Second Penrose Gift of $150,000 Made for School Work to Start May 1 Loretto Heights to Start Building in JuneOn Extensive Plant NCWG Official Archbishop WijI Break To Address GPTL Ground on Graduation In Colorado Springs A gift of $150,000 made last week by Mrs, Spencer Pen­ . Day for Machebeuf Hall rose through the El Pomar foundation, augmenting a similar gift made in 1942, has enabled St. Mary’s parish, Colorado Final plans were announced this week for the construc­ Springs, to crystallize plans for the erection of a new grade tion of Machebeuf hall, the new students’ activities building school building and high school gymnasium, and for com­ at Loretto Heights college, Denver, by the president. Sister plete remodeling of the old school building for use exclusively Frances Marie. Ground will be broken for the new building as a high school. The two gifts defray all but $40,000 of the on commencement day and construction will begin immedi­ expense expected to be incurred in the extensive building ately thereafter. It is hoped that the building will be ready project. for occupancy by September, 1950. The first part of the expansion Elaborate plana are being made program will get under way May Dr. Simon Will Make for the joint commencement and 1, when ground will be broken for ground breaking ceremonies, at the new g;rade school, to be located Reds Working ' which Archbishop Urban J. Vehr across the street to the west of Five Talks Next Week the old school, on Sierra Madre will officiate, Sunday, June 5, at Dr. Yves R. Simon, professor of MACHEBEUF HALL, the new students' which will be constructed in 1949, is pictured avenue and West Kiowa street. 5:30 p.m. Bishop Hubert M. New­ philosophy under the "Committee activities building at Loretto Heights college, above. The architect is John K. Monroe. Ultra-modern in design and fur- To Wreck U. S. on Social Thought” of the Univer­ ell, Coadjutor of Chey.enne, will be nishing^s, the primary plant will sity of Chicago, will make five ap­ the speaker. have as a special feature a com­ Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation plete kindergarten department, in­ pearances in Colorado beginning Owing to the iniprease in build­ Feb. 27 with a lecture at the New­ cluding a playroom for the little From Within ing costs since the original plans Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Permission to Reproduce, Except on man club of the University of Col­ tots and a private entrance to their were drawn, only the first wing Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. An army of “ missioners of evil" orado at Boulder. Monday, Feb. playground, which will be set apart Monsignor Frederick C. Hoch- of the new building, namely the and cut off from the recreation has infiltrated into the United •walt, above, director of the Na­ 28, Dr. Simon will address the stu­ States with the express purpose dents of Loretto Heights college, foods service unit, will be con­ area to be used by the older chil­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ structed at this time. All college of wrecking the country from the Denver. He will speak in Regis col­ dren. ence Education department, is to food services will be centralized in inside. The Soviets have no inten­ lege at 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 1, Will House SeverfI Facilities be the principal speaker at the this unit. The building will include tion of ever fighting America in before members of the Aquinas In addition, the planned grade 12th annual educational confer­ a modern, fully equipj^d kitchen a full-scale war. They conhdently club, composed of philosophy stu­ school building will house a com­ ence of . the Catholic Parent- and a dining room with seating expect to conquer it from within. dents. St. Thomas’ seminary stu­ DENVER CATHOUC bination gymnasium-auditorium, a Teacher league to be held at the capacity for 400 resident students. This revelation was made in a dents will hear him that evening. cafeteria for the school lunch pro- Shirley-Savoy hotel, Denver, Cafeteria facilities will be installed lecture in Denver by the Rev. The St. Thomas University club g;ram, a health room, music room, Thursday, March 24. in the dining room for occasions James Keller, M.M., founder and will present Dr. Simon on Sunday teachers’ offices, and 10 modern This announcement was made when day students as well as resi­ classrooms. The cost is estimated director of the Christophers, the evening, March 6, in the St. Fran­ growing movement to stop the by Mrs. Lito Gallegos at the dent students are to be served. at $225,000. The architect for the cis de Sales’ high school audito­ threatened disintegration of the CPTL meeting Feb. 17. A “ con­ rium. structure is Earle A. Deits, who is ference conscious’’ membership Lounge, Snack Bar working in collaboration with Jan United States. Dr. Simon is a native of Cher­ REGISTER Father Keller revealed publicly will make a concerted drive to Ruhtenberg of the American In­ bourg, France, and received his Are Included for the first time the confession place this event at the top of PTA higher education in Paris. He Smaller dining rooms for thejThe National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We stitute of Architects. After the grade school building of a former Communist who had achievement. taught in the Catholic University chaplain, the sisters, and guests Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller IS complete and ready for occu­ spent 14 years in Moscow training William Saulnier, associate di­ of Lille, France, 1980-38, and at are also to be included, as well as Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of paper 3 cents a copy. agents whose sole purpose is to rector of the National Conference the. University of Notre Dame, pancy, work will begin immediate­ a lounge where groups can con-|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ly on the remodeling of the pres­ hasten the moral disintegration of of Christians and Jews, was the 1938-48. He is at present teaching gregate or relax before and after,VOL. this country. Their particular pur­ speaker at the league meeting. at the University of Chicago. Dr. XVIV. No. 27. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1949. $1 PER YEAR. ent grade-high school school unit. meals. A snack bar designed to The building, which since the pose, as the former Communist St. Catherine’s PTA earned the Simon has written many articles take care of college-girl-between- boldly put it, is “ to pull the guts unique distinction of having the on philosophical subjects and cur­ founding of St. Mary’s school has meal appetites is likewise planned. been used to hou.se both the grade right out of this country.” largest delegation ever to attend rent history. His latest book pub­ The hall will be erected on the Promote Divorce, Immorality lication is Coinmunity of the Free and high school departments, will a league meeting. Twenty-seven west campus immediately behind $70,000 Drive Will Be Started members answered roll call. (Henry Holt and Co.) undergo complete renovation to fit These agents have been in­ the administration building. The it for use exclusively as a high structed in ways and means of ac­ natural terrain is such that the school. The $50,000 expected to be celerating the pernicious influ­ structure will be one story on the spent on this project will result in ences contributing to the weaken­ east and two stories on the west. For St. Vincent de Paul Church full modernization of the plant, ing of the moral fiber of the coun­ Prayer for Christians Picture windows will be installed which faces on Sierra Madre be­ try. “ It is their business to foul on the west side of the dining A drive for $70,000 will be started this Sunday by St. Vincent de Paul’s parish in tween West Kiowa and West Bijou up everythBig,’’ says Father Kel­ room, from whence a magnificent streets. Use of the whole structure ler, “ to promote divorce and the and scenic view of the Rockies will Denver—a drive conceived by the parishioners themselves to fill the long-felt need of the for high school needs will make breakdown of marriage and tha In Red Camps Is Urged be commanded. South Denver parish for a new church. possible the arrangement of the home, to develop a disrespect for A meeting of the parishioners latest facilities for the chemistry law, order, and contractual ob% a- Other Units to Be was held last week and they de­ themselves. They feel that under and home economics sections. Plans tions; to encourage immorality Added Later Adoration cided upon a goal of $70,000 for the present conditions that assess­ call for the enlargement of the among the young; to deaden a sense By Archbishop in Lent the year, which will be the key­ ment is not too large. It is believed chemi.stry laboratory and purchase of honesty and integrity; to stir The erection of the building stone of the long-range program to that there will be more families giv­ of ample equipment for it as well up turmoil and confusion; and, Personal devotion and sacrifices, prayer for the Holy was made possible through the provide vital additions to the par­ ing more than $100 than there will as :^r the domestic sicence depart- last but not least, to belittle or campaign conducted by the college Reception Father for strength to meet the onslaughts against the ish plant.
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