Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies CARLETON UNIVERSITY Newsletter | Spring 2019 Director’s Message a key initiative for strengthening the ties between Carleton and the community One day, Honi the Circle Maker was However, when I was born into this while also enriching our work in the area walking on the road and saw a man world, I found many carob trees planted of Jewish arts and culture. As in every planting a carob tree. Honi asked the by my father and grandfather. Just as new project, the next step is building a man, “How long will it take for this tree to they planted trees for me, I am planting sustainable funding model to make this bear fruit?” trees for my children and grandchildren happen. The man replied, “Seventy years.” so they will be able to eat the fruit of these We also see tremendous potential Honi then asked the man, “And do you trees.” in the newly signed Memorandum of think you will live another seventy years Babylonian Talmud, tractate Ta’anit, Understanding Carleton and Library and eat the fruit of this tree?” page 23a and Archives Canada. Talks are under- The man answered, “Perhaps not. way for ways that the ZC can collaborate through new programming with the Lowy Collection. One early collaboration will certainly be around Professor Malino’s archival research. Please save the date Over the years, I continue to connect with (Sunday, September 22) and keep an eye our alumnae (often in the context of writ- out for related programming. ing reference letters!) and am so delighted Finally thanks and best wishes to our to see them travel the path through gradu- ZC team for another amazing year, I am ate school and first steps in their career, so fortunate to continue working with Dr watching them become true leaders in our Susan Landau Chark, Mirka Snopkowska, community and mentoring others. Belle Riley Thompson, and Shaked Student conferences similarly permit Karabelnicoff in the next academic year. appreciating early signs of the impact we have on our students. The recent graduate student conference underscores the way In This Issue not only traditional classroom learning but other experiential learning like DFL Director’s message ....................................... .....1-2 and the Israel course shape student inter- DFL News ………………………………… ....................... 2-3 est and research. Marylene Pilon and LX Faculty Members Corner............................... .....3 his Talmudic story is often quoted to Silver-Mahr, who shared their research Graduate Affiliate …………………………… .................4 Tremind us that the work we do is for at the April student colloquium, were ex- External Research Affiliates ....................... .5-6 future generations. Here at the Zelikovitz amples of these synergies: It was through Limmud Ottawa 2019 ………………….....................7 Centre, that work is focused on planting travel to Israel that Marylene Pilon began Graduate Student’s Conference …………….. ..8 and nurturing seeds of learning, research to think critically about music and culture, Save the Date………………………………… .....................8 and scholarship. and LX Silver-Mahr was able to complete Israel Travel Course 2020 …………………… .........9 We are fortunate that unlike the farmer her research in Judaism and masculinity. CHES News and Events ..............................10-17 who plants the carob tree, we sometimes We hope for more opportunities for have the pleasure of seeing seeds bear synergy and collaboration as we continue Join the ZC mailing list to receive updates early fruit. I am particularly struck by to explore how to bring a Jewish-focused invitations to our future events. Please send this as I reflect on the last nine years of arts and culture daylong conference to an email to: jewish [email protected] the Developing Future Leaders program. Carleton. We envisage this conference as The ZC’s New Space in Paterson Hall e are so excited to finally be moved cludes many unique books covering aspects Winto our new office and boardroom of Jewish life, culture, and history. space in Paterson Hall, Rooms PA225, and We are grateful to Dean Pauline Rankin PA 220A respectively. The new space al- for her leadership and support in facilitating lows ZC work to continue while the board- the renovations of this new space. Thanks room is used for meetings, workshops, also to CIJA who donated our boardroom study and research. The boardroom also seating and allowed us to come in under houses the ZC’s Jewish Studies library. budget! As noted in previous newsletters, the ZC The boardroom is available to students is working in conjunction with George and faculty to come together for any Jewish Duimovich, MacOdrum’s librarian in Studies related project. A projector and charge of Collections and technology, to screen are available upon request. Please provide online visibility to the ZC’s library. contact [email protected] or 613- Although the ZC collection is small, it in- 529-2600, ext 1320 to book the space Developing Future Leaders: Over 100 Internships in 9 years shared her thoughts about DFL: nus protégé David Tanhelson, and most “The strength of any organization lies in recently by Director Cindi Resnick and its people. With this keen understanding, Seminar Leader Carolyn Bickerton. We the DFL program aimed to identity and thank them for their vision and tremen- help train the next generation of leaders, dous work, as we join to also salute the 24 an immense service and importance to agencies and institutions that have wel- Ottawa’s Jewish community. The Jewish comed our students and offered them in- Federation of Ottawa, along with many valuable opportunities to learn and grow. other organizations, greatly benefitted While DFL is paused, the suite of train- little over 10 years ago, Roger from the talents and enthusiasm of interns ing that we designed and implemented AGreenberg approached former granted to us through the program. At the here at Carleton has proven to be effective Director Aviva Freedman with an idea, same time, the true value of the program and exemplary in developing future lead- to plant the seeds of the next genera- will only be measured in the fullness of ers. We are reviewing its funding model tion of community leaders, volunteers, time as graduates of the program assume and looking at opportunities to build on and philanthropists. After his generous full-time positions of leadership through- its success. stewardship for the first five years of the out the community and excel in their cho- Yasher Koach to over 100 students from program, his vision was supported by the sen roles.” across Ottawa and beyond placed in com- next cohort of lead donors from the com- The heart of our program has always munity and national internships, who munity, and in the last year, by Carleton been that connection between students, grew as young professionals and learned itself through the offices of the Provost, community and the university. That core so much from our Carleton team and our the Deans of the Faculty of Arts and Social has been consistently nurtured by the community leadership. We have built up a Sciences and Faculty of Public Affairs, the directors of the program: first by Director true legacy for Ottawa and Canada. VP Research and International, and the Josee Posen, followed by her DFL alum- We would also like to wish a yasher VP Students and Enrollment. There are koach to 2018-2019 intern Dario not enough thanks to each for support- Chaiquin. Dario is a third-year Political ing our students and community through Science student at Carleton University, their generosity. concentrating in International Relations The ZC is very appreciative of the sup- and his placement was with the Jewish port we have received from the Jewish Federation of Ottawa. Dario is the incom- Federation of Ottawa over the last nine ing Co-President on the 2019-2020 Hillel years. Andrea Freedman (President and Ottawa executive. CEO, Jewish Federation of Ottawa and Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation) Continued on next page 2 Newsletter of the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies Rotem Fellus (2018-2019) did her intern- The ZC also wishes to offer a hearty ship with the Association of Canadian mazel tov on the engagement of two DFL Jewish Studies as their social media co- alumni: Mushka Teitlebaum (2017-2019) ordinator. She co-presented at the ACJS who is has just begun her Masters in conference in Vancouver with Professor Social Work at Carleton University, and Hernan Tesler-Mabe (a ZC Research affili- Adam Moscoe (2012-2014) who is current- ate). Their presentation, entitled “Online ly completing the Canadian government’s Anti-Semitism” illustrated how the Policy Analyst Program, as well as being Internet is used as a channel for the a Global Shaper of the World Economic legitimization of antisemitism. Forum. Faculty Members’ Corner Presentations and Publications the early 1980s in some antique shops. on the photographic aspects of the first big The virtual explosion of photographic media event in Canada, the assassination techniques, that followed the and funeral of Thomas D’Arcy Mcgee in official invention of photography in 1868. 1839, created an array of types of standardized photographs. Terms such as daguerreotype, ambrotype, ferrotype (or tintype), salted paper print, dry plate, wet plate, albumen print, carte- de-visite, cabinet card and carbon print point to the varieties of photographic expression. Surprisingly millions of these photographs, made in the mid to late 19th century, are still available today in Photo by Robert Lansdale excellent condition. Each gives a glimpse into the lives, dress, occupations, places Professor Irwin Reichstein, and celebrities that were of interest at the rofessor Irwin Reichstein, Chair of time and are of increasing interest today. Pthe ZC’s Advisory Board, retired Collecting these images led Professor from the School of Computer Science Reichstein to a research interest in the in 2014 (although he has since done a field.
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