Veritas Information Studio 1.0 Third-party Software License Agreements April 2019 Third-party software license agreements This document includes the following topics: ■ Third-party software license agreements ■ kubernetes-cni 0.5.1-00 ■ Jackson-annotations 2.9.5 ■ k8s 1.14.5 ■ kubernetes/ingress-nginx 0.9.0-beta.15 ■ pause- amd64 3.0 ■ kubernetes-client-python 3.0.0 ■ kubernetes/api 1.8.0 ■ kubernetes/apiserver 1.10.0-alpha.1 ■ Code Generation Library - cglib:cglib 3.1 ■ Apache CXF Runtime WS Security 3.1.4 ■ jackson-databind jackson-databind-2.9.8 ■ defaultbackend 1.3 ■ go-openapi/jsonpointer ■ Apache Commons Lang 3.2.1 ■ hadoop 2.9.0 Third-party software license agreements 3 ■ smbj 0.5.1 ■ ng2-idle 2.0.0-beta.13 ■ RxJS - ReactiveX/rxjs 5.5.2 ■ JSR-311 - JAX-RS - The Java API for RESTful Web Services (Jersey) 1.1.1-API ■ WSDL4J - wsdl4j:wsdl4j 1.6.3 ■ Jetty extensions to the Google OAuth Client Library for Java. 1.23.0 ■ allblobstore 2.0.3 ■ jclouds blobstore core 2.0.3 ■ Admin Directory API directory_v1-rev86-1.23.0 directory_v1-rev86-1.23.0 ■ Drive API v3-rev87-1.23.0 ■ Apache CXF Runtime JAX-WS Frontend 3.1.11 ■ OpenCMIS Client Implementation 1.1.0 ■ flexboxgrid 6.3.1 ■ matttproud-golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.0 ■ AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch 1.11.136 ■ DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra - Object Mapping 3.2.0 ■ DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra - Extras 3.2.0 ■ Bean Validation API - javax.validation:validation-api 2.0.0.CR1 ■ Apache HttpClient 4.5 ■ Apache Log4j API 2.8.2 ■ Apache Kafka - org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-context-support 4.3.10.RELEASE_1 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-webmvc 4.3.10.RELEASE_1 ■ Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-io-1.3.2 1.3.2_1 ■ adal4j 1.2.0 ■ cqlsh 5.0.4 ■ DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra - Core 3.2.0 Third-party software license agreements 4 ■ Fabric8 :: Spring Cloud Kubernetes :: Core 0.1.6 ■ Fabric8 :: Spring Cloud Kubernetes :: Starter 0.1.6 ■ Guava (Google Common Libraries) 19.0 ■ Jackson-annotations 2.8.9 ■ Jackson-core 2.8.9, Jackson-core 2.8.8 ■ Liquibase Core - org.liquibase:liquibase-core 3.5.3 ■ Spring Boot AMQP Starter 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ spring boot data JPA starter 1.5.3.RELEASE ■ Spring Framework: spring-beans 4.3.10.RELEASE ■ Spring Framework: spring-context 4.3.10.RELEASE ■ Spring Kafka Support 1.2.2.RELEASE ■ Spring Kafka Test Support 1.2.2.RELEASE ■ spring-boot-actuator-starter 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ spring-boot-starter-web 1.5.8 ■ spring-boot-test-starter 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ spring-cloud-starter-sleuth 1.2.4.RELEASE ■ springfox-swagger2 2.7.0 ■ Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler 2.3.0 ■ Commons Configuration 2.2 ■ Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Driver 3.3.0 ■ Spring CQL 1.4.0.RELEASE ■ Commons IO 2.6, Commons IO 2.5 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-webmvc 4.3.8.RELEASE_1 ■ google-api-gnostic 0.1.0 ■ pbr 3.1.1 ■ python-daemon (pypi) 2.1.2 ■ json-schema-validator - fge/json-schema-validator 2.2.6 Third-party software license agreements 5 ■ Python-RSA 3.4.2 ■ btree 316fb6d3f031ae8f4d457c6c5186b9e3ded70435 ■ client_golang 0.8.0 ■ fmoo/python-editor 1.0.3 ■ go-digest 1.0.0rc1 ■ google-cloud-go 0.16.0 ■ Gophercloud ■ spec ■ spf13-afero 1.0.0 ■ pynacl 1.2.0 ■ requests 2.18.4 ■ SavoirTech ::: SLF4J JSON logger ::: Logger 2.0.2 ■ Asynchronous Http Client async-http-client-project-2.0.35 ■ oslo.config 3.14.0 ■ Jest Apache HC Jar - io.searchbox:jest 2.4.0 ■ Spring Framework: spring-core 4.3.10.RELEASE Apache License 2.0 ■ oslo.log 3.11.0 ■ Commons Lang 3.6 ■ HikariCP HikariCP-2.7.3 ■ Prometheus Java SimpleClient 0.1.0 ■ Prometheus Java Simpleclient Spring Boot Metric 0.1.0 ■ spring boot data JPA starter 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ SpringFramework: spring-test 4.3.10.RELEASE ■ stevedore 1.17.1 ■ springfox-swagger2 2.6.1 ■ Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java and Android 0.7.0 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-web 4.3.8.RELEASE_1 Third-party software license agreements 6 ■ Apache Jakarta Commons Codec 1.10 ■ HikariCP HikariCP-2.6.2 ■ joda-time 2.9.9 ■ spring-data-jpa 1.11.4.RELEASE ■ OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer Safe HTML Compatibility 20170515.1 ■ swagger-annotations 1.5.13 ■ elasticsearch-transport 5.3.2 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: bcprov-jdk15on 1.58_1 ■ argcomplete 1.9.2 ■ springfox-swagger-ui 2.6.1 ■ Guava (Google Common Libraries) 23.0 ■ Elasticsearch: Core 5.3.2 ■ go-genproto ■ Spark Integration for Kafka 2.1.0 ■ spring-boot-test-starter 1.5.6.RELEASE ■ groupcache ■ go-openapi/swag ■ jsonreference ■ prometheus-procfs ■ kubernetes/apiserver 1.10.0-alpha.1 ■ prometheus-common ■ yaml for Go ■ spdystream ■ vis - almende/vis v4.20.1 ■ RxJS - ReactiveX/rxjs 5.4.3 ■ Jackson-core 2.9.1 ■ flyway-core 4.2.0 Third-party software license agreements 7 ■ Jackson-JAXRS-base 2.9.1 ■ Jackson-datatype-Joda 2.9.1 ■ Metrics Core 3.2.3 ■ Metrics Graphite 3.1.2 ■ swagger-jersey2-jaxrs (Jersey 2.x support) 1.5.16 ■ javax.inject 1 ■ Apache HttpAsyncClient - org.apache.httpcomponents:httpasyncclient 4.1.3 ■ Jetty :: Http Utility 9.3.20.v20170531 ■ Apache HttpClient 4.5.3 ■ Apache HttpClient Mime 4.5.3 ■ Jetty :: Servlet Handling 9.3.20.v20170531 ■ Jetty :: Server Core 9.3.20.v20170531 ■ Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters 9.3.20.v20170531 ■ sqlite-jdbc 3.19.3 ■ SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding (for Apache Directory Studio) 1.8.0-alpha2 ■ Spring Framework: spring-web 4.3.11.RELEASE ■ spring-data-jpa 1.11.7 ■ AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 1.11.129 ■ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider 2.9.1 ■ prom-client 10.2.2 ■ Apache CXF Runtime JAX-RS Frontend 3.1.4 ■ Apache CXF Runtime SOAP Binding 3.1.4 ■ Google Cloud Storage 1.2.0 ■ Google APIs Client Library for Java 1.22.0 ■ Apache HttpComponents Core 4.4.6 ■ bcrypt 3.1.4 ■ Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Jetty Transport 3.1.4 Third-party software license agreements 8 ■ Python Driver - Cassandra 3.12.0 ■ jclouds Google Cloud Storage provider 2.0.3 ■ kubernetes-client-python 3.0.0 ■ cryptography 2.1.3 ■ funcsigs 1.0.0 ■ blackbox_exporter v0.12.0 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JSR-339 API M10 2.9.0 ■ prometheus v2.2.1 ■ Kube-state-metrics 1.2.0 ■ Elasticsearch-Exporter 1.01. ■ Jackson-annotations 2.9.5 ■ Apache Thrift 0.11.0 ■ api machinery 1.8.0 ■ client-go 5.0.1 ■ glog ■ godebug ■ golang-appengine 1.0.0 ■ Apache Commons Lang 2.6 ■ Guava GWT compatible libs 23.6-jre ■ Gson Parent 2.8.2 ■ SQLite JDBC - org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc ■ Xerces2-j - xerces:xercesImpl 2.11.0 ■ spring-boot-aop-starter 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ Jackson-core 2.9.4 ■ Jackson-dataformat-YAML 2.9.4 ■ spring-boot-starter-parent 1.5.8.RELEASE ■ Elasticsearch: Core 6.1.3 Third-party software license agreements 9 ■ HikariCP - com.zaxxer:HikariCP 2.7.8 ■ spring-boot-test-starter 2.0.0.RELEASE ■ Spring AMQP 2.0.2.RELEASE ■ Spring Boot - spring-projects/spring-boot 2.0.0.RELEASE ■ Hibernate Validator 5.4.2.Final ■ Spring Boot - spring-projects/spring-boot 1.5.9.RELEASE ■ Spring Framework: spring-core 5.0.4.RELEASE ■ springfox-swagger-ui 2.7.0 ■ Spring Data Commons ,Spring Data Commons 2.0.5.RELEASE ■ Spring Framework: Spring-web 4.3.14.RELEASE ■ Spring Framework: spring-context-support 4.3.14.RELEASE ■ Commons Lang 3.7 ■ spring-boot-starter-web 2.0.0.RELEASE ■ spring-retry 1.2.2.RELEASE ■ Kafka REST Proxy 5.0.0 ■ pyOpenSSL 17.3.0 ■ jackson-databind jackson-databind-2.9.8 ■ spring-security-oauth 2.2.0 ■ Graphite Integration for Metrics 3.2.3 ■ google-auth-library-python 1.2.1 ■ box-java-sdk v2.4.0 ■ validation-api 2.0.0.FINAL ■ Metrics-HealthCheck 3.1.2 ■ Apache-Jakarta DBCP 2.1.1 ■ Apache Commons DbUtils 1.6 ■ Apache Airflow (Incubating) 1.9.0 ■ cassandra - apache/cassandra 3.11.2 Third-party software license agreements 10 ■ flannel - coreos/flannel v0.10.0 ■ SQLite JDBC - org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc ■ Xerces2-j - xerces:xercesImpl 2.11.0 ■ caffeine 2.6.0 ■ lusca 1.5.2 ■ spring-cloud-starter-sleuth 1.2.4.RELEASE ■ kafka-python 1.3.5 ■ @pypi/requests 2.18.4 ■ @angularclass/conventions-loader 1.0.13 ■ @angularclass/hmr 2.1.3, @angularclass/hmr 3.0.4 ■ Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JSR-339 API M10 2.9.0 ■ Xerces2-j - xerces:xercesImpl 2.11.0 ■ caffeine 2.6.0 ■ lusca 1.5.2 ■ spring-cloud-starter-sleuth 1.2.4.RELEASE ■ kafka-python 1.3.5 ■ @pypi/requests 2.18.4 ■ @angularclass/conventions-loader 1.0.13 ■ @angularclass/hmr 2.1.3, @angularclass/hmr 3.0.4 ■ tslib 1.7.1 ■ mikeal's request 2.81.0 ■ Kubernetes Helm v2.8.2 ■ angular2gridster 1.3.3, angular2gridster 0.6.8 ■ jspdf-works 1.3.5 ■ jspdf-autotable 2.3.2 ■ url-search-params - WebReflection/url-search-params 0.10.0 ■ sphinx_rtd_theme 0.2.4 (2) Third-party software license agreements 11 ■ node-email-validator 1.1.1 ■ Gunicorn 19.8.1 ■ pathlib2 2.3.2 ■ angular/zone.js 0.8.5 ■ socket.io 2.0.3 ■ URI.js 1.18.9 ■ hammer.js 2.0.8 ■ easyjson master-20170406 ■ mssql-jdbc v6.2.1 ■ cert-chain-resolver 1.0.1 ■ js-cookie 2.2.0 ■ Moment JavaScript Date Library 2.19.3 ■ bradyliles-ng2-charts 1.6.0 ■ draggabilly 2.1.1 ■ font-awesome 4.7.0 ■ ngx-datatable-with-ie-fix 11.1.5 ■ angular2-moment 1.7.0 ■ Chart.JS 2.7.0 ■ core-js 2.5.0 ■ gomega v1.2.0 ■ gorequest v0.2.15 ■ jwt-go 3.0.0 ■ country-city 1.0.0 ■ zcourts-angular-master 4.3.1 ■ msrestazure-for-python 0.4.16 ■ tkem/cachetools 2.0.1 ■ lombok v1.16.16 Third-party software license agreements 12 ■ SLF4J API Module 1.7.25 ■ Project Lombok - org.projectlombok:lombok-utils 1.16.18 ■ alembic 0.8.10 ■ cffi - Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code 1.11.2 ■ httplib2 0.9.1 ■ biguint-format 1.0.0 ■ jmespath 0.9.3 ■ pyjwt 1.5.3 ■ flask-login 0.2.11 ■ ordereddict 1.1 ■ pylockfile 0.12.2 ■ flask-login 0.2.11 ■ python-tabulate 0.7.7 ■ diskv 2.0.1 ■ emicklei/go-restful-swagger12
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