CYTOGENETIC RESEARCH REGARDING SPECIES WITH ORNAMENTAL VALUE Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova Vol. XLIII , No. 4 (144) / 2010 CYTOGENETIC RESEARCH REGARDING SPECIES WITH ORNAMENTAL VALUE IDENTIFIED IN THE NORTH-EAST AREA OF ROMANIA Lucia DRAGHIA*, Aliona MORARIU, Liliana CHELARIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi Received June 15, 2010 ABSTRACT - In the paper are presented existence of diploid and tetraploid data regarding the number of somatic populations, separated by geography and chromosome determine at three species of ecology. Population of Dianthus armeria, plants with ornamental value from identified in Iai area (Bîrnova forest), is a spontaneous flora of Romania (Allium mixt population with x=15, formed by ursinum L., Centaurea phrygia L., Dianthus tetraploid individuals 4n=60, but in which armeria L.) and cultivated in the could be found also a minor diploid experimental field to evaluate the adapt cytotype with chromosome number 2n=30. capacity, aiming to use them in crops. For chromosome study was used a root tip Key words: Allium ursinum; Centaurea meristem obtained from plantlets aged 3-7 Phrygia; Dianthus armeria; Chromosome days. Chromosome was stained by Feulghen number. method, and the samples were examined at optic microscope Motic, relevant images REZUMAT - Cercetări citogenetice la being assumed by a video camera and specii cu valoare ornamentală, processed with its soft. The obtained results identificate în zona de nord-est a were compared with the ones already României. În lucrare sunt prezentate date cu existed in the literature, at populations from privire la numărul cromozomilor somatici, other ecologic and geographic areas. So at determinat la trei specii de plante cu valoare Allium ursinum, from Dobrovăţ forest (Iaşi ornamentală, provenite din flora spontană a area) all the analysed individuals had a României (Allium ursinum L., Centaurea chromosome number 2n=2x=14, specie phrygia L., Dianthus armeria L.) şi being characterized by a great karyological cultivate în câmpul experimental pentru stability. Studies made on Centaurea evaluarea capacităţii de adaptare, cu scopul phrygia, from Neamţ area, show the introducerii lor în cultură. Pentru studiul presence of tetraploid individuals, with cromozomilor s-a utilizat meristem 4n=44 chromosomes. The specie is known radicular, obţinut din plantule cu vârsta de as a diploid one, with chromosome number 3-7 zile. Colorarea cromozomilor s-a 2n =2x=22, but many authors confirm the realizat dupa metoda Feulghen, iar * E-mail: [email protected] 51 Lucia DRAGHIA, Aliona MORARIU, Liliana CHELARIU preparatele au fost examinate la at others were caused numerous microscopul optic, imaginile relevante fiind chromosomial mitigations (polyploid) preluate cu camera video şi prelucrate cu by modification of chromosome soft-ul corespunzător acesteia. Rezultatele obţinute au fost comparate cu cele existente number from the ancestor gamet în literatura de specialitate, la populaţii din (Sărac, 2005). alte areale ecologice sau geografice. Astfel, Also very important in genetic la Allium ursinum, din pădurea Dobrovăţ studies at angiosperms was the (Iaşi), toţi indivizii analizaţi au avut diversity of genome size, correleted numărul de cromozomi 2n=2x=14, specia with different characters at nucleus fiind caracterizată printr-o stabilitate cariologică mare. Determinările efectuate la cellular level or at organism level Centaurea phrygia, provenită din zona (estimated time for mitotic and Neamţ, au scos în evidenţă prezenţa meiotic cell division, reflected in life indivizilor tetraploizi, cu 4n=44 cromozomi. cycle period; adapt capacity at low Specia este cunoscută ca diploidă, cu temperatures etc.) (Bennett and numărul de cromozomi 2n =2x=22, dar este Leitch, 1997; Ohri and Pistrick, 2001). confirmată, de mai mulţi autori, şi existenţa Studies regarding chromosome populaţiilor diploide şi tetraploide, separate atât geografic, cât şi ecologic. Populaţia de number, ploidy level, DNA content Dianthus armeria, identificată în zona Iaşi etc. were done at a great number of (pădurea Bîrnova), este mixtă, cu x=15, angiosperm species, inclusively at formată din indivizi tetraploizi 4n=60, dar în populations from different areas, cadrul careia se întâlneşte şi un citotip being know that the karyological minoritar diploid, cu număr de cromozomi differences are also induced by 2n=30. ecological conditions (Krahulcová, Cuvinte cheie: Allium ursinum; Centaurea 2003). There are many angiosperms phrygi;, Dianthus armeria; număr species at which karyological cromozomi. investigations are missing and at others the results are unsure due to a single population study or even a INTRODUCTION single individual (Bennett, 1998, cited by Baltisberger and Widmer, 2009). Chromosome characterization So, that the informations function of number, size, morphologic regarding karyotype of different taxa type helps to establish the karyotype, to be as complete as possible it is a basical component for species recommended that the studies to be identification, cytological data being done on more individuals from the very important in plants’ systematic same population or from populations (Stace, 2000, cited by Baltisberger with different ecological areas and and Widmer, 2009), for motivating also from zones of confluence areas of some taxonomic decisions, especially related species (Stace, 2000). in hybrids case. At some species, the The rich floral diversity of basic number of chromosomes didn’t Romania offers the possibility of change through evolution process but some ample karyological studies on 52 CYTOGENETIC RESEARCH REGARDING SPECIES WITH ORNAMENTAL VALUE plants. In literature could be found MATERIALS AND METHODS informations regarding chromosome number of some taxa from different Plant material. Karyological ecologic areas of Romania and which studies were made on some plant species belong to genus Achillea, identified and gathered from spontaneous Podospermum, Campanula, Dianthus, flora from North-East of Romania, Silene, Geranium, Nepeta, Stachys, species considered to have ornamental qualities: Allium ursinum L., Centaurea Teucrium, Nigritella, Aconitum, phrygia L., Dianthus armeria L. Consolida, Ranunculus, Geum, Allium ursinum L. (wild garlic), Potentilla, Veronica, Cerastium etc. Alliaceae family, geophytes perennial (Baltisberger, 2009; Băra et al., 2003; specie (with bulbs) originally from Boşcaiu et al., 1999). A special group temperate area of Europe, is frequently is formed by rare and endemic species found, in Romania, in oak and beech at which the cytogenetic studies are forest and present an ornamental interest not so numerous (Băra et al., 2003; through small and white flowers, grouped Tăcină, 1980). more together (20) in umbel type The continuation of karyological inflorescences. Flowering take place at investigations is necessary even at the the end of spring (may-june). Biological material (bulbs, seeds) was gathered from species with a know basic number of a population from Iaşi (Dobrovăţ forest). chromosomes to confirm the already Centaurea phrygia L. (C. austriaca existed data. Cytological Wild., C. phrygia subsp. phrygia), investigations on species from Asteraceae family, is a hemicryptophite spontaneous flora with ornamental perennial specie, originally from value to elucidate some aspects mountain areas of Europe (Oprea, 2005). regarding the number and morphology In Romania is frequently founded on of the chromosomes from these grasslands near the limits of hardwood species is one of the main aims of the and coniferous forests (from sessile level studies undertaken for introduction in up to firtrees). The height is around 1 m and decorates through inflorescences with crop and their usage as a germplasm violet flowers. Biological material (seeds) source in breeding works, for was gathered from a population from improving the assortment of Neamţ area. ornamental plants. Dianthus armeria L. (deptford The paper aims to investigate pink) it is an annual specie from and to check the existed informations Caryophyllaceae family, originally from regarding chromosome number at Europe. In Romania is sporadically found some studied species, the presented on grasslands and sub-shrubs, from steppe data being compared with the one area to beech level (Ciocârlan, 2000). existed in literature. Have thin stems, with a heigh of 30-50 cm and decorates by terminal inflorescences, consist of sesil flowers, with pink-red petals spotted with white and accompanied by bracts. Blossom from june till august. Biologic material is 53 Lucia DRAGHIA, Aliona MORARIU, Liliana CHELARIU gathered from populations identified in (sometimes also x=9), at which are Bîrnova forest (Iaşi county). added the polyploid froms. Ploidy Chromosome counting. For level at the species from this genus chromosome study was used a root tip could be between 2x till 16x (Bennett meristems obtained from seeds et al. 2000). germinated for 3-7 days (moment when the roots reached the lenght of 1-1.5 cm). Kawano and Nagai (2005) show Chromosome staining was realized in that Asian species are reported as according with Feulghen method, the tetraploid with 4n=32, and the ones samples being examinated at optic from Europe are diploid with 2n=16. microscope Motic B1, with zoom 100x, At some Allium species were and relevant images were assumed by identified a variable number of Motic video camera and processed with chromosomes (Baranyi et al., 1999; its soft. Fritsch et al., 2002). Allium ursinum is an exception
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