The Go-Ahead (OAR.)

The Go-Ahead (OAR.)

Al" ClJ." u.s. ""',_ PAlO "'..... , II , O",,~ .NC • MTI IE SOU"'" IS FO REMOST ~O LLEGE WEEKLY". DAVIDSON COW-EGE WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21.2007 VOLUME 98. NUM8ER 17 Tuition increased \\t l{ O\U., t \H m 1m I'u . with new budget asses ..., and anal)'"~c s Ihcse: SIlIf! IVr;t~r ""_. 'There arc college priorilics Thc CollcMc budgcl for lhe which a", aUlomalically conf,gu",d w 2001.()8 Kadcmic )car fc~ml'Cll an ;nlo lhe budgel. V'II said. increHe in luilion and funding for wAhlloogh lhe...: ~ il/:ms in lhe academic propams and mff huhh budgi'l which an: 1101 necusatY fOl ~ plans. w coIkgi' to fUnc!IOII.lhey satisfy AttonIma to ~i<knl Bobby our 5IudenlJ. saff and f.fICuUy·s Vast. lhe hudl(1 rcsullJ from 1M roll.OOnllion of Iwo ... "",."IC "'-AttonIin, 10 Vag •• lhe budgi" group'. indudos economically feasible n.c firsllrouP invol"ed is com­ upendilUreS Ihal comminus posed of lhe various Deans and judged 10 be b<'ncfidal 10 lhe VICC I're,idenu of lhe College, c.fICh of whom ' epresenls a sepatlilC ~"""These expenditures i""lude aca· dep3rl",cnl wilh,n thc CQllcgc demic upendil"",s. such as the wl\(n on lhe "o",millce, addition of . full-time: ProfCS5Ol' of This first IrouP nwC!1 wUC"­ Arabic f'" nCAI $(:meste,. Of Ih;, lions concern,nllhe 1>CCds of aca­ posillOll. Vaal Slid. Wwe don'l need demIC$. restdma: Iofe and OIhcr Iii). need as in ""lui...:. bul lill ~~ addrtlJeS • need amongst the 5lU­ dcnu:.w 'The second ,roup. I budCCI Studenll and memlMn o llhe Davidson community g8therld lor Lu .... r VNr lestiv;ue. and c.-"" composed of ad"ISIIf)' comonllllJC lions on Su~ .....nlng In lhe Union. (X11lty. Itaff and 5Iudents. lhen See !Judgel. page 5 Roots and O.A.R. slated to Co-ea receives headline spring concert the go-ahead (OAR.) .... ill l\(adliM lhe spring had difficulty rondin, lvailabk: contt1'l 01'1 May 4. pc:rf"ormers. In lhe post. 1M Union Boud ha$ WWc "'cre lumed do"'n • 101. W Allemoon Da~idson ColI~~: orpnilftl one major contt1'l c.fICh Union Boan:I Concen Comminee ,ndude I claof)"lng wa"~r. The Roots and Of A Re"oIulion Soome5lcr. bill. IhlS f.lI. the Boud Chair Rich Tom""" 'OS saKI. "We Thls wai""r will danfy .. hall,," 101 n:aUy disrooraj;ed. W Pmodtm Bobby V.,I .nd De.n Reside...,., lifc otrlCt (RW) can The Roots. one 01 lhe ban<b Of Students Tom Shandlcy llireed and can110l do 10 add,ess a ..· k ....rd a<~M 10 perform in the fall. off~n:d 00 Fn. 10 pass lhe <:O-t<I Iloos,n, slIualions INoI may arise rrom men 10 perform in the Sprinl. The: com· resoIUlion wllh a Sllpulal10n Ihal and WOfOCO h'-lOg togelher. miute lhen looked into findi"l1 a lhe policy be rev"''''ed aflu IwO Groups will ha"e 10 Jlgo Ihi' second b~nd 10 ro-I\(adli ..... years. waiVe' ~o be digible. They found allot one on O.A.R. "Ha"i"g talked 10 lOIS of 51"­ Richmond Blakc '09. whu led "O.A.H . " 'as Ihe one wilh dcnlli and r«Ogmlong SOlI'" rtser­ lhe effort to brinM <:O-t<I housinlto e"""lh Siudeni support. public valoons. ~'re goons 10 'mplcnltnl O' ...d .. on. Wali pleased wllh lhe support Ind IUppon from 'The ror Ilwo-ycar tnli penod lhe I'CC­ dcc.SIOll. Roots." Tom""" Slid. om..... ndalior\$ of the CCRLW Vall 11lc nc: ... ro«I Iiousong melll­ Wilh ",hal O.A.R:s publicity b;o f;aid. -n.e only reason IS 111M II ~ CMUI'C IIw 5Ndcnts w,1I ha,~ call. "the rock·mecu·...:U"" .iuk: ron:es us 10 We. look II II and sec the opIion to live in 1M _ w of wir JI'OO"~." the band ha$ sold if ,t"1i wort,ng. appropri3lC and """,fonable 1,,""1 0111 Madison Square Gartkn lwo The CommJtit1! on Cam""" .nd amnccmcnl!l r", the .. vary,n, SlIU­ )'Carll ;n a ro ..... Rdigious lifc (CCRl ) hid su .... alioos.w Blake said. n.c Roots arc no less impres­ minM the prvpO:SIl 10 Vajp .nd MI am just haW)' 10 have bec~ sh'c; lhe Nnd rect;~ed 1\"0 Shandlcy 01'1 Feb. 1. n.ccommiltee able 10 work 011 Ih" '"Ut Ihroulh Grammy nominations Ihi ' yea •. vOIed 10 n:commend the proposal SGA. al>d I look fo::orwanJ 10 lho The Rolling Slone websile calls 10 VagI wilh a Silpu lal;oo Ihal II\( benefils ;1 will have 011 our cam· "The Root, I, one o llhe band, scheduled for the ,pring COnArl. See Concert page 3 coed li"inl applicalion p'oceu "'" INSIDE THIS WEEK NEWS: SGA meets with town planners PA GE 3 Return of the EmanCipated Do parasites run police blotter Shakespeare our lives? see News, I'AGE 2 see A & L,PAGE6 see I'ERSI'ECTIVES, PAGE 10 2 TilE DAVIDSONIAN NEWS WEIlNJ-:snA\', F'EIIIWA RY 21 , 2007 Allen and Blue elected to head Honor Council Ih ':AW Gu I.FSPIH dom il l)r·(wid.-,; to swdenL' and faculty." N,· .. ,s&Jjwr Blue :;aid. "I sought out tile: vi~ chair posi­ lion. wilh lhe desi'" to be<:oo>e an aclive Il:Ir­ On Feb 13. lh. HOIl()I" Council ~Itt{cd licipam in the appliealion of the IIOJ>(N' Code Sarah Allen '08 and Jarrod BI ... 'OS as ill; to e"eryd~y life at Davidson." chair and vice chair for the upcoming year. Allen and Bluejoin Sludcm solicil~ Leah The Honor Council chair presides (we, S ...·a ney '08 and Drew l'aller.iOll '08 and every hearing .,I(! Ill<: deliberations ,hal lake dtfense advi<Or'S Rob Heppcllslall '08 and place after Ill<: hearings to <klenn;,.., guill or Philip Ruzycki 'OS a~ Ille Honor Coun<:il innQ<'enct and III< awropriale sanctions. leadership this uJXOO'ing yea •. Thc vice chair kttps a wnuen f'ttOId of l1Ie student ;;olicilors ....· ho rcprc:sent the every hearing and h<clps to lead ddilxcrations. College's viewpoinl in a lrial. and Ihe Sarah. Allen '08 w,lI c .... ,. Honor CouciJ. Jamxl Blue '08 will be vice chai •. BoIh the chair and vice chair sit as judges defense advison;, who """,s-enl the accusW during lite hearings. Six randomly S<'1~ted studems' viewpoint. wue elecled by lhe slu_ Kirkland's effons to improve communica­ Couocil hearings .... ilh changed names and Honor Couocil members also sit at each ocnl body on Feb. 5. lion between 1M 11",101' Couocil and the stu­ altered circumslances to summarize the hearing. Oulgoin8 chair Bryanl Kirkland '07 dent body and faculty. deliberalions Ih.t QCCurred afler li>e bear­ While the six Honor Coundl n'lCmbers uplainetl the diffe"""e belW«1I lhe elee­ "I am always open to SIlggeSlions from ings. vOle on the case, neither 1M chair nor (he tion procedun:s as "fleeting a difference in faculty and .tudems aboul how 10ciMify lhe l1Iese summaries will he available to lhe vice chair vOles. whom lhe "presentalives "" ..... c. Countil's POrpo5C and process while main· faculty atlhc end of the 5C:meSler. MAs Honor Council chair. I beli.,". my "Because lhe Couocil knows the nalun: of laining lhe nreessary degrff of confidential­ To imp";"'e relations wilh Ihe slUdenl prirocipal duty is to ensure ,hal ,he Council lhese jobs lehai. and vice chairl in more ily." Allen said. body. the Ilonor Council Pllblished a sOOn <,.",fully uam;"". lhe uniq"" circumstances octail than Ihe average Sludent. il ma~es Kirkland focused on faculty n:lalions by newsletter called " Honor Mauers" and held a of each Case and ruches a decision ,hal man­ sense Ihat lhe Council would choose who sending c·mail. to in~oh' ed professors after SUJdeIll forum las! fall 10 answe, <jucSlions. ifestS the WIle's (ali to integrity:' Allen said. Iheir kaders ar .... Kirkland said. "The ""ery hearing uplaining Ihe sanc,ions l1Ie newlY'elecloo Honor Council katie ... Allen and Blue boIh ran for the posilioos defense advi<Of'S and Sludenl solicitors are imposed by the Council aod the reason< "'ill shadow the .Iudc"ts in their <.'Urn:1Il afterha"ing served on 1he HQnOrCoun<:il for nOl really n:presenting mcmb<-rs of Ihe behind lOOse: sol1C1ions. IlOSition. in the next 0<1e or "'... hearings. Ihrff )"e~rs. Honor Cou""il dire<:!ly: ...... ·s n:pres-enling "A lot of t;noes profe:\SOl'S ",'OUld hand The Honor Council coo.ductS "")'where "As a member of lhe Honor Coun<:il. I an idea. Ille OIher's representing lhe Slu_ de<-isions off to us filld 1101 ul>dcISIMd lhe from eight to 12 hearings pcr year. LaSI ha"e 8.inetl a ocep uodersmnding of Ihe OCnls ... reason." Kirkland said. semester. for e~ample . Ihere Were already ;mportance of the Honot Co<.k: "nd the free- As chair. Allen plans to cominue Kir\land also created a "Ii"ing "",hi\'~" of seVell. Online event calendar CAMPUS POLICE BLOTTER makes planning easier Hillside SI. AkMol Off""" met wilh an Alcohol Law EnfO<Ccment agent and a Town of Davidson police officer on an alcohol·related call. Officers from Ihe two off-<ampus depanments cited severnJ sludents (or undc:r3ge consumption of alcoholic bev=gcs. II>e main sile or Ihe galew.ys. As users S~"ior StaJJWrit~r brow5C: Ihrough various depanments and areas of II>e sile. ,he websile displays cur­ Tomlinson Inopenlb.., Elrvalor fulensive new calendar features marl; rents events related 10 each of the individual Davidson's ne ....

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