AP-ilCS 5 , S-!£ X u ■ _ T l l e l UT 3 * U 7 ^ VS ^I*hoW idya^N ^ 270 i ; All " _____ Sunday.Seicpiem bcr 27, _______________ $1.50" ■G q o o mK c X tN IN C r \ S f e A T H E RIt ------- TH. oua^ANDSPPRINGS) FESTF[V A L - 'Union M e T tar ads rally ‘3s^a -2:aa " ” tiritotot» at rmixed 'a e n tm e M m s ic V aa u jjE Y i t S la reactions ijw tw iliM rr] CHeaefira itowadId Br*SSS?"^ 3S2*d o c d M“***• k a■I l ■nnx FALLS - The telephonelone h»Bt ikaJZ a s saeacfil; last mvek.k iain g . ^ Oapo-S Washington,ton. ^ M n k rr. - ^liicd M>(.>a U A dhb were rcspoDtfing toBan ao •^■CXOKtilfcB*! S— ,w i ^t j i m a^JFLCD f i fadEo adrertbement caQ.caQ- >e far the defeat o£ a proposedised mUSl. * v M . jn tax cnc. said Crape'spo’s H Jll §A BwiiMu Steaa Wheeler. But a m tMs- - M ^ IM b k s were rcspoadineling be me unmg. SOfiTTS nlpm - u a e d “JCm ei a y - House ies M i V s t a T^fina E fthvMto M i C m h t t t aBakUntoa d *«Mlaf I t n b a - A 3 Cffant Bipta..* e »d.- s b e _____________ _ Bsnspeed- Itefeitt- Ibe m a ad cittidKS tfe SSOsso a l c a ^ I■oa aKaue as XI cfacmByearear s rs ss r se ifaM w oid BBdeonw Socialo al *“ ' h o c i n n ^ (far Cxt cues vcotiM axnem e i f : J i ' Im 10 prrosa <rf tf* badga sur-BIT- ■Ks far (be next fice years, but t a e ^ s b p opCMSIBB i SViftO e w n n n a m the tax cutsUIS »ip iB fi-JI VtaMIWL «odw U n A m y i Social Security. ■K & on I h k« AFl^O spesi aroimdmd i[ ifcf riiiMi aaAfa sanOQjOaO a> 0 > A s BKssage xzTBSTBS fcatiisalme_.. __________I ISsaas. " t '■■"B^sn^r'sefltnn i ^ and ' I necafasw hodPmj p^Trttvtf^die « M ID ai e Sdc^ ScQintF oncfBKf tAetaxoa^Wberib'sid.IIat^ C S i i a t the pfaa B destsned to do-O- lange at IINEEL JtoV^QapoBTOPngfiac.c. shoi^ldn Oapo aad a stroog masonry li' F a m i l v u f e i ’t affecttp it? I ioidnatvad . - radio ■ed u r of tfe E«n Ftkby aod3 C i i M C l i k K idioactiye waste; at the INEELiL. , M artin’s, .opera'tiiws£^c(^tt^act ' ■ Sejtt. 30^.138! ; Oder hair Saoatdqr. Tbe biSuS ■. • • • WTjcn ho the site:switd»d contrac­ sc- ..iHtpircs.atJhe; INEEL' , .sattKsasaidlgkS^fco. Sir t likely to get th ro n g theh e huiz tors,:ts, hiB joined litk h eed Martindri . die a h u ^ officials fexpeaBtde'fex] v ^ fa th U a . aate. tboagh. aad President» t TW IN 1 FALLS - Doug Idaho I« change in radioacti> aaoa has vm ed repeatedly to i r tjo b ai thelNEBL .Solns :tive waste ' LodifaeedldUaniaVedbcBlv ^ V cleBiKipl^ffdrts ar thetJ Idaho sadddswiydk n th e p in ff it ever gets to hts * * » n attged much over the That'sThi typical.-he-wid. A newJW National Engineeri QFkitwnUaatRtid ^S. h g fe w jast^thoughhiseaplpy- ir . con^ ering and .tfaecDnoactX> «JV “ m m ctor is l i k ^ to'keep theiie EnvirohmfentalLaboratc'Btoty. , O ae c ai*wioa ita E«»yy ufedS e m a T caitess from the 2ndnd erboK. I C to N ia N »ple with the siost experience.e. 1 ■ The Energy DepartB rtm ^t .ba Dqeaittaea « aa a ^ Oopodgy agree witiiith H e workeIted for EG4G Idaho So if histoty'is an ifadication, iwnir^ ...........I .....I 1,1 iiiijt^a Sept 16 announced itItwodd-aot V 'aanroeiaiMiaoarisfaawAKw Sl!! 5a t - O e c ^ a f agcvacdwssincfaai^ Jorgijfgensen’s employer mightht renew Lockheed Mart bhU W OBsa iof&moe mainrny « 5 to dean op buried ciianj utih’sfive. paay woold]Id plaa to o e c t the aa^]eBepabfiasfaK faM U sn^ enoR! tange again. When Lockheedsd year contract, w hi^I expliec s on iOPcn«etr I lill li cm<fidareIte ke Si^Hoa has pomsd out tfaete BSBonbBonnntRklBrdrd f c erhiT mmuLl.iaebneq!**■■- S i Unnited St ■mrty Federal Electionsn s Itates’ fiirst Vie M n n a Rpon dows Stamogsgs FIV«M etn am : «> Era i ' - - I hadfah g ih iiMi nhfcardoaatiansOS ■eeteiSBW l. c n e n askm^ fta-RepBb&anm flA T ia N ; doaxwas RGotd^ aboso mvuseum opensi( after oxintrovii^eisy I eifa:s|BaT<£-VBarun«» ttadfnm _________ ' f n cal lar cash i ^ ^ s a ca»» I I line BflTMnPT*EL»NLX — Ih e cation’s first mu: tan (fefScatec 4 ri» a d l-A e k tB x states. “I Ited to the Vietnam War opens oni m a fi­ SkDifarafier It o v BepobSoa cncfi- ter a diree-yeor struggle over nu L; J s ao be saadbagBEd by a btece cd^<fiSieren :e« viem held by veterans andidhis- h ? " > iP«^pgfacanpmpi51 Iv * e ■mnoal o a n s an i fib-b- ittee organizing the Vietnama EraE specMageresaoabebatfof3f — _______ E t e SJ u C ^ e r ^)ent most of the lasttyear ye every word o£ tfae museum'si textte o n a nm ey s cnB-»- i S-«rr^.y^l^ id argtring about the role of theti it k k > . r legitimacy of the antiwar movsove- ■ ■ ■ ^« baas Nev York andd H »il5 Mhetber die war could have beenbe< im n i. eapiharae has refitsed to:o SECnOMBirSE)SECTION foancind ourselves between theI tv defaatate DesMxiatac challesger-rc- efflmes^betiktween those wtio believe that tl U b ow i lhadkinaaaaesofageE-: & d t a A S kK i i t e D warwBspnifi)ofijundly faoinoral >. and those! who'wl iassAdna^D oa A e sGae^ and ds:e; ■ a meet boe a> face.^ oooe,: M v ...i Maq It tne failure to pursue the war I e.: nqr mffi^nctiKttcy was evidence of moral foihirihire, aMcaAiBauia O e ^ ^®: H ta .-^a* n>*>taillS.2 ^tfaepeaieace movement sold the natioIdon s letK^ he aslad snxxteES to:Ol M I3a,]£ Ckdnafhrf ■j.fn damn tht dnibaxn^” said committee niembc M pn o f e i f e a g B B ^ b n ^ ttftf B&taisiia£rB£er, a Rutgers University proferofes- — SK. lad the aa(p way we cm bee we md i Ae waexs is tfata ^h' ' ■■■E IJttjeaK;dV the committee rejected tert: thatth£ K )U ^ £ 0 w e dtkiml - f |. ppf ;in^J&: SMK b B o « a ed as too oofavorable to veteran a a a A e aad *g)et oot die;e; ytdhtaoumdiK& antiwar footage acd wnnhnrU SoapitetsfroiRttMVMrrtMB.War •« amont ttwajhlbnibits at tha New Jkm t VM an b l atsd& a^di‘ (frog use. Just bdore the mny luse- taHeta<M,NJ..FWay:jr. ilM wtoeatkm centar It adwdBMteM t« ba tfaM ad S i ^ %vHaaJanafen. ■ nfc. text oa prisoners of war waswn ChrittiaWhKmanlnbawIwta to tilt itats’s VIetnan veten (D d b ao h U n fina Ibe AFb: PIC8ses8elllUSBW,p^A taran and tlM a e n tiMi 1^ M S effioe ■ WaAnVBov DiC^ (rem Ndw Jtfsay win MT and Mvw r e t i ^ froo ttatliaVMn«a1llar. 1 ^ ___ s ^ (teeseeMB«.PB8iA2;i cfidates stro M - e ^ C^iic o n g l y o p p cD s e c a x h e llp,btitthe> ] sy^ie w illinglg to liste n I ■ t BOOS.—HiHieimaiKliniiiei Wtj mould ym m int to isrttX^tiaM hntofi^itdan^ujAaUdbit^ie -- «h>»ainMkeite die dedsiaas next n f n appareat ihcxe B BD» 2 2 * y e a r ovenvhc(helmingly oppose ■ ■ hmumandfisltenmmen?' ■ t far geiaxd fimdI S « ataKtevemie to help 7 if ihexe is BD sapcnrt[ — ... A partm ent of Fish ■SHofe fae BocaKs t ^I ttoCitsfinandaloi- _____ _ ■ .'..., -Donaoyre«reivldaHo\VildEfeQununcflcfaatmaa J j SHMniBa B B o ^ to have ; C i A s s n i i — ---- D^fliwfatuatt.'* ® w pkenaaavcgrbyllie geaeraeral fund, biit not at the' “W ^ would you wanttnt to use to deode vrtaA m m n 'n hweapobfe iA«<6*ba*ce- M V M I ilMKiiCBiPtieitiess of candidates in expensemse o f schools,” said state ■• scarce tax dollars to fufund an i e a a i t w a ^ & oa saner (wfacaed br tfae aH3Sliegaliti<Itive ifistricts found Rep.. JiJune Judd, D-St. Maries, 8$en(7 that^ always beeninfim ded . makers to cobs 7datfaa>dafann^aB^ W * ab<w£ hair oft BfideridKBtey >f thaoppdiientB at *Tdhave bai to hear'aiot of argu>" by'humenandflshermdi:enP^said' convenethjamta "- W y t fa ra a h o tomfecr: ha k«c«a&«t»tttfistenif Elsfaand neotspts pro and cotL" Clower, a frequent FisPish and Two of the towEoo-dokesmlie iSag as prepaBH* but onty GKttdectdesEes to pursue $2.25 Skept«pticism among candidates [ «ae peooa ia faor wil&is Game critic. "Two-tnilliot3od to $3 tapinag state»sales sa aad iaoDM asgm i odfimfiomtataarayers toeopple. for •.« Legislature] generally" ;•■ minion but of the generallalfundto taxes,asoaReme ne w befare ased F Hare far Ae privaega of^ I wtnttfcfcMgbtgberfees it wants isidiERiBt dherting Idaho’s $12 W '.'r. hd p FIdi and Game w ouldmi»n ^ byFldiandGai agaadfililiii^ 'P«y. liongeneral gei fund to new p t^■, ;, fZioilllon tb $3 millionin 1 to said tbe rmnmlf leceat iadependcat D it pdicsd die ocdi- g n uuw u v as.no s ^ r i s e to FislL:'.>^•>.>uppdrt schools, prisons,os, roads would not Qy iaitefaccrfiyin adepeOafaDfoaadBHae rr 73»R^ BnTPtr»Bi.t]ttfaelower-income vtdGaiGame Comtnissioner' Keidi.M.
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