OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] ------ I I Amendment No.1 UNIDO PROJECT: MP/PAKl04/142 as per Terms of Reference I dated 25 June 2007 I Supply of technical services to train refrigerant service technicians of I Balochistan, NWFP and Capital Area of Pakistan for Refrigerant Management Plan for Pakistan, 3'd Tranche I UNIDO Project Code: MP/PAKl05/002 I I FINAL REPORT I I I I I I II Prepared by: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNICAL EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN I Faiz Ahmed Faiz Road, Sector H-8/1, ISLAMABAD - 44000 Tel: +9251 9257231, +9251 9257237, Fax: +92519257535, I Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.niste.edu.pk I (May 2008) I I I I I Amendment No.1 in the UNIDO Project No. MP!PAK!04!142 as per Terms of Reference dated I 25 June 2007 for extension of contract for the supply of technical services to train refrigerant service technicians in Balochistan, NWFP and Capital Area, Pakistan for Refrigerant I Management Plan for Pakistan, 3'd Tranche, UNIDO Project code: MP!PAK!05!002 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Sr. # Description Page No. I 1. Introduction 1 2. Training of refrigerant service technicians 2 I a. Training of refrigerant service technicians of Islamabad Capital Territory 2 I b. Training of refrigerant service technicians of Balochistan Province 3 c. Training of refrigerant service technicians of NWFP Province 4 I 3. Financial aspects 5 4. Summary 6 I S. Appendix - A "Copy of the Contract Agreement" 8 6. Appendix - B "Press advertisement for inViting the applications from 13 I the Refrigerant Service Technicians of Islamabad Capital Territory" I 7. Appendix - C "Group-wise details about refrigerant service 15 technicians trained from Islamabad Capital Territory" I 8. Appendix - D "Press advertisement for inviting the applications from 36 the Refrigerant Service Technicians of Balochistan" I 9. Appendix - E "Group-wise details about refrigerant service 37 technicians trained from Balochistan" I 10. Appendix - F "Press advertisement for inviting the applications from 50 the Refrigerant Service Technicians of NWFP" I 11. Appendix - G "Group-wise details about refrigerant service 51 technicians so far trained from NWFP" I 12. Appendix - H Sample of Certificate awarded to participants on 114 successful completion of the training. I o I I I I I Amendment No.1 in the UNIDO Project No. MP/PAK/04/142 as per Terms of Reference dated I 25 June 2007 for extension of contract for the supply of technical services to train refrigerant service technicians in Balochistan, NWFP and Capital Area, Pakistan for Refrigerant I Management Plan for Pakistan, 3'd Tranche, UNIDO Project code: MP!PAK!05!002 RATIONALE I The first component of the Refrigerant Management Plan (RMP) of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is to train in country refrigerant service I technicians in performing repairs, maintenance and installation of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment to avoid leaks and unnecessary emissions of CFCs.The RMP ensures I the use of good refrigeration service and maintenance practices for systems using ozone depleting substances and the correct handling of new replacement/ alternate! substitute I refrigerants. In order to train manpower to coordinate with the national recovery and recycling project component, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has selected I National Institute of Science & Technical Education (NISTE) for the provision of technical services related to establishment of two centers of excellence, one each in Province Balochistan I and NWFP and training of 260 refrigerant service technicians of Balochistan, NWFP and Capital I Area of Pakistan. The original contract was finalized and signed on September 2S, 2006 between UNIDO and NISTE. I As per original contract, NISTE had trained 260 refrigerant service technicians and established two training centers of excellence, one at Government College of Technology (GCT), I Quetta, Balochistan and other at Government Advance Technical Training Center, Industrial Estate, Hayatabad, Peshawar. I UNIDO invited Request for Proposal No. 16001073!2P dated July 10, 2007 from NISTEto amend the Project No. MP/PAK/04/142 as per Terms of Reference dated 25 June 2007 for I extension of contract for the supply of technical services to train additional 260 refrigerant service technicians of Balochistan, NWFP and Capital Area of Pakistan for Refrigerant I Management Plan for Pakistan, 3rd Tranche UNIDO under Project code MP/PAK!05!002. Accordingly, NISTEhad submitted the proposal on July 23, 2007 to UNIDO for approval. UNIDO I raised certain observations which were later clarified on August 27, 2007. UNIDO accepted the proposal on Amendment No. 1 and sent the contract agreement to NISTEon September 20, I I I I I I I 2007 for resubmission after countersigning by Director General NISTE. The same was resubmitted on September 29, 2007. Copy of the Amendment NO.1 is placed at Appendix-A. I 2. TRAINING OF REFRIGERANTSERVICETECHNICIANS I A. Training of Refrigerant Service Technicians of Islamabad Capital Territory As per the schedule, NISTE released the admission notice in the press on October 7, I 2007 and October 21, 2007 for inviting the applications from the Refrigerant Service I Technicians of Islamabad Capital Territory. After receipt of applications, NISTE formed six groups of ten participants each. Copies of the Advertisement Notices are given in Appendix-B. I NISTEhad prepared the schedule for the training of 60 Refrigerant Service Technicians I of Islamabad Capital Territory and started the training from October 17, 2007 and completed it on November 17, 2007. Instead of 60 NISTEhad trained 64 refrigerant service technicians from I Islamabad Capital Territory. Training Manual was prepared specifically in local Urdu language and training material, stationery alongwith bag was given to each participant. On completion of I training, travelling allowance, per diem and participation certificates were awarded to the participants. Detail of Training Programme Schedule & Number of Refrigerant Service I Technicians planned and trained from Islamabad Capital Area is given in the following table:- Table: Detail of Training Programme Schedule & Number of Refrigerant Service Technicians I planned and trained from Islamabad Capital Area No. of Technicians S. No. Batch Group Date of Commencement Date of Completion I Planned Trained 10 08 I 1 I I October 17, 2007 October 20, 2007 10 08 2 I II October 17, 2007 October 20, 2007 10 12 I 3 II III October 31, 2007 November 03,2007 10 12 4 II IV October 31, 2007 November 03, 2007 I November 17. 2007 10 10 5 III V November 14. 2007 I 2 I I I I I No. of Technicians I Date of Completion S. No. Batch Group Date of Commencement Planned Trained 10 14 I 6 III VI November 14, 2007 November 17, 2007 I Total No. of Technicians planned / trained 60 64 The group-wise details about refrigerant service technicians trained from Islamabad I Capital Area are given in Appendix-C. I B. Training of Refrigerant Technicians of Balochistan Province NISTEhad prepared the schedule with the consultation of Engr. Abdul Majeed, Liaison I Officer/Head of Department, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Technology, GCT Quetta and released the notice in the daily press of Quetta, Balochistan on November 4, 2007 and I November 11, 2007 for inviting the applications from the Refrigerant Service Technicians of Balochistan (Copy of the advertisement is given in Appendix-D). After receipt of applications, I NISTEhad sorted out the applications with the consultation of provincial liaison officer, Engr. Abdul Majeed, Head of Department, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Technology, Government I College of Technology, Quetta. Four groups of ten participants each were formed. NISTEhad started the training from November 28, 2007 and completed it on December 15, 2007. Training I Manual, training material and stationery alongwith bag was provided to each participant. On completion of training, travailing allowance, per diem and participation certificates were I awarded to the participants. Detail of Training Programme Schedule & Number of Refrigerant Service Technicians planned and trained from Balochistan Province is given in the following I table:- I Table: Detail of Training Programme Schedule & Number of Refrigerant Service Technicians planned and trained from Balochistan Province No. of Technicians I Group Date of Commencement Date of Completion S. No. Batch Planned Trained 10 10 I 1 I I November 28.2007 December 01, 2007 10 10 I 2 I II November 28,2007 December 01, 2007 3 I I I I I No.
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