AUGUST 2, 7962 NUMBER 16 AMEN! AMEN; AMEN! PHILOSOPHER AND PREACHER IN EBONY B APTJ:ST HE BALD MISSION NEWS Science Sermons at World's Fair BAPTIST HERALD NE OF the first exhibitors with a finn intention AND NEEDS • • • O to participate in the Seattle World's Fair is JUNE CONTRIBUTIONS. We are CONTENTS located on the grounds in what is now called the continuing to make encouraging prog­ "Sermons from Science" Pavilion. Visitors to this ress in our contributions toward God's unique religious display are literally be~ n g shocked Kingdom work t hrough our denomi­ Volume 40 No. 16 into the realization of the close connection between national enterprise. During June 1962, God and science. our churches contributed $53,978.53 for August 2, 1962 Sermons from Science are making its second all purposes in comparison with $47,- bow before world's fair audiences. In 1939 a similar 157.35 g i ve n in June 1961 and The Harvest of the Years $40,228.08 in June 1960. Budget con­ program was conducted at the San Francisco tributions for the three month period * World's Fair. Dr. Irwin Moon became world famous from April 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962 During these summer days, the harvest of the fields and of our with his Sermons from Science at Treasure Island. have been $170,961.27 which is a con­ gardens is coming into its ripening glory. Such prospects for a good Cover -------------------------- ~ca ttle P hoto In his original presentation he used equipment siderable advance over similar periods "Wor l d'~ Fnir, ScntUc, Wuh." harvest are a wonderful sight. The Dakota prairies in J une were 0 which he had built in his basement to illustrate in 1961 and 1962. Scicncc Sennon1 nt World'a Fair" --- - - - - - 2 lushly green with farmers beginning to look forward to a fine harvest "Missionl\ry News nnd Needs" ------------ 2 his lectures. GEBAUER BAPTIST C H U RCH. Editorial Seattle Fair visitors are being challenged by The Baptist students of the Cameroons in the fall. The rolling slopes of the mountains in the West were "The H arvest of tho Yonrs" --- ----- - 3 Dr. George Speake, who has for several years con­ Protestant College in Bali, Federal covered with wild flowers like a carpet of many colors. In the Pacific "Lhing Up to Our l dcds" Rev. Don:ild N. blil!cr ----------- ---- 4 ducted "Sermons from Science" showings among Republic of Cameroon, have organized Northwest, we feasted on the luscious harvests of giant strawber­ "Philosopher nnd Prcncher in Eb; ny" our armed forces. Speake is a graduate in engineer­ a Baptist church at the school and ries, fruits of all kinds, and vegetables. Returning to Chicago, the H:ucl Thomson --------------------- 6 ing from the University of Pen_nsy l va~i ~ . After have named it the Gebauer Baptist "Amen! Amen! Amen!" Church as " a measw·e of t heir esteem train sped through the corn fields of Iowa. Every farm was a l\tr. Reinhold Kerstan ----------- 8 service in the Navy as a fighter pilot he Joined the "D~icntion Festivities ttt \Vichita, Kansas'' Moody Institute of Science. In recent years he has for the former field superintendent of dramatic testimony of the good harvest in the not too distant future. Re,-. Edwin lllichclson --------------- V travelled thousands of miles to the far reaches of the Cameroons Baptist Mission." This "Bloomfield Hills Church ls Dedica ted" news was reported by Mr. Gilbert Rev. Harold W. Gieseke -------------- 10 our military bases to both enter tain and to bring God's law of life, as exemplified in the Scriptures, is that "we 0 Snlt Creek Church Dedicate• Sanctuary" Gordon, missionary and teacher at the Re,·. Clarence M. Walth --------------- 11 the message of the Gospel to men in uniform. Mili­ school. are to grow up in every way." Across the years every Christian should "Dedication or Bible Baptist Church" tary planes have carried hi~ cargo of gear to ~he give ample evidence of growth toward maturity. In his Christian He\'. Eugt nc V . Stroh ----------------- 12 icy wastelands of the Arctic and to the burnmg FRONT COVER PICTURE •'Sundny School Lessons" desert bases where men are stationed. life, he is no longer a child, "tossed to and fro, and carried about Re'" B. C. Schreiber --------- - ------ 13 This exciting picture from rthe air with every wind of doctrine," but firmly grounded in the Word of l\Inrch or E\'tn!s ----------- --------------- 14 His purpose is to show the relationship between shows the towering Space Needle Ba11tist Briefs -------- ------------------ 14 God and science. In his demonstrations he de­ and unique buildings of t he Seattle God, able to give a reason for his faith. He has met the tests of life Whnt's Happening ------------------------ 15 velops in his audience an awareness that learning World's Fair with the city of Seat­ THE S HATI'ERED WALL tle in the 'background. The buildings with increasing firmness and strength, adding faith to virtue, and By Snllic Leo Bell and inventing are in themselves miracles which of the Ha ll or Science are at t he knowledge to temperance, and godliness to brotherly kindness. (2 CHAPTER 16 - ---------------- -- 16 only a Greater Being can provide for man. bottom of the picture. EDITOR. Our DC!nomination in A ction ------------ 18 Peter 1 :5-7). The Apostle Peter goes on to say that if these things Obitunrics ------ -------------- ------------ 23 To amaze his audiences he displays such phe­ l\fay Contributions ----------------------- 24 nomena as a talking flashlight which creates sounds l\OSSIONARIES HOME ON FUR­ be in you and abound to a good harvest, "ye shall neither be barren electronicall y on a beam of light; he sets a pine LOUGH . Miss Florence Miller of Ja­ nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." board on fire held in his hands by passing on mil­ pan returned to the United States in lions of volts of electricity through his body; he J uly, following a trip to sever a 1 You will be a mature Christian, no longer interested in childish * supports objects on invisible pillars of sound. Ew·opean countries. Miss Berneice Westerman of Africa returned to her things, no longer insisting on having your own way, no longer having Bi-weekly Publication of the Speake insists his performances are not a magic home in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., in June. show nor a subterfuge to dupe the gullible. "The to be pampered by others or, as the Apostle Paul expressed it, no KORTH AMERICA~ BAPTIST Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman Haupt came longer having to be fed with milk like babes in Christ. The evan­ GENERAL CO?\FERENCE performance is a very serious one in a time when to the United States on July 31st fol­ science is a subject discussed in every household. lowing the completion of his special gelist, Billy Graham, has said that this is the greatest need in Amer­ 7308 l\Iaclison S t., Forest Park, Illinois I want people to see the interesting things that students in London, Engla nd. Rev. a nd ica today that Christians will really live as fullgrown Christians, Marlin L. Leuschnqr, D.D., Editor can be done to illustrate scientific truths. Mrs. Ear! H. Ahrens and t heir son, giving a dynamic and winsome testimony of what the abundant, "My presentations are not church meetings and Billy, are a rriving at home in Tacoma, we don't sing hymns. Sermons from Science is not Wash., in the near futw·e. The pro­ joyous and victorious life in Christ really is. another church. It is a place where people can see motional schedule for all of these mis­ * sionaries has already been completely Such a spiritual harvest will find us "growing up into him as the truth of a living God in an atmosphere of cold, TllE DAPTIST HER.ALO Is a publication ot filled. the head, even Christ." Perpetual growth is needed in the life of each till' Norlh ,\nwrlc:in l~uplist Gener al Con­ calculated science and demonstration. If they be­ ference with ill'adqu:irtcrs ttl 7308 Madison lieve what the eyes and minds will tell them during MISSIONARIE S SAIL I N G FOR one of us if we look to J esus as the Author and Finisher of our faith. St.. For -<t P:orl'. lllinols. IL also maintains AFRICA. On August 2nd Miss Esther an actll'c 111eml>ershlp In the Associated my performances I know I will reach thousands Every time the Apostle P eter reached one level of attainment, Christ Chu rch l'ress. who have never seriously considered the claims of Schultz and Miss Alma Zimmerman are sailing from New York City for called him on to a new one. Christ in all of the revealed glory of God SU!3SCRTPTI0="1 f'RlCE: S.1.50 a year to Christ. This is the premise of Sermons from Science an~· ncldrcss In the United States or Canada England and the Federal Republic in is known to those who go on in their experiences in him. In their -SJ.00 a rc:ir for churches uncll.'r the Club and it is already proved very sound," Speake con­ Pl:in or l·.\'l.'ry Fnmily Subscription Plan­ Cameroon, Africa. Miss Schultz is re­ knowledge of the Son of God, they are constantly striving "unto the S-l.00 a year to foreign countries. cludes. turning to her teaching ministry and -"The Tie," Minnesota Council of Evangelical Churches. measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Ephesians 4 :13).
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