GREENLEE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CLIFTON, ARIZONA February 8, 2005 The Greenlee County Board of Supervisors met on this date in regular session in the 2nd floor, Conference Room, Courthouse Annex, Clifton, Arizona, with the following members present: Hector Ruedas, Chairman; Richard Lunt, Member; and Amy McCullar, Member. Also present was Yvonne Pearson, Assistant Clerk of the Board. Chairman Ruedas called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Jan Holder of the Gila Watershed Partnership presented a power point presentation to the Board in explanation of the first draft plan of the current and projected water demand for the upper Gila Watershed of Arizona. She stated that municipal, industrial, and agricultural water demand have been addressed with supply, conservation, and long term planning issues being addressed beginning in February 2005 for future water needs. Ms. Holder discussed several grants and projects that are being administered by the Partnership which include addressing salinity and turbidity issues, the Peterson Wash Stabilization, Kaler Ranch Erosion Control Project, Central Detention Dam Rehabilitation, San Simon Soil Restoration and Point of Pines Crossing Restoration. The Board thanked Ms. Holder for the information provided. Mr. Larry Leach, Health Director, requested approval to hire a Clerk II in the Health Department. He stated that this position processes all demands, travel requests, individual time reports and purchase orders for the department. Ms. Pearson stated that this position is in addition to the Clerk II position approved at the January 27th meeting and stated that advertisement for that Clerk II position closed on Friday, February 4th and that the two Clerk II positions could be filled from those applicants. Upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, the Board approved the request as presented filling the positions from the applications received. Mr. Charles Berube, IS/IT Manager, requested approval to purchase a two-zone audio system from AV Innovations for the Fairgrounds in an amount not to exceed $16,578.43 with Fair/Racing funds and betterment funds. Mr. Doug Barlow, Fair and Racing Director, stated that he has received Betterment funds and that the system is used primarily during the racing season. Supervisor Lunt asked that the system be a system that is good quality that will last and will accommodate the size of area for good sound. Mr. Berube stated that this system qualifies that request. Upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, the Board approved the request. Supervisor McCullar recommended appointment of Nazario Hernandez to the Fair and Racing Board. The Board will meet before March 1 to establish officers and will set dates to meet quarterly. Upon motion by Supervisor McCullar, seconded by Supervisor Lunt, and carried unanimously, the Board approved the appointment of Nazario Hernandez to the Fair BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 2 and Racing Board. Upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, with Supervisor McCullar re-expressing her desire to have the wording changed for payroll change notices, the Consent Agenda was approved as follows: · Approval of minutes to previous meetings - January 27, January 31, 2005 · Approval of demands in excess of $1,000 · Approval of payroll change notice - B. Morales · Approval to purchase used engine for 1996 Chevrolet Caprice patrol vehicle for the Sheriff's Department in an amount not to exceed $1,250.00 with general funds · Approval of payment #3 to Hydro Geo Chem on Blue Landfill Closure Project in an amount not to exceed $883.89 with landfill closure funds · Approval of amendment #7 for Forest Service Blue Landfill permit extension to April 30, 2005 · Approval of amendment of contract with Spillman Technologies, Inc. For the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System at the Sheriffs department for exchange of modules · Approval of temporary increase of $10,000 in Fair/Racing Revolving Fund for race expenses · Approval of required $26,000 for cash drawer change (delivered on Friday prior to races; returned on Monday following races) · Approval of the addition of C/C Herrera Lane to the County Situs Address list · Approval of the addition of American Mountain Road to the County Situs Address list · Approval of the removal of Pocahontas Lane from the County Situs Address list · Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement between Greenlee County and Town of Clifton for sidewalk and curb replacement Upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, the Board convened into Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. 38- 431.03.A.3- for legal advise regarding Notice of Claim for adjustment of wages. The following were in attendance: All Board of Supervisors members; Derek Rapier, County Attorney; Chan Day, Deputy County Attorney; and Yvonne Pearson, Assistant Clerk of the Board. Upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, the Board directed the County Administrator to review and go forward with the adjustment of wages as legally entitled to employees. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 3 Chairman Ruedas reported on the following: · He attended an AMWG (Mexican Wolf) meeting in Alpine on January 28th where Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) were discussed but not completed and will be discussed further at the next meeting. · After the AMWG meeting he attended a meeting also regarding the Mexican Wolf which included residents and ranchers of Blue and Upper Eagle where the wolf has come into populated areas causing great concern. · He attended the Arizona Association of Counties reception on Tuesday, February 1st where he was able to meet with Senator Jake Flake and Representatives Brown and Konopnicki. There being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors, upon motion by Supervisor Lunt, seconded by Supervisor McCullar, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Pursuant to Section 11-217, Arizona Revised Statutes, the following listed demands exceed the $1,000 limit as set by this statute for the month of January 2005: AZ Counties Insurance Pool, 23,552.26, General/Hlth Svces/Road, 442762, workmens comp insurance, Recorder Surcharge, County Jail Education, County Attorney Enhancement, Cnty Attny BCDPP Fund, Victims Rights & Assistance, ACJC State Victim Assistance, Jail Enhancement, Sheriffs ACJC Drug Grant, Bioterrorism/Fair Fund; AZ State Treasurer, 15,894.00, General Fund, 442764, AHCCCS payment to state; Caterpillar Financial Services Corp, 3,710.17, Road Fund, 442771, 10 H monthly payment; CLH International Inc, 2,920.86, General Fund, 442778, laptop wi accessories; Coalition of AZ/NM Counties, 1,300.00, General Fund, 442781, county dues; Eastern AZ Courier/Copper Era, 1,789.28, General Fund, 442793, minutes; Election Systems & Software, 2,058.98, General Fund, 442794, maint of computer equip; Gila Health Resources, 3,122.20, General/Hlth Svces, 442801, inmate medical/health services; Greenlee County Ambulance Svce, 1,750.40, Health Services Fund, 442805, pass thru payment; Integra Systems Corp, 1,000.00, General/Bioterrorism, 442812, realign satellite dish; Kansas State Bank, 16,477.57, Landfill Operation Fund, 442818, landfill equip lease, General/Road Funds, mack truck lease/ambulance lease/04 chevy pickup lease; Logan Simpson Design Inc, 10,455.48, PDMI Donation Fund, 442826, wildfire protection plan; Matt N Clifford, 1,400.00, General Fund, 442828, indigent defense; Morenci Water & Electric, 5,752.73, General/Road Funds, 442834, utilities, Greenlee Career Center; Office Depot, 3,091.93, General/Road/Health Services, 442838, office supplies/desk/hutch, Cnty Attny Enhancement, Bioterrorism/Cnty Attny BCDPP, Recorder Surcharge, Landfill Operations, Airport Improvement; Paul J Mattern, 3,000.00, General Fund, 442841, indigent defense; Rosie’s Place, 2,566.35, General Fund, 442849, prisoner meals; Sauls Creek Engineering, 3,780.00, General Fund, 442855, recorder maint/support; Transource Computers, 4,225.66, General/Cnty Attny Enhance, 442866, office/computer supplies; Vista Recycling Inc, 3,086.64, General/Landfill Operations, 442869, Sandwash transfer station/refuse; Waxie Sanitary Supply, 1,193.65, General Fund, 442871, building/custodial supplies; Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, 1,021.30, General/Road/Hlth Svces, 442872, copier/fax lease, Recorder Surcharge/Fair Funds, Landfill Operations Fund, Airport Improvement Fund; Duncan Valley Electric, 2,004.22, General/Road/Fair Funds, 442989, utilities; Bank One, 1,261.20, General Fund, 442965, credit card purchases; Arizona State Treasurer, 15,894.00, General Fund, 442976, AHCCCS payment to state; Canyon State Wireless, 1,680.00, General Fund, 442982, FCC license renewal service; Caterpillar BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 2005 PAGE 4 Financial Services, 3,082.27, Road Fund, 442984, 938 GII lease; CLH International Inc, 2,232.28, General/Cnty Attny Enhancement, 442986, computer equipment; Copper Valley Telephone, 2,204.85, General/Road/Hlth Svces, 442988, telephone charges, JP District #2- TPF, Bioterrorism/Greenlee Career Center, Probation General Fund/Cnty; DES - Unemployment Tax, 2,105.00, General/Road Funds, 442990, state unemploy insurance; Ellis Equipment Company, 17,800.00, Road Fund, 442997, bushwacker boom cutter; Empire Southwest Machinery,
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