(APPROVED: 07/03/08) 0001 1 CULTURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION 2 COUNTY OF MAUI 3 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2008 4 5 6 7 8 REGULAR MEETING 9 10 11 Held at the West Maui Senior Center Conference Room, 788 12 Pauoa Street, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, commencing at 10:00 13 a.m. on Thursday, May 1, 2008. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 REPORTED BY: JEANNETTE W. IWADO, RPR/CSR #135 24 25 0002 1 ATTENDANCE 2 Cultural Resources Commission Meeting, May 1, 2008 3 4 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: 5 SAM KALALAU III, CHAIRMAN 6 ERIK FREDERICKSON, VICE-CHAIR 7 VERONICA MARQUEZ 8 LEE KALEI MOIKEHA 9 NANI WATANABE 10 RAYMOND HUTAFF 11 EXCUSED: PERRY ARTATES 12 13 14 STAFF PRESENT: 15 JAMES GIROUX, DEPUTY CORPORATION COUNSEL 16 SUZETTE ESMERALDA, BOARD SECRETARY 17 STANLEY SOLAMILLO, CULTURAL RESOURCES PLANNER 18 LIVIT CALLENTINE, STAFF PLANNER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0003 1 CULTURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION 2 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 3 4 CHAIRMAN KALALAU: Good morning, everyone. We're 5 several minutes after the hour. I apologize, because I'm 6 the last one here. 7 Anyway, let me please call the Maui County 8 Cultural Resources meeting for the month of May, 2008 will 9 please come to order. The first thing on our agenda is we 10 would like to -- will someone of the Commissioners make a 11 motion to either accept our minutes of the last meeting? 12 COMMISSIONER FREDERICKSON: I move that we accept 13 the minutes of the last meeting. 14 CHAIRMAN KALALAU: Do I hear a second? 15 COMMISSIONER WATANABE: Second. 16 CHAIRMAN KALALAU: Moved and second. Any 17 discussion before we vote on this? It seems that we have no 18 discussion. All in favor say "aye." 19 (A chorus of ayes) 20 Thank you. We are going to do I guess an 21 amendment on the agenda. We are going to move item B into 22 item A, and item A into item B. 23 MS. CALLENTINE: Actually, no. Good morning, 24 Commissioners. Excuse me. Good morning, Commissioners. 25 I'm Livit Callentine, staff planner with the County of Maui. 0004 1 We had asked the applicant for item A if she would be able 2 to switch with hers to be second, but she cannot because she 3 has later appointments. We just found out this morning. So 4 if we could follow the order of the agenda, we would 5 appreciate that. 6 CHAIRMAN KALALAU: Okay, Commissioners. Okay, 7 thank you. Stan? 8 MR. SOLAMILLO: All right. Under historic 9 district applications the first item is Miss Rina Sampson on 10 behalf of Lahaina Town Action Committee, requesting historic 11 district approval for the 11th Annual International Festival 12 of Canoes and Ho'olaule'a to take place on May 18th through 13 31st, 2008, within Historic District Number 1 at Banyan Tree 14 Park, TMK:(2)4-6-001:009, and Kamehameha Iki Park, 525 Front 15 Street, TMK:4-6-002:010, Lahaina, Maui. The CRC may approve 16 or deny the request and provide recommendations. Public 17 testimony will be accepted. 18 MS. CALLENTINE: There will be a slide 19 presentation directly behind the Commissioners. 20 So once again, good morning, Commissioners. I'm 21 Livit Callentine, staff planner with the County of Maui 22 Planning Department. This matter arises from a Historic 23 District Application. It was filed with the Department of 24 Planning on March 24th of this year by Rina Noelani Sampson 25 on behalf of Lahaina Town Action Committee, and she's the 0005 1 applicant, and the applicant is requesting Historic District 2 Approval for the use of Banyan Tree Park and Kamehameha Iki 3 Park, in conjunction with the 11th Annual International 4 Festival of Canoes and Ho'olaule'a to be held on May 18 5 through 31 of this year. 6 The Historic District Approval being reviewed by 7 the Cultural Resources Commission is for use of Banyan Tree 8 Park and Kamehameha Iki Park only, and the Commission may 9 approve or deny the request. 10 Also, this morning in front of you, you will see a 11 comment, a printed out email, which represents the comment 12 that was made by the Parks Department. And it was not -- I 13 did not get it into your application packet, so it was 14 handed to you this morning. I will go over it when we get 15 to that portion of the report. So the next slide, please. 16 The applicable regulations in this case are 17 starting with Chapter 2.88 of the Maui County Code 18 establishing the Commission, it purposes, powers and duties. 19 Chapter 19.48 and 19.50 of the Maui County Code for 20 establishment amendment to and description of Historic 21 Districts 1 and 2 in Lahaina, and also District 3 in 22 Wailuku. 23 Chapter 19.52 codifies regulations on buildings 24 and uses in historic districts, and Section 19.52.020(A) 25 grants the Commission the power to approve all plans within 0006 1 any historic district, and prevent the issuance of a 2 building permit until a Certificate of Approval has been 3 issued by the Commission. 4 Section 19.52.090(E) prohibits selling in public 5 places in any location on any street, highway, sidewalk, or 6 in any park or open space owned by a government agency, 7 without the approval of the Cultural Resources Commission. 8 Also, you have guiding you Chapter 530 Rules and 9 Practices of Procedure which provide definitions and 10 guidance on your operating procedures, while Chapter 531, 11 Standards and Criteria relating to the duties and authority 12 further establishes standards and criterions to be used by 13 the Commission. Next slide, please. 14 This is a scene from the 2005 festival, and this 15 was courtesy of the Lahaina Town Action Committee. Next 16 slide, please. 17 The International Festival of Canoes and 18 Ho'olaule'a was established in 1997, and was last reviewed 19 by the Commission in 2004. As there were no changes to the 20 scope in 2005 through 2007, administrative approvals were 21 granted by the Director of Planning. Changes proposed this 22 year prompted the department to request Commission review 23 and approval. 24 During the event, master carvers and their teams 25 from Hawaii, Polynesia and Pacific nations will carve 0007 1 canoes, tikis, drums and more from logs at Kamehameha Iki 2 Park on Front Street. Other activities include a 3 traditional Hawaiian greeting ceremony, displays of 4 Polynesian arts and performances, a parade, ancient Hawaiian 5 launching ceremony, concert, and ongoing cultural arts 6 workshops and demonstrations. 7 The Annual International Festival of Canoes and 8 Ho'olaule'a involves commercial activity within parks and 9 open space owned by the County of Maui and the State of 10 Hawaii. Because selling is prohibited in these areas, 11 script booths will be located within Kamehameha Iki Park and 12 Banyan Tree Park. Next slide, please. 13 The applicant proposes to create a village-like 14 atmosphere for the second week of the festival when the 15 participants will move to Banyan Tree Park. There would be 16 five hale set up on the grassy lawn surrounding the Banyan 17 Tree to allow the participating nation representatives to 18 hold "talk story" with the attendees and visitors. These 19 hale would be constructed during the first week, and be 20 complete by the time the canoes are transported to the park 21 beginning Friday to Saturday, May 23rd and 24th. 22 Construction would be modified from the traditional and 23 permanent style to allow set-up and break-down of each hale. 24 Digging and burying of poles would not take place, as each 25 hale would be secured above ground. 0008 1 With completion of the permanent hale in 2 Kamehameha Iki Park, less room is now available for 3 participants and onlookers within the park. In order to 4 accommodate the oversized crowd, the Applicant has proposed 5 two options for the location of the Ho'olaule'a on the 6 closing day of the festival, which is Saturday the 31st of 7 May. 8 So the first and preferred option is to move the 9 Ho'olaule'a to Banyon Tree Park, and use the hale in place 10 of retail booths. The hale would remain, and instead of 11 putting up synthetic tent structures, the hale would be 12 used. The Parks Department has commented that they have no 13 concerns with this, and the Lahaina Arts Foundation, which 14 has the -- sorry, the Lahaina Arts Society, excuse me, which 15 has the use of the park earlier in the day until 6:00 p.m. 16 is willing to share the park with the group. And then the 17 next slide, please. 18 Okay, the second option, if the Commission is 19 concerned about that option, the second option which was 20 proposed by the applicant is closing Front Street between 21 Kamehameha Iki Park and Malu-ulu-olele Park. Closing Front 22 Street, just that section, and letting the whole festivities 23 spill out onto Front Street. So there would be a road 24 closure, traffic would come down and go, could go to the 25 right or to the left, but not -- well, actually, not to the 0009 1 left, but it would have to clear and go down to the next 2 street, which I believe is Shaw.
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