get Ç. 1- 1947: OIIÑ isbd$141.0( = = tossiwiew Printingj --,= _= Wu1ijnii fir F _ MILLER, I B. Studebaker, 341 e W. cods Section ._=m7 Colleges f Service John StaiestG f-g WATSONv Prim E.- = = JUNE . Aw ri7 Analysis ==G == = direction C. =ffle- M. na Statistical A D - AI= g rU 7-7 D. .=-= - 114 Office ,N=-^,== - ilk fl,7 -a- - W MAUDE - - 5, K--- tAnIverii EMERY A.644 - 7 1."" "-EL-0_ DftsinwArinifed 7_= of Research Prin erg - Head, B AGtNCY . Wind' WashinUn _ _ Government _ SICURITY r=4 = - =- = States 0 3 =47=4__ FEDFRAL United _ f.44 _-----7s t - lit 1.4 V -r=# SE!2 91950 T941 ,,..40111' 2 `w- E 5 _ 3 V Posy _ Wee*.fee t t**If e a e eaee t. zv * t g******* a **goat* g *A t Îff.AgFtet. 1 RiMMARYTABLES 1. =Linara ti ve su oftail's, , and 1044-45_- _ ____ 2 :2. .0n, VLJ:I es--0 -e summaryof01 den 10E:3--44 and04.4-45g.--= A A _ _ 2 , 3.Cornprativi summaryofrftT:identt by field, re a ncf1g44-45____ _____ _______ 4. 3 1, Comparativesummaryotdegrees ALt conferredby d, E anr!1144-45 mot _ __ 5. Alla.. Comparativesummary offinances,g44-44and a 1044-4M1 e S.0 0- 0 L.- --a---a TAsus =_= 0.IL ofland-grant institutions,1944-45__ _ _I._ _ 7. A Stud* n E institutions, 45-. __are 8. =n I -4 e t i t in at, tions,by % 1,44-45._ 11 9. Der 400 conferred land-grantinstitution's,by field, _ _ S .. 10. vLiLi inton ofland-grant ions,1944-4-o_ 2 11. 01 Expenditures ,E7 y land-grant _= 5_ 27 12. 1 Federalumilaf4j-4=== NJ ae. by Eas fgs & uon f y-mr _ 0 # ended -"1:--= a__ . T _ 13. ,,s V 0sWsE fundsof882(ireMorrill 111011100011011011lom nth Agi.)&ad Federal i-grant fundsforyear oadei a -- ; a June ga g _ 1 14. _ e. - GbursementsOTMon aGenand 3 = E Funds VearendedJune30, 1945-4- se.se- s as 36 e Ns I gaggax".4 U-I Li S a LAND.GRANTCOLLEGESAND UNIVERSITIES 111 A mr ta YEAR --%- ENDEDJUNE30, a , ., gmEGINNING r`. _. .. a ,_ with 1 .-._______ the __.school ,.....,#- ,,, , fotland- --M -1 t college:*and unive,-Aities have L'"*.--0 = ,Publishedea'aseparately pratFii bulletin andnotasa:&.....__,,,tx7tionof thechapteron Higher:it-due& Stü of donof theBiennialS;T--.--_,;- of Erf;,*;10tion. :_o_te± This i...,_- passibleto publishth.,z-ejdatain final ,,. form %oilerthanformerly. .___ i. _--_ -41/.7---in P It 1-14n ni, diem a , wasadecreaseintag island- grant from 1943-44t43 1It-i--f..-ti-5.Therewas AA= A adecrease both § andwomen in t3-7.,.:: ix thecoill_-L=tiz-forNegroesonly,but, women*==. LC increased the slightlyin theother _ Student8, I 9 ---4 5.---7hdata prues-isi.,-] herefor g i; 1W45 a a the , tinu clecrie I- 1 intheTwat 7.7.--.-Ì = of,-- EITer-:Ii:=.:41n _ Si.: ta iia land1- institutions . wi ,_--,, .. r, studentathrough ,ic 7.,-- ti lgit4-45. While1: = l'-- I kw was meiali Lccivilian4nrctilment,there i=4 , 3a -It:A '1D-L...= !'' L , A larger -_ i ' 1:iii, full-timeotriaustata.Iit theland-aTant 'IL-34tuittiimeforN;47-0=::t_64 totalears_k6.ent - of, full-timestudents increk71,$,_ appAparimistaly 9,490to 11,400from:943-44tO .1 ThereweregrOat decreases _ ill atinatitut inL'aenumberof cows°',Joyardmen sktri,- imi1i;g4. _)-;' ti:ilata, , _ / '-". :i.---41.-- a a . Th.totalc4uc-Atiotg . andgq.:.1ei-fi, wr7.11T-5-34.-- for ..-_i.,..,3 l ensIA.Ci---v14-A, approximately ==f4.; u ,. $2,tt4,0M,although the"in-e40a3 A. trOm theirt-7.0 -2MDant61 411e-19-_541 e 4)otzto The u=. -11-1118, tsta- thenormal 449*_'1=-stad fee*:,the r and A AiNand teaincreasedmore . _ 4 -agat4,countera ct,I decrease er&lxprop..A.,,Intis forwas. coatoclaciftwitm- &on,. T. 4 g 4-- -----,_ e#E_ , altc:VAfor ExhIcational 517 and"other and Itauszgua. accountsincreasedap E:111 US f 0 , 10-29--_ 4te*19-14-45._ A large Mt,..._.e .a. 2 part of , _ this,incrimge r. rq-a-T-wi'W Ifor4M. -)11.._....-1.1----i_s 9 _. ti wasfOr Vi E-L----ra _.---.4P' -414*St-------_, 1M3 -_=- . : 0310,s-__-_-_--2 $ thisaccount.walts ThereWA-3 -t= --0 a. slamlurTtimeka eximuditure _N! e for dieo ,.01,1T-j17 of theplant. = r- .--7- ==-.- ..=. 1rMt 1 3 4 _71 , 7137S 4* -. st 06 V87giE) US)371$ In _ -- v 8.1144 a a 3 -- - A =i 120. &kd -t umi 8 36 --y 41 ft - ____. a cotir 114-44 ki i__ . w II 1143 Wcno tt 4J11 y- 9310 r - 111, iI703sto330 MS 638 1 7fl gsoxs4 960Cf1154M1483 _ 2E 9631035I03 , 4 i s - 0.:LWrAW and iMi iIç. - I. - &ii zoI ig 4. & ii __=_3 J Mn ' øPd M --- 1K, Wiii *4.3 - 1044-45 ILS.0 ¡z-b :- I E- ammo 41--, L hi 0011.Mai mge 6 L 1 - I 3,1 23 U IS 3 , 944 167 1 066 $22171056 Se. 00b Ble - 54 61X) k - ' ¿frf. &S I! Scr A ------------ L6, i 11, Lf.Th (41, 11, 11, e a Total iL1t 74 81, !Ji V1li uiÇ4344 undwgraduati k!!i=C courses ww-a - iI ; I kos--termIn _ i _ b I !n , &I - As- tt 411 4in 107' CO e33 127 I 775 too 210t5434 I +4& :I!J S7i i --- t. omen Pt. A ona, A'' _3= 7, 1,7i Ikd *ï- atom 74' 70. 2îU¡15Z, e I & rT= ht i& 4 4& I: W _ 4 =11em., * In ijWcin I : ! ___4r in ---. 1 I ud&Pdtt k4 aDd A C' - a fi -1WHI =- t L = between ! iiarr IN 118 536 :n -- S --= 313 676 i_-' 819131 - '- ------ Mr 3TU[){NS = b - i 2 4 I = ä_ 444 Men St t_a. % - Me 2, r, 24, A 2i! ac:i 1, E1!!y ! i -g3-44 1fiVW0 ;':. ' ti A. ixtî lont-Wm :Vi?- ...... * ;'c ' enrollel WA- -- ! ANi /' 2 f VL 3-N sdii In 41114çlu !.a 13 WWP..-M- 41 3__ ¡AR É --- 147 ice 4d2 2M &2 786L UM 434194 t 33 08 .---------------.-- s 3 4 men - & t¡L7 - !&: 6,186 &f=4' & _3 L-*14 man i. ___='5 Total $t, i i_ __¡zC) Total VZ, (I4 4 t t than ram -- A 11-602,=1 women !!!!trv 111 I t I1Ib( I - wet=womte enrolled : - I I . - - and - . - - w - . - I iiIttái may in . - 7: - 63 rY H'% - _...... _ --- !!1 ,- - . ID 384100 _ . !nmlly "--" ad 4-4 . _ - ««-- ;==== ìd E - COLLEGES - . uTtWï I ; - . - ri lb -=--- 4ö -- = . MM9 tv-tn . -- wy - 664*alls ... = - IL!7 e - -.--« .. - . ?It1 ...... -kw= w1 zThS - -- !4J77 rr -.-------- - 1%4. - . - ! *, - w-- . 'MOAB -1 1112 t - ..... ---- M-mPF . - . --- MU.t. J - pI Y - _ ........ - . and kmoi _ ii á: sta1 st*tt 1 studwitg P"A _ ,jntvint) _ - - i tali wounol - _ _77=_I,IM mi r ,- .. moms ._ mums tv--urwa ....... - ii students mat wi mai . - _ - Maws1P4--. e-- 4. - I- INSTITUTIONS _ - !WiF! _ men -bi EA,STEYVVIONS first _-- :-4:- , - _ _ w:& 3!-=C m D I tract .. I 6f _ 4-r-A _- . :: - H. -w-4== T--.-itÀi _ , iLm. jJi: % tIret =-=-= tbn :fl 7H .... - ---- ïd Z.2= L&NDFAN WRIT! fu-Uni = & ' (W11171_1) students__ dmi.s? W riiiiic Audatts - cd iv11i ivtTi - - ( (fttm-it .._. i: A foo gOi - Arx- KANT __ _ k 1gs;j: i_=::__ - e_utio, - r- L t_- irdiiii undergraduate -14a gru&V.5, it;i4L3L TiI;i --L tff rw- Un I . --- !*d d Issiude COMPARATWE 5U11 7I imI4+45 -TLi-:R .t eorrospondentv oerrespoodessm 33, e uvoiorwattmbgraduate a g s === r=== __- ; du iA- maw&serrios dames ellassea. : fAstruct ____ enrollbd : enrolled In In -E 4 u administration - Ani -: In i ::; -I L4D.rg!T L-- t 2. LLND-G __ 4 -C- T=ta I oral GoTexr.09[It--Acinarsa T*: 'rothl TotalTotal IÀ - i enta - Tm rMi tuft ¡! t!k - r!-!=1Kee M iiiii T #= letww 4t: Inoludim - IìiEDo Id 1t A. uattcff.-- !--k 1i=4& - : I ;- 4.4 I Si:i 7!- t 2 - i;- V: General Reskient General-Tattle UTdu& SW.dclits8,-d_-w-=- Clamps Undainbduate, 8tu4E Extension i- b and 44 E43 t_7 = 4 'V, 1, - - - NomemommomplommonimINION111111 -4 ---- _ A A V YEAREN JUNE8 Op1945 a 3 - -177. 44 tit RATIVE g r _._= - t r. I STUDENTS,BY 943-44and1 44-45 _ t='--=-=-. t~= -= ! .A 41t-v ! 1 _ g- V= 11 Esss, =_= INS T o = rotal_ 1 14fM 764 ArtswrkiKimiNkti.. lErr $7, CM 61, SIM rt-1-4 et 4, 7N-1 _ - - -- . .... - . ; TT-1 N13 t-71. :V_ T.v CV2 7, pr,41 41. rusum ..... - I. 6F-J 1 S7 K rat, ins tk 714 11, 1M C ham ica- Si4s Fir'7 11, Civil - .- &J.= 1 I, ri 61 I s crvl _ t a 6._TrY 3. 7iNti M red1111Wai_ . _ ... ..... 01 hetI ; - r 64=1 ..... __ . F1nritts ...... 19,MA 11. 011 ...... - _ .. t t=1 = L - .... I 4 416 -4 mictoc.-4 r2 441 CA T 474 I 4= ; 1 An 1,1, 113 . 443 4-W ..... 724 I4br0acunoe Irtille-46 7A) eki Wine ..... Mtude, . ...... 4. 7-24 N urslrig 475 45 .& V12 P hasmar y . 4,04 _ . A;lea.:atiRprk-Aledialattal 1, Cv-57 I.Wr, .. ._ - . A Oet 424 Si, Ot 17 LAK0-6RAJ-4T INS Trrutriona (NIGRO) IIIIIIIIiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..iiiiiiiimi _ 4 Arts ft-TL.1 &Ammo wialp...=Ml 1.
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