Phone: 608-266-2112 Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Web: http://dsps.wi.gov Division of Policy Development Email: [email protected] 4822 Madison Yards Way, 2nd Floor PO Box 8366 Madison WI 53708-8366 Tony Evers, Governor Dawn B. Crim, Secretary MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY, PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING, AND SOCIAL WORK EXAMINING BOARD Room N208, 4822 Madison Yards Way, 2nd Floor, Madison Contact: Yolanda Y. McGowan (608) 266-2112 March 18, 2019 The following agenda describes the issues that the Board plans to consider at the meeting. At the time of the meeting, items may be removed from the agenda. Please consult the meeting minutes for a description of the actions of the Board. AGENDA 12:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION – CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL A. Adoption of Agenda (1-3) B. Approval of Minutes of July 24, 2018 (4-6) C. 12:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Clearinghouse Rule 18-098 and EmR 1835 Relating to Substance Use Disorder Specialty (7) 1) Review and Respond to Public Hearing Comments and Clearinghouse Report (8-17) D. 12:00 P.M. PRELIMINARY PUBLIC HEARING ON STATEMENT OF SCOPE: SS 003-19 – MPSW 16 Relating to Education Equivalent to a Graduate Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (18-19) E. 12:00 P.M. PRELIMINARY PUBLIC HEARING ON STATEMENT OF SCOPE: SS 004-19 – MPSW 3 Relating to Practice Requirements for Clinical Social Workers (20-21) F. 12:00 P.M. PRELIMINARY PUBLIC HEARING ON STATEMENT OF SCOPE: SS 005-19 – MPSW 3, 11, and 16 Relating to Discrimination Based on Arrest or Conviction Record (22-23) G. Administrative Matters – Discussion and Consideration (24-26) 1) Election of Officers 2) Appointment of Liaisons and Alternates 3) Delegation of Authorities 4) Staff Updates 5) Board Member – Term Expiration Date a. Bridget Ellingboe – 7/1/2020 b. Peter Fabian – 7/1/2018 c. Allison Gordon – 7/1/2018 d. Alice Hanson-Drew – 7/1/2013 e. Kristin Koger – 7/1/2022 f. Elizabeth Krueger – 7/1/2020 1 g. Kathleen Miller – 7/1/2021 h. Tammy Scheidegger – 7/1/2020 i. Todd Tedrow – 7/1/2023 j. Gregory Winkler – 7/1/2019 k. Professional Counselor/Public Member – Vacant l. Social Work/Public Member – Vacant m. Marriage and Family Therapist Member – Vacant H. Legislative and Administrative Rules Matters – Discussion and Consideration (27) 1) 2017 Wisconsin Act 108 Report (28-54) 2) Updates on Legislation and Pending or Possible Rulemaking Projects I. Board Goals for 2019 – Discussion and Consideration J. Board Review of the Wisconsin Occupational Licensing Study Legislative Report – Discussion and Consideration (55-139) K. Section Reports – Discussion and Consideration L. Deliberation on Items Added After Preparation of Agenda 1) Introductions, Announcements and Recognition 2) Nominations, Elections, and Appointments 3) Administrative Matters 4) Election of Officers 5) Appointment of Liaisons and Alternates 6) Delegation of Authorities 7) Education and Examination Matters 8) Credentialing Matters 9) Practice Matters 10) Legislative and Administrative Rule Matters 11) Liaison Reports 12) Board Liaison Training and Appointment of Mentors 13) Informational Items 14) Division of Legal Services and Compliance (DLSC) Matters 15) Motions 16) Petitions 17) Appearances from Requests Received or Renewed 18) Speaking Engagements, Travel, or Public Relation Requests, and Reports M. Public Comments ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: APRIL 16, 2019 ****************************************************************************** MEETINGS AND HEARINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, AND MAY BE CANCELLED WITHOUT NOTICE. Times listed for meeting items are approximate and depend on the length of discussion and voting. All meetings are held at 4822 Madison Yards Way, Madison, Wisconsin, unless otherwise noted. In order to confirm a meeting or to request a complete copy of the board’s agenda, please call the listed contact person. The board may also consider materials or items filed after the transmission of this notice. Times listed for the commencement of disciplinary hearings may be changed by 2 the examiner for the convenience of the parties. Interpreters for the hearing impaired provided upon request by contacting the Affirmative Action Officer, 608-266-2112. 3 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY, PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING AND SOCIAL WORK EXAMINING BOARD MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 2018 PRESENT: Bridget Ellingboe, Peter Fabian, Allison Gordon (via GoToMeeting), Alice Hanson- Drew (via GoToMeeting), Kristin Koger, Elizabeth Krueger (via GoToMeeting), Kathleen Miller (via GoToMeeting), Linda Pellmann, Tammy Scheidegger, Monica Vick (via GoToMeeting), Gregory Winkler STAFF: Dan Williams, Executive Director; Sharon Henes, Administrative Rules Coordinator; Kate Stolarzyk, Bureau Assistant; and other DSPS Staff CALL TO ORDER Bridget Ellingboe, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:22 a.m. A quorum of eleven (11) members was confirmed. ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: Gregory Winkler moved, seconded by Tammy Scheidegger, to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 16, 2018 MOTION: Linda Pellmann moved, seconded by Kristin Koger, to approve the minutes from May 16, 2018 meeting as published. Motion carried unanimously. LEGISLATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULE MATTERS Scope for MPSW 1, 3, and 5, Relating to Exams MOTION: Tammy Scheidegger moved, seconded by Linda Pellmann, to approve the Scope Statement revising MPSW 1, 3, and 5, relating to exams, for submission to the Department of Administration and Governor’s Office and for publication. Additionally, the Board authorizes the Chair to approve the Scope Statement for implementation no less than 10 days after publication. Motion carried unanimously. Scope for MPSW 3, Relating to Practice Requirement for Licensure as a Clinical Social Worker MOTION: Gregory Winkler moved, seconded by Tammy Scheidegger, to approve the Scope Statement revising MPSW 3, relating to practice requirements for licensure as a Clinical Social Worker, for submission to the Department of Administration and Governor’s Office and for publication. Additionally, the Board authorizes the Chair to approve the Scope Statement for implementation no less than 10 days after publication. Motion carried unanimously. Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Joint Examining Board July 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 4 Monica Vick was excused at 10:30 a.m. Monica Vick reentered via teleconference at 10:31 a.m. Monica Vick was excused at 10:32 a.m. Scope for MPSW 3, 11, and 16, Relating to Licensure Conviction Determinations MOTION: Kathleen Miller moved, seconded by Peter Fabian, to approve the Scope Statement revising MPSW 3, 11, and 16, relating to licensure conviction determinations, for submission to the Department of Administration and Governor’s Office and for publication. Additionally, the Board authorizes the Chair to approve the Scope Statement for implementation no less than 10 days after publication. Motion carried unanimously. Scope to MPSW 16, Relating to Equivalency Courses MOTION: Peter Fabian moved, seconded by Kristin Koger, to approve the Scope Statement revising MPSW 16, relating to equivalency courses, for submission to the Department of Administration and Governor’s Office and for publication. Additionally, the Board authorizes the Chair to approve the Scope Statement for implementation no less than 10 days after publication. Motion carried unanimously. Adoption of CR 17-079, Relating to Internship and Courses MOTION: Tammy Scheidegger moved, seconded by Kathleen Miller, to approve the Adoption Order for Clearinghouse Rule 17-079, relating to internship and courses. Motion carried unanimously. Adoption of CR 17-080, Relating to Renewal and Reinstatement MOTION: Kristin Koger moved, seconded by Linda Pellmann, to approve the Adoption Order for Clearinghouse Rule 17-080, relating to renewal and reinstatement. Motion carried unanimously. MPSW 1.09, Relating to Substance Use Disorder Specialty MOTION: Peter Fabian moved, seconded by Gregory Winkler, to request DSPS staff to draft an emergency and permanent rule based on SPS 161 requirements for the CSW and CISW credentials and the former MPSW 1.09(2) for APSW credentials and authorize the Chair to approve the emergency rule relating to Substance Use Disorder Specialty, for emergency rule submission to the governor, publication in an official newspaper and for the permanent rule posting of economic impact comments and submission to the Clearinghouse. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Gregory Winkler moved, seconded by Linda Pellmann, to appoint Elizabeth Krueger as a Substance Use Disorder Specialty liaison for decisions relating Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Joint Examining Board July 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 5 to Substance Use Disorder Specialty authorizations. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Gregory Winkler moved, seconded by Peter Fabian, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:19 p.m. Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Joint Examining Board July 24, 2018 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 6 State of Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services AGENDA REQUEST FORM 1) Name and Title of Person Submitting the Request: 2) Date When Request Submitted: Sharon Henes 5 March 2019 Administrative Rules Coordinator Items will be considered late if submitted after 12:00 p.m. on the deadline date which is 8 business days before the meeting 3) Name of Board, Committee, Council, Sections: Marriage
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