CONTRACT NO : GE (AF)/SOG/ /2019-20 SERIAL PAGE NO. 7 APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTICE INVITING E - TENDER Para 1. Name of work : Repair/Maintanance of Ceiling fans, Electric Meters, Exhaust Fans, Wall Mounted Fans, Air Circulators, Geysers and Solar water Heaters etc at AF Stn Suratgarh. Para 2. Estimated Cost of Work : Rs. 30.00 Lakhs (Approx.) Para 2 (a) Cost of tender documents : Rs.500/- in the form of DD / Bankers Cheque from any Scheduled/ Nationalised Bank in favour of GE (AF) Suratgarh. (Copy shall be uploaded online alongwith tender documents upto due date of bid submission). Para 3. Period of completion : 10 (TEN MONTH) Para 4. Last date of receipt of online bid : Refer critical dates shown below Para 4 (a) Date of opening of bid : Refer critical dates shown below Note : - (i) The applicant contractor shall note that the Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque shall be in favour of GE (AF) Suratgarh payable at Suratgarh. Cost of tender documents shall be non-refundable. However, DD/ Banker’s Cheque shall be returned to the applicants whose Cover No. 2 is not opened. Please note that Cover No. 2 (Price Bid) will be opened only in respect of qualified and eligible contractors who fulfill the eligibility/ criteria according to their tech bid submitted in Cover No. 1 (applications/ technical bid). (ii) In case of MES enlisted tenderers. if original hard copy of application is received within period stated above, subject to satisfying other prequalifying criteria, the financial bid shall be opened. The amount of cost of tender shall be recovered from any amount due to the MES enlisted contractor. Failure of non submission of hard copy of application within the period stated above tantamount to willful negligence with ulterior motive and therefore the tenderer shall be barred to tender during the period of 6 months commencing from the date of opening of financial bid. (iii) In case of un-enlisted tenderers, if original DD is not received within the time stipulated, the cover 1 (`T' bid) shall not be validated for opening of financial Bid. Name of such contractor’s along with complete address shall be circulated for not opening of bids for the period of six months commencing from date of opening of financial bid. (iv) Uploading of bid does not constitute any guarantee for opening of Price Bid of tenderer. Opening of Price-Bid (Cover No. 2) of tender will be decided by the Accepting Officer based on interalia, past track record, financial position & experience of similar works executed by the applicant/contractor. The Accepting Officer shall receive applications (Cover No. 1 & Price Bid Cover No. 2) upto the last date & time of bid submission/extended date of bid submission as applicable and as mentioned below. The applicant/contractor will be informed regarding non-opening of Cover No. 2 (Price Bid). The applicant/contractor, if he so desires, may appeal to the next Higher Engineer Authority with copy to the Accepting Officer up to seven days prior to the date of opening of Price Bid (Cover No. 2). (v) The decision of the Next Higher Engineer Authority shall be final and binding. No applicant/contractor shall be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his application/non opening of Cover No. 2 (Price Bid). Para 5 Eligibility Criteria Class 'D' Category b(i). Standing Security Deposit = Rs. 1,00,000/- Note : (i) Contractor to upload copies of enlistment letter, Registration certificate (Provident (a) MES Enlisted Contractors : Fund Code Number) of his firm with Employee Provident Fund organization, application for Class in MES with Category issue of tender on letter head of the firm , Certificate of GST of firm and DD/Banker's Cheque for cost of tender and EMD online along with tender documents up to due date of bid : submission. One class below may also apply (ii) Original application on letter head, EPF No, GST No of firm, copy of Enlistment letter , Original DD & EMD to be submitted offline within five days from the last due date of bid submission. These five days shall be exclusive of last date of bid submission. (b) For Un-enlisted Contractors : Un-enlisted Contractor to upload copies of following documents on line upto due date of bid submission. (i) All documents meeting enlistment criteria of MES for Class 'E' and category ‘b’ (i) as per details given in Annexure No. 1 attached. (ii) Self Police Verification Report from Police Authorities or copy of valid passport duly attested by Gazetted Officer. (iii) An Affidavit that no recovery is outstanding in any Govt/ PSU department. (iv) Registration certificate (Provident Fund Code Number) of his firm with Employee Provident Fund organization. (v) Certificate of GST number of the firm. (Vi) Application for issue of tender on letter head of firm. (vii) DD / Banker cheque for cost of tender and EMD. Note : (i) Original DD, application on letter head, EPF No, GST No of firm and other documents, EMD to be submitted offline before due date of opening of Cover No. 1. Contd....... CONTRACT NO : GE (AF)/SOG/ /2019-20 SERIAL PAGE NO. 8 APPENDIX ‘A’ TO NOTICE INVITING E - TENDER (Contd.........) Para 6. Amount of earnest money for contractor : Rs. 60000/- in form of DD/ Banker’s Cheque from any Scheduled/ Nationalized Bank in not enlisted in MES favour of GE (AF) Suratgarh payable at Suratgarh. MES enlisted contractor are exempted from submission of EMD (copy to be uploaded online and original to fwd offline to receive before due date).Tenderers who failed to submit original DD pertaining to Earnest money deposit (whether un-enlisted or enlisted who has not lodged Standing Security Deposit) by stipulated date, shall be ineligible for opening of Financial Bid (Cover No. 2). CRITICAL DATES Para 7 & 8 Publishing Date and Time of Tender Documents : 28 May 2019 at 1850 hrs (On or after) Starting Date & Time of Tender Documents : 28 May 2019 at 1855 hrs Downloading (On or after) Clarification Start Date & Time : NA Clarification End Date & Time : NA Pre-Bid Meeting Date & Time : NA Starting Date and Time of Bid Submission : 10 Jun 2019 at 1800 hrs (Cover No 1 & 2) Bid Documents Download End Date & Time : 17 Jun 2019 at 1800 hrs Closing Date and Time of Bid Submission : 17 Jun 2019 at 1800 hrs (Cover No 1 & 2) Date and Time of Bid Opening (Cover No 1) : 19 Jun 2019 at 1200 hrs or subsequent days Date and Time of Bid Opening (Cover No 2) : Will be intimated online after completion of evaluation of Tech Bid/Application (Cover No. 1) Para 9 Type of Contract : The tender shall be Item Rate Contract based on IAFW-1779A with list of works to be quoted by the contractor. Para 10 Name of CE : HQ CE (AF) WAC Palam Name of CWE : HQ CWE (AF) Bikaner Name of GE : GE (AF) Suratgarh, Email:- ge af suratgarh [email protected] Phone/FAX:- 01509-268029 Para 11 (c) For All contractors : Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney holder on his behalf to a third party/another firm except sons/daughters/spouse of proprietor/partner/Director and firm’s own employees, Director, Project Manager. This shall be subject to certain conditions which will be prescribed in the NOT forming part of the tender documents. Notes :- 1. For submission of e-tender bidders are requested to get themselves registered with eprocuremes.gov.in website alongwith Class - II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued by authorized CA under IT Act 2003. For complete details refer our website www.eprocuremes.gov.in at CPP portal. 2. Any change/modification in the tender enquiry will be intimated through above mentioned website only. Bidders are therefore requested to visit our website regularly to keep themselves updated. 3. Application not accompanied by requisite documents in para 2(a) above shall not be considered. Price bid (Cover No. 2) received without EMD in original (if applicable as required) will not be opened. NOTE:- Original Demand Draft for cost of tender and earnest money scanned and uploaded online for pre qualification in Cover No. 1 must reach to this office offline before due date of opening of cover No 1 otherwise firm will not be qualified for opening of Cover No. 1 and Price Bid will not be opened. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account. (R D Pawar) AE (QS & C) AGE (Contracts) 8729/03/E8 for GE (AF) Suratgarh Military Engineer Services Garrison Engineer (AF) Suratgarh - 335804 Dated: 28 May 2019 Distributions: HQ CE AF WAC Palam Delhi Cantt, HQ CWE AF Bikaner, HQ CWE (P) Bikaner ,HQ CWE (AF) Palam, HQ CWE Sri Ganganagar, GE (S) Bikaner, GE (A) Suratgarh, GE(P)(AF) Suratgarh, GE (N) Bikaner , GE (AF) Bhisiana, GE (AF) Sirsa, GE (AF) Nal, GE Lalgarh Jattan, GE Hissar, Notice Board , MES Builder Association C/o Walia Constn Co. 4681 The Mall Bathinda, Office of the Reginal Labour Commissioner (Central) Kendriya Sadan, Block 1, 3rd Floor, A-C/3-7, Jaipur -23, Association of MES contractors (Regd), O-8 Kalptaru commercial Complex, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt-110010. MES Builders Association of India (REGD AD) Bikaner Branch , C/o Hony, Secretary Om Prakash Gupta, 77, Kailash Puri , Bikaner-334003, MES Builder Association of India Main Branch , 807(8th Floor) Sehyog 58, Nehru Place, New Delhi, Builders Association of India, G-1/G-20, 7th Floor, Commerce Center, J Dadajee Road, Rarde, Mumbai-400034 CONTRACT NO: GE (AF)/SOG/ /2019-20 SERIAL PAGE NO. 9 Annexure No. 1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR UN-ENLISTED CONTRACTORS 1.
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