^ MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aug. 1, 1986 MANCHESTER WEEKEND PLUS CLASSIFIEP ADVERTISING 643-2711 Sunday road rally Rice rallies Sox Lifeguarding more club forerunner over Royals, 5-3 than summer job Notices HELP WANTED I HDMES I HDMES _ | HELP WANTED HELP WANTED I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FDR SALE FOR SALE p a g e 3 ... p a g e 9 ... magazine inside Management Trainee. Sales LOST Entry leyel position for All Positions - Retail auto Nurses Aide Certification Person/Administrator- parts chain has positions Automobile and/or Truck For Sale By Owners - 80 Manchester New Listing, IAND FOUND ambitious Indlyidual. enthusiastic, well organ­ training. Manchester Mechanic/Full time me­ lovely 7 room Ranch, 3 Company has profit shar­ for Assistant Manager Manor-will be starting a Larabee St, East Hart­ ized Individual needed Im­ Trainees, cashiers, full chanic wanted. Must be ford. 3 family house(Lot bedrooms, large living Sadly mIssed-Lost black ing program and both mediately for In-house certification training pro­ experienced and have room, den, fireplace, one local and national growth and part time, salesper­ gram on Aug. 11. The 100 X 300.) Call 649-9535 and white dog. Springer position. Exciting oppor­ son, full and part time. We tools. Excellent pay and offer 4:00. car garage. Priced realis­ Spaniel AAut, no collar, opportunities. 649-4563. tunity marketing national program consists of ap­ offer a competitive salary proximately 3 weeks of benefits. Inquire at M ond tically at $112,000 U 8i R has been missing since brand name products to M Service Station, Rt. 6, Colonial Cape - 5 rooms, Realty 643-2692. Tuesday (7-22-06). Call 649- malor corporations. Call and benefits package with paid training, resulting In excellent opportunity for certification as a nurses Bolton. front to back living room 9937 or 647-0088. Suzanne for appointment. with fireplace. Formal Immaculate - 6 room 646-2900. advancement. Apply In aide. If you are Interested person at Motor Mart in training to be a 3-11 full Cabinet maker, 3 to 5 dining room, eat-ln kit­ Ranch, located on quiet Outside Sales. Monday years experience. Must chen. Dormers, front and cul-de-sac. Newly thru Friday, evenings. Ex­ Auto Supply, 830 Silver or part time nurses aide, K-Mart/Readers Market- Lane East Hartford Ct. have hand tools. Full time back. Garage. $115,000. painted, newer 100 AMP cellent money. Call Merchandise employees, call Manchester Manor service. 3 bedrooms, IfflanrliPfitrr Hrralft PERSONALS employment and benefits. I Jeanne 647-9946. 646-0129. Group 1 Phllbrick cashiers and stocks. Full Cocktail waitress wanted- Coll 742-5317, 8:30 to 5:00, Agency, 6464200. large country kitchen, ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm and part time positions ond kitchen help. Please Monday thru Friday. garage and nice yard. Ride wanted Into down­ Insurance Agency desires are available. Experience Security Officers - Elllng- $114,900 Strano Real Est­ town Hartford to work at experienced CSR In per­ apply person Arcadia Res­ ton/Vernon line. $5 per Houses for sale- East not necessary. Many em­ taurant, Tolland Tpke. Carpenters needed - Im­ Hartford. Lovely 4 bed­ ate 647-7653.0 midnight on weeknights. sonal lines. Computer ex­ ployee benefits. Apply In hour. Full time third shift. Will share cost. Coll 646- Part time all shifts, wee­ mediate openings for ex­ room raised ranch, flre- perience preferred. Call person Monday, Wednes­ perienced Carpenters. All Large Victorian - Price 7181 otter 7pm. Norma, 646-0187. kends. Must be over 18. plbced, -finished rec- Saturday, Aug. 2,1986 25 Cents day, Thursday and Friday Easy Assembly Work I phases of construction. room, 2 cor garage, lust reduced on this from 10am to 4pm. Satur­ $714.00 per 100. Guaran­ Car arid telephone neces­ Full time employment “ move In condition", his­ Teenage Farm Help sary. Call 527-0225. $139,900. Milne Real Est­ day, noon to 4pm. K-Mart, teed Payment. No Soles. and benefits. Call 742-5317, ate, Inc. Realtors 5284573, toric home 11 rooms, 5 Wanted. Apply at Corn 239 Spencer St. , Details—Send Stamped 8:30 to 5:00, Monday thru 569-4161. bedrooms, vinyl sided, lANNOUNCEWENTS Crlb,.Buchland Rd., South Envelope: Elan-855, 3418 Medical Assistant for phy­ Friday. garage with loft. Much Windsor. 644-3260. sicians office In Rockville. AgostinelU LPN. Part time In physi­ Enterprise, Ft. Pierce, FL Brand New Vi duplex now morel Dwners anxious Lose 10 to 29 pounds In 30 cians office, 4 days 33482.___________ ■ Part time flexible hours. Pleasant Manchester Op- $129,900 Strano Real Est­ South Africa under construction, 3 bed­ Mechanics- Experienced Call Donna at 872-6033 for ate 647-7653.0 days.'Herbollfe - Herb diet weekly. Reply Manches­ further Information. tholmologlst office needs room, basement, wall to In pill form. 34.95 tor 30 for service station. Must ter Herald Box N. Man­ Wanted Reliable Babysit­ moture person for recep­ ) hove own tools. Uniforms ter for two young child­ wall carpeting, IV2 baths, w ill take day supply. Refundable If chester Ct. 06040. tion work. 15-20 hours per vinyl siding, $115,900. Call Manchester, Immaculate, dissatisfied with results. furnished. 1st or 2nd shitt. ren, 2:30-11:00. My home week, variable. Salary Blue cross and Blue shield preferred. Call 649-8502 Boland Brothers 649-2947. good sized 3 bedroom Approved nutritionally by Honest person to help me negotiable. Send resume Cape. 12 X 16 fireplaced FDA. Other products tor available. Apply In per­ for more Information. sanctions pass with my business, clean­ to Manchester Herald Wethersfield. Under con­ living room, newer for­ panel post stress, blood pessure, ar­ son. Silver Lane Shell. 252 ing houses, banks, etc. ■ Auto Polisher and detail P.O. Box O. Spencer St., Manchester. Secretory-Receptionist. person - Immedidte open­ struction 30ft X 48tt du­ mica kitchen, dining thritis. Please Call 647- Call 643-6347 after Bom, plex. Pick your own room, 11/2 baths, over­ 3777, 100 percent ask for Liz. Monday thru Friday, 9 to ing. Part time nights and Babysitter for 6 month old Munson's Chocolate, 5. 643-4005 or 649-2656. Saturday. Apply to Gorins Interior. Completion date sized garage. Deep Park guaranteed. twins needed In my home Nov. 1st. $179,500.633-8317. like yard with stockade Route 6, Bolton Is now Jaguar. Rte 83 Vernan. 2-3 days per week Zinsser names accepting applications Full time day- part time fence, concrete patio and Senate panei evenings and weekend Pillowtex Corporation summers and school va­ Lovely Country Setting... grape arbors. Vinyl siding for both full and part time Veterinary Assistant. Will cation off. Hlllstown Rd. allocation picks Employment retail sales perspns. The help needed. Knowledge now hiring production train. Call 643-7875 before Yet It's close to town. $114,900 D.W. Fish Realty of vitamins and nutrition workers in the Manches­ area. References. Call Sparkling 6 room full 643-1591 or 871-1400. full time hours are 9am to 5pm. 649-8343. & Education 4:30 pm Monday-Friday, a plus. Apply In person: ter plant. No experience dormered Cape Cod. By Lawrence Knutson sanctions package is not “ pushed with full benefits. Part Parkade Health Shoppe, necessary, will train. Customer Service Rep. Large spacious rooms, 3 Manchester. Aluminum By John F. Kirch The Associated Press off and pushed off so in the end we Manhcester Parkade. Please apply 49 Regent Secretary/Bookkeeper, bedrooms, 2 full baths, ■sided Ranch, 3 good sized timehoursare 4pm to 8pm Interesting position with full tIme/Accounts Recel- Herald Reporter don’t have enough time" to act and approximately 8 St. 646-1737. diversified duties Includ­ fireplace, walk-out base­ bedrooms, fireplaced 12 x before the three-week recess beg­ Experienced recker veable/Pavable/Cash re­ ment. Gay City area In 12 living room, dining WASHINGTON - The Senate hours on Saturday or ing typing, telephone conciliation, light typing, BOLTON - State Sen. Carl A. ins Aug. 15. Sunday, averaging 20 driver- full time, must work and public contact. Hebron $118,900. Jackson room and 12 x 20 lower Foreign Relations Committee on I HELP WANTED have good driving record. and various clerical du­ & Jackson Real Estate level family room. Ap- Zinsser Friday chose former Man­ Friday overwhelmingly approved The committee acted after re­ hours weekly. Call 647- Good startlnd^alary and ties. Conyers Construc­ jecting a series of amendments 8639 for appointment. Guarantee and bonus all benefits. EO E^eneflclal 647-8400 or 646-8646.a pllanced kitchen, covered chester Mayor Nathan G. Agosti- sanctions against South Africa that Part Time Inserters company benefits. Con­ tion Company, 77 Tolland front porch, hardwood offered by Helms that underscored Assistant Newspaper Ct. Inc. 527-24037A Tpke. nelli to replace him on a local ban new U.S. investment and wanted. Call 647-9946, ask Landscaper and Lawn tact Stan Ozimek at 643- dealer needed In Andoyer You'll fall In love... At­ floors, newer roof and 1 committee established by the prohibit Pretoria's airplanes from his opposition to sanctions. He said for Bob. Workers. Experience re­ 5135. and Hebron area, reliable Teacher - Special Ed. Ct. tractive 9 robm Colonial car garage. D.W. Fish General Assembly to decide how landing on American soil. the committee risked "handing Growing ' South Windsor with 4 bedrooms, library, Realty 643-1591 or 871- quired In operating and car needed. Call 647-9639 state certification re­ Plastic Company seeks Manchester should spend its share The vote was 15-2 (or the bill, over South Africa to the Soviet Manchester Insurance maintaining lawn equip­ Bobcat operators- must mornings 9-1, evenings quired. Contact Dr. Mi­ new kitchen, 1st floor 1400.a Union” but hurting Pretoria's agency has an opening tor be experienced In exca­ conscientious production laundry, window green­ of funds from the state surplus.
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