Wo,ld-Ra&o. Regffleed he G.P.O. e Ne,epaper; NOVEMBER 19, 1937. VOL. XXV. NO. 643 1W T . THE BBC FOREIGN PROGRAMME JOURNAL * EVERY FRIDAY D WITH FULL INFORMATION FOR THE LISTENER AND VIEWER - The Romances of Great Musicians- t a D No.1. Schumann a a f The Multilingual Announcer "Log-Roller's" Weekly Misceflany Virtues of the Really Big Set New Programme and Feature ¡ Pages A picture of a famous French military band-that of the Garde Republicaine-which is broadcasting - from Radio-Paris on Wednesday. - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor 2 WORLD-RADIO NOVEMBER 19, 1937 'AGOOD CAREERS IN RADIO Train by the Postal Method The International Correspondence Schools offer a number of STAR highly specialised Courses of instruction in Radio. They include American as well as British broadcasting practice. Here are their titles representing the ground they cover: TO EACH C o m p ¡ e t e Ra d i o Television Engineering Exams: I.E.E. 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Often, too, you miss (tise IIeh lettes, ('lease) hearing a talk which PRE-PAID CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RATES /ta' Sssnlj AJse,-ij,e,se,,ts s 'tVssld- AJve,'tise,,,cst Dssectsr. BUG i',,I'lieaiia"s, Ensile " aso SSS Ieije'sr-2s. 6d. pas- tisse 3.5, Masytcbese High Sis-set, WI, sei you woul have. (nst'snge eJ 6 ssds) with n t,,i,,se, ss, eJ 2 tisses. F,ijny ej the une6 ps-les P,,t'ticniiee. J,, he anas' ej 'us' ,jatsi'et's, s-cadet's sl,eaId s-ejts su tie box tis' ,ecstitassest tise nd,xs-ttsetsee t, It .401 aSsus-tiseut,ets. ssi,icl, stata 'e enjoyed.. is ls,e.'rtie.ts. precisely '' x-csis,f'es.is'J ¡'y n ,Ct,,ittnttCC ns,d the lati stesse ele A4vc,-tisasttet,I Dcpns-t,,,,at. Wo,td'i,'ada,,'' cud ns*.tress ej the ssdves'tincs. suant teach The 3.5,, tias'yiei'osse Htgh Strani, 55,1. tómeet this need that SPECIALISED TRAINING LANGUAGES ALL succensfol stuskoto gunt'notes'd Fonts In GERMAN. FRENCH c000nrsotiOn. Cromo' \VIRELESSSerr ice's. Yooegmrsn m-gestìy phon ecooese nn'ith book 1016. Postage If'. the BBC. publishs reded. Wrucor phone. Unto W-Loodoo Record Tutors. 24. Bucbioghoon Street. RodtoC.nllcge. Crone b.Rd..\V.4. (CI-ti. 3244.) London. W.C.2. SI-lORE ANDIn 24 hoornofotudy. Proctien bringt biCis npérdn. Test the simplicity 'A eroding cone to hold estremi copies of cf Dsttonn by sending lorolree lesson to Dept. R.. 9213.. Crest Rosent Stern-f. W.C.t. WORLD-RADIO The Liste e Stoutly mode, from good qoolity bindlng-nlot}n. REPAIRS (AMERICAN) distinctly blocked in gold, corded co thot the jooroot rentolne in pisco, und peonided nn'ith 1'ERVICE,. WITH A SSIILE o coneenicnt prodI-i tootle 2ff. hy pont direct HENRY FORD RADIO., LTD. frocs BBCPobI lestions. (W.69). 35. f.lorylebonr I:h.h.. -Amreic,nn's'sls'cs. High Street. WI. and illus- nords: lending Irutfo cpsnirs: send toor Asorricon nonl British recolores nntimotes feet. -Electronie Housn, 22. l-fon'lsnd Street. \V.l. Sloncom: 5625. the Tottoshsnon Court Rood. *Hear trates best of the REPAIRS AMERICA on' your 'OWN Set! broadcast talks.. It is SCOTT-SESSIONS & CO. Relés OVuec of tlritfoh and Alorrican set Caoaect this Short Coo'rrtOr 1'VERY type toSOurortel odthro.orid'opeogruselrsure J_J repaired. roderoload or rebut. Short- yours Sinople to fortuit and operutr. oDtal QN-e every Piffero years' eypeefeoce oeseapcClollty. Soi Oct coo trots tro nhort ruerfanode nod anal thoacodn of satiaiiat.cuntontcrs through- ttqodlightsw os'cbaod io use, oleo dec00- tite oonld aropoar g uoro tee of o nao od Job. oectiac uoit. lenseseet free fo. normal uns Send est free quOtatioo (or your to-dap for snithoct olteration! Suftubl,tores'rrY typo Wednesday from collect Loadoa).-Seott-Scnaiue5 & Co.. E- und osodels Hilt. Loncico. of nsufonreeciscr (AC AC/DC change Woche. Moceelt Nb. asailabte). Arroptaoe dial se-Itt station 'PHONE: TUDOR 4101 - 00,0eR ss'uvrlcogths und mrgoestc.lrs. tOO-I genital ti/ob control for rstrcocaiy floe newsagents, book- tuning. Hoodnooc contort febbrI. MISCELLANEOUS Pif r. Cc,opfrtr turned Rodiogram. Electric Motor AC nr AC/DC nsadrl, : stalls and booksellers RADIO25f-I'fckups O/ti; Otuntaphuoc f21- Cnnep.aeeotn chrnpcct. - Lint. EsgretRAD. Ji. EASTICK& SON S, Dept.D5 8, 120. Otd'Strect. London. ECl. CLE 5770. 118 Bunhifl Row, London, ECl everywhere, price 3d. DILLIARDS-the sort popotor gane jur ari i) seances. Os-rrJOONsm noel Reconditioned 4 fl gilch jor Our specuii utitiounc'rnent wt'ek ONS iwxl HOLLOWAY RD.. N.7. NORTH2747(6lin). I I PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor NOVEMBER 19, 1937 WORLD-RADIO 3 Th of the & I r R O G.R A M MES / Brave New World Paris Concerts A NEW series of weekly broadcasts, centred DESPITE the unusual hour-9.30 to 11.30 am: > largely on the interests and activities of Latin- -thère must be many listeners like myself America and produced by the Office of Educa-. who, having heard the Radio-Paris Saturday tion in Washington, is not without interest to morning broadcasts from the Paris Conserva- listeners in this country. toire, will welcome the news that a new series The programme, which is described as "a has started. peace pageant on the airways that will bring to Next Saturday's programme is of the usual millions of people in twenty-one republics the high standard, including a Haydn Symphony, 1:L /I sense of their unity and their kinship," is re- a Mozart Pianoforte Concerto, and Chabrier's layed by CBS for both the Wayne and Phila- "Fête polonaise." M. PIERRE DUPONT, conductor of the famous deiphia short-wave stations every Tuesday at Garde Républicaine band, which is giving a 3.30 am. G.M.T. In an inaugural address to broadcast performance from Radio-Paris at the series President Roosevelt declared: " I An Irish Soprano 12 noon n Wednesday. would dedicate this nation to the policy of the MIss RENEE FLY, who, readers may remem- good neighbour-the neighbour who resolutely ber, was the soloist in the BBC broadcast of Schumann's "Lost" Concerto respects himself and, because he does so, Dr. Vaughan Williams's Dona Nobis Pacem, THE long-awaited . first performance of respects the rights of others." will be heard on Sunday at 7.15 p.m. from Schumann's "Lost" Concerto will take Athlone, where she is taking part in the first place in the German Opera House on Friday, broadcast of new compositions for the organ. and I think it may be taken for granted that it English Musicians Abroad The relay is from the Methodist Church, will be the most discussed broadcast of the ON Thursday, November, 25, Stockholm's St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. week. evening concert consists of English music by From the same station at 9 p.m. the follow- The Concerto is included in a programme Vauehan Williams, Butterworth, Walton, and ing night a programme devoted to the works arranged in connexion with the anniversary Elg. It is to be conducted by Clarence Ray- of John Ireland will inaugurate a new series of the foundation of the Ministry of Cultural bould, who only recently returned from a dealing with modern English composers. Arts, which is being relayed at noon (G.M.T.) similar mission on behalf of English music by all the German stations. in Germany. The Young Schiller The Strange BeqUest The following week he is conducting at Copenhagen (Kalundborg programme, Novem- THE philosophy of freedom, which was the Tms Concerto for violin and orchestra was ber 28) and at Oslo on December 4. Cyril underlying motive of Schiller's early works, Schumann's last work, and it has lain in the Smith also takes part in the Stockholm con- lends additional interet to a broadcast from archives of the Berlin State Library since cert, as solo pianist in Walton's Sinfonia Con- Stuttgart at 7.15 p.m. on Tuesday, dealing 1907. It was composed by Schumann in 1853, certante. with the early life of the great German poet. and given by him to his friend, Joseph Listeners will be taken to the scenes of Joachim. Schiller's youth and early manhood, when he When Joachim died, his executors handed was engrossed with Die Räuber, the first of it to the German State Library with the pro- his plays to be produced. He wrote Die Räuber viso that it should not be performed until while studying at a military academy, and it 1956, 100 years after Schumann's death.
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