DOCUMENT RESUME ED 034 696 SE 007 743 AUTROP Meyer, Roger E. , Fd. TITLE Adverse Reactions to Hallucinogenic Drugs. 1rNSTTTUTTON National Test. of Mental Health (DHEW), Bethesda, Md. PUB DATP Sep 67 NOTE 118p.; Conference held at the National Institute of Mental Health, Chevy Chase, Maryland, September 29, 1967 AVATLABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402 ($1.25). FDPS PRICE FDPS Price MFc0.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCPTPTOPS Conference Reports, *Drug Abuse, Health Education, *Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, *Medical Research, *Mental Health IDENTIFIEPS Hallucinogenic Drugs ABSTPACT This reports a conference of psychologists, psychiatrists, geneticists and others concerned with the biological and psychological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and other hallucinogenic drugs. Clinical data are presented on adverse drug reactions. The difficulty of determining the causes of adverse reactions is discussed, as are different methods of therapy. Data are also presented on the psychological and physiolcgical effects of L.S.D. given as a treatment under controlled medical conditions. Possible genetic effects of L.S.D. and other drugs are discussed on the basis of data from laboratory animals and humans. Also discussed are needs for futher research. The necessity to aviod scare techniques in disseminating information about drugs is emphasized. An aprentlix includes seven background papers reprinted from professional journals, and a bibliography of current articles on the possible genetic effects of drugs. (EB) National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information VA-w. Alb alb !bAm I.S. MOMS Of NAM MON tMAN IONE Of NMI 105 NUNN NU IN WINES UAWAS RCM NIN 01 NUN N ONMININI 01011110 0. NOS01 NM N INNIS STAN w IN OKISSANY MIN OMDAtNM Of MAIN MINN N SUM 11.11_ oh, t\ O The National list'a of Mental Health i.4,1 C.:11 0Pr>,4. 01443 Public U.S. MANNA Health RogerL Chevy withTO ofWNW. Services Health Chase, Conference NATIONAL and DEPARTMENT Meyer, Held Mental Service OF at ADVERSE Koski Mental M.D., Maryland, the Background HEALTH. CLIAIIINONOINM Health Editor National FOR September Papers 29, MENTAL EDUCATION. institute HALLUCINOGENIC REACTIONS Administration AND 1967of Mental HEALTH WELFARE Health DRUGS INFORMATION Public Health Services Publication No. 18io 1969 For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Dike, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price S1.23 Foreword The National Institute ofMental Health through itsCenter for Studies of Nar- cotic and Drug Abuseserves as the focal point for support of researchinto the prob- lems of drug abuse. The growingproblem of hallucinogenic drugusage has been of great concern to the staff of this Center. Inthe midst of reports of the spreadingepi- demic of drug misuse and itssequelae, the National Instituteof Mental Health has sought to clarify themany questions and myths that have arisen inboth the lay and scientific press. Consistent with this effort, theCenter for Studies of Narcoticand Drug Abuse sponsored a meeting of scientists inSeptember 1967 to discuss thepsychological and biological sequelae of LSDuse. This volume consists of the proceedingsof that meet- ing, plus significant backgroundpapers which were available to the participantsin ad- vance of the meeting. While few definitiveanswers emerged from the discussions, the major questionswere clearly defined and some research strategieswere proposed. This book, in a way, servesas a bench mark of our knowledgeat that time. The geneticists were as keenly interested in the deliberationsof the psychiatrists and psychologistsas the latter were intrigued by thefindings of the former. Subsequent to the meeting, the effortsof a number of peoplewere responsible for its preparation in readableform. Miss Arlene Jaffe and MissEleanor Carroll, of the Center for Studies of Narcotic andDrug Abuse, and Miss Marilyn Wilhelmsof the Office of Communications, NIMH,greatly assisted in the editing of themanuscript. iii Participants at the Conference Dr. Maimon Cohen Training and Research Department of Pediatrics National Institute of Mental Health School of Medicine 5454 Wisconsin Avenue State University of New York Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 Buffalo, New York 14214 Dr. Jerome Levine, Chief Dr. Joseph A. Di Paolo Psychopharmacology Research Branch National Cancer Institute National Institute of Mental Health 9000 Rockville Pike 5454 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 Dr. Keith Ditman Dr. Hermann Lisco 10921 Wilshire Boulevard Cancer Research Institute Suite 809 New England Deaconess Hospital Los Angeles, California 90024 194 Pilgrim Road Dr. Daniel Freedman, Chairman Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Department of Psychiatry Dr. William McGlothlin University of Chicago School of Medicine Institute of Government and Public Affairs Chicago, Illinois 60601 UCLA Dr. William Frosch Los Angeles, California 90024 Department of Psychiatry Dr. Roger E. Meyer, Acting Chief New York University School of Medicine Center for Studies of Narcotic and Drug Abuse New York, New York 10016 National Institute of Mental Health 5454 Wisconsin Avenue Dr. Kurt Hirschhorn Mt. Sinai Hospital Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 New York, New York 10029 Dr. Morton Miller, Director Dr. David Hungerford Special Mental Health Programs Institute for Cancer Research National Institute of Mental Health 5454 Wisconsin Avenue 7701 Burholme Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 Dr. Robert W. Miller, Chief Dr. Milton Joffe, Chief Abuse and Liabilities Branch Epidemiology Branch Division of Drug Sciences National Cancer Institute 9000 Rockville Pike Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 1405 I Street, N.W. Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Washington, D.C. 20537 Dr. Humphrey Osmond New Jersey State Neuropsychiatric Institute Dr. Martin Katz, Chief Clinical Research Branch Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Division of Extramural Research Programs Dr. Walter Pahnke National Institute of Mental Health Spring Grove State Hospital 5454 Wisconsin Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21228 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 Dr. John Scigliano, Consultant Dr. Sherman Kieffer, Director Pharmaceutical Sciences National Center for Mental Health Services, Center for Studies of Narcotic and Drug Abuse National Institute of Mental Health The Neuropsychiatric Institute 5454 Wisconsin &venue UCLA Medical Center Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 760 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles, California 90024 Dr. Charles Shagass Department of Psychiatry Dr. Josef Warkany Temple University Professor of Research Pediatrics Henry Avenue and Abbottsford Road Children's Hospital Research Foundation Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129 El land Avenue and Bethesda Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 Dr. Julian Silverman Dr. Louis Wienckowski, Director Adult Psychiatry Branch National Institute of Mental Health Division of Extramural Research 9000 Rockville Pike National Institute of Mental Health 5454 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 Dr. David Smith, Director Dr. Lyman C. Wynne, Chief Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic Adult Psychiatry Branch 588 Clayton Street National Institute of Mental Health San Francisco, California 94117 9000 Rockville Pike Dr. Thomas Ungerleider Bethesda, Maryland 20014 vi [ Contents Page Foreword 111 List of Participants v Conference Proceedings 1 Introduction: Dr. Roger Meyer, Dr. Morton Miller 1 Dr. Daniel Freedman 2 Dr. Thomas Ungerleider 5 Dr. Milton Joffe 8 Dr. Charles Shagass 11 Dr. Julian Silverman 14 Dr. William Frosch 20 Dr. David Smith 22 Dr. Keith Ditman 26 Dr. Humphrey Osmond 27 Dr. Maimon Cohen 34 Dr. Kurt Hirschhorn 39 Dr. David Hungerford 42 Dr. Josef Warkany 47 Dr. Hermann Lisco 48 Dr. Joseph Di Paolo 49 Summary of the Conference 54 Appendix 57 I. Background Papers 59 "On the Use and Abuse of LSD "Daniel X. Freedman, M D 59 "Patterns of Response to Self Administration of LSD" William A. Frosch, M.U. 74 "Harmful Aspects of the LSD Experience"Keith S. Ditman, M.D 80 "The 'Bad Trip'The Etiology of the Adverse LSD Reaction" J. Thomas Ungerleider, M.D. 88 "Persons with Exceptionally High RiskofLeukemia" Robert W. Miller, M D 95 "Chromosomal Damage in Human Leukocytes Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide"NIaimon M. Cohen, M.D.. ..99 "Therapeutic Effects of LSD: A Follow-up Study"Charles Shagass, M.D.. 103 II. Bibliography of Current Articles on the Possible Genetic Sequelae of Hallucinogenic and Other Drugs 109 vii Introduction Dr. Roger Meyer: On behalfof Dr. Yolles, I grams in the area ofhallucinogenic drug abuse. would like to welcome you to theNational In- Again, I want to thank you very muchfor com- stitute of Mental Health and tothank you in ing. This is a key conference,and I'm very advance for your participation today. Anumber pleased that I have a chance tospend at least of representatives of theInstitute are present some time with youtoday. todayunderlining our tremendous interestin Dr. Meyer: Broadly speaking, ourformat today your deliberations.Dr. Louis Wienckowski, Di- is almost pseudo-Lamarckian,that is, we shall rect.,- Division ofExtramural Research; Dr. be talking about a behavioral disorderthat may Sherman Kieffer, Director, NationalCenter for have genetic implications. Iwould like to draw Mental Health Services, Training andResearch; your attention to aletter we received from Dr. Dr. Jerome Levine, Chief,Psychopharmacology Morton Reiser 1 which was one ofthe stimuli Research Branch; and Dr. MortonMiller, Direc- for this meeting. Dr. Reiser expressed concern tor, Division of SpecialMental
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