¦A TARPON SPRINGS, FLORIDA THE EVENING LEADER PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918 childhood was no more to these Ger- of wages, development of “trusts”, mans—these fiends of hell—than the South America Complaining About the cornering of articles of consumption, sacredncss of cathedrals, which they and extensive speculation in public Will NOT BUY delighted to destroy that they might necessities. The government is being gloat over the accomplishment of their Lack of Shipment of Goods From U. S. ! urged to adopt emergency measures i hell-born deeds. As they thought in similar to those pursued -by other their hearts so they became, so they, countries where the war produced are, th y promise to remain. BESTBREAD and so THE Claim That American Ships Come in Ballast Seek- such conditions. It has been suggested These are the people we are fight- that special committees be appointed Made Right ing. Our war is not with Kaiserism ing Their Products When They Are in by the state to intervene, or that addi- and and Prussian'sm only. Need of Goods From U. S. tional powers be extended to those According to Law and Let us not deceive ourselves. , branches of the public administration, Our war is unti death with a nation such as the police, hygiene, labor, trained for years to make war its Washington, July 31.—Commercial turned to Washington after six which from the nature of their func- in order loot other nations. MADE IN TARPON SPRINGS?? business to relations between the United States months’ absence. tions are best equipped for coping Our war is with a people which and South America are in a serious Materials from Argentina sought by with the evils. Comparicon of prices seeks enrichment by destroying oth- of various articles of prime' necessity l ready condition because of the war. the United States and the other na- ers, a peopi which is to murder in force last year with those ruling Don’t Bake and Worry The lack of sh'pipng has caused a in order to rob, a people which encour- 1 tions at war with Germany include today indicate that MY FLAG. decrease in the amount of manufac- many increases Yourself This Summer ages the rapist in order to frighten beef, hides and wool, princi- not to the race, goods to Argentina, sheep, may be attributed directly the Hope of others into an abject terror and sub- tured exported Flag of the free, and the factories that country pally. According to official figures re- war but rather to artificial factors en- When You Can Get jection. of are gendered meet by speculation, price-jug- I pledge anew Our war is with a people who for unable to the demand. Some of cently issued by the Argentine gov- My ernment there sheep in gling and cornering of supplies. love to thee. years gladly upheld these doctrines, the factories require raw materials are 80,000,000 republic compared with 43,000,- looking forward eagerly to the day that have formerly been obtained in the as The Finest in 1914, the last year in which fig- MONSIEUR POILU MEETS CHEW- when through murder and outraging . the United States and have been com- 000 pelled to shut down or greatly to ures are available. The wool clip last ING GUM and pillaging without end the wealth j year was estimated at 140,000,000 of the world would be poured into, curtail their -forces. ’ While Y. M. C. A. workers in a their laps. i The entrance of the United States ’ kilos, valued at approximately $150,- Home-Made battletorn reigon of France were This is the devil-controlled, rotten- into the war marked the end of ex- 000.000. The total exports of Argen- 1 carrying delicacies to American sold- ! souled nation which clutches at our tensive shipping between this country tina last year aggregated about $175,- mi-; m<:ai>uk iers in the front line trenches, they ! throat ss for four years it has clutch- and Argentina. Besides a few steam- 000,000 and the imports $190,000,000. ships sailing vessels still visit There were 3,000,000 head of cattle left their store house deserted and - dripping -some j TARPON SPRINGS FLORIDA j ed with its blood hands at French Bread to consular ad- exported, principally to the United soldiers ventered therein to Member The Associated Press. | the throat of all civilization. | Argentina, according jkeep supplies from falling into the Make no m'stake, the honor of every ¦ vices, but they are so small that navi- States, England, and France. The Associated Pi css is exclusively meet ! enemy hands, comments Walter Kel- Os Pure White Flour woman in America—your wife, your gation is dangerous and they do no* To the situation caused by the entitled to the use for republication of govern- log Towers in a report just received ! mother, your daughter—human liber- even approximate the demands of lack of ships the Argentine With 25 per cent of all news dispatches credited to it or change from overseas. v ty, and Christianity itself will depend commerce. The most needed articles ment has decided to several # not otherwise credited in this paper, castings and According to Mr. Towers it was upon our breaking the clutch of the are heavy iron and coal. old warships to me -chant vessels Corn Flour, thus mak- md also the local news published Argentine business men are great- to buy more sh ->s wherever they can ;here that Poilus met “Ch'c'e Ameri- jbeast and strangling him to death in ' herein. j Like most Frenchmen they ing Europe. jly concerned because some of the ves- be found. This another of the jeanus”. clean, wholesome arriving were unfamiliar with it. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On to Berlin, for Germany must be -1 sels at Buenos Aires have problems with which Ambassador by deal, It looked like food, was wrapped like By Mail— destroyed! come in ba’last, caused, they say, Naon will the they were sent away deal. food and was stored with other things For year $3.00 fact that i from the United States hurriedly to Similar conditions are reported they knew to be food. They ventured For six months 1.50 I PURE futher HE BREAD get th° cargoes of products in Argen- from Chile. Exports from the United and tried it, stuffing the entire For three months 75 j tina that are needed in this country. ' States of manufactured goods have contents of a package into their mouths For month 25 Enemy Govern- United a credit of been virtually suspended except on a at one time. After a brief period of For Sale by By Carrier— The States has ! $60,000,000 in Buenos Aires, which limited number of articles. Complaint mastication they essayed to swallow For year $5.00 i all Grocers and at the ment Has Not will be according to infor- , is made that a large number of vessels it. Too many of them were success- For six months 2.50 i increased, mation, by $10,000,000 to be used as i from the United states arrive at Chil- ful. For three months 1.25 | a basis of exchange in trade. It is ean ports in ballast to bring nitrates While no serious casualties result Less than three months Asked i Peace!• said this situation requires diplomatic 1 to the United States. Urgent requests the poilus were inspired with remark- | arrangement and that this is one of: have been made to this country to per- able regard for American Digestive CITY THE LEAOETpUBUSHING COMPANY London, July 31.—Speak'ag in the ; the affairs to occupy the attention of: mit those vessels to carry cargoes of apparatuses and considerable aw 6 for PUBLISHERS ' house cf commons today, Foreign Scc- i Ambassador Naon, who has just re- ¦ j needed commodities. American edibles. ! retary Balfour said that no enemy L. L. LUCAS - - - Editor I government had yet approached the FRENCH MAJOR GENERAL SANITARY Entered at the postoffice at Tarpon allies regarding negotiations for HA'S SEEN LONG SERVICE Springs, Fla., as second class matter. peace. A MONSTER WATER POWER July Our market is flooded with those de- Paris, 31.—Major General Ma- BAKERY FLORIDA DRIVE INTENSIFIED -I‘cious blue grapes and catley guavas, l PROJECT AT NIAGARA FALLS rie Louis Adolphe Guillaumat, recent- Florida has been setting a stiff pace 10 cents p r quart being the prevail- ly appointed military governor of F. P. SCHARGUS, Mgr. for the southeast in the contributing ing price. i of men for overseas service under the Canadians Harnessing a Great Portion of the Flow r Paris, achieved fame by his historic Cor. Safford Ave. and Lemon St. : Red triangle. 'Phs. intensive cam- defense of Verdun aga : nst the stupen- Oldsmar was boasting a tomato of paign in that direction, made the more For Big War Work dous German onslaught of 1916, by. plant ten fret high,, and Fred Zim- vitally important by the plea of Gen- his cleverness in a French offensive on merman comes out with a notice that eral Pershing or more such welfare SOLVE Buffa’o, N. Y., July 31.—One of the ican corporation, has been cut off. the Somme in which the forces undei •he has one twelve feet high. Tarpon aids, is to be given further stimulation | Springs always leads. Iby the recent appointment of A. W. greatest water development projects i | Canadian power for Canadian indus- hi scommand took 4,000 prisoners, 23, The Servant Honeycut of De Land, Fla., as secre- of the many centering about Niagara : ! tries nas been the motto of gir Adam*i heavy field guns and 270 machine Despise the shortage of ships and tary of the Florida Personnel Recruit- Falls has been launched on the Cana- Beck, chairman of the commiss’on, .
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