Enzymatic synthesis and decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine in Tetrahymena pyrzformis EDWARD A. DENNIS* and EUGENE P. KENNEDY Department of Biological Chemistry, Harvard Downloaded from Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 021 15 www.jlr.org ABSTRACT Cell-free extracts of the protozoan Tetrahymena This is the only known pathway for serine incorporation pyriformis have been found to catalyze the following reactions: into phospholipid in animal tissues. Phosphatidylethanolamine L-Serine “, Phosphatidylserine In contrast, bacteria produce phosphatidylserine di- + at Univ of California - San Diego Serials/Biomed Lib 0699, on December 26, 2020 + Ethanolamine rectly from CDP-diglyceride and L-serine (4) : Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylethanolamine + C02 - ~ ~~~ ~~ (3) CDP-diglyceride + L-Serine --t Phosphatidylserine Net: L-Serine + Ethanolamine + COZ + CMP The biosynthesis of phosphatidylserine in this organism In both animal and bacterial systems, the decarboxyla- resembles that found in higher animals. In contrast, phospha- tion (3, 5,6) of serine takes place at the lipid level: tidylserine is formed in bacteria in a reaction between CDP- is diglyceride and L-serine. A detailed description presented (4) Phosphatidylserine -P Phosphatidylethanolamine of the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of phosphatidylserine + c02 in Tetrahymena by the exchange reaction, together with some properties of the phosphatidylserine decarboxylase in this In animal tissues, reactions (2) and (4) comprise the organism. “decarboxylation cycle” discussed by Kennedy (2) and illustrated in Fig. 1. This cycle leads to the net produc- SUPPLEMENTARY KEY WORDS biosynthesis 1 ex- tion of ethanolamine and COZ. change enzyme . mechanism - phosphatidylethanolamine . Since these two distinct pathways exist for animal and phosphatidylserine decarboxylase phospholipids bacterial systems, it was of interest to determine the pathway in protozoa. In this paper, we shall present evidence for the occurrence of enzymes catalyzing re- actions (2) and (4) in the protozoan Tetrahymena Pyri- THEde novo formation of the phosphodiester bond of formis. Reaction (3) has not been detected in Tetra- phospholipids always involves cytidine coenzymes (1, 2). hymena, nor has it been demonstrated in any animal However, the pathway for the formation of serine- and tissue. The exchange enzyme catalyzing reaction (2) in ethanolamine-containing phospholipids differs in animal cell-free preparations of Tetrahymena will be described and bacterial systems. In animal tissues, CDP-ethanol- in some detail; this enzyme has similar properties to the amine is an obligatory intermediate in the formation of analogous enzyme found in rat liver (3,7) and the house- phosphatidylethanolamine via reaction (7) which leads fly, Musca domestica (8). to the net formation of the phosphodiester bond. This study of the pathway for phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis in Tetrahymena (7) CDP-ethanolamine a,@-DiglyceridetPhosphati- + has one further purpose. Tetrahymena contains consider- dylethanolamine CMP + able amounts of the phosphono analogue of phos- The incorporation of serine into phospholipid in phatidylethanolamine. The natural occurrence of the animal tissues (3) takes place via an exchange reaction : * Postdoctoral Fellow of the U. S. Public Health Service, (2) Phosphatidylethanolamine + L-Serine Phosphati- National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, #5-F2- dylserine + Ethanolamine AM-20,008. 394 JOURNALOF LIPID RESEARCH VOLUME 11, 1970 magnetic stirrer and maintained at 28-30°C in a water bath or (6) 14 liters of medium (containing 0.5 ml of OH NH2 silicone antifoam) in a Microferm Laboratory Fermentor (New Brunswick Scientific Co., New Brunswick, N. J.), equipped with mechanical stirring at 125 rpm, aeration at 4 psi, and maintained at 29°C. In the latter case, 1 A liter of log-phase cells was used as innoculum, and the cultures were harvested in log phase (about 24 hr) as follows : the culture was cooled with a circulating ethylene FIG. 1. Decarboxylation cycle in animal tissues. glycol bath to about 2"C, and the cells were collected in a Sorvall centrifuge equipped with a Szent-Gyorgyi Blum continuous flow system (15,000 g, O"C, 150 ml/min flow Downloaded from phosphonolipids was first demonstrated by Horiguchi rate). The cells were washed once with 1.2 liter of buffer and Kandatsu in 1959 (9). Since then, the biochemistry containing 20 m~ imidazole-HC1, pH 7.1, 0.25 M sucrose, of these lipids in Tetrahymena, several marine inverte- and 5 m~ mercaptoethanol, and the cells were collected brates, and higher animals has been the object of con- by centrifugation (15,000 g, O°C, 15 min). siderable study (10, 11). The mechanism of the bio- The washed cells were taken up in 125 ml of the same www.jlr.org synthesis of the phosphonolipids has not yet been buffer and disrupted with a Potter-Elvejhem homog- elucidated. However, available evidence suggests that the enizer (60 strokes, O"C, 25-ml batches). Samples were synthesis of the C-P bond occurs at the lipid level (12-14). checked microscopically to insure complete cell breakage. at Univ of California - San Diego Serials/Biomed Lib 0699, on December 26, 2020 The pathways for the biosynthesis of the ethanolamine- The broken cells were centrifuged (10,000 g, O'C, 30 and serine-containing lipids in this organism are thus min), and the pellet was washed with 150 ml of buffer of special interest. Glu~ose-'~Cand related compounds and respun. The washed pellet was taken up in 30 ml of are the precursors of the polar head-groups of the phos- 0.25 M sucrose, frozen in methyl Cellosolve or dry ice, phonolipids (13, 15-17), and it has been suggested that and lyophilized. The resulting lyophilized powder was phosphoenolpyruvate or oxaloacetate may be inter- stored in the cold and retained full enzymatic activity mediates. Since it is possible that these compounds may for at least 6 months. A 14 liter preparation harvested be incorporated into phospholipids by way of an ex- in early log phase according to the above procedure change reaction, we have tested phosphoenolpyruvate usually yielded about 3.0 g of lyophilized powder con- and oxaloacetate for their ability to displace ethanol- taining about 0.5-0.8 g of protein (about 60% of the amine from labeled phosphatidylethanolamine in cell- protein in the unwashed homogenate) as determined by free extracts under conditions in which the exchange the method of Lowry, Rosebrough, Farr, and Randall enzyme is active. Neither compound appears to be a (18). About 90% of the enzymatic activity appeared in substrate for this enzyme. the 10,000 g pellet; the other 10% of the enzymatic activity could be recovered froin the pellet sedimenting MATERIALS AND METHODS between 10,000 g and 105,000 g. Culture Conditions Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation A culture of Tetrahymena pyriformis W (Strain 10542) was Early log-phase cultures were grown in 500-ml batches, obtained from the American Type Culture Collection harvested by centrifugation (15,000 g, O'C, 15 min), (Rockville, Md.). The growth medium consisted of washed with 0.2 M NaCl, disrupted with the Potter- 0.5% proteose peptone (Difco Inc., Findlay, Ohio), Elvejhem homogenizer in buffer (20 m~ imidazole- 0.5% bactotryptone (Difco Inc.), and 0.02% KHzPOd HCl, pH 7.1, 0.25 M sucrose), and centrifuged (lO,OOOg, (Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo.). The O"C, 30 min). The pellet was taken up in a small amount pH was adjusted to 7.1 with KOH. Stock cultures were of the same buffer, and a sample (1 .O ml) was applied to grown at room temperature and were transferred weekly. a sucrose gradient which contained 20 mM imidazole- Cultures were examined periodically using a phase- HCl, pH 7.1, and consisted of a 0.5 nil cushion of d 1.32, contrast microscope; growth was monitored at 650 nm. and 3.6 ml of a linear gradient of d 1.14-1.27 in a cellu- Under these conditions, mid-exponential phase was lose nitrate tube of capacity 5.2 nil. The tube was centri- reached in 2-3 days. fuged in the SW 39 rotor of a Beckman Model L ultra- centrifuge (100,000 g, O"C, 150 min). After centrifuga- CeU-Free Extracts tion, the contents were collected in 3-drop samples Cultures were grown as above using either (a) 500 ml of (approximately 0.2 ml each) by puncturing the bottom medium in a 2 liter DeLong culture flask equipped with a of the tube. DENNISAND KENNEDY Enzymatic Synthesis, Decarboxylation of Phosphatidylserine 395 Assay of the Exchange Enzyme mg of protein per ml. The flask was stoppered with a rub- The following procedure (19, 20) was used for assay of ber serum cap and shaken by gentle rocking in a thermo- the exchange enzyme : assays were carried out in conical- statted water bath. Reactions were stopped with 0.5 tipped vessels (40 ml capacity) using a final incubation ml of 0.5 N H2S04 added by syringe through the cap volume of 0.4 ml. The standard assay system consisted of to the reaction mixture. Shaking was then continued for 50 m~ imidazole-HC1, final pH 7.7, 1.5 mM ~-serine-3- an additional 30 min. The KOH-impregnated paper 14C at lo6 cpm/pmole, and 20 m~ CaC12. Incubations was counted in 1 ml of water and 10 ml of 2 : 1 Patterson- were conducted at 22°C for 10 min. For “zero-time” Greene counting solution. As with the phospholipid controls, methanol was added at this point. The vessels assay, the average of duplicate determinations (SD *0.2 containing the assay reagents and radioactive label nmoles of 14C02)is reported, and zero-time values have were equilibrated in a water bath at the appropriate been subtracted. temperature; then cell-free preparations of Tetrahymena Downloaded from of (lyophilized powder resuspended in water and subjected Preparation Phosphatidylethanolamine-l,2-l4C to five strokes with the Potter-Elvejhem homogenizer) Phosphatidylethanolamine-1 ,2-14C was generated in situ were added to initiate the reaction.
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