ISSN 1408-7073 PERIODICAL FOR MINING, METALLURGY AND GEOLOGY RMZ – MATERIALI IN GEOOKOLJE REVIJA ZA RUDARSTVO, METALURGIJO IN GEOLOGIJO RMZ-M&G, Vol. 59, No. 2/3 pp. 99–330 (2012) Ljubljana, November 2012 II Historical Review Historical Rewiev More than 90 years have passed since in 1919 the University Ljubljana in Slovenia was founded. Technical fields were joint in the School of Engineering that included the Geo logic and Mining Division while the Metallurgy Division was established in 1939 only. Today the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metallurgy are part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Before War II the members of the Mining Section together with the Association of Yugoslav Mining and Metallurgy Engineers began to publish the summaries of their research and studies in their technical periodical Rudarski zbornik (Mining Proceedings). Three volumes of Rudarski zbornik (1937, 1938 and 1939) were published. The War interrupted the publi cation and not untill 1952 the first number of the new journal Rudarsko-metalurški zbornik - RMZ (Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly) has been published by the Division of Mining and Metallurgy, University of Ljubljana. Later the journal has been regularly published quarterly by the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metal lurgy, and the Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment. On the meeting of the Advisory and the Editorial Board on May 22nd 1998 Rudarsko- metalurški zbornik has been renamed into “RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment (RMZ -Materiali in Geookolje)” or shortly RMZ - M&G. RMZ - M&G is managed by an international advisory and editorial board and is exchanged with other world-known periodicals. All the papers are reviewed by the corresponding pro fessionals and experts. RMZ - M&G is the only scientific and professional periodical in Slovenia, which is pub- lished in the same form nearly 50 years. It incorporates the scientific and professional topics in geology, mining, and geotechnology, in materials and in metallurgy. The wide range of topics inside the geosciences are wellcome to be published in the RMZ -Materials and Geoenvironment. Research results in geology, hydrogeology, mining, geotechnology, materials, metallurgy, natural and antropogenic pollution of environment, biogeochemistry are proposed fields of work which the journal will handle. RMZ - M&G is co-issued and co-financed by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, and the Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment Ljubljana. In addition it is financially supported also by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Republic of Slovenia. Editor in chief RMZ-M&G 2012, 59 Table of Contents – Kazalo III Table of Contents – Kazalo Foreword 99 Predgovor Brenčič, M. Osemdeset let življenja in dela Dragice Strmole 101 DoBnikar, M. Phase contrast method for asbestos fibres determination 103 Uporaba metode faznega kontrasta za določanje azbestnih vlaken DoBnikar, M. Osemdeset let življenja in dela profesorja geologije dr. Rajka Pavlovca 109 Mikuž, V., PaVšič, J. Ostanki peresastih koral iz eocenskih plasti pri Gračišću blizu Pazina v Istri 113 A sea pen remnants from Eocene beds at Gračišće near Pazin in Istria, Croatia Mikuž, V., PaVšič, J. Osemdeset let življenja in dela zaslužnega profesorja geologije dr. Simona Pirca 123 ZuPančič, n. Regionalna porazdelitev geokemičnih prvin v tleh Slovenije 125 Regional distribution of geochemical elements in Slovenian soils anDJeloV, M. Mercury enrichments in soils influenced by Idrija mercury mine, Slovenia 141 Živo srebro v tleh na širšem vplivnem območju rudnika v Idriji, Slovenija Gosar, M., Teršič, T. Cooperation of GeoZS in geochemical investigation in former Yugoslavia 159 Vključenost GeoZS v geokemične raziskave v nekdanji Jugoslaviji šaJn, r., aliJaGić, J. Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management: experience learnt and 181 shared within South East Europe Trajnostno gospodarjenje z mineralnimi surovinami za gradbeništvo – izkušnje, pridobljene v jugovzhodni Evropi šolar, s., shielDs, D., Zelič, u. Data-driven modelling of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution in 201 Slovenia Podatkovno vodeno modeliranje ranljivosti podzemne vode na nitratno onesnaženje v Sloveniji uhan, J. RMZ-M&G 2012, 59 IV Table of Contents – Kazalo Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater from the Kamniškobistriško 213 polje aquifer Hidrokemijske značilnosti podzemne vode vodonosnika Kamniškobistriškega polja urBanc, J., cerar, s., sTražar, a. The influence of vegetation type on metal content in soils 229 Vpliv vrste vegatacije na vsebnost težkih kovin v tleh ZuPančič, n. Sedemdeset let življenja in dela profesorja geologije dr. Jožeta Čarja 245 VraBec, M. Geophysical evidence of recent activity of the Idrija fault, Kanomlja, NW 247 Slovenia Geofizikalni dokazi za recentno aktivnost Idrijskega preloma v dolini Kanomlje BaVec, M., car, M., sToPar, r., JaMsek, P., Gosar, a. Characteristics of the Predjama fault near Postojna, SW Slovenia 257 Značilnosti Predjamskega preloma pri Postojni, JZ Slovenija šeBela, s. Middle to Upper Jurassic succession at Mt Kobariški Stol (NW Slovenia) 267 Srednje- do zgornjejursko zaporedje na Kobariškem Stolu (SZ Slovenija) šMuc, a. Evidence of Quaternary faulting in the Idrija fault zone, Učja canyon, NW 285 Slovenia Znaki kvartarne tektonske aktivnosti v coni Idrijskega preloma pri Učji VraBec, M. Geomorfni indikatorji kvartarne aktivnosti Savskega preloma med 299 Golnikom in Preddvorom Geomorphic indicators of Quaternary activity of the Sava fault between Golnik and Preddvor JaMšek ruPnik, P., BeneDeTTi, l., BaVec, M., VraBec, M. Author`s Index, Vol. 59, No. 2/3 315 Instructions to Authors 317 Template 325 RMZ-M&G 2012, 59 RMZ – Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 59, No. 2/3, pp. 99–100, 2012 99 Foreword The metaphor »standing on the shoulders of giants« has marked the progress of sci- ence throughout the centuries. Although it is sometimes attributed to Isaac Newton, in reality, its origins go back much further in human history. But the most important thing is not the saying itself or the time of its first appearance, it is the message that it carries. Knowledge is like a pyramid whose top will collapse by taking away even the smallest part of its foundations. Nobody, regardless of their success and talent, achieves greatness alone, but is shown the right direction by the teachers who help pave part of the way. Without their advice, and sometimes orders, it would be im- possible to continue down the path. And this is the message of the saying. All who buildand perfect their knowledge are only sitting on the shoulders of our ancestors. This jubilee edition is dedicated to our teachers who have paved the way for the present generation of geologists. All of these teachers havededicated their time to a specific part of geology, mastered it, and transmitted the knowledge to young- er generations. They have researched vast areas of geology, including petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, sedimentology, tectonics, regional geology and palae- ontology. This is why the papers are also very varied. Their students, especially colleagues who have graduated under their mentorship, have presented us with a short summary of current geological research dealing with previously listed areas of geology and reconfirmed the varied character of Slovene geology. The present collection is therefore a modest compliment to the teaching and scientific contri- bution of Dragica Strmole, Jože Čar, PhD, Professor; Rajko Pavlovec, PhD, Pro- fessor; and Simon Pirc, PhD, Professor. With their work, they have significantly contributed to the development and progress of Slovene geological sciences. Finally, we would like to thank all the authors of the papers who have kindly re- sponded to our request and thus honoured an important jubilee of their teachers and mentors. Special thanks also go to the editors of this collection who have spent a lot of their time and energy on its realization, and last but not least, to the edito- rial board of RMZ – Materials and geoenvironment journal, who have included our collection in their program. Everybody has thus not only shown respect for the teachers, but has also added another stone to the colourful mosaic of the knowl- edge of the geological history of Earth and of its phenomena. Associate Professor, Mihael Brenčič, PhD, Head of Department of Geology Uvodnik 100 Brenčič, M. Predgovor Rek »Na ramenih velikanov« zaznamuje pot znanosti skozi stoletja. Čeprav ga ve- lik del literature pripisuje Newtonu, njegove korenine segajo globoko v človekovo preteklost. A ni pomemben zgolj rek in kdaj se je le-ta razvil, pomembnejše je nje- govo sporočilo. Znanje je kot piramida, katere vrh se poruši, če mu spodmakneš le del temeljev. Nihče, pa če je še tako uspešen in nadarjen, ne zraste iz sebe, ampak mu njegovo pot tlakujejo učitelji, velik del poti prehodi po poti, ki so mu jo uhodili oni in nakazali njegovo smer. Brez njihovih nasvetov in včasih tudi ukazov, ne bi našel poti naprej. In to je pomen tega reka. Vsi, ki se ukvarjamo z znanjem in ga gradimo ter izpopolnjujemo, le sedimo na ramenih naših predhodnikov. Tokratno jubilejno številko posvečamo našim učiteljem, ki so sedanji generaciji aktivnih geologov utrli nove smeri. Vsak od naših tokratnih slavljencev se je po- svetil delu geološke znanosti in jo izmojstril ter svoje znanje prenesel na mlajše generacije. Učitelji, katerim posvečamo zbornik,
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