··1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 865 The House divided; and the tellers reported-ayes_53, noes 92. By Mr. WHITEHEAD: The petition of citizens of Bedford County, So the House refused to adjourn. _ Virginia., for the establishment of certain post-routes, to the Commit· The Clerk then (at four o'clock and thirty minutes p.m.) resumed tee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the readin(J' of the Journal, but before concluding- By Mr. WHITTHORNE: The petition of Bradshaw Gra.nge, Patrons Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I ask that the reading of the of H nsbandry, Tennessee, for repeal of the tobacco tax, to the Com­ Journal be .suspended that I may move that the House do now ad- mittee on Ways and~ Means. jo~rn. • By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Massa-ehnsetts: The petition of H. 0. The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at four o'clock and Houghton and others, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, for the restora­ forty minutes p.m.) the House adjourne~ until Monday next. tion of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made in 1872, to the same committee. · . • PETITIONS, ETC. • The following memorials, petitions; and other papers were presented IN SENATE. at the Clerk's desk under the rules, and referred as stated: By Mr. ALBERT: The petition of Julia M. Colburn, a-dministra­ MoNDAY, February 1, _1875. trix, and Sophia E. Stimpson, for extension of a patent, to the Com­ The .VICE-PRESIDENT resumed the chair. mittee on Patents. Also, the petition of citizens of Elk Ridge, Howard County, Mary­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLA...."''D, D. D. land, for the restoration of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap- proved. • -....... in 1872 and a~ainst a duty on tea and coffee and revival of internal_ taxes, to the committee on Ways and Means. CREDENTIALS. By Mr. BLAND : The petition of citizens of Phelps County, Mis- The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the credentials of Hon. HENRY souri, of similar import, 'to the same committee. L. DA. WES, chosen by the Legislature of Massachusetts a Senator By Mr. BROMBERG: The petition of citizens of Clarke and Ma­ from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1875; which were rengo Counties, Alab~ma, fo~ a post-route from Grove Hill to Nana­ read and ordered to be filed. falia, Alabama, to the CoiD.IDlttee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. BUNDY: The petition of employes of Grafton Iron Com­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. pany, Ohio, for the restoration of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a report ·of the made in 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee and revival of in­ Secretary of the Interior, communicatin~, in answer to a resolution ternal taxes, to the Committee on Ways and Means. of the Senate of March 19, 1874, informatiOn in relation to the num­ By Mr. CESSNA: The petition of Walter D. Plowden, for compen­ ber of Indians captured or killed by United States troops during the sation for services to the Union Army as spy, &c., to the Committee year 1873; which was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. on Military Afihirs. He also laid before the Senate the annual report of the Comtuis­ By Mr. CLYMER: The petition of citizens of Reading, Pennsylva­ sioner of Patents for the year ending December 31, 1874; which were nia, for the restoration of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties ma-de referred to the Committee on Printing. · . in 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee and revival of internal WRITS' OF ERROR IN CRIMniAL CASES. taxes, to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. COMINGO: Resolutions of the General Assembly of the The VICE-PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the amendment State of Missouri, concerning recent occurrences in the State of Louisi­ of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. No. 935) to provide for ana,, to the Committee on the Judiciary. writs of error in certain criminal causes ; which wa-s read. By Mr. COX: The petition of John T. Beale for a pension, to the The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair woukl suggest that the bill Committee on Invalid Pensions. lie on the table, as no member of the J ndiciary Committee is present. By Mr. HALE of New York: Petitions of citizens of Clinton and M.r. DAVIS. I move that it be referred to the Committee on the Essex Counties, New York, for the restoration of the 10 per cent. re­ Judiciary. duction of duties made in 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee Mr. ANTHONY. I wa-s under the impression that the chairman of and revival of internal taxes, to the Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on the Judiciary desired to have the bill a-eted upon By Mr. HARMER: The petition of citizens of the fifth congres­ when he was present. sional district of Pennsylvania, of similar import, to the same com- The VICE-PRESIDENT. The motion is to refer the amendment mittee. · ·of the House of Representatives to the committee. By Mr. HARRIS, of Virginia: The petition of citizens of Page Mr. DAVIS. It can be 1·eported back at any time. County, Virginia, of similar import, to the same committee. Mr. ANTHONY.- My impression was that he wanted to let it lie Also, the petition, of Shenandoah County, Virginia, of simila-r im­ on the table, and that was the reason it had not been presented before. port, to the same committee. Perhaps it had better lie on the table until the chairman comes in. By Mr.MAGEE: The petition of citizens of Newport, Perry County, Mr. DAVIS. I have no objection. Pennsylvania, of similar import, to the same cqmmittee. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will lie on the table for the By Mr. NIBLACK: The petition of Thomas H . Kyle and more than present. 100 others, that a pension be granted Drury C. Clark, late private PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Company F, First Indiana Heavy Artillery, to the Committee on In­ Mr. FERRY, of Michigan, presented a memorial of Dr. J. M. Mor­ valid Pensions. ris and other citizens of Detroit, Michigan, asking for the prohibition Also, four memorials of citizens of Indiana, a-sking appropriations of the manufacture, importation, aml sale of alcoholic beverages in for the improvement of the Ohio River, to the Committee on Com- the District of Columbia, and in the Territories of the United States; merce. · which was referred to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. SMITH, of Pennsylvania: The remonstrance of importers, Mr. SAULSBURY presented the petition of L. J. Draper, late assist­ merchants, and dealers in coffee in the city of Baltimore against the ant surgeon United States Navy, praying to be restored to his former proposed imposition of duty on coffee, to the Committee on Ways and rank and position in the Navy, from which he was dismissed by th-e Means. Secretary of the Navy in 1865; which was referred to the Committee Also, the petition of citizens of Marietta, Pennsylvania, for the on Naval Affairs. restoration of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made in 1872, to the Mr. DAVIS presented a memorial of certain merchants and busi­ same committee. ness men of BaltiiQ.ore, Maryland, praying that no duty be levied on By Mr. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS: Memorial of James A. Adger coffee; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. & Co. and many others, of Charleston, South Carolina, in favor of J\-fr. SCOTT presented a petition of members of the Weccacoe Legion, the incorporation of the Eastern and Western Transportation Com- composed of soldiers and sailors who served in the war of the rebel­ pany, to the Committee on Railways and Canals. • lion, and others, praying Congress to equalize the bounties of soldiers, By Mr. CHARLES A. STEVENS: Petition of the Methodist Epis­ seamen, and marines ; which was referred to the Committee on Mili­ copal church, Miller's Falls, Mass11.-ehusetts, for a commission o'f in­ tary Aflairs. quiry concerning the alcoholic liquor traffic, to the Committee on the He also presented memorials of citizens of Blair County, Pennsyl­ Judiciary. · vania, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, otPittsburgh,Pennsylvania, of Also, the petition of citizens of Gill, Massa-ehusetts, of similar im­ Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, ancf of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, port, to the same committee. remonstrating against the restoration of the duty on tea nnd coffee, By Mr. STONE: Resolutions of the General Assembly of the St.ate and praying for the repeal of the law which reduced the duties on of Missouri, asking an appropriation to improve the Gasconade River, certain foreign goods 10 per cent.; which were 1·eferred to the Com- to the Committee on Commerce. mittee on Finance. · Also, resolutions of the General Assembly of Missouri, concerning Mr. DORSEY presented a petition of citizens of Western Arkansas the rer.ent occurrences in Louisiana, to the select committee on that living adjacent to the Indian Territory, asking the establishment of portion of the President's message relating to the condition of the a territorial government in that Territory; which was referred to the South. Committee on Territories. · By Mr. WALDRON: The petition of Andrew Westcott and others, Mr. SHERMAN presented the petition of James L. Sherman, first supervisors of Hillsdale County, Michigan, for correction of military lieutenant First Artillery, United States Army, praying to be reim­ reoord of William Butcher, to the Committee on Military Affairs.
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