Northwestern College, Iowa NWCommons The lC assic, 1950-1959 The lC assic magazine 8-1959 The lC assic, August 1959 Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy Follow this and additional works at: https://nwcommons.nwciowa.edu/classic1950 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The lC assic magazine at NWCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The lC assic, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of NWCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SUMMER ISSUE Northwestern College and Academy Orange City, Iowa AUGUST, 1959 PROSPECTIVE NORTHWESTERN STUDENT GROUPS increasingly tour the campus and meet faculty members. These young women from Little Rock, Iowa, visited the campus recently with Mrs. Harms. Page 2 THE CLASSIC PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Northwestern stands on the thresh- tinned with advanced graduate study. old of the 1959·60 academic year, The campus facilities augmented by the which will mark a new and significant new Men's Dormitory, are rapidly im- step in the development of the institu- proving. There is a fine prospect for tion. The addition of the third year of another excellent student body for the college this September is the initial new year. Last month Northwestern step in the granting of the first bac- completed its 8th consecutive fiscal calaureate degree in the newly-approv- year without a deficit in its operating ed four-year academic program for fund. teacher training. These are a few of the encouraging It is encouraging to observe the highlights that forecast a "Great Fu- continued growth of Northwestern. As ture" for Northwestern. The continued indicated in this issue of the "Classic," and increasing support of our alumni, three new teaching staff members have churches, and friends will insure North- been added for the new year who have western's goal of serving as a "Great the earned doctorate degree. Moreover, Christian Educational Institution." during the past summer a large per- -Preston J. Stevenga. centage of the teaching staff has con- President FACULTY SUMMER GRADUATE STUDY MISS MARILYN DE BEER, Acad- Assistantship in the field of Journal- emy English and Speech instructor, is ism. working on her Master's Degree at the University of Minnesota. PROFESSOR NELSON NIEUWEN- HUlS, of Northwestern's History De- PROFESSOR GEORGE DE VRIES, partment, is studying at the University who teaches Social Sciences at North- of Wyoming, under an award from The western, is doing graduate work at the Carnegie Fellowship in the Institute University of Iowa. of International Affairs. STEPHEN EKDOM, Principal and in- IDEAN M. FERN SMITH, of North- structor at Northwestern Academy, is western's Art and Music Department, doing graduate work at the University eng-aged in a Dean's Workshop at the of Minnesota. State University of Iowa. PROFESSOR THEORA ENGLAND, REV. HENRI STEUNENBERG, So- of Nor-thwestern's Speech and Drama oiology and Religion Instructor at Department, is a Ph.D. candidate at Northwestern, is engaged in graduate the Universtty of Minnesota. study at the Unlverstty of Wyoming. PROFESSOR HARO'LD HAMMER- PROFESSOR THOMAS TEN HOEVE, STROM, of Northwestern's Chemistry of the Biology Department, is doing Department, is studying at Emory graduate work at Western Michigan University, under a National Science University. Foundation Fellowship. MISS HELEN VAN WECHEL will DR. BLAISE LEVAI, of Northwes- complete her Master's Degree work in tern's Englfsh Department, is studying Library Science, this summer, at the at the University of Iowa, with an University of Denver. ,. NEW "N" CLUB OFFICERS At a recent meeting of the North- Vice-President - Leonard Krommendyk western "N" club, the following officers Sec'y-Treas. - Clarence Peters were elected for the 1959-60 term: Thanks to the officers of 1958, for President - Vernon Newendorp their fine spirit of cooperation. ,- THE CLASSIC Page 3 " VALEDICTORY MESSAGES OF 1959 "The Forward Look" '. "If you do not think ward strides with springy steps and confident about the future, you courage. strong courage is a virtuous talent and cannot have one." These it should be cultivated. What more important few words from "Swan phase of our life than the future? Certainly we Song" are power rut-c-we can take the following words by Henry Ward cannot shrug them R- Beecher to heart: "Every tomorrow has two st .e. 'If you do not handles. We can take hold of it wttn the han- think about the future, dle of anxiety or the handle of faith" you cannot have one." A Lastly, and most important of all. we must certain make of automo- face the future with Christ. Certainly each of bile is said to ha ve "the us is desirous of a happy and complete future. forward look". What However, such a marvelous thing cannot be about us? Doesn't this attained without faiLh in the Heavenly Father quote mean that we too and His Son, Jesus Christ, as our own personal are to have "the for- Saviour. In this "handie of faith" lies the key ward look?" Yes. the fu- to a happy, complete future. We speak of a well- ture is our entire existence. It 1s what. where, rounded education. How about it? Are we pr-e- why, and how we are and will be. The future paring for a well-rounded future? It can be is ours and what we make of it. We must look obtained only when we yield Christ the center forward, face it, and prepare for it, We who and best of all we are and have. If we have are attending educational institutions, Whether it taken hold of the "handle or faith" then be kindergarten, grammar school, Northwestern Christ has promised us His nearness for all College and Academy, or the university, we are the future for He said, "Lo. I am with you preparing for the future. Preparing, yes, but always, even unto the end of the world" What about the correct attitude of "the forward look?" We say, "Forward cvcr"-but how? The coach and members of our basketball team First of all. we must face the future with have often told us how beneficial OUf support caution. We may realtze the importance of the and encouragement can be. As graduating seniors future but sun use It wrongly. We cannot rush of the Academy and sophomores of the college. into it blin dly. Planning for the future and do- we too need encouragement. We must acknow- ing it In a cautious manner is necessary. Let ledae that our finest hope comes from the it not be said of us that we are fools for we uutjior of the book of the future. Christ says, "rush in where wise men fear to tread." In our "Let not your heart be troubled." He promIses daily experience I think we can see where being us His peace and nearness. The Apostle Paul cautious, thinking, and planning deeply en- also, through inspiration of the troiv Spirit, en- riches fulfilled experiences. You received a good couruwes us to face the future bravely and con- grade on the examination you took Monday fidentlv when he says, "So run. that ye may afternoon. Before that exam. you faced the fu- obtain." ture with caution. you didn't rush into it blind- The fact of our future Is certain. We can Iv but prepared and studied for the future- learn from the past but must not let that limIt the exam. rsn't It gratifying to know that your us. We must face the future cautiously, courage- cautious diligence "paid off"? ously, and with Christ Remember "if \'OU do Secondlv. we must face the future with cour- not think about the future you cannot have age. Being overly cautious Is not wise for we one." Do you have the forward look? defeat our purpose. If we are being cautious we BETH BONNEMA can hold our head up high and take those for- Valedictorian, 1959 Collegl' Class "Whither Thou Goesl" We. as students. have We must also take faith with us wherever we reached another goal in go. for with Iadt.h we will be like a ship which our journey through life. sails fearlessly tnto new oceans with its new Will this be our last im- stars and new winds. The same captain that portant step. 01' wlll we sailed her in past oceans will sail her in future continue upward and on- oceans and the ship will be unafraid knowing ward to higher achieve- she Is unrler his watchful and sleepless care. ments? That is how our faith must be--fearless-with Wherever we go we our eves set upon Christ the Captain of our will take separate paths lives. For we too will sail into new oceans of to reach our individual life and there find new rrten-rs. mu-h h aru'rl- aims. but In any task or ness, and rn an v opportunities; but we too will desire we must remember feel the contrary winds of doubt that will trv that even though "the to drive us off course and make us lose stvht of (, mind Is hopeful: success our goals. Each time we must reach out in is in God's hand." pra.ver. the life une. to our captain anti then The mind is hopeful; this docs not mean a with renewed faith In our hearts We will go wishful hope that exists In fairy tales. It means Into new oceans of life. a genuine desire for something a person believes Even with houe and faith we must also have can be obtained If he honestly tries. love to give to those we meet.
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