H2612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 24, 2009 a demand for vulnerable, undocu- for all of us. Imagine this: We are only terday. It is, in fact, a place where our mented workers. one law away from guaranteeing access soldiers are working very hard, but it I urge my colleagues not to let poli- to affordable care for everyone every- is also a place where we can find an- tics cloud a real solution. The only an- where in these United States. other location. We are studying the swer is comprehensive immigration re- f issue, but I think it is possible to close form. Guantanamo Bay. REPUBLICAN ALTERNATIVE f f RECOVERY PLAN ANTICIPATING THE JOINT SESSION (Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida A PROPOSED TAX HOLIDAY OF CONGRESS asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. GOHMERT asked and was given (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given dress the House for 1 minute and to re- permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 vise and extend her remarks.) minute.) minute and to revise and extend his re- Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I have marks.) Mr. Speaker, earlier this month, House proposed a tax holiday plan. The bill Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, tonight, Republicans refused, to a person, to has been filed. I think the first one was when President Obama speaks to a support the economic course that laid over here on the Clerk’s desk as joint session of Congress, I will be on President Obama’s recovery plan of- soon as we were sworn in. It would the aisle to greet him, as I have for the fered. allow the American people to keep past 20 years. It’s always my honor and The Republican proposal is made up their own income for 2 months. It privilege to shake the hand of the almost entirely of tax cuts for the would allow them to keep their with- President of the United States. And it’s wealthy and strips virtually all of the holding. really electrifying. But I think tonight, job-creation investments that was nec- When I brought it up to President Mr. Speaker, the anticipation is even essary to transform our economy for Obama, he seemed intrigued by the more electrifying than usual. Our new the future. Their alternative plan had idea. He said, ‘‘Ah, you need to talk to President, who has done such a wonder- no funds for American infrastructure Larry Summers about it.’’ ful job in bringing us hope, is going to needs, no investment in energy effi- Larry Summers said, ‘‘Sure, I’ll talk come tonight to speak with the Con- ciency, and no protection for health to you.’’ gress and tell us his plans. I hope and care, no money for police officers and Well, he didn’t take my calls, but I know that under his administration, teachers and no food assistance for nonetheless, I was really gratified Sat- we will fix health care and have it uni- struggling families, and offered no urday to hear the President say he was versal for everyone. chance for America to come out of this going to put people’s money, their We know, and under his administra- recession stronger and more able to withholdings, in their paychecks so tion, we will look at our energy policy compete economically. they wouldn’t have to wait for a rebate and wean ourselves off of foreign oil so Mr. Speaker, when are House Repub- check. I said, ‘‘Wow, fantastic. He’s that America can truly be energy inde- licans going to realize that you can going to help the American people.’’ pendent. fool some of the people some of the The average household was going to We need to get our fiscal House in time, but you can’t fool all of the peo- get to keep about $1,000 a month under order, and the President’s going to ad- ple all of the time? the proposal. It was going to be great. dress that as well. f It was going to help people buy cars. So as we anticipate his speech, Mr. Yet, as it turns out, he said it’s $65 a Speaker, I want to say to the President b 1230 month. Boy, that’s like throwing some- of the United States, that I am willing PROSPERITY AHEAD FOR ALL body who’s drowning a toothpick and and want to work with him hand-in- AMERICAN PEOPLE saying, ‘‘Grab hold and hang on and hand, hope we can do it on a bipartisan we’ll help you.’’ Let’s get them their basis, and I look forward to his words (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked real money back. tonight. and was given permission to address f f the House for 1 minute.) Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER NO PATIENT LEFT BEHIND Speaker, what an exciting and wonder- PRO TEMPORE (Mr. KAGEN asked and was given fully forward day that we have today The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. permission to address the House for 1 when we will be addressed by the Com- BLUMENAUER). Pursuant to clause 8 of minute and to revise and extend his re- mander in Chief regarding the state of rule XX, the Chair will postpone fur- marks.) the Nation. All I can think about is we ther proceedings today on motions to Mr. KAGEN. Mr. Speaker, we’re have planted the seeds of the economic suspend the rules on which a recorded going to be listening this evening to stimulus package, a plan that should vote or the yeas and nays are ordered, President Obama, and one of his fea- help no matter who you are and where or on which the vote is objected to tured subjects will be health care. you are in the nooks and crannies of under clause 6 of rule XX. What we don’t need in the United this Nation, how this Commander in Record votes on postponed questions States is socialized medicine. We don’t Chief will tell us of the prosperity will be taken later. need more government control of our ahead, of the brighter days ahead. I personal lives. look forward to that kind of leadership, f What we do need is access to afford- for, when you are in troubling times, HONORING PAUL NEWMAN able health care for everyone. And to you plant the seeds to make it better. Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to guarantee access to affordable care for Our instruction to America is that no suspend the rules and agree to the reso- every citizen, we need to enact the es- area should be left out. The rural poor lution (H. Res. 18) honoring the life, sential elements of health care, which should not be left out. The urban cen- achievements, and contributions of are, first, that there shall be no dis- ters should not be left out. As we are Paul Newman. crimination against any citizen due to watching the States, we are seeing that The Clerk read the title of the resolu- any pre-existing condition. some of them are making decisions tion. Second, there should be open disclo- that do not impact all of the people. The text of the resolution is as fol- sure of all prices, so we know the price We are going to call them to be able to lows: of a pill before we swallow it. be held accountable because this H. RES. 18 And, third, we need to secure the money is not for their own personal same discounts for all citizens so we all piggy banks. Whereas Paul Newman, a great American actor, film director, entrepreneur, humani- pay the same price for the same service Let me also say, Mr. Speaker, that I tarian, and automobile racing enthusiast, or product. was gratified that the chairman of the passed away on September 26, 2008; We can also create the largest risk Homeland Security Committee allowed Whereas Paul Newman was born on Janu- pools possible to leverage down prices me to travel to Guantanamo Bay yes- ary 26, 1925, in Shaker Heights, Ohio; VerDate Nov 24 2008 00:35 Feb 25, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24FE7.015 H24FEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE February 24, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2613 Whereas following his service in the Navy Paul Newman was born in Cleveland, nent figures in the American arts for during World War II in the Pacific theater, Ohio, to parents Arthur and Teresa over 50 years. Paul Newman completed his degree at Newman during the tumultuous eco- Paul Newman was born on January Kenyon College and later at the Yale School nomic times of the 1920s. A supposed 26, 1925 in Shaker Heights, Ohio. His fa- of Drama; ther owned a sporting goods store, but Whereas Paul Newman is considered one of athletic powerhouse, Paul Newman’s America’s most accomplished actors and his first love during high school ended up Mr. Newman was more interested in career in film and on stage spanned over being football rather than acting or following his mother’s and uncle’s in- fifty years; theater. However, following high terest in the arts, and he started acting Whereas Paul Newman was nominated for school graduation, the legendary New- in grade school. After less than a year ten Oscars, winning Best Actor in 1986 for his man would eventually enlist in the at Ohio University in Athens, he joined role in The Color of Money and two honorary United States Navy Air Corps, and the Navy, and served for 3 years during Oscars, the Humanitarian Award in 1993 and would spend a portion of his service World War II.
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