IG0 BEHIND THE SCENES THREE FIRSTS SCORED W|TH BOB MULVIHILL BY TRACK TEAM SEE PAGE 5 SEE PAGE 4 NEW YORK, N. Y. JANUARY 24, 1947 Rev. Joseph Murphy/Appointed Student Council Arranges Lively Program As New Rector of /University For Second Semester Social Calendar Note From Jesuit General Announces Naming Mattingly Makes Father Walsh Gives Okay For Valentine Dance, Of Former not to Succeed Fr. Fisher Feb. 28 Deadline Junior Prom, Military Ball And Senior Week jn an announceme t {rom Very A well-filled social program has been lined up by the Student Council for the coming Spring Season. Four big events are already in the making I Rev. John Baptiste J inssens, Supe- ciety of Jesu/ For Yearbook —the Junior Prom, Valentine Dance, ROTC Military Ball, and Senior I rior General of the S< Week, according to. an announcement by the Rev. Lawrence A. Walsh, [the Rev. Joseph A. Murphy, Sfi,, dean of the college. I former provincial of he Maryla/id- Editor's Report Details & Definite plans have already been |Uew York Province! and fortner Progress Of Work set for the first of these, the annual I professor of psychology at For/ham Valentine Dance sponsored by the I College, was appointed \§stw*ek as On '47 Maroon Debaters Engage Freshman Year. rector of Fordham University, On Feb. 14 all j Father Murphy succeeds the Rev. With the copy deadline Hearing St. John's, Rider those socially in- IJ Harding Fisher, S.J., who held the clined will again post of rector for the past six years, for the 1947 Maroon, Editor Charles have the oppor- Born in Dudley, England, in 1881, Mattingly brought the student body Fr. McMahon Chosen tunity of dancing (he new rector came to this country and the Senior class up to date on As New Moderator to the smooth and I at an early age. After attending high the book's progress in a report to enjoyable music I school at St. Joseph's Preparatory The RAM last Wednesday. All copy Of Forensic Body of Art Paulson's I School in Philadelphia, Father Mur- must bo at the printer's, Robert J. orchestra in the phy furthered his education at Holy Kelly Publishing Co., by Feb. 28, Under the guidance of their re- Fordham . gym. cently appointed Moderator the Rev. Dan Cupid will be Cross. One of his first important the editor disclosed in a message decisions came when he made up his John J. McMahon, S.J., the St. on hand with his mind to enter the Jesuit Order at that urged haste on the staff and John's Debating Society engaged in pocketful of ar- Frederick, Md., in 1900. He studied members of the class. its. first intercollegiate debates on rows to join in the Last week photographers visited the 1947 program in Keating Hall festivities. I at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Pough- with St. John's University and Rid- Fr. Walsh keepsle, N. Y., and at Woodstock Col- every corner of the campus snapping The Junior ItEV. JOSEPH A. MURPHY shots of the extra-curricular activi- er. Fordham met St. John's last Prom committee, headed by Robert I lege. Then he was sen', to Holy ties and informal groups on the Monday and Rider last Saturday. I Cross and to Boston College where Groux of Junior B, has begun work campus. Advertising contracts have Father McMahon replaces the Rev. on what promises to be one of the I he taught classical languages for been signed with several firms and Ignatius Cox, S.J., who resigned due I several years. most successful affairs to hit Rose Frosh to Sponsor the majority of the Senior thumbnail to the pressure of teaching duties. Hill in many a year. A tentative Upon completion of his theological biographies have been completed. A In the two debates, both of which date has been set as April 25. Scene I studies at Woodstock College, Father sixteen-page summary of the his- were non-decision, Fordham's Paul of the annual formal will be the I Murphy was ordained to the priest- Valentine Dance tory of Fordham and the Senior Owens, '47, and James Leonard, '49, gym, as in former years. I hood by the Apostolic Delegate, Most class during the war years has also defended the negative side of the I Rev. John Bonzano. Completing been compiled. proposition which served as the In addition to the chairman, twen- further studies in ascetical theology Night of Feb. 14 The photography work on the un- topic on both occasions—Resolved: ty men have been selected from the dergraduate classes began when part That Labor Should Have a Share in three sections of Junior Year to act at Poughkeepsie, Father Murphy on the committee; this group is was returned to the scenes of his Name Lovett Chairman of the dayhop's lounge in Dealy the Management of Industry. Hall was cleared to set up a tripod headed by Martin Devine of Junior former endeavors at Holy Cross and Both speakers maintained that it A and Edward Jeger of Junior C. St. Joseph's, but this time in the As Art Paulson's Band and rows of chairs so each class was highly impractical for labor to could be arranged and photographed share in industry's management At its first formal meeting held this [ role of professor of philosophy. Is Engaged By '50 week, many ideas were presented Fordham is not' new to Father by the schedule posted on the bul- since management is a distinct skill letin boards. The class history is a and absolutely divorced from labor concerning a band for the affair, j Murphy nor is Father Murphy new decorations, refreshments and pub- to Fordham. Their association dates The Freshman Class stepped into separate article from the War Me- and capital. From this it follows that the social spotlight this week, with morial section, which is devoted to a laborer does not usually possess licity. At the same meeting, mem- | back to 1921, when he first came bers were selected as heads of the here as a professor of psychology. the announcement that it will spon- fifty-nine Fordham men who gave such necessary skill and experience. sor a Valentine Dance in the gym- their lives in the past war. These If one were to allow the present various sub-committees: Anthony In recognition of his twenty years Izzo to look after decorations, Tom I as a teacher at Fordham, he was nasium on Friday night, Feb. 14. men were former classmates of the labor-management set-up to be Preparatory arrangements were present graduating class, and repre- changed, the inevitable result would Cody as head of the refreshment awarded the "Bene Merenti" medal group, Edward Gregory to handle at the Charter Centenary Convoca- made at a joint meeting last week sent the classes of 1941 to 1946, in- be constant bickering, turmoil and of the morning and evening sec- clusive; alumni killed are not in- confusion. ticket printing and sales, and Vic- tion of all the faculties of Fordham cluded. tor Stephens in charge of publicity. University last November. tions of the class, at which the class In St. John's defense of the affirm- representatives elected William Lov- John Duffy, '47, Business Manager, ative phase on Monday, Frank Sant- Suggestions and ideas were ad- In 1935, Father Murphy's teaching ett, Frosh President, Chairman of and Thomas Smith, '47, of the Busi- agata and Harold McDonald con- vanced by these and others present, career at Fordham was interrupted the Dance. ness Staff, have secured several full tended that labor had a moral right and acted upon by the group. when he was appointed Provincial pages of ads and hope to fill the to participate in the management of | Superior of the Maryland-New York Making a return appearance on Seek From Queen the campus, Art Paulson has been quota to help defray the cost of pro- industry, as well as a subsequent A number of extras will be in- Province of the Society of Jesus. In (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) recent years, he held the office of engaged to bring his smooth-playing cluded as part of the affair. Nomi- Vice-Provincial of the New York orchestra to Fordham. William nations for a queen of the prom Province, and before his new ap- Lynch, head of the Entertainment are in order at the present time. All pointment, was acting Provincial in Committee, said that Paulson will students of the college are urged to the absence of Rev. Francis Mc- feature his usual group, consisting Marino Nataloni, '47, Elected enter a photograph for judgment. Quade, S.J. of fourteen pieces, plus two vocal- Entries should be submitted to The ists. RAM office or given to Stephens or John Shakerly, heading the Dec- Harvester Club President Ralph Arsenault. The students who orations Committee, has already submit the three winning photo- started to tackle the job of trans- Marino Nataloni, '47, was elected cis Montalbano, '47, included the graphs, will receive free bids to the Co-Ed Radio Course forming the gym into a Valentine president of the Harvester Club at pre-game rally held at the Fordham dance, and the lucky girl to be scene. As yet, no definite plans have a special meeting of the group held gymnasium at which several celeb- chosen winner will receive all hon- Opens Next Term been made, except for the motif. last Friday in rities were present. ors befitting a queen at the prom.
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