'<• MANCHf-STER HERALD, Monday, Dec. 11, 1989 CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS I MISCELLANEOUS I CARS r^TRUCKS/VANS I FOR SALE FOR RENT |9 Z | FOR sale FOR RENT I SERVICES FOR SALE Status Quo GLASTONBURY-Buv A 6 room heated apart­ FORD 1985 - F150, long Schools Comeback GSL Building Malnte- CHEROKEE Jeep, 1977, Christmas Present ment. $800 with secur­ MANCHESTER-2 bed­ nance Co. Commercl- bed, V6, standard. 51K, With No Money ity. No pets. 646-2426. room apartments. Ap­ With 1985 motor. $3,500 al/ResIdentlal building or best offer. 646-2358. Cap. Excellent condi­ D ow nlll Owner will Weekdoys, 9-4. pliances. $500-$525 plus tion. 646-2439. repairs and home Im­ DODGE - Omni, 1984. One finance the down pay­ ONE bedroom apart- utilities. Security and Ddif! provements. Interior DODGE - 1986. '150', 318 Written complaint Taylor leads 49ers Soviet panel rejects ment and closing costs ment. $550 monthly, ye­ references. 643-5372, owner. Air condition­ 9am-5pm.________ and exterior painting, CIO, automatic, bed on this lovely 2 bed­ arly lease. Security light carpentry. Com­ ing, AM/FAA Cassette, room, 1 Vj bath end unit cruise, sunroof. $2375. liner, tool box, 50K, cut in party power/7 deposit, references re­ EAST Hartford-Clean, 5 plete lanitorlal ser­ $5500. 742-8669._______ spurs defense/3 over the L.A. Rams/9 with private, beauti­ rooms, garage, 1st 646-5652. quired. No pets. Peter- CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL vice. Experienced, rel­ TRUCK, 1977, GMC. $300 fully landscaped patio. mon Real Estate. 649- floor. No pets. $525 plus iable, free estimates. 1979 concord. 2 door. Coll 292-1720for details. 9404. utilities. 528-2400. REMODELING excellent, fully loaded. or best offer. Road 643-0304. worthy. Coll 643-1901. 2 bedroom Townhouse. 5 room Duplex near hos­ Radiol tires. new MANCHESTER - 4 room DUMAS ELECTRIC MAZDA-1987 Pickup B- 1.5 baths, appliances. apartment. Applian­ pital. $625 per month. HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Service changes, I MACHINERY brakes. $1500.00 649- Insulated, Immaculate. ces, heat, hot water, References and secur- 4931. 2200. Bedllner sport Cleaning, Hauling, Caipentry, Remodelling additional wiring and AND TOOLS package, AM /FM ra­ $109,900. Owner 647- cable. 649-5249. Ity required. 647-0422. Reasonably Priced PONTIAC, 1980, Gran repairs on existing dio. Sliding rear win­ 8513.________________ Free Estimates Prlx-6 cylinder, excel- MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ MANCHESTER-4, 6, and All Cans Answered homes. Quality work at SNOW Blower-Toro. 7 dow. Asking $4,500. Call MANCHESTER- 7 room apartments. Se­ lent condition, original room townhouse with Rick's Handyman & affordable prices. horsepower, II stage, after 5pm at 632-9826. Southfleld green. Im­ fireplace. All applian­ curity. No pets. Now owner, garaged. Coll Carpentry Service Entirely owner operated. with chains. Excellent mediate occupancy on ces, heat, hot water, available. 646-2426, 9-5 condition. $425. 649- 568-4269. LOOKING FOR 0 low-cost this original owner, 6 carpeting, air condi­ weekdays. 646-1948 27 years exp. Call 7848. way to communicate your room Townhouse. 3 tioning. Call 649-5240. Joseph Dumas advertising message? large bedrooms, kit­ MANCHESTER-2 bed­ WANT ADS are MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ room, 1st floor Farm­ PAINTING/PAPERING 646-S2S3. worth Want ads are your chen, ond family room, I PETS AND looking Into when you’re answer. oversized living room room townhouse. All house. Parklngtortwo. appliances, heat, hot Completely renovated. SUPPLIES looking for a place to with dining area, 2'/2 live...whether It’s o home. HaitrhpHtpr HmlJi water, carpeting, air Washer hookup. $625 McHugh Himself "EASY DOES IT" Is the baths, complete ap­ conditioning. Call 649- plus heat. 1 month se­ FREE-Pupples. Black an apartment or a mobile pliances, carport, cen­ Painting & walipapering at way to describe placing a Labrador cross. All home. I CARS 5240. curity. 649-3087. want ad. Just call 643-2711 tral air. U 8. R Realty, its best Fnae Estimates. Fully black In color. Ready FOR SALE 643-2692.0 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ AVAILABLE and we do the rest! for Christmas. 643-7859. Insured. Establisheed 1974. MANCHESTER-Hotl room luxury town- lmmedlately-3 bed­ Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1989 Manchester, CQnn. — A City Qf Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents house. All appliances, room apartment. Se­ Hot! Hot! New to the 6 4 3 - 9 3 2 1 MISCELLANEOUS CLYDE 1990 VOLKSWAGEN marketl Bright and heat, cable, carpeting, curity and references MISCELLANEOUS I air conditioning. Call required. $495 monthly. FOR SALE CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. JEHAGL cheertui 2 bedroom SERVICES ROUTE 03, VERNON Townhouse, newly dec­ 647-1595. 643-1577.____________ YOU CAN enloy extra 4 door, 5 speed orated with new kit­ EAST HARTFORD - one ROCK VI LLE-Aportment vacation money by ex­ 84 Unc. Continental $9,995 chen carpeting. You'll and two bedroom for rent. 6 rooms, se­ changing idle Items in END ROLLS 84 Buick Century Wfeg $5,995 feel cozy and warm and apartments. Heat, hot cond floor, yard, gar­ your home for cosh ... SNOW PLOWING 27'/i" width — 504 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,895 want to stay home water and parking. age. 643-0136, 646-4694 with an ad in classified. Commercial and Residenlial 13" width — 2 for 504 85 Elecira 4 Dr. $9,995 Baker urges when you own this $425-$500-$550 month. or 647-7056. Call 643-2711 to piece your Snow blower services available. 85 Caprice Wagon $6,695 $10,244 Coll after 6pm 528-6616. Newsprint end rolls can be special Townhouse ad. Can Mike 649-4304 picked up Bt the Manchester 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 with, yes, a garage, MANCHESTER-Located loei HOMES Mon-Sal 9am-9pm Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. 85 Celebrity Wagon tool 11 $89,900. Anne Monday through Thursday. $6,695 Miller Real Estate, 647- on busline. 4 rooms. 2 I I FOR RENT W EK»rS PAMTMG CO. LOW RATES 86 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 8000.O______________ bedroom, carpeted, Quality work at a 86 Della 88 2 Dr $9,995 ORDER YOURS TODAY new kitchen floor and reasonable pricel SOUTH WlNDSOR- AVAILABLE Need repairs around the WANTED TO 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 1990 VOLKSWAGEN larger role sto ve/retrldgerator. Immedlately- Interior & Exterior Westage. End unit. Im­ Immediate occu- Free Eatimatea home? Call an expert. BUY/TRADE 86 Century Vfegon $7,495 FOX maculate two bedroom pancy! Call Charlie. Remodelled 4 bedroom You'll find the help you 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 2 door coupe Cape. Large family Call Brian Walgle Ranch style Condo with 649-4000.____________ need In Classified. 643- FURNITURE Wonted- 66 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 sliders to deck. Amenl- room, fireplace, eat-ln 6 4 5 -8 9 1 2 5 Room Duplex near hos­ 2711. Mahogany bedroom 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 tles galore! kitchen, carpeted llvln- set or equal. Dining CHFA/FHA Approved. pital. $625 per month. groom, large laundry 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 References and secur­ and bath. $995 per LAWN CARE room set and crib. $107,900. D.W. Fish CONCRETE 524-8824. 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8/195 for NATO Reolty, 643-1591.0 ity required. 647-0422. month plus utilities. $7,690 646-4144._____________ ONLY 4 units remaining. MANCHESTER- 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 Special financing. 2 Townhouse apartment East Hartford/Glaston- Get that chimney r^ inired YARD MASTERS POTSDAM, East Germany (AP) Demonstrators nearby protested bedroom, quality built tor rent. 3 bedrooms, bury llne-7 room Cape, before winter! Call ncnow LEAVES RAKED &REMOVEC Automotive — Secretary of State James A. against U.S. policies in Central I'A baths, full base­ S ch aller's Townhouses. 1'A baths, new Interior, 1 car for a free estimate. Fully Trees cut, yards cleaned, ORDER YOURS TODAY Baker 111 today met with East Ger­ America, shouting “Yankees out of garage with opener. ment, kitchen applian­ garage, screened ces, parking tor 2 cars. insured. Lawns. Brush removal, Quality many’s reformist Communist El Salvador.” Superb location ! porch, wosher/dryer gutters cleaned, driveways CARS $138,900. Strano Real $750 per month. Pay hookup. $900 per month TALAGA MASONRY Pre-owned Auto ■premier after celebrating the open­ U.S. officials, meanwhile, con­ your own utilities. Se­ sealed..- _ FOR SALE Estate, 647-7653.0 plus utilities, security 643-8209 Value Priced 9.9%* ing of the Berlin Wall. firmed that Baker would meet later curity deposit and 1 deposit. Call 649-5400 6 4 3 - 9 9 9 6 in the day with Modrow, who was year lease. Call Ri­ Baker became the highest-ranking § ^ I BUSINESS days, 647-9040 CARDINAL 83 Olds Ciera ON ANY U.S. official to visit the Communist named premier Nov. 13 of an East chard PaganI at 646- evenings. I PROPERTY 4525 or 643-2283 between BUICK, INC. AT,A/C.PS $ 2 ,9 0 0 NEW VW IN state in nearly two decades. Germany in the midst of a stunning 9:00 ond 8:00.________ ELLINGTON INDUSTRIAL 1989 Century Coipe $11,960 86 Ford Tempo Before driving over the Glicnicke upheaval that is sweeping aside or­ MANCHESTER-Duplex ISTORE/OFFICE I 1988 Skylark Sedan S p K iil $8,590 m COLONIAL Charmer- AT.A/C.PS $4^495 Bridge that links the outskirts of thodox Communism. and 19x28 commercial MEADOWVIEW PROPERTY 1988ChevS-10ExtCabP/U $10,960 STOCK Country flair high­ FOR RENT 1 1988 Buck Park Ava. $13,960 West Berlin to Potsdam in East Ger­ They were to meet in Potsdam, building. Purchase or lights this 6 plus room PLAZA 86 C h e w /'^ IQ O ^ MANCHESTER-2 large 1987 0ldsmobileFlrenza $6,490 PRE-OWNED rent with option to buy.
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