THE NORTH AIvIERICATICHAPTER o{ THE INTERNATIONALORDER OF SAINT HUBERT A Hunterg' Con 'eotion Sioc" L695 A. D. DEVICE: DEUM DILIGITB ANIMALIA DILIGENTES r968 THE NORTH AMERICAI{ CHAPTER OF rI THE INTERNATIONAL.ORDEROF SAINT HUBERT I Banguet BOHEMIAN CLUB I SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA RECBPTION. SIX-THIRTY. RED ROOM OCTOBER NINETEENTH . NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY.EIGHT AIJERT F. MESSAI{Y r &an,dmtstrr OFFICERS: I I Grand Prior GEORGE U. WOOD Chancclhr and lustiehry GENERAL MARK CLARK Promotion of Ilarshall and Hqald Sponmtanlike Hrrr;ting, WII.LIAM W. DURNEY Wildllle Cowroatiot, Strict Mai*tctance of Mastcr ol thc RoHs E Trcditiond Ctutoms HONORABLE HALVOR O. BKBRN end Cercmosies t Mastcr ol Cacmoahs Establishmott ol LAURITZ MELCHIOR Good Fc|Jowshig mtto'igtt spoilnrcn Trcanncr and Sccrct Rccotdct ftom all ooo the WerH HONORABLE KARL C. WBBER 7 safnt huB€Rf,us ss Sronv or Serxt Hunnnt, or Saint he dismounted and knelt to pray. The Hubertus as he was often called in Europe, voice from the stag continued to spea^kto is an intenesting one, since it parallels in him, directing him to renounce his ma- many ways ttre lives of other g?eat relig- terial possessionsand offer his servicesto ious figures of the Christian, Moha^rrme- the Bishop of Maastricht. In spite of the dan and Buddhist religionr. He was born intensity of this vision and ie effects upon in the middle of tle senenthcentury A.D., Saint Hubert, he did nothing about it un- of noble blood; his fattrer was the Duke of til two tragedies occurred, which pro- Acquiaine, and his grandfather was the foundly affected the courseof his life; his renowned Charibert, King of Toulouse. wife died in cbildbirth and his fathcr By the time he war a young rlan, he had died shortly thereafter. As a result Saint achieved an ortensive reputation as a bon Hubert divestedhimself of his military and vivant and one who was highly skilled at ducal titles, sold his possessionsand ga\rc the art of stalking and hunting. He spent the money to the poor; he then offered much of his leisure time in search of wild the remainder of his life to the senrice of boar and stag in the foret of the Ar- the Church. dennes. fn order to t€st his sinceritn Bishop He was married in the year 680 A. D. Lambert of Maastricht ordered him to live to the daughter of a nobleman,and nor- for ten years as a hermit in tle forest of mally would have lived out his life follow- the Ardennes, to humble himself and ing tlre carefully circumscribedcustoms of atone for his uuuly sias.After this penance, a titled landowner, had it not been for a he was sent by the Bishop on a pilgrimage curious incident which took place on a to Rome. During this visig the Bishop was Good Fridan while he was on a stag hunt assassinated,and the Pope then appointed in the forest. His hunting party unexpect- Saint Hubert as his sucoessor. edly came upon a magnificent stag to He spent the remainder of his life work- which they gave full chase. During the ing amongst the people of the Ardennes, melee,he becarneseparated from his com- many of whom were pagan huntsmen, panions and found himself alone in a dark who lived by sword and spear as their an- forcst glade. The cries of the hounds be- ceston had for a thousand yea^rs.Because cannefainter and fainter, and he rras left of his good works in the forest among in a strange quiet that seemedto pcrvade these people, he becameclosely associated the wilderne$ around him. As his eyes with the huntsmen and woodcutters, who grew accustomedto the half-fuhg he saw preferred the wilderness to viUage life. before hrm" only a short distence awa% Saint Hubert died on May 30,727A.D. the largest and moet magnificent stag he at Terrnrenen,near Liege, where he was had errcrencountered.He spurred his hone buried. Sixteen yeam after his death, he to dose in for th,ekill, when tbe stag sud- was canonized,and in 825 A. D. his re- denly turned around in its tracks and mairs were removed to Andain in the faced him, blocking his path. As he pre- Ardennes, near a monastery and a town pared to make the kill, he was astounded that were later naned in his honor. to see a crq's appear betlveen tfte antlers Becauseof his love of hunting and his of the stag, brilliantly illurninated with a strangely beautiful luminescence.In the close association with huntsmen, Saint stillness,a voice seemedto spea&to him, Hubert becamethe patron saint of hunters from the stag. It urged him to lead a holy and sportsmen, and has ttrus become a life. Saint Hubert was lltl overcomeby the world-wide symbol of the best traditions emotional inpact of this experience tlat of good hunting and good sportsrnanshiP. m€nu KAVIARBROETCHEN Caaiar Canapes iF GAENSELEBERPASTETE IN ASPIK Pate de Foie Gras in ,kpb ,lF WESTFAELISCHER SCHINKEN MIT ANATiIAS Westphalian Ham with Piuappb * FLEISCHBRUEHE MIT ffi Consommcwith Marrou Dunlhtgs if SEEZUNGENFILET AUF RUSS$CIIB ART, WEISSWEINSAUCE Filet of Sole Rrssbrl Styh, Whiu Whp Sauc iF Htot ChardonnaY 1965 StonyHill GEBRATENE WACHTELBRI,'ESTCHEN IM APFEL I.'NTER GLA,SS, TRUEFFELSAUCE, GBDUENSTETER KOPFSAI.AT RoastedBreast of Quail in Caloillc Apple undq glassurithTrullh Saucc, BraisedButter Lettucd ;3 GamayBeaujolais, 1966 WenteBros. GRUENER SALAT MIT BRUNNEN KRESSE Limestoneand WatercressSalad KAESEPLATTE CheesePlatter iK PALATSCHINKEN SUZETTE CrepeSuzette MOCI(A Demitasse Korbel Champagne Bohemian Club Special Bottling Reo ROOm Installation of FoundingM embersand,Officers of tbe NORTH AMERIGAN CFIAPTER of THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF SAINT HUBERT ^\94.-l AT.BERTF. IvlBssarfr Graadnaster qJ'46\\, pRoqRam '$['ooo Presiding Gronce U. Imtocetion MoNstcNoR Rrcrreno C. Dvl:rn Tocsttncstn EPcen BsncrN Music*tdn tl* ilhectfun of - c ldessrRo Josnr l(nps Sda - - - - - - - Leunrrzldrrrrrron THE NORTH AMERICAN CHAPTER oI THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF SAINT HUBERT Membership - I968 ERNEST W. ALBRECHT HONORABLE FRANK M. JORDAN Honolulu, Hawaii Sacramento,California W. H. BECKER BAUER E. KRAMER Houston,Texas Orinda, California ARTHI-TR T. BBCKETT JOSEF KRrPS Orinda, California San Francisco,California CLAY BEDFORD DANIEL E. LONDON Oa^kland,California San Francisco,California EDGAR BERGEN LAURITZ MELC,HIOR Los Angeles,California BeverlyHills, California DAVID D. BOHANNON MARIO MORMORUNNI, M. D. Woodside,California San Francisco,California TIMOTHY BROWNE JOHN OHAIINESON, M. D. Hillsborough,California Alameda,California GENERAL MARK CLARK JACK OKELL Charleston.South Carolina Piedmont,California JOSEPHJ. CONEY JOr{r.{M. OLrN Berkeley,California Alton, Illinois ROGER A. COI{VERSE WALTER O'MALLEY Los Angeles,California Los Angeles,California SENATOR RANDOLPH CROSSLEY SHERRILL A. PARSONS Honolulu, Hawaii San Francisco,California WILLIAM W. DURNEY PAUL C. SAMSON,M. D. BeverlyHills, California Piedmont,California MONSIGNOR RICHARD C. DWYER HONORABLE GEORGE E. SCOTT Rancho Cordova, California Whitby, Ontario, Canada HONORABLE HALVOR O. EKERN Y. CHARLES SODA U. S. Embassy,Bonn, Germany Oakland, California CECIL FULLILOVE AIR VICE MARSHAL LEIGH F. STE\IENSON Greenbrae,California Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada PRENTIS COBB HALE BILL STREMMEL San Francisco,California Reno, Nevada RODERICK C. M. HALL ROBERT TAYLOR San Francisco,California Los Angeles,California RAY L. HOMMES AMBASSADORLLBWELLYN E. THOMPSON BeverlyHills, California U. S. Embassy,Moscow, Russia wrLLrAM C. JAI.{SS HONORABLE KARL C. WEBER Beverly Hills, California San Francisco,California EMMETT JONES GEORGE U. WOOD Los Angeles,California Orinda, California Squirc MICHAEL DURNEY THE NORTH AMERICAN CHAPTER oI THE INTERNATI ONAL ORDER OF SAINT HUBERT A Hunters' Convention Inst. A. D. 169, * -i- CO,\'S7'lj- i- {(-t\' For the promotion of sportsmanlikeHunting, witdtife conseraation, strict maintenanceof traditionalcustoms and ceremonies, and the establishmentof Good Fellowshiparnongst sportsmen l. from all oaerthe world. ..DEUM DILIGITE ANIMALIA DILIGENTES,, (Honor thc Lord in His Creotures) ARTICLE I ARTICLE VI The Order of St. Hubert, founded in the The administration of the International year 1695 by Count Anton Sporck, with the Order will be conducted by the Grand Chap- ethic purpose to refine the methods of hunting, ter in its traditional construction and in ac- will be restituted in its traditional form, with cordancewith the rules and regulations of the the strict maintenance of its rules, regulations ancient and venerable Order of St. Hubert. and historical customs. ARTICLE VII ARTICLE II The inaugural Chapter will be restituted as Up until 1806, the Holy Roman-German follows: Empire was regarded as the Order,s sphere, The Grand Master which later on was restricted to the countries Seven Dignitaries Four of the Habsburg crown. On account of this Councillors historical fact, the residenceof the restituted ARTICLE VIII Order of St. Hubert will be established in On account of the extension of its sphere Austria. of activity for its ethic missiou, it becomcs ARTICLE III necessaryto establish chapters outside Austria. With decree of May lOth, 1950, the sphere Therefore the Inaugural Chapter adopted the of activity for its ethic missionwill be extended designation GRAND CHAPTER and agreed without limits and with its historical designa- at its first meeting to the establishment of tion altered to International Order of St. National Chapten ouride its country of origin Hubert. under the supervision of a Grand prior. These ARTICLE IV chapters are named after their countries and With the same decree, the Order's pu{pose bear the character of Baillies. The Grand will be amplified and compriseshenceforth the Priors of these Baillies have seat and vote in promotion of sportsmanlikehunting and fish- the Grand Chapter. Their activities, rights ing, strict maintenance of traditional customs and duties are governed by the general rules of and ceremonies, wildlife-conservation in con_ the International Order and by specialdecrees. nection with hunting, and the establishment ARTICLE IX of good fellowship amongst sportsmen from All conclusions and all over the world.
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