Tsukuba Express Keisei Line Minowa ASAKUSABASHI Nippori Tokyo Metro 浅 草 橋 Chiyoda Line Ueno Asakusa Tobu Isesaki Line The Asakusabashi area has been thriving since the Edo period as a com- Toei Asakusa Line Okachimachi mercial and traffic center, exploiting the natural wealth of the Sumida Toei Oedo Line 台 River. The Tokugawa Shogunate built a gate here called "Asakusa- 東 区 Mitsuke" as a crucial advance guard for the defense of Edo Castle. Tokyo Metro Taito-City 循 Ginza Line 環 Whole area Today, with its dense commercial community composed of various AAssakusabashi バ Akihabara figure ス retailers like traditional doll shops, Asakusabashi attracts numerous visi- Tokyo Metro 浅 北 Hibiya Line 草 浅 め tors. 松 草 ぐ 屋 り 1 ん 1 16 AsakusaAssakusaakusa 1 雷門雷門 26 1 東本願寺本願寺 KaminarimonKaminarimon GateGate G 雷門 25 17 MatsugayaMaatsugayatsugaya 1 Higashiigashi HonganjiHonganji TTempleempleemple 通り 稲荷 Ka H 町 minarimon-D 浅草文化浅草文化 17 Ina ori richo 銀 Nishi-AsakusaNiishi-Asakusashi-Asakusa 1 清光寺清光寺 観光センター観光センター Sta. 座線 G G . i nza Li SeikojiSeikoji TTempleempleemple 27 19 吾 a ne 徳本寺徳本寺 AsakusaAsakusa CultureCulture TTouristouristourist t A 妻 上 . z S u 橋 Higashi-Uenoigashi-Ueno 3 Tokuhonjiokuhonji TTempleempleemple InformationInformation CenterCenter a m t a o 下谷神社下谷神社 浅 浅 -b 野 草 S a n 通り KaminarimonKaaminarimonminarimon 1 shi e G a As 草 Shitayahitaya ShrineShrine akus s U a-D 18 ori 田原 Kaminarimonaminarimon 2 u 永寿総合病院永寿総合病院 町 Ta k wara a mach s Eijuiju GeneralGeneral HospitalHospital i St A Moto-AsakusaMooto-Asakusato-Asakusa 2 Moto-AsakusaMooto-Asakusato-Asakusa 4 15 a. 首 2 本法寺本法寺 駒形堂形堂 32 誓教寺誓教寺 A 都 t Honpojionpoji TTempleempleemple つ 28 e SenkyojiSenkyoji TTempleempleemple 18 KomagatadoKomagatado 高 e r く Templeemple s t Higashi-UenoHiigashi-Uenogashi-Ueno 2 KotobukiKootobukitobuki 2 . s S 浅 a 速 t ば e KotobukiKootobukitobuki 4 エース世界のエース世界の r キ o S p 草 1 h エ a 駒 x カバン館カバン館 K ム c s o 形 E u m o 号 龍宝寺宝寺 WWorldorldorld BagsBags andand LuggageLuggage MuseumMuseum k a 橋 k ク g チ a a a o t b s a- 上 Y RyuhojiRyuhoji TTempleempleemple b 龍福院龍福院 RyufukuinRyufukuin TTempleempleemple ス u A a 横 i s k Komagataomagata 1 h h i 野 Moto-AsakusaMooto-Asakusato-Asakusa 3 KotobukiKootobukitobuki 1 プ u c s 丁 T 線 u Higashi-UenoHiigashi-Uenogashi-Ueno 1 レ 江 都 m ぐりん i 台東区循環バス東西め i 営 Moto-AsakusaMooto-Asakusato-Asakusa 1 30 r K ス 戸 o 29 地 e Route) D E ito City Loopline (East-West 通 n 3 Ta - i 10 o 下 L り d E a H 都営地 KomagataKoomagatamagata 3 鉄 s 新御 下鉄大 u 16 . 徒町 江戸 首 線 Toei 浅 k a Oedo Li t 4 Sh ne a in-Okac s 都 S himac 31 13 草 h i Sta. A i 仲 14 i h 高 線 春日通 e c り 御 o a E 速 Taitoaito 4 Kasuga-Dori T m 11 徒 i 12 蔵 6 - h 前 a 龍宝寺龍宝寺 K c 小島小小島アートプラザ島アートプラザ u 号 町 k ra KomagataKoomagatamagata 2 a ma a e k RyuhojiRyuhoji TTempleempleemple 榧寺榧寺 Sta 向 N 台東デザイナーズビレッジ台東台東デザイナーズビレッジ o . 島 台 KojimaKoojimajima 2 KojimaKojima ArtArt PlazaPlaza KayaderaKayadera TTempleempleemple 厩 ) U 橋 e MisujiMiisujisuji 2 m 線 i TTaitoaitoaito DesignersDesigners VVillegeillegeillege 東 t a r 蔵前神社蔵前神社 ya u i KuramaeKuuramaeramae 4 - o i i 昭 i b r o a r r r s D 区 o KuramaeKuramae ShrineShrine h R o o o - 清 i 新 和 D a D D 循 h - D t - - i - i i i i w 洲 r u KuramaeKuuramaeramae 3 h r r 通 堀 r o o s o o o Taitoaito 3 環 o 国 h a KojimaKoojimajima 1 橋 D S b b 5 i 通 b i i i - ( り S b r i i i i バ 際 u o 西福寺西福寺 a e 左 N N 通 N e s MisujiMiisujisuji 1 り 隅 s n D A n i ス o - i SaifukujiSaifukuji TTempleempleemple 通 u l り 衛 i y 17 L k 田 i p h o r K s o り 南 門 e K . a o 川 蔵 a v L b t i 橋 S め n R y 前 ラ r t o e e i 法林寺法林寺 a a 通 v ぐ m 11 d C イ 隅 m i i e a R o HorinjiHorinji TTempleempleemple r a m t り り u ン 田 i u a S K d a Torigoeorigoe 1 S i ん T 川 m Taitoaito 2 Torigoeorigoe 2 KuramaeKuuramaeramae 2 u おか S ず横丁 Okazu Yok ocho Street 鳥越神社鳥越神社 浅草御蔵跡碑浅草御蔵跡碑 TTorikoeorikoeorikoe ShrineShrine MonumentMonument ofof AsakusaAsakusa OkuraOkura 蔵前橋通り Kuramaebashi- 10 蔵 Dori Ku 前 Yokoamiokoami 2 ram 橋 ae- 江 bas 6 i 首尾の松首尾の松 hi 戸 r AsakusabashiAssakusabashiakusabashi 3 o PinePine ofof SyubinomatsuSyubinomatsu 甚内神社甚内神社 D 通 - 榊神社榊神社 JinnaiJinnai ShrineShrine o KuramaeKuuramaeramae 1 Taitoaito 1 り d E SakakiSakaki ShrineShrine AsakusabashiAssakusabashiakusabashi 5 7 須賀神社須賀神社 浅草文庫跡碑浅草文庫跡碑 e AsakusabashiAssakusabashiakusabashi 2 MonumentMonument ofof AsakusaAsakusa LibraryLibrary c SugaSuga ShrineShrine 隅 a rr 田 e Kanda-izumi-chouKaanda-izumi-chounda-izumi-chou T 袋物参考館袋物参考館 川 a テ w 墨田区墨田区 i i BagBag MuseumMuseum a i r r g SumidaSumida CityCity r o o 8 ラ a o . Yanagibashianagibashi 2 d 旧安田庭園旧安田庭園 D D 9 a i D - - t ス 清 - i i A m i S u TheThe FormerFormer YYasudaasudaasuda GardenGarden m m 16 m i S 澄 u u h u s s s s o o a 水上バスのりば水上バスのりば 通 o y y AsakusabashiAssakusabashiakusabashi 4 銀杏岡八幡神社銀杏岡八幡神社 浅 b y i i Yokoamiokoami 1 i a り K K IchogaokaIchogaoka hachimanhachiman ShrineShrine s TTokyookyookyo WWateraterater CruiseCruise K 草 u k RyogokuRyogoku Sta.Sta. E 橋 a ★ s 12 . 至 A . ▲ 秋葉原 To a a Akihabara 浅草橋 両国国技館両国国技館 a t t JR 駅 t S S 総武線 S JR Asakusabashi Sta. KokugikanKokugikan sandsand HallHall u u JR Sobu 江戸東京博物館江戸東京博物館 u 両 Lin i k k e k h o o 相撲博物館相撲博物館 EdoEdo TTokyookyookyo MuseumMuseum o s AsakusabashiAssakusabashiakusabashi 1 国 g g g 左 a o o Legend 日本文具資料館日本文具資料館 SumoSumo MuseumMuseum o b y y y - R R 神田川 衛 JapaneseJapanese StationaryStationary MuseumMuseum R n i Kanda River o h 門 s 両国 m 駅 Tourist information center a e 浅草見附跡碑浅草見附跡碑 b Yanagibashianagibashi 1 JR Ry 橋 a 浅 - ogoku Sta. Information bord a S MonumentMonument ofof s i 草 u Toilet for the disabled 千代田区千代田区 AsakusaAsakusa MitsukeMitsuke h k s 橋 a a ChiyodaChiyoda CityCity s Rental Bicycle Parking b A - 柳 i Rental Bicycle Hospital g Hours: 6:00-20:00 橋 a n =7:00-19:00 Police / Koban School 靖国通 a ★ り Y Fire department Temple Yasukuni-D Fee: ¥200 (for less than 24 hours) ori 両国 Post office Shrine R 橋 ※ A done thing of social position proof is 0 100 200 m yogoku- 葉道路 necessary. bashi 京 uro Keiyo-Do Edo Dori (Edo Street) Shopping Area 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum Many interesting shops line Edo Dori. In par- With a population of 1.3 million, "Edo" - the former name of Tokyo - was the world's largest and most ticular, Japanese doll specialty stores catch prosperous city in the 18th century. An efficient visitors' eyes, especially surrounding the urban infrastructure was established at that time Asakusa Station. Inside the shops, a wide including water supply, a traffic network leverag- ing water ways, and a scheme to maintain securi- selection of dolls, beautifully dressed in ty. The exhibits of the Edo-Tokyo Museum reveal kimono, fascinate guests. Handicraft shops the history of the city and the life and culture of the people who lived there. are also very popular with their low price offerings and depth of assortment of intri- Address: 1-4-1 Yokoami Sumida-Ku Telephone: 03-3626-9974 Access: 3 minutes walk from JR Ryogoku station, 1 minutes walk cate works such as embroidered beads. from Metro Ryogoku station Business Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Oversea visitors should also stop at the sta- Admission Fee: ¥600 Closed: Monday tionery and grocery shops along the street since there are inexpensive Japanese style 相撲博物館 Sumo Museum novelties and commodities that make excel- Sumo wrestling tournaments are held six lent souvenirs of Japan. times a year, three of which are offered at the Kokugikan in Ryogoku, Tokyo. Even dur- ing the off-season, the Sumo Museum housed inside the Kokugikan exhibits Sumo- related articles to introduce the Japanese national sport. Address: 1-3-28 Yokoami Sumida-Ku Telephone: 03-3622-0366 Access: 1 minutes walk from JR Ryogoku station, 5 minutes walk Access: JR Asakusabashi station, Metro Kuramae station from Metro Ryogoku station Business Hours: 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Admission Fee: Free Closed: Saturday, Sunday Riverside Scenery 日本文具資料館 Japan Stationery Museum Along the periphery of the Kanda River, This museum exhibits stationery products many shipping houses called Funayado used in Japan throughout the centuries, operate year round fleets of "Yakatabunes" - including a writing brush as tall as a man as old-fashioned Japanese houseboats for well as carry-along writing instruments uti- excursions around the Tokyo waterfront. lized some hundred years ago. Guests can enjoy a cruise against a back- drop of a beautiful night view of the metrop- Address: 1-1-15 Yanagibashi Taito-Ku Telephone: 03-3861-4905 olis, while dining on Japanese cuisine. Access: 5 minutes walk from JR・Metro Asakusabashi station Business Hours: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Access: 5 minutes walk from JR Asakusabashi station Admission Fee: Free Closed: Saturday, Sunday Where to Call Inquiry about Sightseeing Tour Hotels The Tokyo Metropolitan Area SGG Club…………03-3842-5566 Taito Hotel and Ryokan Association ……………03-3834-2008 (Open Every Day 10:00-17:00) Tokyo International Youth Hotel…………………03-3235-1107 Tokyo TIC ………………………………………03-3201-3331 Health-care Information Tokyo Tourist Information Center Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Information Servise (HIMAWARI) TMG Building Haedquarters …………………03-5321-3077 03-5285-8181 Haneda Airport Branch ………………………03-5757-9345 AMDA International Medical Information Center 03-5285-8088 Keisei Ueno Branch …………………………03-3836-3471 Emergency TCVB Tourist Information Center ………………03-3287-7024 Police (calls answered in English) ………………03-3501-0110 Transportation Flight Information To Kita-Senju To Nikko To Tsukuba Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) …………03-5757-8111 To Ikebukuro New Tokyo International Airport (Narita) ……0476-34-5000 NaritaNarita Nippori Aoto AirportAirport JR East …………………………………………050-2016-1603 KeiseiKeeiseiisei SkylinerSkyliner 5656 min.min.

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