLompsnn Cosmaa-Fre J Ruscoe Ngera; Kingston, James M. Trae; Pnxotl, L. S. Sims; / on Sarnia, S. B. Pace; New Weetminater-J Cunningham oictoria-Ade Toronto, A. D. Shaw. I ice-Consula, La Rue Peck, Windsor John L. Near • Vancouvers Island-Artbur liunster Yale-Edgar Dewdney Coaticor.k, Edward Vaughan ; 6tuebec, W. C Howells • ilaÎiJar, NS. M. 1^ Jackson; Pietou, N.S,, Oscar ^ïalmroe; St. John, N.l^., Darius B.' {^arner; St. John's, Netejoundland, T. N. Jlalloy ; Charlottetown i'.E.l., David M. Dunn; YAIfITOSA. St. John's, Q., ; W'innipey, M., James W. Taylor; I4ctoria, B.C., D. Eckstein. Liegar-John C Schultz I Marguette-Joseph Ryan URUGUAY.-Consul 1lmtreal, F. W. Henshaw. Vice-Consuls, Montreal, F. C. Henehaw ; ,Syrlncy b. B., H. H. Archibald !'ictou, N.S., Charles W. Ives ; Bristol, S. C. Tupper; St. ^;fary's Bay, Charles E. ^iverett• Annapolis Tht^. A. Gavaza; PII,I1faZ SD WABD ISLAND. vuehrc, C. P. Champion; Three Rivers, James Acbougal ; Slt. John, N.B., A. D. King-Hon J Davies P A McIntyre I Prince--S T Perry James Yen Goodwin. 478 APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 479 CONSTITUENCIES. MEMIIIKRB. P. 0. •tentutiss. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Poe! K. Chisholm Brampton Perth, N. R.. D. D. limy Stratford BEAT OF GOVERNMENT—TORONTO. :' th, S. H Thos Balleutlue ........ .........Downie Lieutenant-Governor—His Honor lION. Joua Caswrouri, Toronto. Peterborough, E. H . Dr. J. O'Sullivan ....Teterboro Peterborough, W it. bah. A. cox. Teterboro Private Secretory and A.D.C., Frederick Law, Commander R. N. Preseott.... Dr. Harkins L'irrighial Prince Edward G striker.. Piero', EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. eenfnsw. S. R. James liontield Ren(rew T. I'. Pardee, Commisiioner Renfrew, N IL T Deacon Pembroke Hon. O. Mewat, Premier and Attorney General ; Hon Ruarell. ' A. J. Baker Prescott of Crown Lands ; Hou. A. McKellar, Provincial Secretary Minister of Agriculture; :emcee. E. S John Kern Orillia Hou. C. F. Fraser, Commissioner of Public Works ; Adam Crooks, Treasurer ;J. G. oirucoe, W S Thee Long ........ .. ...collingwood Scott, Clerk of Executive Council ; II Kinloch, assistant clerk ; G. B. Nichol and Simcoe, W 8 Darcy Boulton Toronto clerks ; Michael Smith, messenger. etormont J Bethune, ti.0 Toronto E. H. T. Ileward Toronto East lion. M. C. Cameron. ....Toronto Toronto West Robert Bell. Toronto HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Victoria, N. K J I). Smith Fenelou Falls Victoria, S. It 8 C. Wood Lindsay IIox. E. M. WELLS, SPEAKER. Waterloo, N H M. Springer Waterloo 11 aterloo, S. H John Elemink ...Galt 0. ADDEEas CONBT1TEENCIEN. MEMBERS. P. %%Mend lion. J. G. Currie St. Catharines Wellington, N. R. Napanee John McGowan Alma Addington. H. M. Doi-oche. Wellington, C. R. C Clarke Flora Algoma Fred. W. Cumberland. Toronto Wellington, ei. It H. Finlaymon Paris hou. l'eter Goer Guelph Brant. N.R Brantford nentworth,N.R. Thai. Stock .Dundaa Brant, 8.R. A S. Hardy. Wentworth, S. K W. Bexton Jerseyville Brockville Col. W. II. Cole Brockville York. E. R Donald Sinclair Saugeen John Lane 'Thornhill Bruce, N R Toronto lork, W. It P Patterson Patterson liruce, 8.R Hon. Rupert M. Wells lurk, N. It. . Dr. J. 11.Widdefield ............... W. K. Fisher Flesherton New Market cardwell.... Ottawa Carleton O. W. Monk. Cornwall A. F. McIntyre Cornwall Dulterin Dr. Barr . liornings Mills OFFICERS HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Dundas Andrew Broder Morrisburg Durham, KR John Itoeever Port Hope Durham. W.R John McLeod Bowmanville Charles T. Gillmor, clerk of the House; J. Notman, Queen's printer and account- Dr. .1. IL Wilson St. Thomas ant; J. J. Vance, clerk assistant and clerk of private Elgin, Kit Wardsville bills ; A. H. Sydere, clerk of Elgin, W. It J. II. Monroe. record and routine ; A. Leith, law clerk ; J. M. Dalaniere, clerk ; Lewis Wigle Kingsville F. J. Glacknityer, Essex. E. It Sandwich sergeant-at-arms ; S. J. Watson, librarian ; Phillins, housekeeper and chief Essex, N. R J. C. Patterson messenger ; William Johnson, John Bowman and William Frontenac. .Peter Graham Kingston Kennedy, messengers ; Glengarry .A. J. Grant Cornwall John Siniser, fireman, and James Wells, watchman. – Iton. C. F. Fraser Toronto Grenville. S.R Owen Sound Grey, N.It ..Thos. Scott. À. W. Lauder Toronto Grey, E.It Durham PROVINCIAL SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR'3 Grey S. R .J. H. Hunter DEPARTMENT. Haidimand .. Jacob Baxter Cayuga . W. Barber Streetaville Halton Hamilton Hon. A. McKeller Provincial Secretary ; I. R. Eckart, assistant secretary ; R. S. Hamilton ..... , J. M.
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