Greater Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce 2012 Annual Report of the Inside this issue: Lawrence County The Chamber 4-7 Chamber of Commerce LEDC 10- and 13 CVB 14 Lawrence Economic OSTC 16 Development The Point 18 Corporation SOPOC 20 Photos 22 Page 2 Chamber/LEDC Message From Your Executive Director regional development including rence County Engineer, village the New Steel, Inc. project at and township leaders, executives Franklin Furnace, which could of private concerns, and commu- offer thousands of regional jobs nity organizations. The new St. in full operation. Additionally, Mary’s Medical Center at Ironton members of LEDC leadership have is a prime example of a project accepted active roles with the Tri- that was made possible through State Leadership, Habitat for Hu- partnerships, leading to an invest- manity, Tri-State Airport, KYOVA ment of $18,000,000 and the cre- Interstate Planning Commission, ation of nearly 100 jobs for our Ohio Valley Regional Develop- community with the CAO taking ment Commission, and others in the lead. Additionally, the medi- realizing the importance of a one- cal center project led to the con- Bill Dingus, Executive Director community approach for our re- struction of Fruth Pharmacy, gion. across State Route 141, with 25 jobs and current plans for an ad- This year, the long-discussed pro- ditional business with 30 more The 2012 accomplishments of ject of an industrial skills training jobs. Lawrence Economic Development center was birthed with the open- Corporation (LEDC) included ing of the Ohio Strategic Training Lawrence County continues to be health care, retail, small business Center. According to many site a bright spot in Southern Ohio’s advancements, and industrial de- location publications, the deci- economy, with unemployment velopments. Numerous contacts sions for placement of manufac- levels staying below national av- were made, with many resulting turing facilities will largely be di- erages and close to being in line in follow-up meetings and some rected toward areas that have or with Ohio’s rapidly reducing rate. in the acquisition of new facilities, can produce highly trained work- Through the efforts of the LEDC services, and jobs for our commu- ers. The goal of this Center, team, grants and private invest- nity. As you review the 2012 re- through partnerships with region- ments in Lawrence County’s port, you will see the breadth of al and statewide institutions of economy were in excess of services of LEDC as the lead agen- training, is to prepare workers in $40,000,000. cy for the Greater Lawrence quantities that can serve as a County Area Chamber, the South- magnet reaching toward compa- As we look to 2013, we see huge ern Ohio Procurement Outreach nies interested in expanding from opportunities and responsibilities Center, the Lawrence County around the nation and the world. for LEDC, and we see a continued Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, emphasis on logistics and trans- The Point Industrial Park, and the Many of the successes of 2012 portation, especially maritime. new Ohio Strategic Training Cen- were made possible through part- We look forward to bringing ter. This team effort serves our nerships with the Lawrence Coun- these opportunities to reality. community well. ty Commissioners, Ironton- Lawrence County Community Ac- LEDC’s role in development con- tion Organization, Lawrence tinues to expand with regional County Port Authority, Ironton opportunities. During 2012, LEDC Port Authority, City of Ironton, provided significant assistance to Ohio University Southern, Law- 2012 Annual Report Page 3 2012 Financial Report Economic development growth in the past few years has been a major catalyst for the fi- nancial success of The Lawrence Economic Development Corporation and the Greater Law- rence County Area Chamber of Commerce. Both agencies reported continued growth in 2012, showing assets at the end of the year of nearly $31,000,000, a 20% increase over last year! The agencies began operations in 1983 with a few thousand dollars and a dream for economic recovery in Lawrence County...dreams do come true! Rapid financial growth along with a multi-million dollar cash flow for numerous construc- tion projects presented many challenges for effective and accurate accounting. To ensure that our agencies are meeting these challenges, the state of Ohio requires that we undergo annual audits from outside auditing firms. We have completed audits for the last two years with no findings and have been recognized with the “Auditor of State” award for perfect audits. The public can rest assured that we are using these entrusted funds for the benefit of all! Phil Ramsey, CFO Jennifer Evans, Grants Compliance Officer Page 4 Chamber/LEDC Eastham says, “So Long” “It has been an ex- sistent and profes- opportunities includ- treme pleasure and sional help. From our ing Business After honor to have served Spotlight Dinner and Hours and Biz4Break- as President of the Auction featuring fast sessions. Now, I Lawrence County Broadway star J. Mark wish my successor, Chamber of Com- McVey, which raised Ted Edwards, the very merce Board of Direc- money for high school best as he takes over tors for the 2011- scholarships, to our the reins. I will contin- 2012 year. Looking annual trek to Colum- ue to stay active as a back over the last bus for Legislative member of the Cham- year, it has gone Day, to the Annual ber Board. quickly but not with- Awards Dinner, it has out significant accom- been a gratifying ex- plishment. I would perience. In between like to take this op- those key events, we portunity to thank the gained 18 new mem- Chamber Board and bers and sponsored staff for their con- numerous networking Ted Edwards, Chamber President 2012-2013 Ted Edwards is a lifelong resi- tifications from the American dent of Lawrence County and Institute of Banking and the makes his home in Rome Town- American Bankers Association. ship. Ted has worked as a Docu- He has kept busy with several ment Systems Consultant with other activities including the Aarons Business Solutions Inc. Fairland Board of Education, the since 1993. Before that he held Rome Church of Christ, and the several positions with the First Wee Shine Pre-School in Proc- National Bank of Ironton. Ted is torville. a Fairland High School Graduate and graduated from Marshall University with a degree of As- sociate of Applied Science, Fi- nance and Banking. He has re- ceived several diplomas and cer- 2012 Annual Report Page 5 Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce The Lawrence County Chamber The Annual Awards Dinner was th of Commerce kept up the pace of held October 18 with keynote Bob Smith, Director events and activities and expand- speaker Ohio Senate President ed its service to the residents of Tom Niehaus. The senator was the county and beyond. The members include Bret Hensley highlight of the year was our 3rd and Julie Terry with John Gallo- Spotlight Dinner and Auction way, Sandy Blackburn and Scott held May 24th which featured Howard leaving the board. The Huntington native and Broadway other board members for 2012- Star J. Mark McVey. Accompa- 2013 will be: nying McVey was Bruce Rouse, Ron Eastham (Outgoing Presi- Huntington Musician who had dent) worked with the singer before. Sandy Carroll Ironton High School Choir The event was held at the new Stephanie Burcham Ironton High School Theater and Mark Compston brought presented with a world globe for Ralph Kline very posi- his faithful and competent ser- Doug Korstanje tive com- vice to the people of the state Tony Payne ments and Lawrence County. Senator Tyler Walters from Niehaus was not eligible to seek those another term in office. Receiving The annual trek to Columbus for who business awards for 2012 were Legislative Day was held May attended. St. Mary’s Medical Center/ The Iron- Ironton Campus----Business of ton High the Year, Dr. Arturo Roa--- Mark McVey School Business Entrepreneur of the Varsity Year, Harriette Ramsey---Public Singers Servant of the Year, and Massie warmed up the audience and Schemmel---Young Professional were under the direction of of the Year. A new Board of Di- Kathryn Price. As in prior years, rectors was sworn in by Common a portion of the funds that were Pleas Judge Charles Cooper. Governor Kasich at Legislative raised provided scholarships for Taking over as President is Ted students at each of the high Edwards, Larry Anderson will be 17th. Keynote speaker for the schools in Lawrence County. A the Internal Vice President and event was Governor John Kasich. tip of the hat goes out to Ironton Rachel Sargent Bess will be the Breakout sessions were conduct- City Schools Superintendent External Vice President. Casey ed on the topics of Economic De- Dean Nance and his staff for the Baker will serve as Treasurer and velopment and Transportation. tremendous support that was Massie Schemmel will be the Close to 100 people gathered at received in putting on the show. new Secretary. New board the luncheon which was held in Page 6 Chamber/LEDC September 27th :Dr. Bill Willan, Dean, Ohio University South- ern Business After Hours were held at the following locations: Community Hospice of Iron- Awards Banquet ton, April 12th the Capitol Atrium. All of the Law- Sam’s Club of South Point, rence County legislators were in May 10th Business After Hours at Hospice attendance including Senate Presi- Mattress Warehouse, July 26th dent Tom Niehaus, Senator Bob morning emails. Members were Peterson, Representative Ryan Biz4Breakfast one hour seminars given the opportunity to provide Smith and Representative Terry held at rotating locations featured inserts for the newsletter at a cost Johnson. the following speakers: of $75. The Chamber’s bi-annual Candi- dates Forum was held October 30th Bob Cochran, Health Research The Lawrence County Young Pro- at Ohio University Southern in Systems Inc., March 20th fessionals continue to be a strong Ironton.
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